How to use wake_up_interruptible - linux-kernel

I wonder how can I use wake_up_interruptible, if it returns void: (_wake_up function returns void). For example, down_interruptible function returns int: This allows to write such code, for example:
if ( down_interruptible(&dev->sem) )
// continue: down_interruptible succeeded
When I call wake_up_interruptible, and it is interrupted, how can I know this, if it returns void?

i suppose normal usage scenario would be, in one thread:
for (;;) {
wait_event_interruptible(wait_queue, condition);
/* Some processing */
and from some other thread:
if (something_happened)
which will result in one process from wait_queue which is in TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE state to be woken up and evalueate condition
see some more examples here, a bit dated bit gives an idea


What does the return statement in the rxjs pipe actually do or mean?

Trying to learn RxJs, and I found what looks like a nice tutorial on that topic at
I'm going through their primer section, and I am not clear on what the return statement in the pipe() function actually does or what it means. These are a couple of screen shots from their tutorial:
In traditional programming, I've always understood a return statement to be an exit - if function A calls function B, and function B has the line return 1, then control goes back to function A.
Is that what happens here? If so, in either of these two examples, where am I returning to???
Or what if I don't want to return anywhere but act on the data immediately? For example, in the error handling example, instead of return makeRequest..., I want to do something like const result = makeRequest.... Can I do that?
In general I'm having some conceptual difficulties around all the returns I've seen used with observables, and any help in explaining what they do/are would be appreciated. So would any other tutorial sites on RxJs.
These are all very similar constructs in javascript
function adder0(a,b){
return a + b
const adder1 = (a,b) => {
return a + b
const adder2 = (a,b) => a + b
console.log(adder0(3,7)) // 10
console.log(adder1(3,7)) // 10
console.log(adder2(3,7)) // 10
lets re-write the code from that example but with explicit function definitions (instead of arrow syntax).
function maker(value){
return makeRequest(value).pipe(
function actioner(value){
// take action
The thing to notice is that you never actually call these functions. RxJS does that for you. You give them a function and they'll call it when they're good and ready based on the spec for a given operator.

Synchronized conditional statement in Go

I have a method that may be used in multiple goroutines and run concurrently.
Inside this method, I have a conditional statement. If the conditional statement is true, I want all other goroutines calling this method to wait for one and only one of the goroutines to execute this conditional statement before proceeding to the next section.
For example:
type SomeClass struct {
mu sync.Mutex
func (c *SomeClass) SomeFunc() {
//Do some calculation
if condition {
//This part should be executed by only one goroutine if the condition is true.
//All others must wait for this to finish
//Additional calculations
And I want to use it like this:
func main(){
go someClass.SomeFunc()
//If the condition is true, the following will wait at the conditional statement until the first one finishes the code inside the conditional block
//Once it's done, they can run concurrently
go someClass.SomeFunc()
go someClass.SomeFunc()
This is perhaps not the right design for this so I'm looking for any suggestions on how to implement this.
Note that each routine will have its own condition. This value of condition is not shared between threads. However, the work inside the condition should run only once only if the condition in 2 or more routines happens to be true at the same time.
You'll want a mutex protecting the condition from concurrent read/writes, and then a method for resetting the condition when you wish to execute the synchronous code again.
type SomeClass struct {
conditionMu sync.Mutex
condition bool
func (c *SomeClass) SomeFunc() {
// Lock the mutex, so that concurrent calls to SomeFunc will wait here.
if c.condition {
// Synchronous code goes here.
// Reset the condition to false so that any waiting goroutines won't run the code inside this block again.
c.condition = false
// Unlock the mutex, and any waiting goroutines.
// ResetCondition sets the stored condition to true in a thread-safe manner.
func (c *SomeClass) ResetCondition() {
c.condition = true
The other answers to this question were incorrect because they do not satisfy the requirements of the question.
If the lock is added outside the conditional statement, then it will act as a barrier and will force all routines to synchronize at that spot. This is not the point of this question. Suppose resolving the condition value takes a long time, we do not want to check the value one routine at a time. We want to let every process check the condition at once so if the condition is false, we can move forward without stopping.
We want to ensure that the goroutines run in parallel if the condition is not true. Adding a lock inside the method and outside the conditional statement will not allow that to happen.
The following solutions are correct and passed all tests and performed well.
Solution 1:
Use 2 nested conditional statement such as this:
Note that in this case, if the condition is false, no lock will be called and no synchronization is needed. Everything can run in parallel.
type SomeClass struct {
conditionMu sync.Mutex
rwMu sync.RWMutex
additionalWorkRequired bool
func (c *SomeClass) SomeFunc() {
//Do some work ...
//Note: The condition is not shared, some routines can have false and some true at the same time, which is fine.
condition := true;
// All routines can check this condition and go inside the block if the condition is true
if condition {
c.additionalWorkRequired = true
//Lock so other routines can wait here for the first one
if c.additionalWorkRequired {
// Synchronous code goes here.
c.additionalWorkRequired = false
//Unlock so all other processors can move forward in parallel
//Finish up the remaining work
Solution 2:
Use the do function from sync/singleflight which can handle this situation automatically.
From documentation:
Do executes and returns the results of the given function, making sure that only one execution is in-flight for a given key at a time. If a duplicate comes in, the duplicate caller waits for the original to complete and receives the same results. The return value shared indicates whether v was given to multiple callers.
Since many seem to be confused by this question and answer, I'm adding a use case which might make things more clear:
1. Send a HTTP Request
2. If the server returns an error saying credentials are incorrect (This is condition):
2.1. Save current credentials in a local variable
2.2. Acquire the mutex lock
2.2.1. Compare the shared credentials with the ones in the local variable(This is the second condition)
If they are the same, then replace them with new ones
2.3. Unlock
2.4. Retry request

Calling launch without paranthesis in kotlin coroutines

I understand that launch is an extension function on CoroutineScope. But then I see it being used like this:
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() {
GlobalScope.launch { // launch a new coroutine in background and continue
delay(1000L) // non-blocking delay for 1 second (default time unit is ms)
println("World!") // print after delay
println("Hello,") // main thread continues while coroutine is delayed
Thread.sleep(2000L) // block main thread for 2 seconds to keep JVM alive
My understaning is that in kotlin one can define an infix function and then call it without any paranthesis. But from the documenation, I don't think launch is an infix function (in fact it has more than one parameter, so it can not be infix). It is also not a keyword in language. Then how is it called without any paranthesis?
The first two parameters are default parameters and the third one is High order function. When the last parameter is High order function then you can move Lamba out of parenthesis.
Suppose you have fun:
fun post(s:String="default", block:()->Unit){}
You call it in these ways:
You will get a suggestion Lamda should be moved out of parentheses
After moving out of parentheses:
Now you can remove the first parameter since it is default parameter
post {

Execution context in Event driven programming

I am reading about event driven programming from the book:
Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++, 2nd Edition:
Event-Driven Programming for Embedded Systems
On page no. xxviii Introduction , the author says:
...the event-driven application must return control after handling
each event, so the execution context cannot be preserved in the
stack-based variables and the program counter as it is in a sequential
program. Instead, the event-driven application becomes a state
machine, or actually a set of collaborating state machines that
preserve the context from one event to the next in the static
I am unable to understand why the execution context cannot be preserved in the stack-based variables and the program counter once the control is returned after handling the event?
Let's start with how the traditional sequential programming paradigm works. Suppose that you want to blink an LED on an embedded board. A common solution would be to write a program like this (e.g., see Arduino Blink tutorial):
while (1) { /* RTOS task or a "superloop" */
turn_LED_on(); /* turn the LED on (computation) */
delay(500); /* wait for 500 ms (polling or blocking) */
turn_LED_off(); /* turn the LED off (computation) */
delay(1000); /* wait for 1000 ms (polling or blocking) */
The key point here is the delay() function, which waits in-line until the delay elapses. This waiting is called "blocking", because the calling program is blocked until delay() returns.
Please note that the Blinky program calls delay() in two different contexts: first time after turn_LED_on() and the second time after turn_LED_off(). Each time, delay() returns to a different place in the code. This means that while the program is blocked, the information about the place in the code (the context of the call) is automatically preserved.
The trivial Blinky program is very simple, but in principle a blocking function, like delay(), could be called from other functions each with
complex if-else-while code. Still, delay() will be able to return to the exact point of the call, because the C programming language preserves the context of the call (in the call stack and the program counter).
But blocking makes the whole program unresponsive to any other events and therefore people came up with event-driven programming.
An event-driven program is structured around an event-loop. An example event-driven code could look like this:
while (1) { /* event-loop */
Event *e = queue_get(); /* block when event queue is empty */
dispatch(e); /* handle the event, cannot block! */
The main point is that the dispatch() "event-handler" function cannot call a blocking function like delay(). Instead, dispatch() can only perform some immediate action and must quickly return back to the event-loop. That way, the event-loop remains responsive at all times.
But, by returning the dispatch() function removes its own stack frame from the call stack. So the call stack and program counter associated with calling dispatch() is always the same and is useless to "remember" the execution context.
Instead, to blink the LED, the dispatch() function must rely on some variable (state) that remembers the state (on/off) of the LED. An example how you could write such dispatch() function is as follows:
static enum {OFF, ON } state = OFF; /* start in the OFF state */
timer_arm(1000); /* arm a timer to generate TIMEOUT event in 1000 ms */
void dispatch(Event *e) {
switch (state) {
case OFF:
if (e->sig == TIMEOUT) {
state = ON; /* transition to "ON" state */
case ON:
if (e->sig == TIMEOUT) {
state = OFF; /* transition to "OFF" state */
I hope you can see that dispatch() implements a state machine with states ON and OFF driven by one event TIMEOUT.

Which syntax is better for return value?

I've been doing a massive code review and one pattern I notice all over the place is this:
public bool MethodName()
bool returnValue = false;
if (expression)
// do something
returnValue = MethodCall();
// do something else
returnValue = Expression;
return returnValue;
This is not how I would have done this I would have just returned the value when I knew what it was. which of these two patterns is more correct?
I stress that the logic always seems to be structured such that the return value is assigned in one plave only and no code is executed after it's assigned.
A lot of people recommend having only one exit point from your methods. The pattern you describe above follows that recommendation.
The main gist of that recommendation is that if ou have to cleanup some memory or state before returning from the method, it's better to have that code in one place only. having multiple exit points leads to either duplication of cleanup code or potential problems due to missing cleanup code at one or more of the exit points.
Of course, if your method is couple of lines long, or doesn't need any cleanup, you could have multiple returns.
I would have used ternary, to reduce control structures...
return expression ? MethodCall() : Expression;
I suspect I will be in the minority but I like the style presented in the example. It is easy to add a log statement and set a breakpoint, IMO. Plus, when used in a consistent way, it seems easier to "pattern match" than having multiple returns.
I'm not sure there is a "correct" answer on this, however.
Some learning institutes and books advocate the single return practice.
Whether it's better or not is subjective.
That looks like a part of a bad OOP design. Perhaps it should be refactored on the higher level than inside of a single method.
Otherwise, I prefer using a ternary operator, like this:
return expression ? MethodCall() : Expression;
It is shorter and more readable.
Return from a method right away in any of these situations:
You've found a boundary condition and need to return a unique or sentinel value: if ( = null) return NO_VALUE_FOUND;
A required value/state is false, so the rest of the method does not apply (aka a guard clause). E.g.: if (listeners == null) return null;
The method's purpose is to find and return a specific value, e.g.: if (nodes[i].value == searchValue) return i;
You're in a clause which returns a unique value from the method not used elsewhere in the method: if (userNameFromDb.equals(SUPER_USER)) return getSuperUserAccount();
Otherwise, it is useful to have only one return statement so that it's easier to add debug logging, resource cleanup and follow the logic. I try to handle all the above 4 cases first, if they apply, then declare a variable named result(s) as late as possible and assign values to that as needed.
They both accomplish the same task. Some say that a method should only have one entry and one exit point.
I use this, too. The idea is that resources can be freed in the normal flow of the program. If you jump out of a method at 20 different places, and you need to call cleanUp() before, you'll have to add yet another cleanup method 20 times (or refactor everything)
I guess that the coder has taken the design of defining an object toReturn at the top of the method (e.g., List<Foo> toReturn = new ArrayList<Foo>();) and then populating it during the method call, and somehow decided to apply it to a boolean return type, which is odd.
Could also be a side effect of a coding standard that states that you can't return in the middle of a method body, only at the end.
Even if no code is executed after the return value is assigned now it does not mean that some code will not have to be added later.
It's not the smallest piece of code which could be used but it is very refactoring-friendly.
Delphi forces this pattern by automatically creating a variable called "Result" which will be of the function's return type. Whatever "Result" is when the function exits, is your return value. So there's no "return" keyword at all.
function MethodName : boolean;
Result := False;
if Expression then begin
//do something
Result := MethodCall;
else begin
//do something else
Result := Expression;
//possibly more code
The pattern used is verbose - but it's also easier to debug if you want to know the return value without opening the Registers window and checking EAX.

