Can you make it so it is possible to keyboard search multi select parameters in SSRS? - reportingservices-2005

On single select parameter lists in SSRS, when the user opens the parameter list and starts typing, it automatically moves to the closest word in the list to what the user is typing. Is it possible for a multi select parameter to do this?

Correct, this is not possible, but a possible workaround would be to create a parameter that acts as a filter for your multi-select parameter. This allows the user to begin typing what they want (say the letter 'B') and hit tab to go into the drop-down and it will be filtered to only items that start with 'B'. The limitation is if you want 'A', 'B' and 'C' but not 'D' nor 'E', so in that case you would just have to not enter any values into the textbox parameter.


In oracle apex how to navigate to different pages from link column depending on another column data

I have a table with multiple columns in that one column have data like text field in that data is either A or B and another column is of link type link is getting fetched by id column, Now I have a situation by comparing the data in column1 if it's 'A' I want to navigate to page 3 and If it's 'B' I want to navigate to page 4 by click of link column. How to achieve this?
It would probably be easier for us if you actually shared table and its contents instead of describing it; moreover, as you wrote it as a single sentence with no punctuation, it is difficult to understand what you want to say.
The way I understood it, table is used as a source for some kind of a report (interactive or classic?). One of its (reports) columns is used as a link to another page. As link depends on column's value, I suggest you use a case expression and compose link to target page.
I don't know how you are creating the link now, but - if you already don't use it - have a look at GET_URL function which does most of the dirty job for you. In its simplest appearance, you'd just
select id,
apex_page_get_url(p_page => case when column1 = 'A' then 1
when column2 = 'B' then 2
end) as link
from ...
You need to create Dynamic action on Button.
Button -> True -> Action := Execute server-side-code
Settings -> language := PLSQL
3)Items to Submit = P7_NEW,P7_NEW_1
4) Items to Return = P31_URL
This will create URL and Trigger the URL to next page

Required fields in multiple blocks

I have two database blocks: A and B. I also have 3 tabs:
first tab has items from block A,
second one has items from block B,
third one has items from block A
All fields from both blocks are required.
My problem is that I want to enter fields in the order of tabs, but in my case because of required fields when I want to go to the second tab, it takes me to the third to enter all fields, and then the second one.
How to solve this?
When you navigate from the first tab (based on table/block A) to the second tab (based on table/block B), Forms perform validation and - as not all required fields that belong to table A (the ones that are placed to the third tab) aren't populated - Forms raises an error.
One option would be to remove the "Required" property from all fields that belong to table A and are placed to the third tab. It means that you'd have to check whether they are populated manually, i.e. write a trigger which would do that. Which one? PRE-INSERT and PRE-UPDATE might be your choices. Code would look like
if :tab3.field1 is null or
:tab3.field2 is null or ...
message('Not all fields have been populated on tab 3');
raise form_trigger_failure;
end if;
Or, rearrange the layout by
moving fields from tab 3 to tab 1, or
switching tab 2 and tab 3 positions
Or, if the process goes like that, maybe your data model is wrongly set. What you described looks like some kind of a "master-detail" relationship, where table A acts as "master" and table B as "detail". You shouldn't populate master partially, especially not if all its columns are required. If that's the problem, well, then it really is a problem as changing data model doesn't necessarily be simple as it affects quite a lot of things.

Oracle Forms Get Value and Column ( as Parameter to Send ) That I Write the Value Between F11 and Ctrl + F11 for Filtering Tabular List

I have a tabular list that has two columns (id, name).
I filter tabular list by writing a value between f11 and ctrl + f11. Sometimes I filter it with id, sometimes with name.
After filtering, I push a button. When I push this button I want to get value and column that I wrote this value between f11 and ctrl + f11. Result should be like: ' id:null, name:"Alice" ' or ' id:22, name:"" ' according to which column I fill.
How can I do this?
Huh, doesn't make much sense to me. You see it on the screen when you get the results, don't you?
Anyway: try with GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY built-in, check its ONETIME_WHERE and/or LAST_QUERY properties which will return how the last where clause (or the entire query) looked like.
You'll have to parse it in order to get values you want. It can be done, will require some typing, maybe you'll have to involve a stored procedure and its advanced features such as regular expressions and stuff (which might not be supported by Forms' PL/SQL engine).
Once again: I wouldn't do it, but - if you have & want to - go for it.

SSRS Report Parameters Interactive

I have a report that requires 3 parameters, all 3 has q query to pre populate them using a dataset for each, so the under their properties the available values is selected with the query. Default were also set to use the same query. This work fine.
My problem is when the user of the report wanted to enter the values themselves rather than going into the list populated by the query. Users know the value that they wanted to enter so it's faster for them to enter rather than select. SSRS report seems not to give you the ability to enter if you have set the available values and default values for some reason. Is their a way to go around this please?
Many thanks.
There is one straight forward way to use comma separated multi value parameter rather than list where user enters input.
Below link explains in detail, but I am quite sure you do not want to stick to below solution.
Another thing you could do is keep your multi value parameter as list as it is and create a text input parameter.
Now if user want to simply choose from list fair enough you will have to handle second parameter as null because user chose from list.
Then on your dataset check and apply filter as 2nd parameter value as not null.
Same goes if user does text input then multi value parameter as not null.

Add empty first row in smart field

in eclipse scout mars:
how to add empty row in smart field, so user can select nothing and he is not forced to select some value in smart field.
In sql if I add SELECT 0, '' UNION SELECT id, name FROM working ok, empty row is show, but in modify value is not populated.
I am not sure if Eclipse Scout supports this construct of a row having an empty text.
The way to clear a value in a SmartField is to delete the text. In this case the value of the SmartField is set to null. If the value is not mandatory the user can save the form.
Can you check if this would work with your example.
Can you check if it would work if you add some text associated with your 0 value. Something like "(empty)" or "---"
