How to parametrize verbosity of debug output (BASH)? - debugging

During the process of writing a script, I will use the command's output in varying ways, and to different degrees - in order to troubleshoot the task at hand.. For example, in this snippet, which reads an Application's icon resource and returns whether or not it has the typical .icns extension...
icns=`defaults read /$application/Contents/Info CFBundleIconFile`
if ! [[ $icns =~ ^(.*)(.icns)$ ]]; then
echo -e $icns "is NOT OK YOU IDIOT! **** You need to add .icns to "$icns"."
echo -e $icns "\t Homey, it's cool. That shits got its .icns, proper."
Inevitably, as each bug is squashed, and the stdout starts relating more to the actual function vs. the debugging process, this feedback is usually either commented out, silenced, or deleted - for obvious reasons.
However, if one wanted to provide a simple option - either hardcoded, or passed as a parameter, to optionally show some, all, or none of "this kind" of message at runtime - what is the best way to provide that simple functionality? I am looking to basically duplicate the functionality of set -x but instead of a line-by rundown, it would only print the notifications that I had architected specificically.
It seems excessive to replace each and every echo with an if that checks for a debug=1|0, yet I've been unable to find a concise explanation of how to implement a getopts/getopt scheme (never can remember which one is the built-in), etc. in my own scripts. This little expression seemed promising, but there is very little documentation re: 2>$1 out there (although I'm sure this is key to this puzzle)
[ $DBG ] && DEBUG="" || DEBUG='</dev/null'
check_errs() {
# Parameter 1 is the return code Para. 2 is text to display on failure.
if [ "${1}" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "ERROR # ${1} : ${2}"
echo "SUCESSS "
fi }
Any concise and reusable tricks to this trade would be welcomed, and if I'm totally missing the boat, or if it was a snake, and it would be biting me - I apologize.

One easy trick is to simply replace your "logging" echo comamnd by a variable, i.e.
if test "$1" = "-v"; then
$TRACE "You passed the -v option"
You can have any number of these for different types of messages if you wish so.

you may check a common open source trace library with support for bash.
Arno-Can Uestuensoez


Bash output to same line while preserving column

Ok, this is going to seem like a basic question at first, but please hear me out. It's more complex than the title makes it seem!
Here is the goal of what I am trying to do. I would like to output to console similar to Linux boot.
Operating system is doing something... [ OK ]
Now this would seem to be obvious... Just use printf and set columns. Here is the first problem. The console needs to first print the action
Operating system is doing something...
Then it needs to actually do the work and then continue by outputting to the same line with the [ OK ].
This would again seem easy to do using printf. Simply do the work (in this case, call a function) and return a conditional check and then finish running the printf to output either [ OK ] or [ FAIL ]. This technically works, but I ran into LOTS of complications doing this. This is because the function must be called inside a subshell and I cant pass certain variables that I need. So printf is out.
How about just using echo -n? That should work right? Echo the first part, run the function, then continue echoing based on the return to the same line. The problem with this solution is I can no longer preserve the column formatting that I can with printf.
Operating system is doing something... [ OK ]
Operating system is doing something else... [ OK ]
Short example... [ OK ]
Any suggestions how I can fix any of these problems to get a working solution? Thanks
Here is another way I tried with printf. This gives the illusion of working, but the method is actually flawed because it does not give you the progress indication, ie the function runs first before it ever prints out the the function is running. The "hey im doing stuff" prints immediately with the "hey im done" message. As a result, its pointless.
VALIDATE $HOST; printf "%-50s %10s\n" " Validating and sanitizing input..." "$(if [ -z "$ERROR" ]; then echo "[$GREEN OK $RESET]"; else echo "[$RED FAIL $RESET] - $ERROR"; echo; exit; fi)"
There's no particular reason all the printf strings have to be printed together, unless you're worried some code you call is going to move the cursor.
Reordering your example:
printf "%-50s " " Validating and sanitizing input..."
if [ -z "$ERROR" ]; then
printf "%10s\n" "[$GREEN OK $RESET]";
printf "%10s\n" "[$RED FAIL $RESET] - $ERROR"
I have no idea what $ERROR contains or where it is supposed to display.

Error: =: command not found (Bash Script)

I found a nifty little shell script that I wanted to use from this website here. I have followed everything step-by-step, but receive the following error when running this on my CentOS box.
./deploy: line 3: =: command not found
Line 3 only contains...
$ERRORSTRING = "Error. Please make sure you've indicated correct parameters"
I've tried toying around with a bit, but don't understand why it won't accept the "=" character. Is there something wrong with the script, or is it merely something different in the way that my server processes the script?
Gah, that script is full of bad scripting practices (in addition to the outright error you're running into). Here's the outright error:
$ERRORSTRING = "Error. Please make sure you've indicated correct parameters"
As devnull pointed out, this should be:
ERRORSTRING="Error. Please make sure you've indicated correct parameters"
A couple of lines down (and again near the end), we have:
...which works, but contains two bad ideas: a variable reference without double-quotes around it (which will sometimes be parsed in unexpected ways), and a semicolon at the end of the line (which is a sign that someone is trying to write C or Java or something in a shell script). Use this instead:
The next line is:
elif [ $1 == "live" ]
...which might work, depending on whether the value of $1 has spaces, or is defined-but-blank, or anything like that (again, use double-quotes to prevent misparsing!). Also, the == comparison operator is nonstandard -- it'll work, because bash supports it in its [ ... ] builtin syntax, but if you're counting on having bash extensions available, why not use the much cleaner [[ ... ]] replacement? Any of these would be a better replacement for that line:
elif [ "$1" = "live" ]
elif [[ $1 == "live" ]]
elif [[ "$1" == "live" ]]
Personally, I prefer the last. The double-quotes aren't needed in this particular case, but IMO it's safest to just double-quote all variable references unless there's a specific reason not to. A bit further down, there's a elif [ $2 == "go" ] that the same comments apply to.
BTW, there's a good sanity-checking tool for shell scripts at It's not quite as picky as I am (e.g. it doesn't flag semicolons at the ends of lines), but it pointed out all of the actual errors in this script...
"Devnulls" answer was correct -- I had to remove the spaces around the "=" and remove the "$" from that line as well. The end result was...
ERRORSTRING="Error. Please make sure you've indicated correct parameters"
I've upvoted Devnull and gniourf_gniourf's comments.
Thank you to all whom have assisted!

Creating a 'yes' or 'no' menu in UNIX bash shell scripting

I'm currently writing a script, and at one point I want it check if a file already exists. If the file doesn't exist, then it should do nothing. However, if the file does exist, I want a 'y' or 'n' (yes or no) menu to appear. It should ask "Do you want to overwrite this file?".
So far I've tried writing something similar to this. Take into account that before this a function called:
exists. I want this function to occur if they type "y". Anyway, this is what I tried:
If [ -f directorypathANDfilename ] ; then
read -p "A file with the same name exists, Overwrite it? Type y/n?" yesorno
case $yesorno in
y*) therestore ;;
n*) echo "File has not been restored" ;;
For some reason though, the menu always pops up, even if the file DOESN'T exist and it doesn't restore it properly if I type yes! (But I know the "therestore" function works fine, because I've tested it plenty of times).
Apologies for the long-winded question. If you need any more details let me know - thanks in advance!
Does your script even run? Doesn't look like valid bash-script to me. If is not a valid keyword, but if is. Also, tests go inside angle-brackets [ ], those are not optional. Moreover you forgot the closing fi.
And another thing, it's not quite clear to me what you're testing for. Is directorypathANDfilename a variable? In that case you have to reference it with the $.
The snippet would probably work better like this:
if [ -f "$directorypathANDfilename" ] ; then
read -p "A file with the same name exists, Overwrite it? Type y/n?" yesorno
case "$yesorno" in
y*) therestore ;;
n*) echo "File has not been restored" ;;

Bash: Slow redirection and filter

I have a bash script that calls a program which generates a humongous amount of output. A lot of this data is coming from a Python package that I have not created and whose output I can't really control, nor interests me.
I tried to filter the output generated by that external Python package and redirect the "cleaned" output to a log file. If I used regular pipes and grep expressions, I lost many chunks of information. I read that is something that can actually happen with the redirections (1 and 2).
In order to fix that, I made the redirections like this:
bin/paster serve --reload --pid-file="/var/run/myServer//" parts/etc/debug.ini 2>&1 < "/dev/null" | while IFS='' read -r thingy ; do
if [[ ! "$thingy" =~ $regexTxnFilterer ]] && [[ ! "$thingy" =~ $regexThreadPoolFilterer ]]; then
echo "$thingy" >> "/var/log/myOutput.log"
Which doesn't lose any information (at least not that I could tell) and filters the strings I don't need (using the two regular expressions above).
The issue is that it has rendered the application (the bin/paster thing I'm executing) unbearably slow. Is there any way to achieve the same effect but with a better performance?
Thank you in advance!
Update #2012-04-13: As shellter pointed out in one of the comments to this question, it may be useful to provide examples of the outputs I want to filter. Here's a bunch of them:
2012-04-13 19:30:37,996 DEBUG [txn.-1220917568] new transaction
2012-04-13 19:30:37,997 DEBUG [txn.-1220917568] commit <zope.sqlalchemy.datamanager.SessionDataManager object at 0xbf4062c>
2012-04-13 19:30:37,997 DEBUG [txn.-1220917568] commit
Starting server in PID 18262.
2012-04-13 19:30:38,292 DEBUG [paste.httpserver.ThreadPool] Started new worker -1269716112: Initial worker pool
2012-04-13 19:33:08,158 DEBUG [txn.-1244144784] new transaction
2012-04-13 19:33:08,158 DEBUG [txn.-1244144784] commit
2012-04-13 19:32:06,980 DEBUG [paste.httpserver.ThreadPool] Added task (0 tasks queued)
2012-04-13 19:32:06,980 INFO [paste.httpserver.ThreadPool] kill_hung_threads status: 10 threads (0 working, 10 idle, 0 starting) ave time N/A, max time 0.00sec, killed 0 workers
There's a few more different messages involving the ThreadPool though, but I couldn't catch any.
For one thing -- you're reopening the log file every time you want to append a line. That's silly.
Instead of this:
while ...; do
echo "foo" >>filename
Do this (which opens the output file on a new, non-stdout file handle, such that you still have a clear line to stdout should you wish to write to it):
exec 4>>filename
while ...; do
echo "foo" >&4
It's also possible to redirect stdout for the whole loop:
while ...; do
echo "foo"
done >filename
...notably, this will impact more than just the "echo" line, and thus have slightly different semantics from the original.
Or, better yet -- Configure the Python logging module to filter output to only what you care about, and don't bother with shell-script postprocessing at all.
If the version of Paste you're using is sufficiently similar to modern Pyramid, you can put this in your ini file (currently parts/etc/debug.ini):
level = INFO
level = INFO
...and anything below INFO level (including the DEBUG messages) will be excluded.
It may be faster to use a grep-based solution to this
bin/paster serve --reload --pid-file="/var/run/myServer//" parts/etc/debug.ini 2>&1 < "/dev/null" | grep -vf <(echo "$regexTxnFilterer"; echo "$regexThreadPoolFilterer") >> "/var/log/myOutput.log"
Your loop may be slow because the echo "$thingy" >> "/var/log/myOutput.log" line is opening and closing the log file every time it executes. I wouldn't expect there to be a big performance difference between grep's regex matching and bash's, but if there was it wouldn't surprise me.
Late Edit
There's a far simpler way to fix the performance issue caused by opening/closing the output once per line. Why this didn't occur to me before, I have no idea. Just move the >> to outside your loop
bin/paster serve --reload --pid-file="/var/run/myServer//" parts/etc/debug.ini 2>&1 < "/dev/null" | while IFS='' read -r thingy ; do
if [[ ! "$thingy" =~ $regexTxnFilterer ]] && [[ ! "$thingy" =~ $regexThreadPoolFilterer ]]; then
echo "$thingy"
done >> "/var/log/myOutput.log"
I can't see any compelling reason why this would be either faster or slower than the grep solution, but it's a lot closer to the original code and a little less cryptic.

How to deal with NFS latency in shell scripts

I'm writing shell scripts where quite regularly some stuff is written
to a file, after which an application is executed that reads that file. I find that through our company the network latency differs vastly, so a simple sleep 2 for example will not be robust enough.
I tried to write a (configurable) timeout loop like this:
local timeout=$1
local test="$2"
if ! $test
local counter=0
while ! $test && [ $counter -lt $timeout ]
sleep 1
if ! $test
exit 1
This works for test="[ -e $somefilename ]". However, testing existence is not enough, I sometimes need to test whether a certain string was written to the file. I tried
test="grep -sq \"^sometext$\" $somefilename", but this did not work. Can someone tell me why?
Are there other, less verbose options to perform such a test?
You can set your test variable this way:
test=$(grep -sq "^sometext$" $somefilename)
The reason your grep isn't working is that quotes are really hard to pass in arguments. You'll need to use eval:
if ! eval $test
I'd say the way to check for a string in a text file is grep.
What's your exact problem with it?
Also you might adjust your NFS mount parameters, to get rid of the root problem. A sync might also help. See NFS docs.
If you're wanting to use waitLoop in an "if", you might want to change the "exit" to a "return", so the rest of the script can handle the error situation (there's not even a message to the user about what failed before the script dies otherwise).
The other issue is using "$test" to hold a command means you don't get shell expansion when actually executing, just evaluating. So if you say test="grep \"foo\" \"bar baz\"", rather than looking for the three letter string foo in the file with the seven character name bar baz, it'll look for the five char string "foo" in the nine char file "bar baz".
So you can either decide you don't need the shell magic, and set test='grep -sq ^sometext$ somefilename', or you can get the shell to handle the quoting explicitly with something like:
if /bin/sh -c "$test"
Try using the file modification time to detect when it is written without opening it. Something like
old_mtime=`stat --format="%Z" file`
# Write to file.
while [[ "$old_mtime" -eq "$new_mtime" ]]; do
sleep 2;
new_mtime=`stat --format="%Z" file`
This won't work, however, if multiple processes try to access the file at the same time.
I just had the exact same problem. I used a similar approach to the timeout wait that you include in your OP; however, I also included a file-size check. I reset my timeout timer if the file had increased in size since last it was checked. The files I'm writing can be a few gig, so they take a while to write across NFS.
This may be overkill for your particular case, but I also had my writing process calculate a hash of the file after it was done writing. I used md5, but something like crc32 would work, too. This hash was broadcast from the writer to the (multiple) readers, and the reader waits until a) the file size stops increasing and b) the (freshly computed) hash of the file matches the hash sent by the writer.
We have a similar issue, but for different reasons. We are reading s file, which is sent to an SFTP server. The machine running the script is not the SFTP server.
What I have done is set it up in cron (although a loop with a sleep would work too) to do a cksum of the file. When the old cksum matches the current cksum (the file has not changed for the determined amount of time) we know that the writes are complete, and transfer the file.
Just to be extra safe, we never overwrite a local file before making a backup, and only transfer at all when the remote file has two cksums in a row that match, and that cksum does not match the local file.
If you need code examples, I am sure I can dig them up.
The shell was splitting your predicate into words. Grab it all with $# as in the code below:
#! /bin/bash
local tries=$1
local predicate="$#"
while [ $tries -ge 1 ]; do
(( tries-- ))
if $predicate >/dev/null 2>&1; then
[ $tries -gt 0 ] && sleep 1
exit 1
pred='[ -e /etc/passwd ]'
waitFor 5 $pred
echo "$pred satisfied"
rm -f /tmp/baz
(sleep 2; echo blahblah >>/tmp/baz) &
(sleep 4; echo hasfoo >>/tmp/baz) &
pred='grep ^hasfoo /tmp/baz'
waitFor 5 $pred
echo "$pred satisfied"
$ ./waitngo
[ -e /etc/passwd ] satisfied
grep ^hasfoo /tmp/baz satisfied
Too bad the typescript isn't as interesting as watching it in real time.
Ok...this is a bit whacky...
If you have control over the file: you might be able to create a 'named pipe' here.
So (depending on how the writing program works) you can monitor the file in an synchronized fashion.
At its simplest:
Create the named pipe:
mkfifo file.txt
Set up the sync'd receiver:
while :
do < file.txt
Create a test sender:
echo "Hello There" > file.txt
The '' is where your logic goes : this will block until the sender has written its output. In theory the writer program won't need modifiying....
WARNING: if the receiver is not running for some reason, you may end up blocking the sender!
Not sure it fits your requirement here, but might be worth looking into.
Or to avoid synchronized, try 'lsof' ?
Assuming that you only want to read from the file when nothing else is writing to it (ie, the writing process has finished) - you could check whether nothing else has file handle to it ?
