Magento - Link attributes with sub-categories or include attribute value in navigation - magento

I'm creating a video game ecommerce store and I need to have the navigation structured so that the navigation bar contains all the major consoles. When someone hovers over one of the console navigation links, a drop down menu appears with each genre option. For example, once you hover over Xbox 360, a drop down menu with Action, Adventure, etc. will show up.
My first thought is to create sub-categories in each major category that represent each genre. There would also be a custom attribute field for genre. I would then have to manually export the product database and fill it in for each product.
Is there an easier way to do this that I don't know about? Is it possible to have attributes as the drop-down menu links in the navigation bar?
One thing I've noticed in the Manage Attributes section is the option to Use in Layered Navigation. As far as I can tell, this links the attribute in the sidebar and not the main navigation bar.
For reference, my website is at

There is no default functionality to do what you are describing. The default Magento way to accomplish this is via subcategories. You are correct about Layered Navigation, that is a sidebar feature inside the catalog.
You could do some custom coding around showing the attributes in the dropdown menu, but the dropdown links lead to categories anyway, so you'd need to create those regardless. Another approach would be a cronjob that created the necessary categories for the products and placed them into those categories on command. You'll need to add a "console" attribute to make this work as well.
Hope that helps!


Hidden Menu clicked, trigger main menu active states Joomla

I've ask this question on Joomla Official Forums-
But no one is able to help.
I need some help, I'm new to Joomla, I've created a website for my friend-
I'm stuck on the menus active states
I'm using FavouriteDark theme
I've created a Hidden Menu, these have category blogs in them, how do I make the Main Menu items in active state while one of the posts in hidden menu is clicked?
For example- I click on Gallery, then i click on one of the items, it will redirect to an article post, but the Gallery Menu is no longer active. How do I make it active?
The easiest way would be to have the hidden menu items as submenu-items of your visible menus. Like this:
Item 1
Item 2
Now, if you go to Item 1, Gallery will get the class=active, and you can use this to style it. So now all you have to do is make sure leve2 two of your menu is not displayed. This can be done in many ways, the easiest to configure this in the module, where you can set which levels should display. If this does not work for you, you can hide individual items setting display:none on each item you want to hide.

Brands in sub categories in Magento

I'm trying to solve a problem with the top navigation in Magento.
The top navigation I have, currently shows a top level category and it's sub categories. What I want to do is add another level underneath each sub category containing brands in that sub category as shown here (
I want the brand items to be retrieved from the "brands" attribute of products in the parent sub category (Jackets etc.) rather than creating a bunch of brand sub categories in each product type sub category as that is a nightmare for administrating the system.
If anyone knows of a good extension free or paid that does this, I'm willing to go down that route too.
Thanks for the help.
I'm working on something similar right now. It's not an exact fit as it wouldn't integrate with your menu but I would recommend using Amasty's Improved Layered Navigation for this.
It allows you to add a horizontal layered navigation block and set it up so that you can filter by brand based on an attribute. You could use the default manufacturer attribute but I've found it less problematic to add a new one called Brands. The module allows you to assign images to attribute values, so you can have all the logos for your brands listed and the user can filter the products by clicking on the logo.
You can also then use the same brand images in the product list page and the product view page.
This is very easy for your client to manage, they just assign the product it's brand attribute when they create it.
Here's a screenshot of the site I'm working on so far (still not finished so some rough edges) so you can see what I mean. Just a few test products in there and I have used the vertical block rather than the horizontal one but you get the idea. The user just clicks on a logo to filter the list.
And apart from that there's lots of other handy aspects to the module, including sliders for filtering other attributes (weight, price and anything numeric).

How to create a hierarchical Joomla! menu structure

I need an advice ...
I'm using joomla 1.7.2.
I want to plan a site, the site should be very hierarchical.
Actually it will contain categories and sub categories and sub categories and ... And finally all relevant articles that will be under the sub-sub ... Category that was selected.
My ambition from Joomla is to create a main categories menu that looks something like that (never mind the graphics at the moment):
menu example here
Clicking a category will lead to the same look a like menu with his sub-categories.
I guess you could create an article for each category that will contain a menu that will display the relevant sub-categories. but it seems incorrect.
Is there a more correct way to build the hierarchical structure of the site menus?
Sorry about the long text.
I would appreciate any response.
Seems like you are going to make your users click a lot of links to get to the content. How deep do you plan to go? You might want to look in to one of the many mega menus to make it a little easier to get to what they are looking for.
In any case, the basic functionality you are looking for is built in to the core Joomla menu. First, you would need to create a single menu with the structure you described. Link the parent menus to the Joomla category. The trick is in the parameters of the menu module. You will need one menu module for each level of categories you have in your hierarchy. Each module will need to be assigned to every menu item on the corresponding level and the start and end level parameters will need to be set to one level below the current level (0 being the root or top level). You will also want to have sub menu display turned off.
when you click through the links the menu will only display the child menus of the current menu item you are on.
If you want to create an hierarchical menu in Joomla you have to "split" the menu in different parts. Please follow these tutorials:
TODO: Creating a split menu in Jooma
Video TODO: Joomla's
Split Menu System

URLs in module not pointing the correct category from index page

I have 2 modules on my home page. One lists most popular, one lists most recent k2 items from 2 different categories, video and blog. The links to the blog entires go to /blog/item/, so the side bar modules are being displayed correctly. But for some reason the video entries are linking to /component/k2/item/, and on that page the modules that are supposed to on the right do not show up at all. The content area takes up the entire width of the site.
What is further confusing about this situation is that i have duplicates of those modules running on certain interior pages, with the same settings, that link to the items correctly. The only reason i have 2 of the same module is because i need that same module to display below the content on index page, and in the side bar on select interior pages.
I do not have a menu item that links to the video category. The main category is Education, and there are 3 sub categories. blog, video, article. There are only menu items for Blog, and for Education. I already have that same module in the some of the interior pages, and it works fine.
what am i doing wrong?
The solution is pretty simple, the explanation is rather complicated. Here is the solution -
Create a new menu, call it hidden links or something. Doesn't matter what is it called, you will not display this menu on the site.
Create a new menu item for the video category.
Assign your modules to that hidden menu item.
If you don't care about what is happening, just know that you can always create hidden menu items to control layout on pages.
If you do care, get a cold drink and get comfortable...
Menu items in Joomla server several different purposes other than providing links for users to get to content. If you are using the core SEF URLs, this is the first place Joomla looks to create those URLs. In general a URL is built like this - joomla install/parent menu item alias/sub menu item alias/content item/article alias.html. Since your video category does not have a corresponding menu item to use for building URLs, it uses the default URL scheme.
The menu item is also the source for the itemID that every page uses. If a particular page does not have a related menu item, it will inherit the itemID from the previous page usually or in the case of k2 items/joomla article it will inherit the itemID from the menu item that links to the parent category of the content. The itemID is used to determine module menu assignment. This is why getting to a particular page that does not have a menu item 2 different ways will often give you pages that look different, different itemIDs were inherited resulting in different modules being displayed.
Since Joomla really counts on the itemID, you should always specify a menu item for any content you are diplaying, even if you do not want to display a link in the menu. By creating a menu that does not appear in a module, you still get the itemID you need for the content, but the menu never appears anywhere. Usually, a link to a category will be enough since child content will pick up that itemID, but in some cases it makes sense to create menu items to specific content items/articles. You would do this any time you want a specific URL for an item. For example, if you wanted to create a URL like, you could create the content item for the special offer, then make a menu item with the alias special-offer to get the correct URL.
Joomla also uses the menu item for browser titles and page titles. Your question is not related to that so I'll stop here, but as you can tell it is pretty important to know when to create a menu item for your content.

Magento - layered nav - display attribute based on previous filter

Basically, what I would like to do is have some attributes in the layered nav block show up only if a particular filter was set before. Here’s an example:
Customer goes into ‘rings’ category. There would be many different attributes displayed in the ‘shop by’ block, however I only want a few to be shown at this stage including: Material (white gold, yellow gold, silver etc.). If, and only if, the customer selected a material (specifically yellow or white gold), on the next page i would like there to be the ‘gold carat’ attribute available in this block. As it is at the moment ‘material’ and ‘gold carat’ are both shown in the layered nav which isn’t ideal.
Ive had a look at the code in app/design/frontend/default/default/template/catalog/layer but I can’t seem to get any inspiration.
Thanks for any help
Jamie - Unfortunately, as I'm sure you have discovered, Magento doesn't do this out-of-the-box. The layered navigation is built based upon the available attributes (that have been set as filterable nav) for the category listing you are viewing.
You would have to write a custom module to override the layered nav output. A place to start could be /app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Layer/Navigation.php. Good luck!
