Add columns headers to a Report Viewer with blank areas - visual-studio-2010

We have a sign off sheet that will be printed.
it's format is something like:
Room - Conference 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Bob Smith | | | | | | |
Terry Jones | | | | | | |
Jill Smith | | | | | | |
Now, I have an RDLC that emits a page for each Room name along with the people.
What I'm trying to do is add the "monday", and AM/PM areas. When I drop a "table" onto that area of the report and set the headers it replicates the "am/pm" rows once for each person... like the following:
Room - Conference 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Bob Smith | | | | | | |
Terry Jones | | | | | | |
Jill Smith | | | | | | |
I tried removing the dataset association on the table, but studio won't let me do that. Also I thought about splitting out those columns into multiple other columns, but I can't do that either.

Okay, I figured out that I just need to right click on a column in the outermost group and say Add Column 10 times.. Then select the top most row and say "merge cells", then on each. individual. cell. I had to set the border properties.
Lovely. but it works.


sqlite: wide v. long performance

I'm considering whether I should format a table in my sqlite database in "wide or "long" format. Examples of these formats are included at the end of the question.
I anticipate that the majority of my requests will be of the form:
series in (series1, series100);
or the analog for selecting by columns in wide format.
I also anticipate that there will be a large number of columns, even enough to need to increase the column limit.
Are there any general guidelines for selecting a table layout that will optimize query performance for this sort of case?
(Examples of each)
"Wide" format:
| date | series1 | series2 | ... | seriesN |
| ---------- | ------- | ------- | ---- | ------- |
| "1/1/1900" | 15 | 24 | 43 | 23 |
| "1/2/1900" | 15 | null | null | 23 |
| ... | 15 | null | null | 23 |
| "1/2/2019" | 12 | 12 | 4 | null |
"Long" format:
| date | series | value |
| ---------- | ------- | ----- |
| "1/1/1900" | series1 | 15 |
| "1/2/1900" | series1 | 15 |
| ... | series1 | 43 |
| "1/2/2019" | series1 | 12 |
| "1/1/1900" | series2 | 15 |
| "1/2/1900" | series2 | 15 |
| ... | series2 | 43 |
| "1/2/2019" | series2 | 12 |
| ... | ... | ... |
| "1/1/1900" | seriesN | 15 |
| "1/2/1900" | seriesN | 15 |
| ... | seriesN | 43 |
| "1/2/2019" | seriesN | 12 |
The "long" format is the preferred way to go here, for so many reasons. First, if you use the "wide" format and there is ever a need to add more series, then you would have to add new columns to the database table. While this is not too much of a hassle, in general once you put a schema into production, you want to avoid further schema changes.
Second, the "long" format makes reporting and querying much easier. For example, suppose you wanted to get a count of rows/data points for each series. Then you would only need something like:
SELECT series, COUNT(*) AS cnt
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY series;
To get this report with the "wide" format, you would need a lot more code, and it would be as verbose as your sample data above.
The thing to keep in mind here is that SQL databases are built to operate on sets of records (read: across rows). They can also process things column wise, but they are not generally setup to do this.

Splitting char to multiple rows in Oracle

The table is as follows:
2015 | 10 | # # # ### |
2015 | 11 | # # # # # |
I want to create the following:
2015 | 10 | 01 | # |
2015 | 10 | 02 | |
2015 | 10 | 03 | |
2015 | 10 | 04 | # |
2016 | 11 | 30 | # |
I've seen a few solutions around stack but It couldn't work
Any help would be greatly appreciating
Well, I'm not sure why you would want to go to November 31st, a date that doesn't exist. But, here is an idea:
with n as (
select level as n
from dual
connect by level <= 31
select t.year, t.month, n.n as day,
substr(t.holidays, n.n, 1) as holiday
from t join
on n.n <= length(;

Birt-Crosstab with empty columns

so I'm a BIRT beginner, and I just tried to get a real simple report from one of my tables of a postgres DB.
So I defined a flat table as datasource which looks like:
| date | store | product | value | color |
| 20160101000000 | store1 | productA | 5231 | red |
| 20160101000000 | store1 | productB | 3213 | green |
| 20160101000000 | store2 | productX | 4231 | red |
| 20160101000000 | store3 | productY | 3213 | green |
| 20160101000000 | store4 | productZ | 1223 | green |
| 20160101000000 | store4 | productK | 3113 | yellow |
| 20160101000000 | store4 | productE | 213 | green |
| .... | | | | |
| 20160109000000 | store1 | productA | 512 | green |
So I would like to add a table / crosstab to my birt report which creates a table (and after that a page break) for EVERY store which looks like:
**Store 1**
| | productA | productB | productC | ... |
| 20160101000000 | 3120 | 1231 | 6433 | ... |
| 20160102000000 | 6120 | 1341 | 2121 | ... |
| 20160103000000 | 1120 | 5331 | 1231 | ... |
--- PAGE BREAK ---
So what I tried in first was: Getting to work the standard CrossTab tutorial-template of BIRT.
I defined the DataSource, and created a datacube with dimension-group of 'store' and 'product' , and as SUM / detail -data the 'value' and for this example I just selected ONE day.
But the result looks like this:
| | productA | productC | productD | productE | ... | productZ |
| Store1 | 213 | | 3234 | 897 | ... | 6767 |
| Store2 | 513 | 2213 | 1233 | | ... | 845 |
| Store3 | 21 | | | 32 | ... | |
| Store4 | 123 | 222 | 142 | | ... | |
It's because not every product is selled in every store, but the crosstab creates the columns by selecting ALL products available.
So, I just have no idea how to generate dynamicly different tables with different (but also dynamic) amount of columns.
The second step then would be to get the dates (days) to work.
But thanks in advance for every hint ot tutorial link to question one ;-)
You can just add a table with the complete datasource. Select the table and a group. Group by StoreID. You can set the pagebreak options for each grouping. Set the property for after to "always exluding last".
BIRT will add a group header. You can add multiple groupheader rows get the layout you're after.
For crosstabs it works in a similar way. After you added the crosstab to your page and set the info for the groups on rows and columns and added summaries. You can view the data. Select the crosstab and View the Row Area properties, select the pagegroup settings and add a new pagebreak. You can select on which group you want to break, choose your storeID group and select after: "always excluding last"

How to insert sum value to another table using procedure oracle

I want to make a table that contains summary value from another table; the purpose is to make a balance sheets report. I'm new in Oracle database so I'm still confused regarding how to do that. Is it using procedure, if yes so how to do it?
Here is the example data
In table 1 :
Year | Periode | Date Trx | Debit | Credit
2014 | Jan | 2/1/2014 | 50 | 0
2014 | Jan | 3/1/2014 | 0 | 20
2014 | Feb | 2/2/2014 | 0 | 100
2014 | Feb | 6/2/2014 | 50 | 0
2015 | Mar | 2/3/2014 | 0 | 80
2015 | Mar | 8/3/2014 | 50 | 0
2015 | Okt | 2/10/2014| 50 | 0
And I want the result in table 2 to like this:
Year | Periode | Debit | Credit
2014 | Jan | 50 | 20
2014 | Feb | 50 | 100
2015 | Mar | 50 | 80
2015 | Okt | 50 | 0
I hope someone could tell me how to make the procedure
from the sample that you provided - it can be resolved
via simple sql. it's common sql and no specific oracle features are required here
select year, period, sum(debit) as debit, sum(credit) as credit
from my_table
group by year, period
As #are notes a procedure is not needed here - but if you really insist on using one it would look something like
Best of luck.

Hive - hourly window averages

I have data like this in a Hive table:
| _c0 | name | value0 | value1 |
| 2015-10-07 13:01 | john | 10.0 | 100 |
| 2015-10-07 13:20 | john | 20.0 | 200 |
| 2015-10-07 13:41 | john | 15.0 | 300 |
| 2015-10-07 14:00 | john | 30.0 | 300 |
| 2015-10-07 14:20 | john | 60.0 | 200 |
| 2015-10-07 14:40 | john | 30.0 | 400 |
I need to get hourly averages.
| 2015-10-07 13:00 | john | 15.0 | 200 |
| 2015-10-07 14:00 | john | 40.0 | 300 |
I have an idea about doing it using a partition/over clause in psql but I'm not sure how to do this in Hive. An idea would be to split datetime into date and hour (e.g."2015-10-07 13") and use a group by and avg function, but that is probably not the best way.
Any ideas?
You should do it the way you suggested to do it. If you are just wanting the average by date and hour (and name probably), partitioning and using an over clause is not necessary.
select date, hour, name, avg(value0) avg0, avg(value1) avg1
from (
select split(_c0, ' ')[0] date
, split(split(_c0, ' ')[1], '\\:')[0] hour
, name
, value0
, value1
from db.table ) x
group by date, hour, name
