Birt-Crosstab with empty columns - birt
so I'm a BIRT beginner, and I just tried to get a real simple report from one of my tables of a postgres DB.
So I defined a flat table as datasource which looks like:
| date | store | product | value | color |
| 20160101000000 | store1 | productA | 5231 | red |
| 20160101000000 | store1 | productB | 3213 | green |
| 20160101000000 | store2 | productX | 4231 | red |
| 20160101000000 | store3 | productY | 3213 | green |
| 20160101000000 | store4 | productZ | 1223 | green |
| 20160101000000 | store4 | productK | 3113 | yellow |
| 20160101000000 | store4 | productE | 213 | green |
| .... | | | | |
| 20160109000000 | store1 | productA | 512 | green |
So I would like to add a table / crosstab to my birt report which creates a table (and after that a page break) for EVERY store which looks like:
**Store 1**
| | productA | productB | productC | ... |
| 20160101000000 | 3120 | 1231 | 6433 | ... |
| 20160102000000 | 6120 | 1341 | 2121 | ... |
| 20160103000000 | 1120 | 5331 | 1231 | ... |
--- PAGE BREAK ---
So what I tried in first was: Getting to work the standard CrossTab tutorial-template of BIRT.
I defined the DataSource, and created a datacube with dimension-group of 'store' and 'product' , and as SUM / detail -data the 'value' and for this example I just selected ONE day.
But the result looks like this:
| | productA | productC | productD | productE | ... | productZ |
| Store1 | 213 | | 3234 | 897 | ... | 6767 |
| Store2 | 513 | 2213 | 1233 | | ... | 845 |
| Store3 | 21 | | | 32 | ... | |
| Store4 | 123 | 222 | 142 | | ... | |
It's because not every product is selled in every store, but the crosstab creates the columns by selecting ALL products available.
So, I just have no idea how to generate dynamicly different tables with different (but also dynamic) amount of columns.
The second step then would be to get the dates (days) to work.
But thanks in advance for every hint ot tutorial link to question one ;-)
You can just add a table with the complete datasource. Select the table and a group. Group by StoreID. You can set the pagebreak options for each grouping. Set the property for after to "always exluding last".
BIRT will add a group header. You can add multiple groupheader rows get the layout you're after.
For crosstabs it works in a similar way. After you added the crosstab to your page and set the info for the groups on rows and columns and added summaries. You can view the data. Select the crosstab and View the Row Area properties, select the pagegroup settings and add a new pagebreak. You can select on which group you want to break, choose your storeID group and select after: "always excluding last"
query hive json serde table having nested ARRAY & STRUCT combination
Trying to query a json hive table built on top of json data. Using json2Hive was able to generate DDL and was able to create table after removing unnecessary fields. create external table user_tables.sample_json_table ( `apps` struct< `app`: array<struct< `id`: string, `queue`: string, `finalstatus`: string, `trackingurl`: string, `applicationtype`: string, `applicationtags`: string, `startedtime`: string, `launchtime`: string, `finishedtime`: string, `memoryseconds`: string, `vcoreseconds`: string, `resourcesecondsmap`: struct< `entry`: struct< `key`: string, `value`: string > > > > > ) row format serde 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.JsonSerDe' location '/xyz/location/; Now, stuck trying to figure out how to query each field from the below schema ? checked several articles but all of them are case specific, and need a generic explanation or example how to query each field under array/struct :) I only care about the multiple 'app' subsection entries and would like them to be imported onto another table with separate fields for each fields. Sample json data: {"apps":{"app":[{"id":"application_282828282828_12717","user":"xyz","name":"xyz-4b6bdae2-1a0c-4772-bd8e-0d7454268b82","queue":"root.users.dummy","state":"finished","finalstatus":"succeeded","progress":100.0,"trackingui":"history","trackingurl":"http://dang:8088/proxy/application_282828282828_12717/","diagnostics":"session stats:submitteddags=1, successfuldags=1, faileddags=0, 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sample query output : id | queue | finalStatus | trackingurl |.... ----------------------------------------------------------- application_282828282828_12717 | root.users.dummy | succeeded | ... application_282828282828_12724 | root.users.dummy2 | failed | ....
For anyone looking to perform something similar ,I found this article very helpful with clear explanation: Below is the query to parse using LATERAL VIEW EXPLODE in case people on the same boat: select ex1.* from user_tables.sample_json_table cym LATERAL VIEW OUTER inline( ex1; | id | queue | finalstatus | trackingurl | applicationtype | applicationtags | startedtime | launchtime | finishedtime | memoryseconds | vcoreseconds | resourcesecondsmap | | ------------------------------- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ---------------------------------------- | | application_1667627410794_12717 | root.users.dummy2 | succeeded | http://dang:8088/proxy/application_1667627410794_12717/ | tez | \_xyz,test-app-24c7-4b1b-b977-3c9af1397195,userid=dummy1 | 1667822485626 | 1667822485767 | 1667822553365 | 1264304 | 79 | {"entry":{"key":"vcores","value":"79"}} | | application_1667627410794_12724 | root.users.dummy3 | succeeded | http://dang:8088/proxy/application_1667627410794_12724/ | tez | \_generate_stuff,hive_20221107070301_e6f788db-e39c-49b6-97d5-6a02ff994c00,userid=dummy3 | 1667822585231 | 1667822585437 | 1667822631435 | 5603339 | 430 | {"entry":{"key":"vcores","value":"430"}} | | application_1667627410794_12736 | root.users.dummy1 | succeeded | http://dang:8088/proxy/application_1667627410794_12736/ | tez | \_sample_job,test-zzz-3efa-46c5-a5a0-8a3cd745d180,userid=dummy1 | 1667822771170 | 1667822773663 | 1667822820351 | 1300011 | 89 | {"entry":{"key":"vcores","value":"89"}} | | application_1667627410794_12735 | root.users.dummy2 | succeeded | http://dang:8088/proxy/application_1667627410794_12735/ | tez | \_mixed_article,placebo_2-912f-4278-a2ef-5dfe66089fd7,userid=dummy2 | 1667822766897 | 1667822766999 | 1667822796759 | 669695 | 44 | {"entry":{"key":"vcores","value":"44"}} | Add. Note: Although my requirement no longer needs it, but If anyone can suggest how to further parse the last field resourcesecondsmap to populate map key value would be great to know! basically use key value as field and value as actual value in field: Desired Output: | id | queue | finalstatus | trackingurl | applicationtype | applicationtags | startedtime | launchtime | finishedtime | memoryseconds | vcoreseconds | vcores-value | | ------------------------------- | ----------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ------------ | | application_1667627410794_12717 | root.users.dummy2 | succeeded | http://dang:8088/proxy/application_1667627410794_12717/ | tez | \_xyz,test-app-24c7-4b1b-b977-3c9af1397195,userid=dummy1 | 1667822485626 | 1667822485767 | 1667822553365 | 1264304 | 79 | 79 | | application_1667627410794_12724 | root.users.dummy3 | succeeded | http://dang:8088/proxy/application_1667627410794_12724/ | tez | \_generate_stuff,hive_20221107070301_e6f788db-e39c-49b6-97d5-6a02ff994c00,userid=dummy3 | 1667822585231 | 1667822585437 | 1667822631435 | 5603339 | 430 | 430 |
Converting Column headings into Row data
I have a table in an Access Database that has columns that I would like to convert to be Row data. I found a code in here converting database columns into associated row data I am new to VBA and I just don't know how to use this code. I have attached some sample data How the table currently is set up it is 14 columns long. +-------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+ | ID | Name | 2019-10-31 | 2019-11-30 | 2019-12-31 | ... etc ... | +-------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+ | 555 | Fred | 1 | 4 | 12 | | | 556 | Barney| 5 | 33 | 24 | | | 557 | Betty | 4 | 11 | 76 | | +-------+--------+-------------+-------------+-------------+----------------+ I would like the output to be +-------+------------+-------------+ | ID | Date | HOLB | +-------+------------+-------------+ | 555 | 2019-10-31| 1 | | 555 | 2019-11-30| 4 | | 555 | 2019-12-31| 12 | | 556 | 2019-10-31| 5 | | 556 | 2019-11-30| 33 | | 556 | 2019-12-31| 24 | +-------+--------+-------------+---+ How can I modify this code into a Module and call the module in a query? Or any other idea you may have.
DAX Query with multiple filters in powerbi
I have two tables 'locations' and 'markets', where, a many to many relationship exists between these two tables on the column 'market_id'. A report level filter has been applied on the column 'entity' from 'locations' table. Now, I'm supposed to distinctly count the 'location_id' from 'markets' table where 'active=TRUE'. How can I write a DAX query such that the distinct count of location_id dynamically changes with respect to the selection made in the report level filter? Below is an example of the tables: locations: | location_id | market_id | entity | active | |-------------|-----------|--------|--------| | 1 | 10 | nyc | true | | 2 | 20 | alaska | true | | 2 | 20 | alaska | true | | 2 | 30 | miami | false | | 3 | 40 | dallas | true | markets: | location_id | market_id | active | |-------------|-----------|--------| | 2 | 20 | true | | 2 | 20 | true | | 5 | 20 | true | | 6 | 20 | false | I'm fairly new to powerbi. Any help will be appreciated.
Here you go: DistinctLocations = CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(markets[location_id]), markets[active] = TRUE())
Determinate unique values from oracle join?
I need a way to avoid duplicate values from oracle join, I have this scenario. The first table contain general information about a person. +-----------+-------+-------------+ | ID | Name | Birtday_date| +-----------+-------+-------------+ | 1 | Byron | 12/10/1998 | | 2 | Peter | 01/11/1973 | | 4 | Jose | 05/02/2008 | +-----------+-------+-------------+ The second table contain information about a telephone of the people in the first table. +-------+----------+----------+----------+ | ID |ID_Person |CELL_TYPE | NUMBER | +-------+- --------+----------+----------+ | 1221 | 1 | 3 | 099141021| | 2221 | 1 | 2 | 099091925| | 3222 | 1 | 1 | 098041013| | 4321 | 2 | 1 | 088043153| | 4561 | 2 | 2 | 090044313| | 5678 | 4 | 1 | 092049013| | 8990 | 4 | 2 | 098090233| +----- -+----------+----------+----------+ The Third table contain information about a email of the people in the first table. +------+----------+----------+---------------+ | ID |ID_Person |EMAIL_TYPE| Email | +------+- --------+----------+---------------+ | 221 | 1 | 1 | | | 222 | 1 | 2 | | | 421 | 2 | 1 | | | 451 | 2 | 2 || | 578 | 4 | 1 || | 899 | 4 | 2 | | | 899 | 4 | 2 | | +------+----------+----------+---------------+ I was able to produce a result like this, you can check in this link!4/8e326/1 +-----+-------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+----------------+ | ID | Name | Birtday_date| CELL_TYPE| NUMBER |EMAIL_TYPE|EMAIL| +-----+-------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+----------------+ | 1 | Byron | 12/10/1998 | 3 | 099141021|1 | | | 1 | Byron | 12/10/1998 | 2 | 099091925|2 | | | 1 | Byron | 12/10/1998 | 1 | 099091925| | | | 2 | Peter | 01/11/1973 | 1 | 088043153|1 | | | 2 | Peter | 01/11/1973 | 2 | 090044313|2 | | | 4 | Jose | 05/02/2008 | 1 | 092049013|1 | | | 4 | Jose | 05/02/2008 | 2 | 098090233|2 | | +-----+-------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+----------------+ If you check the data in table Email for user with ID_Person = 4 only present two of the three emails that have, the problem for this case is the person have more emails that cellphone numbers and only will present the same number of the cellphone numbers. The result i expected is something like this. +-----+-------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+----------------+ | ID | Name | Birtday_date| CELL_TYPE| NUMBER |EMAIL_TYPE|EMAIL| +-----+-------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+----------------+ | 1 | Byron | 12/10/1998 | 3 | 099141021|1 | | | 1 | Byron | 12/10/1998 | 2 | 099091925|2 | | | 1 | Byron | 12/10/1998 | 1 | 099091925| | | | 2 | Peter | 01/11/1973 | 1 | 088043153|1 | | | 2 | Peter | 01/11/1973 | 2 | 090044313|2 | | | 4 | Jose | 05/02/2008 | 1 | 092049013|1 | | | 4 | Jose | 05/02/2008 | 2 | 098090233|2 | | | 4 | Jose | 05/02/2008 | | |2 | | +-----+-------+-------------+----------+----------+----------+----------------+ This is the way that i need to present the data.
I could not understand why your query was so complex, thus, added the simple full outer join and it seems to be working: select distinct,, case when Lag(CELL) over(partition by order by, = CELL then null else cell_type end as cell_type, case when Lag(CELL) over(partition by order by, = CELL then null else CELL end as CELL, EMAIL_TYPE as EMAIL_TYPE, EMAIL as EMAIL from person p full outer join phones pe on = full outer join emails e on = and pe.cell_type = e.email_type;
Modify Category Blog Layout Joomla 1.5
I'm looking to modify the "Category Blog Layout" in Joomla 1.5. I want to modify it such that even article rows are right aligned and odd ones are left aligned. I'd like to do this to the article title as well, hence using html or css (page class suffix in params) in the article body itself is not an option as it only affects the table html (contentpaneopen) generated by the following two files for each blog item's text: \components\com_content\views\category\tmpl\blog.php \components\com_content\views\category\tmpl\blog_item.php I am guessing, I need to overload these two files in my custom template to achieve what I want. Problem is I don't see how to access the row number that blog_item.php is dealing with. I have found that ContentViewCategory::getItems in \components\com_content\views\category\view.html.php has the following lines of code: $item->odd = $k; $item->count = $i; But I can't figure out how to access these. Any ideas? PS: This is the kind of layout I want to achieve: --------------------------------------------------- | -------------- ---------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | row 1 | | row 1 text | | | | Image | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------------| |--------------------------| | --------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------- | |--------------------------| |--------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | row 2 text | | row 2 | | | | | | Image | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------| |--------------| | --------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------- | -------------- ---------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | row 3 | | row 3 text | | | | Image | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------------| |--------------------------| | --------------------------------------------------|
I hate to answer my own question, but once I was able to debug Joomla, this turned out to be a lot simpler than I thought. I overloaded these two files: \components\com_content\views\category\tmpl\blog.php \components\com_content\views\category\tmpl\blog_item.php in my custom theme folder: \templates\\html\com_content\views\category\tmpl\blog.php \components\\html\com_content\views\category\tmpl\blog_item.php Following is the one liner I added to blog.php: $this->assign('itemIndex', $i); before calling: echo $this->loadTemplate('item') Now I can call $this->itemIndex in blog_item.php to get the row index and do what I want with it.
What about a more ordered one? Like creating thumbnails with one size in one side, the same introtext and title fonts anall