Precision,Recall and F-score - precision-recall

I am working on a developing a new system which is based on information retrieval concept. My system retrieve's pdf and ppt files of research articles from the web. When i calculated precision,recall and f-score of the system, i had arrived at doubts.. I want to clarify that from the group members. The doubt is will there be a huge different between precision,recall and f-score. Because i computed precision to some 0.913 and recall goes very low like 0.3234 and f-score is about 0.4323 etc. Will it be possible?? I mean will precision and recall have this much huge difference or i calculated them wrongly.!! Please provide your suggestions as well your reference to some notes.. Thanks..

This is very possible - you can have low precision and high recall and vice versa.
For example, if you return the whole database, you will have 100% recall, but very low precision.
In your case, it means you are not returning very much of "false" data (all of what you are returning is "true"), but you are forgetting to return 70% of the data.

When we measure the accuracy of any trained classifier using metrics such as Recall and Precision, there is a possibility that these values will be different either in large/small amount.
Recall is measured as TP/(TP+FN), that is recall deals with False negatives.
Precision is measured as TP/(TP+FP), that is precision deals with False positives.
So the difference in Recall and Precision depends on FP and FN.

Low recall and high precision is very common. It just means that the classifier is very conservative - does not risk too much in saying that a sample is Positive (low recall), and thus when it does, it is very confident about it (high precision).


detecting a plateu in sensor measurements

I have a stream of data measurements with an initial increasing phase that is followed by a plateau. The measurements are noisy without clear bound. I would like to stop ingesting the stream when the plateau is detected:
while (not_const)
add_measurement( stream.get() );
not_const = !is_const();
Is there a well-known algorithm for dealing with such problem? I know about Kalman-Filters, but not so sure if they are specifically made for this.
The Kalman filter will cover your noise, so long as the variance is calculable. Yes, it can help in this situation. Depending on your application, you may find that the first derivative of a moving average will do as well for you. Kalman merely optimizes some linear parameters to give a "best" prediction of actual (vs observed-through-noise) values.
You still need to handle your interpretation of that prediction series. You need to define what constitutes a "plateau". How close to 0 do you need the computable slope? Does that figure depend on the preceding input? How abrupt is the transition between the increase and the plateau? The latter considerations would suggest looking at the second derivative as well: a quick-change detector of some ilk.

Evaluating a specific Information retrieval system with P#1

I am working on a information retrieval system which aims to select the first result and to link it to other database. Indeed, our system is based on a Keyword description of a video and try to interlink the video to a DBpedia entity which has the same meaning of the description. In the step of evaluation, i noticid that the majority of evaluation set the minimum of the precision cut-off to 5, whereas in our system is not suitable. I am thinking to put an interval [1,5]: (P#1,...P#5).Will it be possible? !!
Please provide your suggestions and your reference to some notes.. Thanks..
You can definitely calculate P#1 for a retrieval system, if you have truth labels. (In this case, it sounds like they would be [Video, DBPedia] matching pairs generated by humans).
People generally look at this measure for things like Question-Answering or recommendation systems. The only caveat is that you typically wouldn't use it to train a learning to rank system or any other learning system -- it's not "continuous enough" a near miss (best at rank 2) and a total miss (best at rank 4 million) get equivalent scores, so it can be hard to smoothly improve a system by tuning weights in such a case.
For those kinds of tasks, using Mean Reciprocal Rank is pretty common, if you need something tunable. Also NDCG tends to be okay, too, since it has an exponential discounting factor.
But there's nothing in the definition of precision that prevents you from calculating it at rank 1. It may be more correct to describe it as a "success#1" feature, since you're going to get 0/1 or 1/1 as your two options.

Feature Scaling required or not

I am working with sample data set to learn clustering. This data set contains number of occurrences for the keywords.
Since all are number of occurrences for the different keywords, will it be OK not to scale the values and use them as it is?
I read couple of articles on internet where its emphasized that scaling is important as it will adjust the relativity of the frequency. Since most of frequencies are 0 (95%+), z score scaling will change the shape of distribution, which I am feeling could be problem as I am changing the nature of data.
I am thinking of not changing values at all to avoid this. Will that affect the quality of results I get from the clustering?
As it was already noted, the answer heavily depends on an algorithm being used.
If you're using distance-based algorithms with (usually default) Euclidean distance (for example, k-Means or k-NN), it'll rely more on features with bigger range just because a "typical difference" of values of that feature is bigger.
Non-distance based models can be affected, too. Though one might think that linear models do not get into this category since scaling (and translating, if needed) is a linear transformation, so if it makes results better, then the model should learn it, right? Turns out, the answer is no. The reason is that no one uses vanilla linear models, they're always used with with some sort of a regularization which penalizes too big weights. This can prevent your linear model from learning scaling from data.
There are models that are independent of the feature scale. For example, tree-based algorithms (decision trees and random forests) are not affected. A node of a tree partitions your data into 2 sets by comparing a feature (which splits dataset best) to a threshold value. There's no regularization for the threshold (because one should keep height of the tree small), so it's not affected by different scales.
That being said, it's usually advised to standardize (subtract mean and divide by standard deviation) your data.
Probably it depends on the classification algorithm. I'm only familiar with SVM. Please see Ch. 2.2 for the explanation of scaling
The type of feature (count of words) doesn't matter. The feature ranges should be more or less similar. If the count of e.g. "dignity" is 10 and the count of "have" is 100000000 in your texts, then (at least on SVM) the results of such features would be less accurate as when you scaled both counts to similar range.
The cases, where no scaling is needed are those, where the data is scaled implicitly e.g. features are pixel-values in an image. The data is scaled already to the range 0-255.
*Distance based algorithm need scaling
*There is no need of scaling in tree based algorithms
But it is good to scale your data and train model ,if possible compare the model accuracy and other evaluations before scaling and after scaling and use the best possibility
These is as per my knowledge

Why is average so popular when measuring application performance

When measuring application performance (response time for example) it's so easy to come across averages (mean). ab, httpref and bunch of other utilities are reporting mean and standard deviation. But from theoretical point of view it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. And there is why.
Mean value is good at describing symmetrical distributed population, because in case of symmetrical distribution mean is equal to population mode and expected value. But response times are not distributed symmetrical. They are more like exponential. In this case average tells us nothing.
It's more convenient to work with percentile values, which tells us what response time we could afford in what percentage of responses.
Am I missing something or mean is popular just because it's very simple to calculate?
All kinds of tools get their features not necessarily from what makes sense, but from users' expectations.
You're absolutely right that the distributions are non-negative and heavily skewed, and that percentiles would be more informative.
Alternatively, a distribution more like lognormal or chi-square would be a little better.
Yes, you are missing something.
The whole point of descriptive statistics is to present a few numbers to describe (or represent or model or ...) a large number of numbers. They aid the comprehension of large datasets, the extraction of information from data, the approximate comparison of datasets whose exact comparison is large and bewildering to the limitations of the human mind.
But no single descriptive statistic is always fit for all purposes, and no one is dictating to you that you must or should or ought to use the mean. If it doesn't suit your purposes, use something else.
As it happens you are quite wrong to write They are more like exponential. In this case average tells us nothing. For an exponential distribution with rate parameter lambda the mean is simply 1/lambda so the mean tells you everything about an exponential distribution.
I'm not an expert in statistics but i believe the average values are used so much because those are the values that help to measure the scalability of a system.
You need to consider first your average values to know how your system needs to bahevae under certains workloads and those needs to be predictable, you usually are not very interested in outliers at least not at first.
Of course you need to look into your min values and the peak values to know the moment your system its going to have a bottleneck but the average values show you as i said a correct and predictable behavior.

Modeling distribution of performance measurements

How would you mathematically model the distribution of repeated real life performance measurements - "Real life" meaning you are not just looping over the code in question, but it is just a short snippet within a large application running in a typical user scenario?
My experience shows that you usually have a peak around the average execution time that can be modeled adequately with a Gaussian distribution. In addition, there's a "long tail" containing outliers - often with a multiple of the average time. (The behavior is understandable considering the factors contributing to first execution penalty).
My goal is to model aggregate values that reasonably reflect this, and can be calculated from aggregate values (like for the Gaussian, calculate mu and sigma from N, sum of values and sum of squares). In other terms, number of repetitions is unlimited, but memory and calculation requirements should be minimized.
A normal Gaussian distribution can't model the long tail appropriately and will have the average biased strongly even by a very small percentage of outliers.
I am looking for ideas, especially if this has been attempted/analysed before. I've checked various distributions models, and I think I could work out something, but my statistics is rusty and I might end up with an overblown solution. Oh, a complete shrink-wrapped solution would be fine, too ;)
Other aspects / ideas: Sometimes you get "two humps" distributions, which would be acceptable in my scenario with a single mu/sigma covering both, but ideally would be identified separately.
Extrapolating this, another approach would be a "floating probability density calculation" that uses only a limited buffer and adjusts automatically to the range (due to the long tail, bins may not be spaced evenly) - haven't found anything, but with some assumptions about the distribution it should be possible in principle.
Why (since it was asked) -
For a complex process we need to make guarantees such as "only 0.1% of runs exceed a limit of 3 seconds, and the average processing time is 2.8 seconds". The performance of an isolated piece of code can be very different from a normal run-time environment involving varying levels of disk and network access, background services, scheduled events that occur within a day, etc.
This can be solved trivially by accumulating all data. However, to accumulate this data in production, the data produced needs to be limited. For analysis of isolated pieces of code, a gaussian deviation plus first run penalty is ok. That doesn't work anymore for the distributions found above.
[edit] I've already got very good answers (and finally - maybe - some time to work on this). I'm starting a bounty to look for more input / ideas.
Often when you have a random value that can only be positive, a log-normal distribution is a good way to model it. That is, you take the log of each measurement, and assume that is normally distributed.
If you want, you can consider that to have multiple humps, i.e. to be the sum of two normals having different mean. Those are a bit tricky to estimate the parameters of, because you may have to estimate, for each measurement, its probability of belonging to each hump. That may be more than you want to bother with.
Log-normal distributions are very convenient and well-behaved. For example, you don't deal with its average, you deal with it's geometric mean, which is the same as its median.
BTW, in pharmacometric modeling, log-normal distributions are ubiquitous, modeling such things as blood volume, absorption and elimination rates, body mass, etc.
ADDED: If you want what you call a floating distribution, that's called an empirical or non-parametric distribution. To model that, typically you save the measurements in a sorted array. Then it's easy to pick off the percentiles. For example the median is the "middle number". If you have too many measurements to save, you can go to some kind of binning after you have enough measurements to get the general shape.
ADDED: There's an easy way to tell if a distribution is normal (or log-normal). Take the logs of the measurements and put them in a sorted array. Then generate a QQ plot (quantile-quantile). To do that, generate as many normal random numbers as you have samples, and sort them. Then just plot the points, where X is the normal distribution point, and Y is the log-sample point. The results should be a straight line. (A really simple way to generate a normal random number is to just add together 12 uniform random numbers in the range +/- 0.5.)
The problem you describe is called "Distribution Fitting" and has nothing to do with performance measurements, i.e. this is generic problem of fitting suitable distribution to any gathered/measured data sample.
The standard process is something like that:
Guess the best distribution.
Run hypothesis tests to check how well it describes gathered data.
Repeat 1-3 if not well enough.
You can find interesting article describing how this can be done with open-source R software system here. I think especially useful to you may be function fitdistr.
In addition to already given answers consider Empirical Distributions. I have successful experience in using empirical distributions for performance analysis of several distributed systems. The idea is very straightforward. You need to build histogram of performance measurements. Measurements should be discretized with given accuracy. When you have histogram you could do several useful things:
calculate the probability of any given value (you are bound by accuracy only);
build PDF and CDF functions for the performance measurements;
generate sequence of response times according to a distribution. This one is very useful for performance modeling.
Try whit gamma distribution
From wikipedia
The gamma distribution is frequently a probability model for waiting times; for instance, in life testing, the waiting time until death is a random variable that is frequently modeled with a gamma distribution.
The standard for randomized Arrival times for performance modelling is either Exponential distribution or Poisson distribution (which is just the distribution of multiple Exponential distributions added together).
Not exactly answering your question, but relevant still: Mor Harchol-Balter did a very nice analysis of the size of jobs submitted to a scheduler, The effect of heavy-tailed job size distributions on computer systems design (1999). She found that the size of jobs submitted to her distributed task assignment system took a power-law distribution, which meant that certain pieces of conventional wisdom she had assumed in the construction of her task assignment system, most importantly that the jobs should be well load balanced, had awful consequences for submitters of jobs. She's done good follor-up work on this issue.
The broader point is, you need to ask such questions as:
What happens if reasonable-seeming assumptions about the distribution of performance, such as that they take a normal distribution, break down?
Are the data sets I'm looking at really representative of the problem I'm trying to solve?
