packaging air application with air runtime in one installer - windows .exe - windows

I've been approved to distribute the adobe air run time. I've been able to a packaged .dmg file without any problems, now I'm trying to create a package of my application with the runtime for windows.
I've followed the same instructions and the windows installer (MyApp 2.0 Installer.exe) is working properly when I double click it form the installer directory that I created.
Now I'm trying to package everything from that directory into one .exe file. I've tried using the standard windows Iexpress, but it doesn't seem to work properly.
I'm just wondering how I should go about creating the final .exe file.

It's easy enough, but you need a license from Adobe to be able to distribute Air with your application. Personally, I'm not a fan of distributing Air in the installer because of the extra filesize it adds.

Here's how you can create a native .exe installer:
Install the SDK:
If you haven't already done so, download the AIR SDK and extract it to C:\AIR
Hit Win+R, and type control.exe sysdm.cpl,System,3 - press OK
Click Environment Variables...
In the lower pane (System variables), find Path and click Edit...
On the end, add ;C:\AIR and hit OK all the way out
Open a Command Prompt window, and cd to the location of your .air file
Run this command:
adt -package -target native "Output file.exe" "Input file.air"
You must use ADT on the same operating system as that of the native installer file you want to generate. So, to create an EXE file for Windows, run ADT on Windows. To create a DMG file for Mac OS, run ADT on Mac OS. To create a DEB or RPG file for Linux, run ADT from the AIR 2.6 SDK on Linux.
Just as your .air file can be signed, your .exe file can be signed too
For more information, see the Packaging a desktop native installer article on Adobe's website


How to build an installer for a python application for Mac

I have created a python application and can install it perfectly fine on Windows. I run pyinstaller to generate the executable, and then use NSIS to create an actual installer. I run the installer and it installs the application to my Program Files folder and gives me a nice desktop shortcut, etc.
What is the process to do the same for Mac? Essentially, I want to give my user a single file. When they run the file, it installs my program and any necessary libraries, and let's them launch it with a single click. I believe on Mac this is done with a .dmg or a .pkg file. What software/tools do I need to generate such a file? Do I need to restructure the project in anyway to create this?
For more info, pyinstaller creates a folder 'dist' which contains the unix executable of the application, and copies of python and any required libraries.
Note that I do not want to use the onefile option for pyinstaller because it would take a while to unpack everything each time the program is ran.

macos OS X equivalent of Linux .desktop file

I have developed a set of shell scripts that work on Windows and Linux and would like to distribute them for macos 10.4 and following. (They are to help language development workers in minority languages keep their software up-to-date. You can read about the project at lingtransoft LangTran.)
I make the Windows installer with Inno Setup and the .deb file for Linux with EPM. I have been able to make a .pkg installer by running EPM on a Mac, and it installs the shell scripts to the right place, and they work properly when I run them from a Terminal window, but I would like to provide clickable icons. If I can work out the macos/OS X equivalent of a Linux .desktop file, I should be able to get the EPM package maker to install the launcher files in the right place.
For Linux, EPM will package my hand-crafted .desktop files and install them in the right place for them to appear in the menu. (Here is one of the .desktop files:
[Desktop Entry]
X-GNOME-FullName=LangTran Update Script
GenericName=Software Distribution System updater
Comment=For updating a local software repository
The script needs to run in the folder /usr/local/langtran because it looks for other files in the same place, so the "Path" key is set to that. The Windows shortcut files work the same way.
Since macos doesn't have a START button to open a menu tree, I would like the installer to put clickable objects on the desktop so the user can drag them to the Dock if desired.
So my question is: How do I make the macos/OSX equivalent of a Linux .desktop file or a Windows shortcut?

Can't find the exe for anaconda installer

I use a 64-bit Windows 10 machine. I was trying to install Anaconda by following the steps mentioned on this DataCamp page. I was expecting a .exe file, instead, I got a .pkg file. I don't know how to open the .pkg file. I could see .exe files in Anaconda's archive. Not sure which one to download. Any help?
I had the same issue. You have to choose windows option cos it does not automatically detect you system. The default selected is for mac OS and thus it will download the pkg version. Its after downloading that I found out and had to redownload it.
Its really a poor web design, since the options don't really appear as options (they appear as saying anaconda is available in all these platforms) and are visibly in another section.
By default the anaconda website will set the option to MAC OS(.pkg is MAC extension) change and download by windows it works!
Anaconda often downloads the pkg version for Macs. If using windows you might want the .exe version. Make sure you click Windows on the main page to download that installer. You can also go here:
Find the .exe version for windows - download it and install it.

Deploy / build application for OSX

I have created my first XE2 FM HD application.
I have my OSX machine connected and running debug builds on OSX works fine, but I don't have a way to create a release version and copy it to another computer.
I tried just copying over the Package made by the debug but that's missing files.
Inside XE2 I went to Project -> Deployment.
For the OSX Debug deployment I have a green button, but under OSX Release deployment I don't.
Here's step-by-step instructions for building the App bundle and putting in the required dynamic link library:
Create a folder called
Create a subfolder in called Contents
Create a subfolder in Contents called MacOS
Create a subfolder in Contents called Resources
From your build, copy Info.plist into Contents
From your build, copy the Mac binary to MacOS
From your build, copy the icon to Resources
Copy libcgunwind.1.0.dylib to MacOS
Copy the .app folder to your Mac and double-click it to run
You will find libcunwind.1.0.dylib on your Mac where you installed the platform assistant, most likely:
Here's a video tutorial on how to create the manual install Disk Image installer on the Mac.

Mac OS java version problem for jar files

I have already developed a setup.exe for windows, having features like autodetecting JRE version, autoinstalling required JRE version, autostart on windows start etc. I have made this exe from a jar file(jar file was not having the above mentioned features. Features are added later when transforming a JAR to EXE. Now I was wondering if I can somehow convert exe to DMG, APP or JAR or I can add the above mentioned features in my JAR file only.) By default Mac comes with Java version 5 and my application needs minimum Java version 6 to run
The normal way to distribute a Java application on a Mac is different than on Windows. You don't need a native binary to run a Java application on Mac because you can bundle it into an application (.app) file.
JarBundler, which is part of the Xcode Deveoper Tools, helps you insert your JAR file into a new .app file. You'll also specify your icon at this stage and the main class.
The app file is really just a folder. You can open the .app file as a folder by option-clicking on the application file and choosing "Show Package Contents" in the pop-up menu. Sometimes you may need to tweak the Info.plist file in the application, as there are a lot of options. There is complete documentation about the Info.plist file on the apple's developer website.
Once you have your application, you can bundle that up into a Package using PackageMaker, also part of the Xcode Developer Tools.
Further, you can bundle the package into a disk image (DMG) using DiskUtility, which you'll find in the Utilities folder.
Regarding Java versions, prior to Snow Leopard, Java 6 was only available for Intel Macs. If you require Java 6, you'll need to require that they have an Intel Mac with the latest updates or have Snow Leopard. Alternatively, you could package SoyLatte into your app to replace the native Java runtime. You'd basically be distributing a 32-bit version of Java 6 with your app.
Java 1.6 is not released for all macs. Mine for one does not have it there is nothing you do about it.
As for creating a dmg. In the mac os x install cd is a package called developer tools. Which includes an application called Jar Bundler that allows you to wrap jar's in to apple's .app files(exe's for mac). As for a dmg image you can create it from command line or from ant target.
