Wordpress - Single Post full size images - image

I'm looking for a way to have ALL of my single post pages (single.php) show the full size image regardless of the custom sizes i've posted for my home index page.
Amongst my many tries and fails i attempted this featured image solution but it didn't really work for my purposes.
Is there a plugin for this that maybe I don't know about?
My PHP knowledge is limited to say the least.
Is there a php code that i can put into the single.php file to make this happen?
Any help is greatly appreciated .

You can pass a size parameter of 'full' to the the_post_thumbnail() function like this
<?php the_post_thumbnail('full'); ?>


PHPFox: Insert the cover image into ALL website pages

I need a bit help about as follow:
Into the "profile" page is present the cover image. This is visible only into the "profile" page. What I'm trying to do is to insert the cover image into ALL other pages too (home, friends, members, ext...). Into "template.html.php" file I found the reference to the module, that is: {module name='profile.logo'}
By following the path, I also found the two files: "logo.html.php" and "logo.class.php".
I've been able to edit the cover's position and size too, but any way after many attemps I haven't been able to make the cover visible on ALL other pages.
Can someone of you guys help me please?
Thank you very much!
How about making a block and placing it in position 9 or 7?
Another way might be editing template.html.php and removing the conditional to always display profile.logo regardless of controller
Ps im at my phone its 1:40am and i cant see the code right now

Locating Layout/Template - Magento

I need a little bit of guidance. im new to Magento and getting lost with the Templates/Layout structure when it comes to design of a custom theme.
From my understanding there are two types of blocks:
Structure Blocks and Content blocks.
Structure blocks define the structure of the site and Content blocks call .phtml template files to populate the structure blocks with content (please correct me if im wrong).
I have an area that i would like to update, when i turn on the debugging in magento i am advised that the area that i wish to update is located at:
Essentially what i would like to do is get a Categories menu in this area. I expected to find the structural block in a folder within the layout directory called meigee, but i am unable to find any .xml document that represents the defining structure that this template is called in to.
Any idea how i go about it?
All advice and criticisms welcome. Thanks in advance.
Oki doki, so doing my research i found a very useful peace of code. I would like to give credit to user: djdy.
If you include within a .phtml file:
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->getBlock('root')->getTemplate(); ?>
it will do a nice little echo of the layout being used.
Proved quite helpful in resolving my task. It seemed that grid_2.phtml was being loaded within:
then according i was able to add the block i needed in page.xml and call using getChildHtml. Hope this helps!

different post-thumbnail in wordpress

The scenario:
I'm on the Startpage of my Blog, and there is an Article with its post-thumbnail. When I click on the Header or the "…read more-link I get to the post.
My question:
Is it possible to set the image bigger when you're on the single-post-page? Furthermore I would like to understand how to set this post-thumbnail-difference up.
I hope you've understood my bad english :) I'm looking forward in receiving help from you guys.
Best regards
Here two Screenshots of the Scenario:
Startpage > http://s1.directupload.net/images/130517/ltxuxyj6.png
Singlepost > http://s1.directupload.net/images/130517/lap5re2j.png
The images belongs to me (© Morten Sassi)
I think it depends on the theme you're using : on mine, thumbnail isn't used for the startpage but it use the "featured image", and once on the page of the article I just add the image directly in the body of the article with the size I want.
Maybe you can have a look to your template code and either edit it (but if you're using a theme you didn't create and you update it later your modifications will be deleted) or create a child theme (better solution) to edit only the files you want.
Hope this will help ^^
The best & easy tricky way is uplod your image from media, copy the path and paste this on your post or page editor from backend..and you will get what you want.

How to change source of image in magento

Please tell me how to change the image source in magento dynamically.say I want that after every 10 seconds I want to change the source of image.
now I have define a static block which contain image src with id banner..
now my question is where should I define for changing the image source and how to change the source.
I would suggest looking into a jQuery based image rotator. There are some simple examples out there such as this one:
Also be careful not to cause conflicts with jQuery and Prototype. You can use this method to avoid this from happening.
Refer to these links: They are free extensions which may serve your purpose.

Display random image when refresh

I am trying to figure out how to use the code posted by Nicholas Lim in Random images on click to display random post when page refreshes.
I am using wordpress for my website, the url structure does not contain .php extension. So i won't be able to use it to display random image in my WP post, am i right?
If it is possible, could anyone please guide me step by step how to use the code.
I spent much time reading about this, but still haven't understood.
Thank you in advanced
Not 100% sure what your requirements are here.
Is this correct:
1. You want to display random images on a page refresh.
2. You're not running a php server.
If yes to both of the above, then why not just use the JavaScript example from the post that you have included in your original question?
