Display random image when refresh - image

I am trying to figure out how to use the code posted by Nicholas Lim in Random images on click to display random post when page refreshes.
I am using wordpress for my website, the url structure does not contain .php extension. So i won't be able to use it to display random image in my WP post, am i right?
If it is possible, could anyone please guide me step by step how to use the code.
I spent much time reading about this, but still haven't understood.
Thank you in advanced

Not 100% sure what your requirements are here.
Is this correct:
1. You want to display random images on a page refresh.
2. You're not running a php server.
If yes to both of the above, then why not just use the JavaScript example from the post that you have included in your original question?


How to load a specific number of records per page and add an more button

On my page I would like to output all records of a specific folder
but the number should initially be limited to a certain quantity (to reduce the loading times). With a "Load more" button further records should be loaded.
Does anyone have a hint on how I can achieve this?
I have already found several approaches on the web in connection with AJAX, but since I'm not familiar with this yet, more questions than answers have emerged ...
For info: I use an own Template Extension / Distribution under Typo3 9.5.8
Thank you in advance for any help!!
The state of the art solution is the AJAX solution, where you load only the required records from the server and modify the page on the fly.
Another option would be an URL parameter which is evaluated by your extension.
With the parameter the full list is shown,
without only the first N and a button with the link to the same URL including the parameter for the full list.
Make sure the paramter is handled correctly and generates another cached version of the page. (keywords: cHash)
As you now have two pages with partially identical content: don't forget to tell the searchengines that the short variant should not be indexed.
You could use the Paginate Widget like documented here: https://docs.typo3.org/other/typo3/view-helper-reference/9.5/en-us/typo3/fluid/latest/Widget/Paginate.html
By overriding the paginate template file and only rendering the pagination.nextPage link, you could load the nextpage via AJAX.

best practices with single page websites to decrease page load time without hurting SEO

I'm Wondering what are some best practices to decrease page load time of single page websites, and doing so in a way that won't hurt with SEO.
I'm leaning toward an ajax solution with "hijax linking", but I'm wondering what are some best practices in terms of the load order for a page. So for instance, say I have a simple webpage- has home, about, pictures of my cat, contact etc. and I'm planning to have it all show up on the homepage via vertical scrolling-alotting one "screen" worth of content per item.
I'm coding this in wordpress, so my main idea would be to first load the first "screen" i.e. hero section of homepage, as part of the home.php, so the user doesn't have to wait for the whole thing-and SEO. Then once that has finished loading, to load the next four via ajax, in the background. So I'm wondering what the best strategy might be to go about that. Someone provided this answer elsewhere:
"Build a standard 5 page site using php with proper separation of header, footer, content. Then use javascript to redirect to a single (separate) page with all content include()ed on the page."
In wordpress I'd take this to mean. Create a seperate page with a loop the grabs the other four "screens" as posts. and then load this page, after home.php has loaded.. Does anyone see any issues with this approach, or as the question asks, have any better or best practices to accomplish this, I'd appreciate them. Thanks.
There are several things you can do:
Need to improve the performance of your back end code in case there
is any.
Pagination: split page in smaller pages
Decrease the size of content, decrease the size of background images, compress js content
Compress Content
Most of the time the perfect optimization will depend on your situation. To start with one of the above will do it for you.
Your question is tagged with "wordpress". Therefore, I am assuming that you use wordpress.
if so, what I would think as logical starting point is to use one of the wordpress caching plugins. I use Quick Cache for my website and it makes significant difference.
But, you shouldn't stop with the plugin. Consider the quality of the theme you are using. You must be sure that the theme is good quality. Poorly designed themes may make inefficient database call and may slow your website.
delaying and Loading part of the page with ajax shouldn't be your first optimization action. Try all the other options first.

CEWP to show images (HTML) works until I use grouping. Then I see the DIV tag

I'm fairly new to Share Point so forgive me if this is to easy for you guys, but I could not seem to find the answer anywhere and I am rather stumped.
I am currently trying to make a website to track if particular tasks go over their due date. I have a calculated column that leaves a DIV tag to the image of a red/yellow/green circle which is displayed by the javascript for a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) made by Christophe on his site here:
I was able to put his code into the CEWP and everything looks great when it is in a standard list.
But I want a web part version of this on the homepage for easy view. When I make the web part (of a view grouping by the image tag) and place on the main site all I see is the DIV tag! I made sure to put an identical CEWP on the homepage as well but i get as grouping:
+[columnName] : DIV>img title=blahblahblah>/DIV> (2)
Needles to say when I expand this it stays the same for all entries below
Any Ideas?
Thanks for your time :D
Nobody has responded, but I found the answer so hopefully this will save someone the hours of grief I had. This will seem ridiculous but just go with it.
In the calculated column instead of returning the type as text, return it as a currency. Sounds ridiculous BUT IT WORKS!!

Wordpress - Single Post full size images

I'm looking for a way to have ALL of my single post pages (single.php) show the full size image regardless of the custom sizes i've posted for my home index page.
Amongst my many tries and fails i attempted this featured image solution but it didn't really work for my purposes.
Is there a plugin for this that maybe I don't know about?
My PHP knowledge is limited to say the least.
Is there a php code that i can put into the single.php file to make this happen?
Any help is greatly appreciated .
You can pass a size parameter of 'full' to the the_post_thumbnail() function like this
<?php the_post_thumbnail('full'); ?>

FPDI, how to remove automatic page counter

I'm using FPDI together with TCPDF to add a page to a already existing PDF-file. This works great, but I have one problem. When I output the new PDF I get an automatic page counter in the lower right corner, "112/299" for example. I find no documentation in FPDI or TCPDF about this automaticly generated page counter.
This problem only occurs when I put the file through FPDI, which narrows it down to FPDI I suppose.
My question is: How do I remove this god awful page counter in the bottom right corner of every page in my FPDI-generated PDF-file.
Thankful for answers.
I solved it, finally. The thing was, TCPDF puts default headers and footers on every page it generates, you can disable this with;
The thing was, I use FPDI to concatenate two PDF-files into one. To do this, you have to iterate over every page in both of the files you want to put together, and then finally add all these pages to a new PDF-file and output it.
So the solution was disabling the header and footer in every page sent to the new PDF-file, in the object it self who iterates over this. Just use;
If you're using PHP of course, otherwise you'll figure it out!
