How to change sidx,sord,filters parameters names in jqGrid - jqgrid

If column names are sidx,sord,filters , jqGrid getting data is broken. I tried to add underscores to them using code below but those parameters are still passed without underscores. Other parameters like _rowid, _page etc. are passed properly with underscores.
How to use sidx,sord,filters as column names in jqgrid ?
jQuery.extend(jQuery.jgrid.defaults, {
prmNames: { id: "_rowid", oper: "_oper", page: "_page",
sidx: "_sidx", sord: "_sord", page: "_page", rows: "_rows", filters: "_filters"

I don't understand what you mean under "If column names are sidx,sord,filters , jqGrid getting data is broken". Nevertheless if you need you can rename or remove the jqGrid parameters with two ways: prmNames and serializeGridData.
You should carefully examine the list of default values of the prmNames. There are no possibility to rename filters in the way, but to rename the name of other parameters you should use
$.extend(jQuery.jgrid.defaults, {
prmNames: {
id: "_rowid", page: "_page", rows: "_rows",
oper: "_oper", sort: "_sidx", order: "_sord"
(sort and order instead of sidx and sord). To rename filters to _filters and to remove sending of empty searchField, searchString and searchOper you can do almost the same what I described here:
serializeGridData: function (postData) {
var myPostData = $.extend({}, postData); // make a copy of the input parameter
myPostData._filters = myPostData.filters;
delete myPostData.filters;
delete myPostData.searchField;
delete myPostData.searchString;
delete myPostData.searchOper;
return myPostData;
Using Fiddler or Firebug you can verify that in the URL of the demo are used the following parameters
like you as need.


sys_id arrays to is one of not displaying records on my report

I am not able to display records on my report.
Report Source: Group Approval(sysapproval_group) table
Condition:Sys Id - is one of - javascript: new GetMyGroupApprovals().getSysIds();
Script Include : MyGroupApproval
Note : Active is checked, Accesible is all application score & Client callable unchecked
var GetMyGroupApprovals = Class.create();
GetMyGroupApprovals.prototype = {
initialize: function() {
getSysIds : function getMyGroupMembers(){
var ga = new GlideRecord('sysapproval_group');
ga.addQuery('parent.sys_class_name', '=', 'change_request');
gs.log("TotalRecords1 Before:: " + ga.getRowCount());
var sysIdArray = [];
return sysIdArray;
type: 'GetMyGroupApprovals'
Kindly note that I have to achieve with script approach. I am not able to get records on my report.
This line is probably causing unexpected behavior:
ga.sys_id returns a GlideElement object, which changes for each of the iterations in the GlideRecord, so the contents of sysIdArray will just be an instance of the same object for each row in the result set, but the value will just be the last row in the set.
You need to make sure you push a string to the array by using one of the following methods:
sysIdArray.push(ga.sys_id+''); // implicitly call toString
sysIdArray.push(ga.getValue('sys_id')); // return string value
Quick suggestion, you can use the following to get sys_ids as well:

ExtJs 6 doSort method

I didn't find doSort function available in EXT 6 with respect to the grid columns and also didnt find it in any upgrade notes. may be because it is a private function, can anyone please tell me what is the alternative to do the same thing what doSort was doing in Ext 4 ?
I tried to use sorters instead,
text: 'columnText',
dataIndex: 'columnIndex',
sorter: me.sort
sort: function(v1,v2) {
but i didn't found smth like dataIndex or columnName in v1, v2 parameters to do sort. (it's just a model)
I need empty cell be from below after Sort Ascending, empty cell be from above after Sort Descending
What is the problem here? You can use the model object to retrieve your column data to sort. From the docs:
sorter: function(record1, record2) {
var name1 =;
var name2 =;
return name1 > name2 ? 1 : (name1 === name2) ? 0 : -1;
EDIT: If you dont want to rewrite this for every column, then you can do a trick like this:
sorter: (function(columnIndex){ return function(v1, v2){ me.sort(v1, v2, columnIndex);} })("column1")
Now, you can get the column name as 3rd argument in your sort function.
You want to sort the store, not a column. Have a look at the doSort function in ExtJS 4 for a moment:
doSort: function(state) {
var tablePanel = this.up('tablepanel'),
store =;
// If the owning Panel's store is a NodeStore, this means that we are the unlocked side
// of a locked TreeGrid. We must use the TreeStore's sort method because we cannot
// reorder the NodeStore - that would break the tree.
if (tablePanel.ownerLockable && store.isNodeStore) {
store =;
property: this.getSortParam(),
direction: state
* Returns the parameter to sort upon when sorting this header. By default this returns the dataIndex and will not
* need to be overriden in most cases.
* #return {String}
getSortParam: function() {
return this.dataIndex;
Now, this code is still working in ExtJS 6, just that it is no longer part of the framework. You can "put it back into the framework" (e.g. as an override) and it should work again. Or you can use the relevant parts directly from the column event, e.g.
headercontextmenu:function(ct, column) {
column.mySortState = column.mySortState=='ASC'?'DESC':'ASC';
Maybe you need to define it in the model like this:
fields: [{
name: "textField",
type: 'string',
//sortType: 'asInt'

jqGrid drag and drop headings for grouping .... Group Name

I have setup drag and drop headings to group by the relevant column from jQgrid Grouping Drag and Drop
It works great however I am trying to display the column name before the value i.e.
Client : Test data data
Client : Test2 data data
I've been going around in circles if any one could help.
if i take the same code used for the dynamic group by which should be the (column Name)
I end up with The Column data not the column name.
$('#' + gridId).jqGrid('groupingGroupBy', getheader());
function getheader() {
var header = $('#groups ol li:not(.placeholder)').map(function () {
return $(this).attr('data-column');
return header;
if i use the same function in group text I get data not the column name.
I've come from C# and I am very new to jQuery.
If any one could help it would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
First of all the updated demo provides the solution of your problem:
Another demo contains simplified demo which demonstrates just how one could display the grouping header in the form Column Header: Column data in the grouping header instead of Column data used as default.
The main idea of the solution is the usage of formatDisplayField property of groupingView which I suggested originally in the answer. The current version of jqGrid support the option. If one would use for example the options
grouping: true,
groupingView: {
groupField: ["name", "invdate"],
groupColumnShow: [false, false],
formatDisplayField: [
where customFormatDisplayField callback function are defined as
var customFormatDisplayField = function (displayValue, value, colModel) {
return + ": " + displayValue;
will display almost the results which you need, but it will uses name property of colModel instead of the corresponding name from colNames. To makes the final solution one use another implementation of customFormatDisplayField:
var getColumnHeaderByName = function (colName) {
var $self = $(this),
colNames = $self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colNames"),
colModel = $self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "colModel"),
cColumns = colModel.length,
for (iCol = 0; iCol < cColumns; iCol++) {
if (colModel[iCol].name === colName) {
return colNames[iCol];
customFormatDisplayField = function (displayValue, value, colModel, index, grp) {
return, + ": " + displayValue;

Kendo AutoComplete

I want to use kendo AutoComplete in a kendoGrid for inline editing. When user inputs anything I'd use it to call a RESTful web service to return a list of products with names that start with the input value.
My questions are:
My web service expects a request looks like http://localhost/myService/appl where "appl" is the value that user enters and the prefix. However, kendo seems to always format the request something like http://localhost/myService?product=appl. How do I change the format?
How do I get the value that user has input in the grid (the AutoComplete textbox) so I can pass it in the request URL?
Define in the DataSource of your autocomplete an url function.
In that function, you can get typed value as:
var val = op.filter.filters[0].value;
and then return the url with the composed value.
Then it is something like:
dataSource: new{
transport: {
read: {
url: function (op) {
var val = op.filter.filters[0].value;
return "/myService/" + val;

Accessing rowObejct inside custom_element

According to the documentation it's possible to write own function for creating custom input element for cell:
function myelem (value, options) {
var el = document.createElement("input");
el.value = value;
return el;
function myvalue(elem, operation, value) {
if(operation === 'get') {
return $(elem).find("input").val();
} else if(operation === 'set') {
colModel: [
{name:'price', ..., editable:true, edittype:'custom', editoptions: {custom_element: myelem, custom_value:myvalue} },
Is it possible to access rowObject from custom_element (myelem) function, because I have to create different controls (input, select) depending on rowObject data (e.g rowObject.type)?
You are right, it could be practical to have rowObject parameter which not exist. As a workaround I could suggest to use options parameter of the custom_element (in your example myelem) function.
If custom control for editing will be created the object having id and name properties will be used as the options parameter. The id will be id of the new created elements and the name is the value from the name property of colModel of the corresponding column. You can use the fact that the id value will be constructed from the rowid and it will be appended by underscore and the column name (the name property). So the is rowid + '_' + and you can easy get the value of current rowid. Then using getRowData you can get rowObject, which you need. Instead of getRowData you can use getCell of cause.
