libusb-win32: Automated installation of a driver filter - windows

I've faced a problem getting my libusb-w32 based program to detect devices.
The program has to detect digital cameras, and I need to automatically install driver filter for any new camera to be detected without any manual work. 
I've used install-filter i --class={6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F} , i. e. installing filter for MTP devices, and it seemed to work. But today I tried it on a clean machine and found out it actually only seemed that way. Tried install-filter with different parameters - no luck.
The only way I was able to detect devices at all was to use the inf-wizard.exe. It installed the driver, enabling my program to detect devices, but also disrupting the original Windows functionality for digital cameras. Then, I've uninstalled the libusb driver, installed the original windows driver back, executed install-filter i --class={6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}  - and the program is still able to detect devices.
The question is: how to automate the process so that any new camera is detected without any work required from a user?
I'll shorten the question. It seems that when I install a driver with inf-wizard.exe, it does something besides installing the driver itself. I need to know what, exactly.
Thanks in advance.

In case someone has similar problem - the answer is here:


Windows Driver - HCK Signature not Working 8/8.1/2012

I've developed a filter driver for windows 10 that I sign via Attestation and am able to use with no issues. Recently a deployment was needed on a 2012 server installation (The driver is backwards compatible and works 100% with test signing on / verification off). I was led to believe that an EV signature on the file was enough prior to Windows 10, but this did not work for me, and I've seen others online say the same. Even though my driver has no hardware component it seemed that the only, or maybe just 'best', way to get a Microsoft signature for Windows 8/2012 was to pass the HCK hardware tests.
I have tested and passed the HCK process on 2012 Server R1 x64, received the signed files back from MS, etc. But I am still met with an unsigned driver error when trying to install on a fresh installation. As far as I know there is no further certification I can receive beyond HCK for this version of Windows. Attestation obviously works for W10 but not something older, and just an EV isn't helping either. My driver returned post-HCK has both my Sha1 EV and a Sha256 from MS.
I can't find any documentation of what's going on here. My understanding is that this driver should be "ready to be shipped" and that I should have no issues deploying it. Is there a further step, a reason this would happen, any guidance someone can give, etc?
The answer from Microsoft was actually that due to this being a filter driver and \ the fact that we were using legacy install methods (InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall rather than plug and play) we were actually hitting an old known bug in Windows where CAT files were not properly installed with the driver.
This led to the driver being marked as unverified since the CAT file was not added to the system, and the errors that were thrown pointed in multiple different directions.
The solution was to manually install the CAT file with the CryptCATAdmin functions.

Keychain viewers - what does DPFMate do?

Got this Digital Keychain Photo viewer thingy. Comes with DPFMate which does not run under Windows 10. Does anyone know where DPFMate places the images on the keychain, so I could possibly write my own program to do the move?
i know this thread dates back to April but i have a device that uses DPFmate and it was packaged with it in memory. the software came with a windows and a mac version. fortunately most of the code is literally available in an uncompiled form in the mac app package. i have included everything from that package in a mediafire link.
from what i gathered it loads a virtual drive from the machine using a SCSI connection driver of some sorts. i hope you can make sens of it more than me since i am not familiar with the programming language used.

Ubuntu 14.10 AMD graphics card driver

I'm having some problems with my graphics cards driver and I hoped you guys could help me out. I mispurposeadly changed the's driver to a propietary one and ended with my computer falling apart with the login loop problem, typical of Thrusty Thar. However, I managed via console to purge the fglrx driver using sudo apt-get purge and managed to access the desktop graphically. After that none of the usb ports or sd slot worked, nor did the graphics card, only the ethernet port, so I upgraded Ubuntu Thrusty Thar to Utopical Unicornwith the hope it would fix the driver's problem. It didn't. Can you help me find a solution to my problem?
In the worst case scenario, you can reinstall Ubuntu. This should fix your issue.
Alternatively, you can upgrade to the latest Ubuntu 16.04 LTS version and that should have some bug fixes that solve your problem.
I recommend using the open source driver that is already installed and in use when you first install Ubuntu. Only change the open source driver to a proprietary one if there are graphical glitches or other problems with your graphics. I have never had problems with the open source graphics drivers.
Finally, make sure that you install all the available software updates since they may fix some issues too.

Intel RealSense 3D camera cannot be initialized

I wonder why every once in a while, Intel RealSense 3D camera fails to start? I have re-installed the drivers and SDK as well as the DCM but still it is whacky and very unpredictable. Any idea what the source of the problem could be? It should be able to run the examples in the SDK in a normal working situation.
Well, previously that it couldn't init problem was that only two of the its drivers could be recognized (not the virtual driver) like the following but now all of its driver are recognized and still it can't init.
so I am receiving an init failed message when running the SDK examples.
Any pointer for fixing is really appreciated.
If you are also showing an integrated webcam (other than the 3 RealSense listings), try disabling that so the RS camera can be seen as the primary.
Actually you can select the device you want to run the sample on in the menu "Device". If you installed the RealSense correctly and if the latest DCM is running (the current version is 1.4 if I remember), you should be able to select the RealSense device there and then run the sample.
Sometimes the DCM Service fails to start (e.g. if you force-restarted your machine recently). Then you just need to make the service restart and it should work.
Hope this helps.
I’m also facing the same problem (on windows 10), and found a way that solved it for me: search “Scanners and Cameras” in Control Panel, choose “Add Device”, under “Manufacturer” choose “Intel” and under “Model” choose “Intel(R) RealSense(TM) Camera SR300 Virtual Driver” or the version you use, and continue to install.
Have you installed the right drivers? There are two versions of the real sense cameras. The Windows 10 works with Intel Real Sense R3 which has completely different architecture than its predecessor.

What is the state of TWAIN on the Macintosh today?

I'm currently working on a project where we want to interface with TWAIN scanners on both the PC (Windows) and the Macintosh.
On Windows, we basically have everything squared away and the code works successfully with the vast majority of scanners.
On Mac OS X, we also basically have everything working and with the main scanner we used to develop the application with works perfectly, but we're not having a ton of luck with other scanners. As a byproduct of development on this project, we have a fair number of scanners from various manufacturers on-hand to test with. The results vary wildly:
The scanner we used to develop with works perfectly on Mac OS X as it does in Windows. Ironically this scanner is the cheapest and crappiest scanner (speed-wise) we've ever encountered but it's been a dream to work with.
Another scanner works great - until the second or third scan, at which point the application crashes with no clear indication of what happened (we get an EXEC_BAD_ACCESS from the debugger)
Another scanner apparently has no TWAIN support on Mac OS X (no data sources in the "Image Capture/TWAIN Data Sources" folder), although it does have TWAIN support in Windows.
Another scanner has a generic data source that I'm thinking is supposed to cover all the possible scanners from this manufacturer but when we try to initiate a native scan (which is a requirement for all TWAIN data sources) we get no results. Also, trying to install a second scanner from this manufacturer gums everything up and requires a manual uninstall for everything from this company.
Another scanner has a TWAIN data source that appears to be specific to the manufacturer, but it also fails to initiate a native scan (but a scan using the native GUI - which is incompatible with our project - works)
So I'm not sure where to go with this. I'm still digging into the code to figure out what, if anything, we're doing wrong but in checking against the TWAIN standard it really does look like we're doing everything right, but we're getting very hit-or-miss results on most of the scanners we're testing against.
Also, as part of the new Cocoa/Carbon Events model there's this additional consideration of a "callback" function that Mac OS X TWAIN data sources are supposed to implement and I'm not seeing it called from most of these data source/drivers.
So all of this leads me to wonder - is it that we're just doing something wrong or is TWAIN just not supported properly by and large on the Macintosh?
I'm really not seeing a lot of information on TWAIN on the Macintosh online - the occasional sporadic inquiry on tends to go unanswered. Windows also has a thing called WIA - Windows Image Acquisition - and on the Windows side we also include this as an option. Is there something else on the Mac we should be exploring instead of or in addition to TWAIN?
You can try ImageCaptureCore.framework. But you have to verify that the company/model scanners to which you are giving solution have ImageCapture support.
If any vendor has given support then a ImageCapture module will be present in location '/Library/Image Capture/Devices'. You can also check the plists inside modules for supported models.
Hope it helps :-)
