Keychain viewers - what does DPFMate do? - image

Got this Digital Keychain Photo viewer thingy. Comes with DPFMate which does not run under Windows 10. Does anyone know where DPFMate places the images on the keychain, so I could possibly write my own program to do the move?

i know this thread dates back to April but i have a device that uses DPFmate and it was packaged with it in memory. the software came with a windows and a mac version. fortunately most of the code is literally available in an uncompiled form in the mac app package. i have included everything from that package in a mediafire link.
from what i gathered it loads a virtual drive from the machine using a SCSI connection driver of some sorts. i hope you can make sens of it more than me since i am not familiar with the programming language used.


Installer for Microchip's 433.92 MHz Wireless Dev Board doesn't work

I can't install the USB drivers for Microchip's Wireless Dev Board. The part number is "DM182017-1" for this kit.
I followed Microchip's instructions for downloading the USB driver, but the installer tool for USB provided doesn't work.
To see these instructions, Google the "MCS3142 Dual KeeLoq Encoder Wireless Remote Control Development Kit User's Guide" and scroll to section 8.2 in the PDF. This section provides several links for finding and downloading the installer tools.
The GUI downloads, both the KeyLoq encoder and decoder, downloaded just fine. For some reason, it was finicky about where it was downloaded. I fixed it by creating a folder on the desktop and changing the directory to that, but I don't know how that fixed anything.
I'm using a 64-bit Windows 7 OS, and am using the x64 installer tool that goes with that version. I created a ticket on Microchip's website, but they haven't gotten back to me yet. When I spoke to Microchip yesterday for a different issue, they admitted that this is a rather niche board.
There are a ton of files you need just to get started with this thing, and virtually no tutorials online beyond Microchip's documentation. Oh, and enjoy random freezing on your computer if you try to download the USB installer too many times. I had to restart my computer twice now.
Answered my own question. Looks like I didn't have admin privileges. Worked like a charm, and I can move on.

ArcGIS 10.1 License issue on Mac Parallels 9

I've been using ArcGIS 10.1 on my MacBook Pro (2011 model) via Boot Camp for a few months. A few days ago, I just installed Parallels 9 in order to use ArcGIS and my Mac programs at the same time and I've run into an issue with the license needing to be repaired. When I try to open ArcMap via Parallels, I get an error message saying something to the effect of "the license is in need of repair". When I installed Parallels 9, I chose to import my Boot Camp so I didn't have to reinstall anything. My guess is that ArcGIS thinks Parallels is a different computer and that's why the license is failing? Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? I can get a hold of another ArcGIS license so if it's a matter of using another license, I should be ok. Thanks.
You can not use ArcGIS on Bootcamp and VM with the same license key (single use license! - concurrenct use license with separat license server of course no problem). The license key is generated with some internal ids of your computer (eg ethernet MAC and other - you can match the ethernet MAC id in Parallels but thats not enough). You have to chose where you want to work with ArcGIS: bootcamp or VM (before licensing). Thats really annoying...
I had the same issue. Extremely annoying since it is without a doubt impossible to run both your BootCamp and VM versions at the same time. I never resolved it with traditional fixer.
If you are a student (hopefully you are) usually the person/department in charge of license distribution understand the need for both (rasters can be very sluggish on the VM side, but not always) when you are really putting the machine to the test.
SO, that is how i ultimately "solved" the issue. However, I believe the route issue to be the MAC address authentication, as I am experiencing the same problem in ArcGIS 10.2 when I tried to copy my VM from my MBP optical drive to my MBP sad - none of my tools are working.
When I first loaded the copied VM (by opening the VM file directly, not through Parallels) I was prompted if I wanted to use the same "......" (can't remember the actual term, but something along the lines of MAC id, or network address, etc.). Unfortunately I said no make a new one - WRONG ANSWER.
I'm trying to get it sorted now - just saved VM file, completely wiped Parallels, reboot, reinstall; and now I'm on the message boards trying to get this install right) [helpful ideal VM settings for ArcGIS specifically: ).
All that being said the first time I had this issue (month of nightmares, and late GIS homework) I had imported my VM from Bootcamp, which seems logical, but at that time (Parallels 8 and ArcGIS 10) it was still a license error I was receiving, but for some unremembered reason I was convinced it was because the VM calls its hard drive the "C" drive which it clearly is not - parallels merely translates this virtual C drive between the 2 OSs and their respective boot drives.
( I have not tried this next part yet) it might be worth trying to install your VM on the Mac side and then use the Windows or Parallels Migration Tool to create a Win migration file and then go to your BootCamp side (IMPORTANT - DEACTIVATE YOUR ESRI LICENSE BEFORE UNINSTALLING ARCGIS - if you don't do then you'll be mired in the "this license has reached its maximum allowable installations" or whatever they say).
If your Bootcamp side still has your ArcGIS, deactivate, then uninstall that version. Then try to import your migration file, but I've lost some of my Windows skills since switching to Mac, so I would do some research on that part. In theory since, your VM version was pointing to (for all intents and purposes) your "C" drive on the Mac side, hopefully the BootCamp install won't get as tripped up by the double installs as the VM did.
Just a thought, I realize as I finish this that you posted in October, so likely you've moved on, but if any of what I said is wrong, or if you found the best way to have it all, I would really appreciate your response.

Accessing iOS filesystem for Mac

I was trying out the mac app DiskAid and found it does everything that I need to be able to do in the app I am writing. DiskAid appears to have complete access to the filesystem on my iPad. This is not limited to the shared files by the applications on the iPad - not by a long shot. DiskAid sees all the files for every app on the device (sharer or otherwise). It is also not limited to files in the Documents directory for each app. It sees all files down to root level.
I was also amazed when I discovered that iTunes doesn't even have to be running for all of this to work. Also I don't recall having to authenticate in any way (apple ID or anything like that) I just plug in the device via usb and away she goes.
I've been searching for days now and have not found anything that even hints that this is even possible. Yet we know it is.
Does anyone have any idea how they are pulling this off. By the way my device is not jailbroken.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
There is info DigiDNA blog that what they use is Apple Mobile Device Service library, which they say function as driver to Apple device. A google search to the library brought me to the Iphone Wiki site about reverse engineered C header files needed to link to the library. Hope it will be useful.

Test website in Internet Explorer using Mac [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a IE tester for mac? [closed]
(7 answers)
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a webmaster that use mac platform to develop. Can someone suggest me the best way to test my website with IExplorer using a Mac? There're some virtualizer such as parallel, crossover, wine and so on, can someone suggest me the best for this purpose?
Or some other workaround is appreciated (i really don't need an entire copy of windows, only to test my websites on IE6 and IE7 using my mac)
First: Look at the question linked to in the comments. If you just need to see what a site looks like, will do the trick. But if you need to fully test and debug, you need Windows. But that can be done too:
Purchase Parallels Desktop
Download free Windows virtual machines directly from Microsoft made specifically for this purpose. You can rename the .exe self-extracting archives .rar instead, and unpack with anything that can extract RAR files
Import the resulting virtual machine image into Parallels, and you're done
Just know that many of the Windows images are huge. You'll need something like 40GB free to download, unpack and convert the Windows Vista and Windows 7 images (once you're done, you can of course toss a bunch of stuff out again)
Edit: Oh, yeah, forgot to mention: The Windows images last about 3 months at a time before they lock down completely, and you have to download a fresh copy. Microsoft obviously isn't giving away fully-fledged Windows copies for free :)
One option is to join MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network subscription) to get access to all Windows versions in all languages etc. You can install those you need in separate Parallels virtual machines (VMWare and virtualbox would work as well).
This allows you to install the exact version some customer happens to have, e.g. certain old Windows Server with certain IE version, etc to replicate the environment for testing and regression testing.
I would say that virtual machine installations are a must so you get the exact complete real thing.
MSDN has different options, "OS only" would be probably enough for this need (I had other needs for Windows development tools as well so got the full MSDN). MSDN has a cost (on the order of $1k/year) but was worth it to get access to everything for development and testing purposes.
PS. The only fun thing was that as a Mac-based UNIX developer I had many versions of Windows and many versions of Linux installed on my MacBook, but only one installation of OSX ;-) Some people also thought it was fun to see a "Mac developer" with "MSDN subscription", but whatever gets the work done, is the way to go.

What is the state of TWAIN on the Macintosh today?

I'm currently working on a project where we want to interface with TWAIN scanners on both the PC (Windows) and the Macintosh.
On Windows, we basically have everything squared away and the code works successfully with the vast majority of scanners.
On Mac OS X, we also basically have everything working and with the main scanner we used to develop the application with works perfectly, but we're not having a ton of luck with other scanners. As a byproduct of development on this project, we have a fair number of scanners from various manufacturers on-hand to test with. The results vary wildly:
The scanner we used to develop with works perfectly on Mac OS X as it does in Windows. Ironically this scanner is the cheapest and crappiest scanner (speed-wise) we've ever encountered but it's been a dream to work with.
Another scanner works great - until the second or third scan, at which point the application crashes with no clear indication of what happened (we get an EXEC_BAD_ACCESS from the debugger)
Another scanner apparently has no TWAIN support on Mac OS X (no data sources in the "Image Capture/TWAIN Data Sources" folder), although it does have TWAIN support in Windows.
Another scanner has a generic data source that I'm thinking is supposed to cover all the possible scanners from this manufacturer but when we try to initiate a native scan (which is a requirement for all TWAIN data sources) we get no results. Also, trying to install a second scanner from this manufacturer gums everything up and requires a manual uninstall for everything from this company.
Another scanner has a TWAIN data source that appears to be specific to the manufacturer, but it also fails to initiate a native scan (but a scan using the native GUI - which is incompatible with our project - works)
So I'm not sure where to go with this. I'm still digging into the code to figure out what, if anything, we're doing wrong but in checking against the TWAIN standard it really does look like we're doing everything right, but we're getting very hit-or-miss results on most of the scanners we're testing against.
Also, as part of the new Cocoa/Carbon Events model there's this additional consideration of a "callback" function that Mac OS X TWAIN data sources are supposed to implement and I'm not seeing it called from most of these data source/drivers.
So all of this leads me to wonder - is it that we're just doing something wrong or is TWAIN just not supported properly by and large on the Macintosh?
I'm really not seeing a lot of information on TWAIN on the Macintosh online - the occasional sporadic inquiry on tends to go unanswered. Windows also has a thing called WIA - Windows Image Acquisition - and on the Windows side we also include this as an option. Is there something else on the Mac we should be exploring instead of or in addition to TWAIN?
You can try ImageCaptureCore.framework. But you have to verify that the company/model scanners to which you are giving solution have ImageCapture support.
If any vendor has given support then a ImageCapture module will be present in location '/Library/Image Capture/Devices'. You can also check the plists inside modules for supported models.
Hope it helps :-)
