POST getting converted to GET across OS - windows-7

I'm facing a very weird kind of problem while running my application.
When I hit a website and login to my application, the POST is getting converted to GET automatically. Since all the request parameters are getting lost due to this, the page shows up an error screen.
This issue happens in IE-8 (Windows 7), but works absolutely fine in IE-8(Windows XP).
How is the OS involved in this? Have anyone faced such issues? This issue happens in IE-9 as well.
Kindly refer to this issue as well. Any solutions would be really helpful.
Thanks !!

This issue was happening due to a security setting in IE in Windows 7.
There is an option of Enabling/Disabling protected mode in IE of Windows-7. This is a new feature present in IE of Vista/Windows-7 and this option is enabled by default for “Internet” zone and “Local Intranet” zone(or any one of them). Disabling at these 2 places solved the issue.
Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Internet/Local Intranet -> Uncheck on the "Enable protected mode" option.

I'm a bit late to this party, but I just ran into this as well, and it made me crazy. IE (only) was turning a POST into a GET, which took running Fiddler to determine. This thread got me part way there, but the protected mode wasn't the deal. It turns out one site was in the Internet zone (the page making the post) and the other (receiving the post) was in the Intranet Zone. By adding the calling page to either Intranet Zone or Trusted Sites, IE stopped turning the POST into a GET. It appears that you can't call up the zone stack without IE turning the POST into a get, but you can call down. The big tip for us (we opened the POST in a new window (target=_blank)) was that when calling from Internet to Intranet, the new page opened in a new IE window, but when configured "correctly", the new popup will open in a new tab (the expected behavior).


Firefox 82.0.2 on Mac Stuck in “Remote Control” mode

My issue is similar that of the user who posted this question earlier this year. I was doing some work automating tests with Cypress, and ended up in a state where the address bar indicates that the "browser is under remote control" with the robot icon but otherwise works as intended.
I have tried restarting my computer, uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox, "Refreshing Firefox" using the troubleshooting menu, and clearing the startup cache. Yet the problem persists.
This older post is from a user who was using Selenium/gecko and he/she claims the marionette.enabled config value was getting in the way.
EDIT: Changing this did solve my issue! But after flipping the flag you must restart the application.
Firefox will be my primary browser either way, but I'm not a fan of the striped address bar. It's quite the eye sore!
Any advice? Thanks in advance!
See EDIT above.
Navigate to about:config
Flip marionette.enabled to false
Restart browser

Firefox won't change page when trying a different URL

I'm posting this with the hope to find an active Firefox developer to help troubleshoot a nasty bug. When using the Firefox browser with my web application, the page sticks within the tab and doesn't want to change. Clicking links to navigate off the page or just changing the address in the bar doesn't leave the page. This only happens in Firefox. Here's a screencast of the issue.
I can give a developer access (private message) to the application to help troubleshoot this issue. At the moment, we have to tell our clients to stay away from the Firefox browser when using our application or deal with this issue until it is resolved. We have no such problems with Chrome. So far I've been able to replicate this on both windows and linux.

iOS5 Safari Kills Web Development With Super Caching

Well all right, maybe it doesn't kill web development completely... but it's certainly irritating. =)
I have been testing a site recently using various desktop and mobile browsers. So far, the only one that has given me significant trouble is Safari running on the iPhone 5, which uses a level of caching beyond anything I have seen before that seems nearly impossible to get rid of, which I now call Super Caching. This Super Caching has prevented me from testing my site as I am unable to test any changes - not to the css style, back-end c#, front-end javascript, aspx design, nada. I have tried the following methods to attempt to clear the cache for this page (both separately and all together):
Close all tabs in Safari, then close Safari entirely (double tap home button, close Safari icon there)
Settings -> Safari -> Clear History + Settings -> Safari => Clear Cookies and Data. Checking the Website Data after doing this confirms there is nothing there and shows 0 bytes of stored data.
Shut down my phone completely (not just sleep)
Change the url to my site by appending garbage information like ?random=pleasedontcacheme&random2=123
Add code to my site to try and prevent caching... which of course doesn't work because these changes are never retrieved by the phone's browser.
In short, testing has become a small nightmare at the moment. While any tips for how to actually destroy Safari's obnoxious caching would be greatly appreciated, I am more interested in making sure that this does not happen during development in the future. So my question is, for the current Safari browser, what is the best way to stop it from caching a website?
So far I have added the following to the Page_Load of my site's default page:
Response.AppendHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");
Response.AppendHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
Response.AppendHeader("Expires", "0");
I have also seen others use meta tags, though they have been described as a bit hacky. (As found here).
I am still working towards a way to retake control of my iPhone's cache, but in the meantime, I would like to ask those who might be more experienced with this particular issue how well the above methods work for getting around the caching issue (during development mostly, but also good to know for future reference). Or, are there other solutions that have been found helpful for this browser/system combo?
Thank you very much in advance for any tips or advice. =)

Debugging in IE

I've got this weird bug. The progress bar in IE's bottom-window status bar keeps incrementing very slowly after an Ajax POST. At least that's where I think the problem is.
How can I tell what the hell IE is doing that's causing the progress bar to keep going? In FireFox, I would just look at the Console tab in FireBug and see what's up.
I turned Fiddler on but it doesn't pick up any HTTP requests or responses being sent.
What can I do in IE?
I'm not very experienced in Web debugging but you might try the Developer Tools that come in Internet Explorer 8. It's under the Tools menu, or just hit F12. I think the Profiler tab may be helpful. I had heard somewhere that the IE8 Tools were created to mimic Firebug's feature set as closely as possible.
An another tool for checking HTTP requests is the Debugbar
This might not help if Fiddler isn't picking anything up, but HttpWatch is a great http request debugging tool for IE.
I don't think there is a problem here, earnestly. IE has a bug where it shows that a request has not yet been completed when it has. This has been around for a while now, and I have tested my own applications against it. There is nothing happening and there are no connections waiting for a response, yet the browser still thinks there is an open connection.
i recently discovered this tool for earlier IE versions which can be used in combination with the IE debugger for network profiling and more behind the scenes debugging
open IE ...thn press F12 you will get many debug script choose "SCRIPT" option..and start debug...and if there is any error on page...thn u will get on Console option..also see on attach image...

IIS7 shows welcome screen in Firefox, Internet Explorer works correctly

Has anyone encountered the following problem: I have IIS7 running on my computer. On that same computer, I open IE7 and the website works (http://localhost/ Put that same url in Firefox 3 and I get the welcome screen of IIS7, a big image with IIS7 in the middle and 'Welcome' in several different languages. Clicking on the image leads you to
One browser accesses your server via, and another via your external IP.
Make sure virtualhost works with all network interfaces.
Perhaps your browsers have different locals set , only guessing as I have not used IIS7
Strange. That happened to me this morning (April 9, 2009), but the other way around. I was trying to get to IE7 brought me to that IIS7 Welcome screen and Firefox brought me to the correct site. Happened 3 times before it corrected itself.
I do not have IIS anywhere on my network and my default home page is Google, which came up without a problem. The redirection occurred when I typed the new URL. I wonder if Dell is using IIS7...
