Firefox 82.0.2 on Mac Stuck in “Remote Control” mode - firefox

My issue is similar that of the user who posted this question earlier this year. I was doing some work automating tests with Cypress, and ended up in a state where the address bar indicates that the "browser is under remote control" with the robot icon but otherwise works as intended.
I have tried restarting my computer, uninstalling and reinstalling Firefox, "Refreshing Firefox" using the troubleshooting menu, and clearing the startup cache. Yet the problem persists.
This older post is from a user who was using Selenium/gecko and he/she claims the marionette.enabled config value was getting in the way.
EDIT: Changing this did solve my issue! But after flipping the flag you must restart the application.
Firefox will be my primary browser either way, but I'm not a fan of the striped address bar. It's quite the eye sore!
Any advice? Thanks in advance!

See EDIT above.
Navigate to about:config
Flip marionette.enabled to false
Restart browser


How do I stop a web browser from openning the same website everytime I start it?

Context: I have three web browsers installed on my Windows 10 computer which are Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
Problem: Whichever browser I newly open, they all start with this website:
How it happened: I clicked a link on a website yesterday and it automatically downloaded several applications and automatically installed themselves without showing any instructions to install them.
Thing I have tried: I have reset the browser On startup setting to open my homepage, but it still opens with the aforementioned weird URL.
Thing that may help: Opera browser is very considerate cause it has this option regarding the On startup setting, which is Ask me when Opera is started by a shortcut specifying an URL.
Analysis and need your help: Usually, I start a browser by clicking on the shortcut in Windows start menu, or the shortcut in desktop. This worked normally until the problem appeared. According to Thing that may help, this hostile URL must reside somewhere. Where can I find this unwelcoming shortcut on my computer? How come this shortcut can attach itself to every web browser on my computer? What is the next step I can do to resolve this problem? Is this kind of a virus?
Usually when that happens, you'll have to:
reset the browser settings (or at least reset the startup websites on settings)
go to the browser .exe, open it's properties and remove any flags that were added on the path.
I think you shoud uninstall these applications first.

UwAmp restart crashes Chrome pages

Whenever UwAmp restarts itself (for example, when I modify php.ini or switch to a different version of php) it often crashes whatever Chrome pages I have opened, whether they are pages that I'm testing on UwAmp or something completely unrelated like Facebook. They go blank and I have to reload them. Sometimes it closes Chrome altogether, I have to restart it and I get the message saying that Chrome closed unexpectedly. What gives? Is this a known bug? Is there any way to prevent it? How and why does UwAmp even have control over Chrome? This is on Windows 10 x64, UwAmp 3.1.0, latest 64-bit Chrome.
EDIT: It just closed Notepad++ on me, so it's not specific to Chrome. There's also a message that pops up sometimes within UwAmp, saying that the process couldn't be killed because access was denied. Maybe UwAmp is trying to kill the wrong process? It also happens when I manually click the "Stop" button.
That's an issue I encounter too. If I exit UwAmp, sometimes it force closes another program (Firefox, qBittorrent, Spotify...)
I had reported this issue to the developer, but got no reply.
So, I guess we'll have to live with it.
When you start your session/computer, open first all the other softwares you wish to use (chrome, firefox, aBittorrent, Sportify or whatsoever). Then at the end, open uwamp.
It shouldn't crash down other softwares when you stop/start apache/mysql, or when you close down uwamp.
A workaround is to open uwamp.ini and change the AUTO_RESTAT_CONFIG_CHANGED to "0".
This will disable uWamp's auto-restart feature during server configuration changes.

disabling (or fixing) ReadCube WebReader on Firefox

Mac OSX 10.11.2, Firefox 45.0.1
I'm trying to access articles through Wiley publishers website ( and the PDF viewing function forces me to use ReadCube Webreader, which fails every time to load my article. I also cannot download the article. I have full permissions to view the article, but everything but the first page is blurred out. I just want to use Adobe PDF Reader like I used to, but I cannot figure out how to disable ReadCube. I have toggle this setting, cleared my cookies, turned off my addblocker, but nothing works! If I use Safari, which I really don't want to do, it works just brilliantly. Please help.
My add-on HTTPS Everywhere was interfering. It can be disabled by clicking the HTTPS Everywhere Icon in the browser window, and selecting the red-highlighted processes that are being encrypted by clicking on it. This is a bad answer to my question, because I'm not entirely sure how this has fixed the problem, but it has worked.

Silverlight not working in Firefox 3.6.12

We are having some wierd behavior in firefox with silverlight. We have tried everything and I am hoping for some more ideas. Below is the behavior
Install firefox (3.6.12) and silverlight (4.0.50917.0). The versions there are locked and not controlled by us and on all our users machines.
Visit our silverlight application (also tried simple application with just a background)
Instead of seeing our application, you see "Get Microsoft Silverlight"
-- (about:plugins reports silverlight 4.0.50917.0 installed and enabled)
Visit site in IE, app works
Install or uninstall any plug-in (tried Firebug and IETab2)
After install, click "Restart" when prompted
After FF restarts, silverlight works as expected
Close firefox and reopen.
Once again, silverlight is broken
Any ideas? We tried the CWDIllegalInDllSearch entry in the registry to no avail. Please help!
I think it is a problem with Firefox that has been fixed with Version 3.6.14. See this BugReport on Bugzilla. A memory leak in prior versions, cause some problems in the Silverlight detection script of Firefox.
I can only suggest to update Firefox to version 3.6.14. But before i would try it in a local test environment to check if its really a bug in Firefox.
It seems to be a general problem with Firefox 3.6.x, cause some users report the same error as your with higher versions than 3.6.14. See here and here.
The only thing that springs to mind is disabling the plugin-container
In Firefox address bar type about:config
Read the warning, choose your preference to always remind you or not and accept
In the search bar of the config options now type: npctrl
You should then see the entry: dom.ipc.plugins.enabled.npctrl.dll
Change the value from true to false (simply double-clicking will change this for you)
Restart Firefox
There is another workaround which is to disable then re-enable silverlight plugin. Rather than re-isntalling.

IE8 Local HTML File - "System cannot find the specified file."

We're writing a Windows client application in VB.NET. On the first launch of the application it loads a local HTML file "User Guide" for the user to get acquainted with the new software. There is also a menu option to access the content which also produces the same error. Whenever the page is launched, a dialog box appears stating that "The system could not find the specified file.", and then the browser windows loads the content. This is IE8 specific, as we previously tested with IE6 and 7 as well as Firefox with no problems.
Apparently this behavior is also happening within Outlook 2007 for some of our users whenever they click a link in an email, but only on the first link they click.
Also, one condition for the error to appear is that no IE8 window is currently running, otherwise another tab opens and loads the content just fine. We get this error on XP and Vista.
So far this is all I have found about the issue:
Anything would be greatly appreciated.
Esactly the same issue; problem was resolved by disabling a specific add-on:
"Sophos Web Content Scanner"
So, looks like anti-virus add-ons are the culprit here - or IE8 itself.
Problem can also be reproduced (when add-on is running) by simply entering a url into the Start box on Vista.
The issue is caused by the McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention service. Stopping the service mitigates the issue. So the answer is to contact the team who runs the HIPs application.
