ActionController::RoutingError for stylesheet in Rails 3 - ruby

I was tring out below scenario:
Approach 1: Created an resource using rails scaffold, coded all the functionality i.e. index, new, edit and delete functionality - everything is working fine.
Approach 2: Tried to create manually the controller and views for the same functionality with different name for the model created in approach 1. The functionality is working fine.
But i get an RoutingError as:
Started GET "/userwebmgmts/stylesheets/ctlCalendar.css" for at 2011-08-29 17:08:37 +0530
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/userwebmgmts/stylesheets/ctlCalendar.css"):
In Route.rb file:
added the entry for the newly created controller/view as: get "userwebmgmts/index"
Can anyone help tell why i am getting the error for the controller created manually and not getting the error for the resources created using scaffold?
Sudhir C.N.

This is just a shot in the dark from the information you provided but...
Rails routes work in an order first a rack application checks the /public/ folder in the root of your application. If there is a matching file then it will load that.
Rails 3.1
If not it will load up the assets folder and create the pipe line and then check the application.css and application.js
Then it will load up the routes file and start ticking though your routes
If no route matches then you will get an exception thrown.
Your Problem
Your problem probably comes from the fact that your css is in the wrong place
With your file structure
You should have a link in the page header that looks like this
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/userwebmgmts/stylesheets/ctlCalendar.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8">
And the file should be located at


Laravel React-router 404 for Resource files (CSS/JS)

I'm working with Laravel (5.6) and React (16.4.1+react-router) on a project, and got into a problem maybe some of you having similar problem, so I wonder we could get some ideas. Recently I have found a solution for refreshing error (404) here: How to use React Router with Laravel? and one of the soulutions solved /app/{anything} problem, too.
Now my problem is with resource files (/css, /js) from /public folder. I tried to do a workaround with the same regex as /app =>
Route::get( '/{path?}', function() {
return view( 'home' );
})->where('path', '^((?!app|api|css|js).)*$');
but it's still not working as expected. As I read, we must put this snippet after all routes we included in our app, because of Laravel's caching mechanism, but it's not working with neither /css, neither /js resource files in /public folder > but works with /api and /app routes, and anything I add before /{path?}.
Is there any solutions for this? What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help,
I think I've found a solution for this, and I thought I must share this with others looking for this. First, it was by a mistake. In the home.blade.php view I linked my resource files incorrectly, like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://mydomain.something/css/styles.css" /> and that's why it didn't find the route, and matched with /{path?/ - so it's actually rendered the home view rather than returning the resource file.
For this, Laravel offers a solution for this by looking for your assets in /public folder, just by linking your files simple like: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{asset('css/styles.css')}}" /> and almost same solution for JS (local) assets: <script src="{{asset('js/app.js')}}" ></script>.
To mention, you should link external (from other networks) like I did with my Laravel app which didn't worked due to the problem I asked for.
Good luck with it. :)

Is there anyway to load a local file into Ti.WKWebView?

Using I create my 'html content' on the fly using data from a JSON feed, and then pipe that into the WKWebView which works beautifully WKWebView.setHtml(myContent);
Now with a standard ti web view I have a line in the myContent variable (basically a giant string of HTML) that says <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="myfiles/style.css" /> which would style things wonderfully.
This however doesn't work on WKWebview. Upon further trial and error I see that I can't include any local files into WKWebView this way. If I set it to a remote file on a web server, then it works just fine.
But for some reason it doesn't want to pull up local files. Is this something with the design of Ti.WKWebView or am I doing something wrong?
Praying hansemannnn reads these pages as I can see no other way of creating an issue on Github

ExtJS 6 - pivot without CMD

I would like to evaluate the features of pivot grid using simple test html without cmd.
I've read the information from those links but I still couldn't install a working environment
I've downloaded the core framework ('')
and pivot addon ('') from sencha site
and unpacked them on my test web server: <- framework <- addon
and tested it calling the pivots in kitchensink example with:
in such setup they start without errors.
The target location of the addon is a bit strange for me,
I was sure I should unpack addon to the package directory of the framework
but then the kitchensink example doesn't work
(kitchensink calls pivot with ../../../package/pivot )
Now I wonder how should I include framework and addon in own html example,
I've tried something like:
<link href="">
<script src=""></script>
<link href="">
<script src=""'></script>
<script src=""'></script>
The links are ok (no http error) but the simple pivot is not rendered
and framework couldn't load further classes:
[Ext.Loader] Some requested files failed to load.
What is the correct setup of extjs and pivot without cmd?
Thank you,
Couple things here.
For the KitchenSink, if you open up in your browser you will be shown an index.html. There will be a green button to show the examples which will point to (notice the build dir in there). Then if you click on the KitchenSink it will load from (once again, notice the build dir). This is due to the KitchenSink being a Cmd app which will build to that build dir. The examples dir outside the build dir is the development version of the app which is why we still provide it for the source.
Next, about how to use the pivot grid's Cmd package outside of the Cmd package. we build the Cmd package so if you look in the package's build dir you should see a built JavaScript and CSS file that you can load via <script> and <link> in your HTML.
<title>Pivot Grid Test</title>
<link href="http://releases/ext/">
<script src="http://releases/ext/"></script>
<link href="http://localhost/ext-addons-6.0.1/packages/pivot/build/neptune/resources/pivot-all.css">
<script src="http://localhost/ext-addons-6.0.1/packages/exporter/build/exporter.js"></script>
<script src="http://localhost/ext-addons-6.0.1/packages/pivot/build/pivot.js"></script>
Notice I have the exporter.js loading before pivot.js and this mostly works except that I do see something that I'd call a bug for us. In pivot.js, we define Ext.ux.ajax.PivotSimlet which extends Ext.ux.ajax.JsonSimlet (which is in the framework's ux package). This is fine to extend like this but PivotSimlet would only be needed if you want to have simulated data in your application (which most wouldn't unless in dev). Two ways you can fix this, remove that class from pivot.js or include the ux's JavaScript/CSS (however that package contains a lot of code that you may not need).
Thanks a lot for your explanation.
I've added these classes to get an working example:
<script src="http://releases/ext/"</script>
<script src="http://releases/ext/"</script>
<script src="http://releases/ext/"</script>

Magento base url not reflecting value changed in database (missing /)

This is one of those things that on the surface of it seems very simple to resolve, but it's got me beat!
I can see from searching around that quite a few people have had this issue crop up but there seems to be no solution that I can find.
What I've done:
1. Transfered my site from the root folder into a /shop folder.
2. Changed the database entries for secure/unsecure base urls to
3. Cleared out all the Cache and Tmp files.
What's happening:
The whole site is functional but no styles or scripts are being loaded because the paths in the head are missing the trailing / after shop.
So instead of getting this
I'm getting
An example Url from my page source
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="all" />
In your .htaccess file make sure you have this (with trailing slash):
RewriteBase /shop/
Another possibility is that your Store Configuration Scope for your Store View has a different setting. Change your Configuration Scope in Admin -> System -> Configuration -> Web and make sure your URL settings aren't customized there.

Using Virtual Paths in ASP.NET MVC 3

I have a layout page which is shared across all of the views in my app. That view references the .css in my app. For the sake of reference, I currently have the following at the top of my _layout.cshtml file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/themes/default/app.css" />
I am planning on taking this app and loading into a phone app via PhoneGap. Because of that, I cannot use /css/themes/ Instead, I need to get it converted to a string that is relative to the path of the file. For instance, I need to dynamically generate a value that looks something like the following:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../css/themes/default/app.css" />
The number of "../" will be determined based on how deep it is. I figured there would be a utility or something built into the ASP.NET MVC 3 framework to do this. However, I can't find anything. I have a LOT of files and I don't want to have to manually update all of the url patterns. Is there a utility that will automatically handle what I'm trying to acomplish? If so, how?
Thank you
Use the UrlHelper.Content HTML Helper method .
This method Converts a virtual (relative) path to an application absolute path.
<link href="#Url.Content("~/css/themes/default/app.css")"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
You may drop your css folder under the Content directory in the root of your MVC project
