Odd artifacting problem only in Visual Studio - visual-studio

This has been happening pretty consistently in the past 24 hours, it seems any time intellisense comes up visual studio gets these black garbled rectangles all over it. I thought this was a video card issue so I swapped it out for a new one, and the issue persisted. Has anybody seen this problem before? Sorry if this isn't exactly code related.

If it is enabled, you can try turning off Hardware Acceleration in Visual Studio under Tools > Options. Make sure to check "Show All Settings" as well.


Why do I always have to build solution on opening in Visual Studio 2013

My first question on SO, so please be gentle ;-)
As per the title, when I open any solution in Visual Studio 2013, the solution is opening in an unbuilt state, reporting lots of errors etc. I haven't been able to track anyone else down having the same issue on SO, and have already been through nearly all the VS->Tools->Options and compared with a colleague's settings, but not found a solution so far. As soon as I press Ctrl+Shift+B the solution builds and all errors go away.
At the moment this isn't such an issue as the solutions and projects are all relatively small, but when we do return to one of our larger projects, the added delay will become annoying.
Turns out the sea of red is in fact Resharper complaining and not Visual Studio.
Have tried various fixes as per this link ReSharper "can not resolve symbol" even when project builds, but still not resolved.
For now have turned off code inspection in Resharper.

Visual Studio 2010 text turns blue and red at seemingly random times

Many times a day, on a new work computer, Visual Studio's code window turns red and blue all of a sudden! The problem only goes away if I restart that instance of Visual Studio or re-apply the fonts & colors settings, closing and opening a file/tab doesn't help.
Only the currently visible file gets the glitch at first when it happens, other open tabs generally retain their proper colors until I reopen them or I open new files - which are then shown with the glitched colors. Sometimes certain types of text in other open files turns blue though, like a virus spreading ;)
I'm guessing there's a plugin or a missing hotfix or glitchy graphics driver but I haven't figured out what the problem is yet and it's driving me nuts.
I've had this problem once before but don't recall how I fixed it, it's been a while since then and I have many similar installations since that's not showing this issue.
There's also a Microsoft Connect issue on it that is closed with status "cannot reproduce" - and it's easy for me to reproduce by simply launching IE9. Sometimes, however, the problem appears without me launching IE.
Visual Studio 2010 SP1 on Windows 7 SP1, ReSharper 6.1 and Reflector I've disabled hardware acceleration in VS with no difference, it's an Nvidia Geforce 210 with a dual screen setup with primary screen on the right. Also, the markup shown is not written by me and contains no sensitive information
This seems to be a small hiccup with the dark theme in Visual Studio. It happened to me when I did a system resume with the VS project still open. The solution to this is just restarting Visual Studio. Works like a charm.
It seems it actually helped to update Nvidias graphics driver, even though it was just a few months old and for quite an old and trusted graphics card. Oh well - now I'm happy that the problem is gone, and upset that it was so easy.
Found this be searching for an answer to the same issue.
They way I fix it is to open Tools -> Options and then click on Environment -> Fonts & Colors to reset the coloring for the current buffer.
It appears to be VS is not recoloring the current buffer after locking the screen for at least 4 mins. I believe this to be a bug in the themes handling in VS, but I this is really the only place I could find this mentioned.
Just installed SP1 for VS 2010 hoping that it will help, but it does not.
I faced the same issue with vs2013...
This solved the issue..http://madskristensen.net/post/visual-studio-update-2-and-web-essentials

Scrolling in Visual Studio causes text to become unreadable

Since the past week I'm having a very bothering issue that blocks me from using Visual Studio.
For instance, here's what I normally see:
But as soon as I scroll a bit down (either with the arrow key, mouse wheel or the scroll bar), this is what I get:
As you can see, part of the frame seems to be "locked" in the screen.
The only way to see it right, is to make some other window cover VS's window, then going back to VS I see it right.
This is what I have tried (checking if the issue was solved after each step):
Check for updates
Repair VS2010
Remove R# and any other extension/add-in
Reinstall R# and any other extension/add-in
Remove VS2010 and any related software
Reinstall VS2010 + SP1 and updates
Remove any other unused software
Remove any recently installed/updated software
Run CCleaner
None of these steps solved the issue.
This happens only with VS2010, regardless the project or solution I'm opening.
I think you need to start looking beyond Visual Studio for issues. The next thing I'd look at is your graphics driver. Make sure you have the latest available version.
I have the same problem with VS 2012.
Scrolling up and down, does not refresh sections (rectangles) on my text editor view.
(unfortunately I've not enough reputation to post a screenshot.)
I managed to workaround it in VS 2012, by floating the editor.
i.e. Right Click on a file tab / Float All.
Otherwise I tried everything posted here, without any luck.
Hopefully someone out there knows how to undo this magic.
I had the same problem and it was due to the DameWare Development Mirror Driver.
I disabled it and the problem went away.
I'm having the same issue in VS 2015 pro.
Setting the editor windows to float fixes the problem which definitely looks like a bug in visual studio.
I'm on a Citrix virtual Desktop and the problem appears to be that a "column" of the editor (on the left side) is not redrawing properly after scrolling right, left, or down. For some reason scrolling up is fine.
For me, using VS 2013 Pro, the cause was having the JAWS Screen Reader installed, which, ominously, included a video interceptor. Once uninstalled VS started working normally again.
I had this same problem and it turns out it wasn't a graphics driver issue. The company I work for uses software that acts like a virtual monitor to remotely log into our PCs to install software and fix problems. It turns out that this extra virtual monitor was the problem. Disabling it fixed the scrolling in Visual Studio.
I had the same problem in Visual Studio 2017. When I changed the color theme to 'dark' the problem seemed to be fixed

Why does the "Navigate To" feature stops working in Visual Studio 2010

I have been a fan of the new "Navigate To" feature that was released with Visual Studio 2010 since I saw Scott Hanselman using it in one of his presentation.
For some unknown reason, it randomly stops working.
I hit "Ctrl + ,", type what I am looking for and then nothing happens.
It seems to wait for something and the window shows no progression in the research.
The only way I found to fix this is to restart Visual Studio and wait for the problem to happen again.
Does anyone have any idea why Visual Studio is behaving like this and how I can fix this?
I got this working by simply selecting an item from the Search Items dropdown. Once you do that, the search starts working again as expected.
I got this working again by uninstalling ReShaper. It fixed some other things like the solution wide search aswell. I'm not so happy about the solution though...
Any chance you're using resharper, powercommands, or productivity power tools?
I suspect the issue is related to one of those (I have the same issue), but since it's difficult to reproduce, it's hard to test that.

MS Visual Studio 2005 - DOS window filling screen

Whenever I save code while using Visual Studio 2005, an MS-DOS window fills the screen (very) briefly several times. I suspect it is something to do with IntelliSense. This has happened for several months now, and I don't know what initially caused it to start behaving the way it has. It is quite annoying, so I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem; and if so, what they did to resolve it?
Update: having pressed Alt+Enter while it was running, I got a glimpse of the program name: it's the VBC (Visual Basic Compiler). Any ideas on how to make this not fill the screen?
Since solved here: https://superuser.com/questions/239049/how-to-stop-command-line-program-from-running-in-full-screen-mode. Definitely worth knowing!
