Scrolling in Visual Studio causes text to become unreadable - visual-studio-2010

Since the past week I'm having a very bothering issue that blocks me from using Visual Studio.
For instance, here's what I normally see:
But as soon as I scroll a bit down (either with the arrow key, mouse wheel or the scroll bar), this is what I get:
As you can see, part of the frame seems to be "locked" in the screen.
The only way to see it right, is to make some other window cover VS's window, then going back to VS I see it right.
This is what I have tried (checking if the issue was solved after each step):
Check for updates
Repair VS2010
Remove R# and any other extension/add-in
Reinstall R# and any other extension/add-in
Remove VS2010 and any related software
Reinstall VS2010 + SP1 and updates
Remove any other unused software
Remove any recently installed/updated software
Run CCleaner
None of these steps solved the issue.
This happens only with VS2010, regardless the project or solution I'm opening.

I think you need to start looking beyond Visual Studio for issues. The next thing I'd look at is your graphics driver. Make sure you have the latest available version.

I have the same problem with VS 2012.
Scrolling up and down, does not refresh sections (rectangles) on my text editor view.
(unfortunately I've not enough reputation to post a screenshot.)
I managed to workaround it in VS 2012, by floating the editor.
i.e. Right Click on a file tab / Float All.
Otherwise I tried everything posted here, without any luck.
Hopefully someone out there knows how to undo this magic.

I had the same problem and it was due to the DameWare Development Mirror Driver.
I disabled it and the problem went away.

I'm having the same issue in VS 2015 pro.
Setting the editor windows to float fixes the problem which definitely looks like a bug in visual studio.
I'm on a Citrix virtual Desktop and the problem appears to be that a "column" of the editor (on the left side) is not redrawing properly after scrolling right, left, or down. For some reason scrolling up is fine.

For me, using VS 2013 Pro, the cause was having the JAWS Screen Reader installed, which, ominously, included a video interceptor. Once uninstalled VS started working normally again.

I had this same problem and it turns out it wasn't a graphics driver issue. The company I work for uses software that acts like a virtual monitor to remotely log into our PCs to install software and fix problems. It turns out that this extra virtual monitor was the problem. Disabling it fixed the scrolling in Visual Studio.

I had the same problem in Visual Studio 2017. When I changed the color theme to 'dark' the problem seemed to be fixed


Visual Studio 2022 keeps crashing and locking the system

I got a new laptop for Christmas, upto date with Windows 10.
Installed Visual Studio 2022 and so far it's been crashing every day several times a day. It could be either on the coding screen, the design view, or simply in a menu.
It just freezes the whole screen and the mouse stops and no keyboard responses work. I have to turn off the laptop via the power button.
It's happened about 15-20 times in the last few days. Any ideas?
It's Windows 10 Home, and 4GB RAM. No other programs crash it's only Visual Studio.
Thanks in advance
I went back to VS 2019. No issues now.
It may be the antivirus. Following Eliot Jones' solution to exclude VsDebugConsole.exe worked for me:
Open the Windows Security app, then go to Virus & threat protection > Virus & threat protection settings Manage Settings > Exclusions Add or remove exclusions > Add an exclusion
i just using repair system visual studio installer, maybe too much extension installed impacted to you system performance, i do had 16gb , but after repair the vs22 never crash or freeze again
For some time now, my entire computer freezes when opening solution. In my case it seems to be caused by a corrupted .vs directory. Deleting this folder fixed the problem. Problems like these never happened in VS2019, I only started noticing them since I switched to VS2022.
I had this problem too and I solved changing the Visual Studio font.
Go to Tools->Options->Font and colors and change the default Cascade Mono font to Consoles
After that change zero crashes.

Visual Studio - Designer process terminated unexpectedly

After opening project (new or old) Visual Studio shows warning "Designer terminated unexpectedly" (can see in the picture below). What could cause this error? And how to fix that?
I clicked "click here to reload the designer" and it shows the same error.
I had the same issue and found out that my Oracle VirtualBox causes the issue.
My Visual Studio runs in a virtual Windows 10 enviroment.
After I disabled "Enable 3D Acceleration" in options Display, my Visual Studio Designer worked fine again.
I just had a similar problem. Tried:
Clicking to reload the designer
Cleaning my solution
Restarting Visual Studio
Repairing Visual Studio
Uninstalling and re-installing Visual Studio!
It ended up being graphics related, as you mentioned.
I have hybrid graphics (Intel and NVIDIA), and was using NVIDIA for Visual Studio. Changed it to Intel and this worked.
If it helps, a screenshot of my NVIDIA control panel is below:
Before (broken):
After (working):
Some people have found a file "c:\program" that causes this, often created by typo creating a log file.
Check to see if this file exists, and if so, move or delete it.
Graphics card was the problem for me. I have an external USB video from DisplayLink and when I disconnected it the problems went away. in fact it didn't return when I reconnected the displaylink.
Start Visual Studio As Administrator~!
I had the same problem when i started working in Team Projects, so almost everything did not work including the designer, properties menu, debugging and so on.. (which is totally unusual for anything to cause all these problems except for Administrator Privileges issues probably in most cases).
Don't know why or what caused it, but at least it works.
In my case it was the problem with using system brushes as ThemeResource. Yes this is apparently a bug like other odd bugs in MS products. So I had to comment out them until I finished my project. I don't know, maybe another factor such as my graphic hardware was not ineffective but this does not exonerate MS.

Visual Studio 2010 text turns blue and red at seemingly random times

Many times a day, on a new work computer, Visual Studio's code window turns red and blue all of a sudden! The problem only goes away if I restart that instance of Visual Studio or re-apply the fonts & colors settings, closing and opening a file/tab doesn't help.
Only the currently visible file gets the glitch at first when it happens, other open tabs generally retain their proper colors until I reopen them or I open new files - which are then shown with the glitched colors. Sometimes certain types of text in other open files turns blue though, like a virus spreading ;)
I'm guessing there's a plugin or a missing hotfix or glitchy graphics driver but I haven't figured out what the problem is yet and it's driving me nuts.
I've had this problem once before but don't recall how I fixed it, it's been a while since then and I have many similar installations since that's not showing this issue.
There's also a Microsoft Connect issue on it that is closed with status "cannot reproduce" - and it's easy for me to reproduce by simply launching IE9. Sometimes, however, the problem appears without me launching IE.
Visual Studio 2010 SP1 on Windows 7 SP1, ReSharper 6.1 and Reflector I've disabled hardware acceleration in VS with no difference, it's an Nvidia Geforce 210 with a dual screen setup with primary screen on the right. Also, the markup shown is not written by me and contains no sensitive information
This seems to be a small hiccup with the dark theme in Visual Studio. It happened to me when I did a system resume with the VS project still open. The solution to this is just restarting Visual Studio. Works like a charm.
It seems it actually helped to update Nvidias graphics driver, even though it was just a few months old and for quite an old and trusted graphics card. Oh well - now I'm happy that the problem is gone, and upset that it was so easy.
Found this be searching for an answer to the same issue.
They way I fix it is to open Tools -> Options and then click on Environment -> Fonts & Colors to reset the coloring for the current buffer.
It appears to be VS is not recoloring the current buffer after locking the screen for at least 4 mins. I believe this to be a bug in the themes handling in VS, but I this is really the only place I could find this mentioned.
Just installed SP1 for VS 2010 hoping that it will help, but it does not.
I faced the same issue with vs2013...
This solved the issue..

Why is Visual Studio 2010 changing my Design window positions after returning to Design mode from Build mode?

I have been having an issue with Visual Studio 2010 that is driving me completely bonkers. The general problem is that Visual Studio 2010 does not seem to be remembering my window positions. (Visual Studio 2010, v.10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel on Windows XP SP3.)
Now, I am aware that Visual Studio 2010 has different window layouts for Build and Design mode. I have come to accept this as there are some things in life I cannot change. If I could turn off this feature, I would be over-joyed, but I do not think it is possible.
My biggest issue at this point is that Visual Studio 2010 doesn't remember the window positions in Design mode after going into Build mode and returning to Design mode.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate this issue:
Imagine me coding. OK, time to build.
OK, the window layouts changed. This is annoying, but whatever. Let's go back to design mode.
This looks OK, but WAIT -- why don't the windows return to their previous position?
I'm using a small Visual Studio window size here, but as the red box shows -- there is a difference. Why does this happen and what can I do to fix this issue? It is driving the OCD in me completely nuts. It doesn't look like a big change in these screen shots, but when I have my VS instance maximized across my two monitors (configured to display as one continuous desktop, instead of two desktops) -- it's a very noticeable and annoying change.
Possible problems that I thought were causing this issue:
I store my working copy in a Dropbox folder. I work from that dropbox folder. However, I've tried this same issue with Dropbox turned off and reproduced the above issue.
Corrupted settings file. I tried this with a new MVC application, saved it outside of the Dropbox, and the same thing happened.
Windows XP issue. I know I need to upgrade, but unfortunately that is not always an option. If Windows 7 doesn't have this issue, I will gladly upgrade.
#Shtong has answered below that I should use a dual monitor setup with different desktop configurations and install Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools. While this will technically fix the problem (I can now have two sets of mixed tabs and the sizes do not change) - the docking positions are forgotten instead. This means that if I dock the Solution Explorer to the right in design mode, then build, then go back to design mode -- my docked window is no longer docked.
I've also had this same problem in Visual Studio 2008.
Did you try installing the Visual Studio Productivity Power Tools that lets you split your editors into different windows, making two windows and attaching each to one monitor (instead of having one stretched over the two monitors) ? That way each window should fit into its monitor like every other window and your problem should disappear.

Debugging in visual studio 2008 freezes entire system

Any time i try to debug in visual studio 2008 my entire system will freeze whenever a breakpoint is hit.
I can move the mouse around and that remains responsive but nothing i click on does anything,
I can bring up the task manager but can't do anything with it and i am able to lock/unlock the machine.
I tried a fix that i found via google that suggested i disable advanced text services but it didn't work. I am using visual studio 2008 with SP1 running on Windows XP Pro, asking here is my last hope before formating/reinstalling so i hope someone can help me out.
I debug by running the application in debug mode, the freeze happens no matter what the project size and it seems as if it is just the entire GUI that freezes, the computer carries on working just fine i just can't do anything with it because the GUI is totaly unresponsive.
I found I only had this issue when I was using the keyboard to debug. If I used the toolbar debug buttons, I didn't have an issue.
To "fix" this, I set the LowLevelHooksTimeout to 300ms (from 5000ms). You may need to add the DWORD if it isn't already there.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop\LowLevelHooksTimeout
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\LowLevelHooksTimeout
Restart after making this change for good measure.
How big is the project you are running? When I did a Find last night on a huge open source project, I got kind of the same behavior.
Also, did you try Uninstalling just VS2008, then Reinstalling with only the options you use.
Have you tried disabling "Call ToString()" debugger option? This is ON by default, and is known to deadlock.
