Windows Phone 7 Application Code Obfuscation - windows-phone-7

About to complete a wp7 application, which uses bing map services for locations etc. I need to know if obfuscation will hamper its performance.
There are some tools available like Dotfuscator etc, but concerned about the performance of the app. Please give your suggestions

I do not have much experience with obfuscation, however what I do know is there are two methods.
Simply renaming of variables and functions to make it difficult to read the logic when decompiled using Reflector; and
The other where program flow is be rearranged.
With name obfuscation the IL code and runtime performance is the same. There is apparently a difference in performance with the second method, however the only benchmarks/articles I can find are for Java.
You are deploying to a secure device and file system so there is no need to obfuscate a WP7 application. As Chris pointed out, you can actually get the application package file by intercepting the HTTP request from the marketplace and extracting the GUID as detailed in a blog post by Marius Gheorghe. As Marius explains this is because the XML stream is not encrypted and that the assembly package can be retrieved using a simple request. I would expect Microsoft to patch/fix this soon (and I will mention it to our Microsoft account manager).
As for WP7 obfuscation there is a detailed blog post here that should help.
If you want to secure your application, I would spent the time encrypting your persisted data (i.e. save files) so that your users data is secure. That is what did for the WP7 Full House Poker game.

There is only one way to be sure: you should test.
Obfuscation will probably not impact performance much but, again, you should test.
Before you obfuscate, do realize that obfuscation is not the same as encryption. Never store any secrets in your client side code!

Performance is hampered but ignorable if you measure in milliseconds, the bottom line is that you may do not obfuscate if you are creating a free application or open source.


Why isn't there a widely used tool to "warmup" .NET applications to prevent "cold start"?

I understand why cold starts happen (Byte code needs to be turned into machine code through JIT compilation). However with all the generated meta data available for binaries these days I do not understand why there isn't a simple tool that automatically takes the byte code and turns ALL PATHS THROUGH THE CODE (auto discovered) into machine code specific for that target platform. That would mean the first request through any path (assume a rest api) would be fast and not require any further Just In Time Compilation.
We can create an automation test suite or load test to JIT all the paths before allowing the machine into the load balancer rotation (good best practice anyway). We can also flip the "always on" setting in cloud hosting providers to keep the warmed application from getting evicted from memory (requiring the entire process over again). However, it seems like such an archaic process to still be having in 2020.
Why isn't there a tool that does this? What is the limitation that prevents us from using meta data, debug symbols and/or other means to understand how to generate machine code that is already warm and ready for users from the start?
So I have been asking some sharp minds around my professional network and no one seems to be able to point out exactly what limitation makes this so hard to do. However, I did get a few tools on my radar that do what i'm looking for to some level.
Crossgen appears to be the most promising but it's far from widely used among the many peers I've spoken to. Will have to take a closer look.
Also several do some sort of startup task that runs some class initialization and also register them as singletons. I wouldn't consider those much different then just running integration or load tests on the application.
Most programming languages have some form of native image compiler tool. It's up to you to use them if that is what you are looking to do.
Providers are supposed to give you a platform for your application and there is a certain amount of isolation and privacy you should expect from your provider. They should not go digging into your application to figure out all its "paths". That would be very invasive.
Plus "warming up" all paths would be an overly resource intensive process for a provider to be obligated to perform for every application they host.

Windows (Forms) Application Project Suggestion

I will start working on a Project soon, and as I am a noob in regards to coding (and general indecisiveness due to the lack of knowledge), I would like to have some suggestions in regards to what type of Windows (forms) application I should build (eg. payroll system, library system, etc)
I know there are a lot of ideas out there, but I would like some suggestions of an easy system to build, including a system that is easy to expand on. Will also make use of a database (connecting SQL Server to the application)
I will be using .NET / C# (VS)
Thank you in advance.
In my experience 90% of the commercial systems I've been hired to write just involve relatively basic storage and manipulation of data with some layers of security around access.
Maybe start with something like a payroll system, but keep in the back of your mind that you could scale to accommodate a full HRMIS (Human Resources Management Information System). Also, experiment with ASP.NET MVC and Web Technologies, in my experience, the majority of systems now are moving to a web-based implementation.
The possibilities are endless in the world of software development.
You could make a winforms program that calculates all the primenumbers between two user inputs. You could also then output these to a XML-file, and make a button that lets the user open an XML-file and reload whatever they input back then.
It's pretty simple, but still involves some Winforms basics and some XML data storage/manipulation.

Locking Project

I need to guide me to lock my project against "unauthorized use" with a certain registration key which I will send it personally.
I also want to inform me if this lock method can break it with reverse engineer method.
I use visual basic for my project in visual studio 2010.
There is no general case method of preventing someone from reverse engineering your application. It is code, and therefore it is possible to analyze. This is exacerbated by tools such as Reflector, which take a .NET assembly and dump out a complete Visual Studio solution capable of building the given .NET assembly. A malicious user could simply dump your assembly, remove the licensing bits, and then recompile the assembly.
However, you can use a code obfuscation tool (i.e. Dotfuscator (disclaimer: PreEmptive Solutions is my employer)) to make your code confusing enough that it's extremely difficult to figure out where exactly the registration bits are located.
That said, merely obfuscating the code still doesn't protect you the way you're trying to be protected, because you want to embed a secret (that is, the registration code) in the binary. Code obfuscators can help with this (i.e. string encryption), but this is in general a weak area -- your program has to get the constant in cleartext at some point, therefore the method to get the cleartext must exist in your program somewhere. After all, there are cracks and things for Windows and pretty much every video game on the planet, despite the millions companies like Sony spend on anti-copying technology.
If you want to secure your project from re-engineering and reading then,
Try obfuscation for securing your application at CERTAIN level.
Product Key,
Before few months back our team was discussing about
"How to secure our Product from Illegal Copying,ReEng etc"
Following are the conclusions,
for re-eng - Obfuscation
Copying - Decided to create a Product key based on Some Client + Other Details(Harddisk#+BIOS#) and we maintained the separate database for it.
So its upto you,I mean how much you want to secure your application.
Since you mentioned that you will be separately sending product key then it can be any combination like CustomerName+Date etc.
Also some obfuscation tool provide the way to generate product key, don't remember the name.

Visual VoiceXML/VXML development tool?

Does anyone know of any tools out there that will let me run and debug a VXML application visually? There are a ton of VXML development tools, but they all require you to build your application within them.
I have an existing application that uses JSPs to generate VXML, and I'm looking for a way to navigate through and debug the rendered VXML in much the same way that Firebug allows one to do this with HTML. I have some proxy-like tools that let me inspect the rendered code as it is sent to the VXML browser, but there's a ton of JS, which makes traversing the code by hand rather difficult.
Has anyone worked with a product that allows for this?
IVR Avenger
There is JigSaw Test suite - has free trial license and reasonably priced.
There is IBM's debugger - part of WebSphere Voice Toolkit.
Many other products have debuggers - a very good summary is here
Disclaimer: I am the development manager for Voiyager (, a VoiceXML testing tool. It doesn't meet your criteria nor do I believe it is the type of tool you want, but I thought it was worth mentioning it.
As far as I know, there isn't such a test tool for VoiceXML. In fact there are very few VoiceXML tools on the market and hardly any of them test or analysis. The vendors that created development tools, have all been acquired by other companies. Some of them offered did offer various forms of debugging that were specific to their tool set or stayed at the Dialog (caller input) level. From your question, I'm assuming you need much lower level debugging capabilities.
I think the alternative paths are minimal and somewhat difficult. I believe your primary goal is to debug or rewrite an existing application, but you haven't provided any specific challenges beyond the JavaScript. Some thoughts or approaches that may help:
Isolate the JavaScript and place the code into a unit test harness. That will go a long way to understanding the logic of the application. Any encapsulation of the JavaScript you perform will probably go a long way towards better code maintainability.
Attempt to run the VoiceXML through a translation layer to HTML so you could use FireBug. The largest challenge would involve caller input (ie processing the SRGS grammars). You could probably cheat this by just having the form accept a JSON string the populates the field values. There are tools on the market to test grammars. Depending on the nature of your problems, you could take a simple and light approach and attempt this over just the trouble areas.
Plumb the application with a lot of logging. This can be done through the VoiceXML LOG element, or push the variable space back to the server. By adding intermediate forms, you may be able to provide a dump from each via the VoiceXML Data element.
See if your application will run in one of the open source VoiceXML browsers (not sure of the state of the open source browsers as we've built and bought for our various product lines). If you can get it mostly working, you can use the development debugger to provide some ability to step through the logic. However, it is probably one of the more difficult paths as you'll really need to understand the browser to know when and where to stick your breakpoints and to figure out how to expose the data you want.
Good luck on the challenge. If you find another approach, I would be interested in seeing it posted.
An alternative debug env is to use something like Asterisk with a voicexml browser plugin like the one from or for a limited licence, i6net.
You can keep all the pieces separate(dynamic html and vxml application in php/jsp/j2ee/, tts processing, and optional asr processing as separate virtual machines with something like virtualbox. If the logic can be kept the same, then it is just a matter of changing the UI based on the channel.
A softphone is all you need to call a minimal asterisk machine, which has the voicexml browser with the url of the vxml in the call plan.
I just used Zend Framework as php is used in this environment, and changed view suffixes(phtml vs vxml) based on the user-agent string.
Flite for tts is fine for debugging, and when your app is ready you can either record phrases, and there was a page on the ubuntu forums with directions for how to increase flite quality with some additional sound files.
Do you have tried Eclipse VTP or InVision Studio?
Eclipse VTP
This is Eclipse plugin. But I feel that it is user-unfriendly a little (of Japanese viewpoint).
InVision Studio *Required create user account*
This is Convergys's IVR tool. It has to edit standard VXML mode. (Unfortunately, It's not exact matching.)
For just debugging vxml, I use Nuance Cafe's VoiceXML checker. It doesn't give you a visual tree or anything, but it's pretty good at spotting syntax errors and is free. I think they might also have more advanced debugging tools if you look into it, but I haven't had the need. (Note: I have no association with them)
I'm looking for the same problem that most of the links are down. I found a document where they propose an open source solution, which works as a plugin for Asterisk ( and is available at
I would like to know if there are current options to create a VXML structure graphically, like the next image.

Is creating a memory dump at customer environment good?

I am facing a severe problem with my program, which gets reproduced only in the customer place. Putting logs, are not helping as I doubt the failure is happening in a third party dll. For some reasons, I couldn't get help from the library provider. I am thinking of producing a dump at the point of failure, so that to analyze it offline. Is this a recommended practice? Or any alternatives?
Yes, this is something that every program should have and utilize as often as possible.
I suggest that you don't use third party libraries. Create your own dumps instead. It's very simple and straight forward. You basically need to do the following:
Your program needs to access dbghelp.dll. It's a windows dll that allows you to create human readable call stacks etc. The debugger uses this dll to display data in your process. It also handles post mortem debugging, i.e. dumps of some sort. This dll can safely be distributed with your software. I suggest that you download and install Debugging Tools for Windows. This will give you access to all sorts of tools and the best tool WinDbg.exe and the latest dbghelp.dll is also in that distribution.
In dbghelp.dll you call e.g. MiniDumpWriteDump(), which will create the dump file and that's more or less it. You're done. As soon as you have that file in your hands, you can start using it. Either in the Visual Studio Debugger, which probably even might be associated with the .dmp file extension, or in WinDbg.
Now, there are a few things to think of while you're at it. When checking dump files like this, you need to generate .pdb files when you compile and link your executable. Otherwise there's no chance of mapping the dump data to human readable data, e.g. to get good callstacks and values of variables etc. This also means that you have to save these .pdb files. You need to be able to match them exactly against that very release. Since the dump files are date stamped with the date stamp of the executable, the debugger needs the exact pdb files. It doesn't matter if your code hasn't changed a single bit, if the .pdb files belong to another compilation session, you're toast.
I encourage every windows win32 developer to check out Oleg Starodumov's site It contains a lot of samples and tutorials and how you can configure and tune your dump file generation. There are of course a myriad of ways to exclude certain data, create your custom debug message to attach to the dump etc.
Keep in mind that minidumps will contain very limited information about the application state at exception time. The trade off is a small file (around 50-100 kB depending on your settings). But if you want, you can create a full dump, which will contain the state of the whole application, i.e. globals and even kernel objects. These files can be HUGE and should only be used at extreme cases.
If there are legal aspects, just make sure your customers are aware of what you're doing. I bet you already have some contract where you aren't supposed to reveal business secrets or other legal aspects. If customers complain, convince them how important it is to find bugs and that this will improve the quality of the software drastically. More or less higher quality at the cost of nothing. If it doesn't cost them anything, that's also a good argument :)
Finally, here's another great site if you want to read up more on crash dump analysis:
Hope this helps. Please comment if you want me to explain more.
Cheers !
Just wanted to add that MiniDumpWriteDump() requires that you have a pointer to a MINIDUMP-EXCEPTION-INFORMATION (with underscores) struct. But the GetExceptionInformation() macro provides this for you at time of exception in your exception handler (structured exception handling or SEH):
__try {
__except (YourHandlerFunction(GetExceptionInformation())) {
YourHandlerFunction() will be the one taking care of generating the minidump (or some other function down the call chain). Also, if you have custom errors in your program, e.g. something happens that should not happen but technically is not an exception, you can use RaiseException() to create your own.
GetExceptionInformation() can only be used in this context and nowhere else during program execution.
Crash dumps are a pretty common troubleshooting method and can be very effective, especially for problems that only reproduce at the customer's site.
Just make sure the customer/client understands what you're doing and that you have permission. It's possible that a crash dump can have sensitive information that a customer may not want (or be permitted) to let walk out the door or over the wire.
Better than that there are libraries that will upload crash data back you.
BugDump and BugSplat
And there's the Microsoft way:
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, nor do I pretend to be one, this is not legal advice.
The data you can include in logs and crash dumps also depend on what domain you are working in. For example, medical equipment and patient information systems often contain sensitive data about patients that should not be visible to unauthorized persons.
The HIPAA Privacy Rule regulates
the use and disclosure of certain
information held by "covered entities"
(...) It establishes regulations for
the use and disclosure of Protected
Health Information (PHI). PHI is any
information held by a covered entity
which concerns health status,
provision of health care, or payment
for health care that can be linked to
an individual.[10] This is interpreted
rather broadly and includes any part
of an individual's medical record or
payment history. --Wikipedia
It should not be possible to link health information to an individual. The crash dumps and logs should be anonymized and stripped of any sensitive information, or not sent at all.
Maybe this does not apply to your specific case, so this is more of a general note. I think it applies to other domains that handle sensitive information, such as military and financial, and so on.
Basically the easiest way to produce a dumpfile is by using adplus. You don't need to change your code.
Adplus is part of the debugging tools for windows, as mentioned in the article above.
Adplus is basically a huge vbscript automation of windbg.
What you have to do to use adplus:
Download and install Debugging tools for windows to c:\debuggers
start your application
open a commandline and navigate to c:\debuggers
run this line "adplus -crash your_exe.exe"
reproduce the crash
you'll get a minidump with all the information you need.
you can open the crash dump in your favorite debugger.
within windbg, the command "analyze -v" helped me in at least 40% of all the crashes that only happened at customer site and were not reproducible in house.
