Why isn't there a widely used tool to "warmup" .NET applications to prevent "cold start"? - compilation

I understand why cold starts happen (Byte code needs to be turned into machine code through JIT compilation). However with all the generated meta data available for binaries these days I do not understand why there isn't a simple tool that automatically takes the byte code and turns ALL PATHS THROUGH THE CODE (auto discovered) into machine code specific for that target platform. That would mean the first request through any path (assume a rest api) would be fast and not require any further Just In Time Compilation.
We can create an automation test suite or load test to JIT all the paths before allowing the machine into the load balancer rotation (good best practice anyway). We can also flip the "always on" setting in cloud hosting providers to keep the warmed application from getting evicted from memory (requiring the entire process over again). However, it seems like such an archaic process to still be having in 2020.
Why isn't there a tool that does this? What is the limitation that prevents us from using meta data, debug symbols and/or other means to understand how to generate machine code that is already warm and ready for users from the start?

So I have been asking some sharp minds around my professional network and no one seems to be able to point out exactly what limitation makes this so hard to do. However, I did get a few tools on my radar that do what i'm looking for to some level.
Crossgen appears to be the most promising but it's far from widely used among the many peers I've spoken to. Will have to take a closer look.
Also several do some sort of startup task that runs some class initialization and also register them as singletons. I wouldn't consider those much different then just running integration or load tests on the application.

Most programming languages have some form of native image compiler tool. It's up to you to use them if that is what you are looking to do.
Providers are supposed to give you a platform for your application and there is a certain amount of isolation and privacy you should expect from your provider. They should not go digging into your application to figure out all its "paths". That would be very invasive.
Plus "warming up" all paths would be an overly resource intensive process for a provider to be obligated to perform for every application they host.


Why Java based serverless functions have cold start if the JVM uses a JIT compiler?

Late Friday night thoughts after reading through material on how Cloudflare's v8 based "no cold start" Workers function - in short, because of the V8 engine's Just-in-Time compiler of Javascript code - I'm wondering why this no cold start type of serverless functions seems to only exist for Javascript.
Is this just because architecturally when AWS Lambda / Azure Functions were launched, they were designed as a kind of even more simplified Kubernetes model, where each function exists in its own container? I would assume that was a simpler model of keeping different clients' code separate than whatever magic sauce v8 isolates provided under the hood.
So given Java is compiled into bytecode for the JVM, which uses JIT compilation (if it doesn't optimise and compile to machine code certain high usage functions), is it therefore also technically possible to have no cold start Java serverless functions? As long as there is some way to load in each client's bytecode as they are invoked, on the cloud provider's server.
What are the practical challenges for this to become a reality? I'm not a big expert on all this, but can imagine perhaps:
The compiled bytecode isn't designed to be loaded in this way - it expects to be the only code being executed in a JVM
JVM optimisations aren't written to support loading short-lived, multiple functions, and treats all code loaded in to be one massive program
JVM once started doesn't support loading additional bytecode.
In principle, you could probably develop a Java-centric serverless runtime in which individual functions are dynamically loaded on-demand, and you might be able to achieve pretty good cold-start time this way. However, there are two big reasons why this might not work as well as JavaScript:
While Java is designed for JIT compiling, it has not been optimized for startup time nearly as intensely as V8 has. Today, the JVM is most commonly used in large always-on servers, where startup speed is not that important. V8, on the other hand, has always focused on a browser environment where code is downloaded and executed while a user is waiting, so minimizing startup latency is critical. (It might actually be interesting to look at an alternative Java runtime like Android's Dalvik, which has had much more reason to prioritize startup speed. Maybe it could be the basis of a really fast Java serverless environment!)
Security. V8 and other JavaScript runtimes have been designed with hostile code in mind from the beginning, and have had a huge amount of security research done on them. Java tried to target this too, in the very early days, with "applets", but that usage of Java never caught on. These days, secure sandboxing is not a major concern of Java. Because of this, it is probably too risky to run multiple Java apps that don't trust each other within the same container. And so, you are back to starting a separate container for each application.

Executing a third-party compiled program on a client's computer

I'd like to ask for your advice about improving security of executing a compiled program on a client's computer. The idea is that we send a compiled program to a client but the program has been written and compiled by a third-party. How to make sure that the program won't make any harm to a client's operating system while running? What would be the best to achieve that goal and not decrease dramatically performance of executing a program?
I assume that third-party don't want to harm client's OS but it can happen that they make some mistake or their program is infected by someone else.
The program could be compiled to either bytecode or native, it depends on third-party.
There are two main options, depending on whether or not you trust the third party.
If you trust the 3rd party, then you just care that it actually came from them, and that it hasn't changed in transit. Code signing is a good solution here. If the third party signs the code, and you check the signature, then you can check nothing has changed in the middle, and prove it was them who wrote it.
If you don't trust the third party, then it is a difficult problem. The usual solution is to run code in a "sandbox", where it is allowed to perform a limited set of operations. This concept has been implemented for a number of languages - google "sandbox" and you'll find a lot about it. For Perl, see SafePerl, for Java see "Java Permissions". Variations exist for other languages too.
Depending on the language involved and what kind of permissions are required, you may be able to use the language's built in sandboxing capabilities. For example, earlier versions of .NET have a "Trust Level" that can be set to control how much access a program has when it's run (newer versions have a similar feature called Code Access Security (CAS)). Java has policy files that control the same thing.
Another method that may be helpful is to run the program using (Microsoft) Sysinternals process monitor, while scanning all operations that the program is doing.
If it's developed by a third party, then it's very difficult to know exactly what it's going to do without reviewing the code. This may be more of a contractual solution - adding penalties into the contract with the third-party and agreeing on their liability for any damages.
sign it. Google for 'digital signature' or 'code signing'
If you have the resources, use a virtual machine. That is -- usually -- a pretty good sandbox for untrusted applications.
If this happens to be a Unix system, check out what you can do with chroot.
The other thing is that don't underestimate the value of thorough testing. you can run the app (in a non production environment) and verify the following (escalating levels of paranoia!)
CPU/Disk usage is acceptable
doesn't talk to any networked hosts it shouldn't do - i.e no 'phone home capability'
Scan with your AV program of choice
you could even hook up pSpy or something to find out more about what it's doing.
additionally, if possible run the application with a low privileged user. this will offer some degree of 'sandboxing', i.e the app won't be able to interfere with other processes
..also don't overlook the value of the legal contracts with the vendor that may often give you some kind of recompense if there is a problem. of course, choosing a reputable vendor in the first place offers a level of assurance as well.

Fast restart technique instead of keeping the good state (availability and consistency)

How often do you solve your problems by restarting a computer, router, program, browser? Or even by reinstalling the operating system or software component?
This seems to be a common pattern when there is a suspect that software component does not keep its state in the right way, then you just get the initial state by restarting the component.
I've heard that Amazon/Google has a cluster of many-many nodes. And one important property of each node is that it can restart in seconds. So, if one of them fails, then returning it back to initial state is just a matter of restarting it.
Are there any languages/frameworks/design patterns out there that leverage this techinque as a first-class citizen?
EDIT The link that describes some principles behind Amazon as well as overall principles of availability and consistency:
This is actually very rare in the unix/linux world. Those oses were designed (and so was windows) to protect themselves from badly behaved processes. I am sure google is not relying on hard restarts to correct misbehaved software. I would say this technique should not be employed and if someone says that the fatest route to recovery for their software you should look for something else!
This is common in the embedded systems world, and in telecommunications. It's much less common in the server based world.
There's a research group you might be interested in. They've been working on Recovery-Oriented Computing or "ROC". The key principle in ROC is that the cleanest, best, most reliable state that any program can be in is right after starting up. Therefore, on detecting a fault, they prefer to restart the software rather than attempt to recover from the fault.
Sounds simple enough, right? Well, most of the research has gone into implementing that idea. The reason is exactly what you and other commenters have pointed out: OS restarts are too slow to be a viable recovery method.
ROC relies on three major parts:
A method to detect faults as early as possible.
A means of isolating the faulty component while preserving the rest of the system.
Component-level restarts.
The real key difference between ROC and the typical "nightly restart" approach is that ROC is a strategy where the reboots are a reaction. What I mean is that most software is written with some degree of error handling and recovery (throw-and-catch, logging, retry loops, etc.) A ROC program would detect the fault (exception) and immediately exit. Mixing up the two paradigms just leaves you with the worst of both worlds---low reliability and errors.
Microcontrollers typically have a watchdog timer, which must be reset (by a line of code) every so often or else the microcontroller will reset. This keeps the firmware from getting stuck in an endless loop, stuck waiting for input, etc.
Unused memory is sometimes set to an instruction which causes a reset, or a jump to a the same location that the microcontroller starts at when it is reset. This will reset the microcontroller if it somehow jumps to a location outside the program memory.
Embedded systems may have a checkpoint feature where every n ms, the current stack is saved.
The memory is non-volatile on power restart(ie battery backed), so on a power start, a test is made to see if the code needs to jump to an old checkpoint, or if it's a fresh system.
I'm going to guess that a similar technique(but more sophisticated) is used for Amazon/Google.
Though I can't think of a design pattern per se, in my experience, it's a result of "select is broken" from developers.
I've seen a 50-user site cripple both SQL Server Enterprise Edition (with a 750 MB database) and a Novell server because of poor connection management coupled with excessive calls and no caching. Novell was always the culprit according to developers until we found a missing "CloseConnection" call in a core library. By then, thousands were spent, unsuccessfully, on upgrades to address that one missing line of code.
(Why they had Enterprise Edition was beyond me so don't ask!!)
If you look at scripting languages like php running on Apache, each invocation starts a new process. In the basic case there is no shared state between processes and once the invocation has finished the process is terminated.
The advantages are less onus on resource management as they will be released when the process finishes and less need for error handling as the process is designed to fail-fast and it cannot be left in an inconsistent state.
I've seen it a few places at the application level (an app restarting itself if it bombs).
I've implemented the pattern at an application level, where a service reading from Dbase files starts getting errors after reading x amount of times. It looks for a particular error that gets thrown, and if it sees that error, the service calls a console app that kills the process and restarts the service. It's kludgey, and I hate it, but for this particular situation, I could find no better answer.
AND bear in mind that IIS has a built in feature that restarts the application pool under certain conditions.
For that matter, restarting a service is an option for any service on Windows as one of the actions to take when the service fails.

How to consistently organize code for debugging?

When working in a big project that requires debugging (like every project) you realize how much people love "printf" before the IDE's built-in debugger. By this I mean
Sometimes you need to render variable values to screen (specially for interactive debugging).
Sometimes to log them in a file
Sometimes you have to change the visibility (make them public) just to another class to access it (a logger or a renderer for example).
Some other times you need to save the previous value in a member just to contrast it with the new during debugging
When a project gets huge with a lot of people working on it, all this debugging-specific code can get messy and hard to differentiate from normal code. This can be crazy for those who have to update/change someone else's code or to prepare it for a release.
How do you solve this?
It is always good to have naming standards and I guess that debug-coding standards should be quite useful (like marking every debug-variable with a _DBG sufix). But I also guess naming is just not enough. Maybe centralizing it into a friendly tracker class, or creating a robust base of macros in order to erase it all for the release. I don't know.
What design techniques, patterns and standards would you embrace if you are asked to write a debug-coding document for all others in the project to follow?
I am not talking about tools, libraries or IDE-specific commands, but for OO design decisions.
Don't commit debugging code, just debuggin tools.
Loggin OTOH has a natural place in execption handling routines and such. Also a few well placed logging statments in a few commonly used APIs can be good for debugging.
Like one log statment to log all SQL executed from the system.
My vote would be with what you described as a friendly tracker class. This class would keep all of that centralized, and potentially even allow you to change debug/logging strategies dynamically.
I would avoid things like Macros simply because that's a compiler trick, and not true OO. By abstracting the concept of debug/logging, you have the opportunity to do lots of things with it including making it a no-op if needed.
Logging or debugging? I believe that well-designed and properly unit-tested application should not need to be permanently instrumented for debugging. Logging on the other hand can be very useful, both in finding bugs and auditing program actions. Rather than cover a lot of information that you can get elsewhere, I would point you at logging.apache.org for either concrete implementations that you can use or a template for a reasonable design of a logging infrastructure.
I think it's particularly important to avoid using System.outs / printfs directly and instead use (even a custom) logging class. That at least gives you a centralized kill-switch for all the loggings (minus the call costs in Java).
It is also useful to have that log class have info/warn/error/caveat, etc.
I would be careful about error levels, user ids, metadata, etc. since people don't always add them.
Also, one of the most common problems that I've seen is that people put temporary printfs in the code as they debug something, and then forget where they put them. I use a tool that tracks everything that I do so I can quickly identify all my recent edits since an abstract checkpoint and delete them. In most cases, however, you may want to pose special rules on debug code that can be checked into your source control.
In VB6 you've got
which sends output to a window in the IDE. It's bearable for small projects. VB6 also has
#If <some var set in the project properties>
'debugging code
#End If
I have a logging class which I declare at the top with
Dim Trc as Std.Traces
and use in various places (often inside #If/#End If blocks)
Trc.Tracing = True
Trc.Tracefile = "c:\temp\app.log"
Trc.Trace 'with no argument stores date stamp
Trc.Trace "Var=" & var
Yes it does get messy, and yes I wish there was a better way.
We routinely are beginning to use a static class that we write trace messages to. It is very basic and still requires a call from the executing method, but it serves our purpose.
In the .NET world, there is already a fair amount of built in trace information available, so we do not need to worry about which methods are called or what the execution time is. These are more for specific events which occur in the execution of the code.
If your language does not support, through its tracing constructs, categorization of messages, it should be something that you add to your tracing code. Something to the effect that will identify different levels of importance and/or functional areas is a great start.
Just avoid instrumenting your code by modifying it. Learn to use a debugger. Make logging and error handling easy. Have a look at Aspect Oriented Programming
Debugging/Logging code can indeed be intrusive. In our C++ projects, we wrap common debug/log code in macros - very much like asserts. I often find that logging is most usefull in the lower level components so it doesn't have to go everywhere.
There is a lot in the other answers to both agree and disagree with :) Having debug/logging code can be a very valuable tool for troubleshooting problems. In Windows, there are many techniques - the two major ones are:
Extensive use of checked (DBG) build asserts and lots of testing on DBG builds.
the use of ETW in what we call 'fre' or 'retail' builds.
Checked builds (what most ohter call DEBUG builds) are very helpfull for us as well. We run all our tests on both 'fre' and 'chk' builds (on x86 and AMD64 as well, all serever stuff runs on Itanium too...). Some people even self host (dogfood) on checked builds. This does two things
Finds lots of bugs that woldn't be found otherwise.
Quickly elimintes noisy or unnessary asserts.
In Windows, we use Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) extensively. ETW is an efficient static logging mechanism. The NT kernel and many components are very well instrumented. ETW has a lot of advantages:
Any ETW event provider can be dynamically enabled/disabled at run time - no rebooting or process restarts required. Most ETW providers provide granular control over individual events, or groups of events.
Events from any provider (most importantly the kernel) can be merged into a single trace so all events can be correlated.
A merged trace can be copied off the box and fully processed - with symbols.
The NT kernel sample pofile interrupt can generate an ETW event - this yeilds a very light weight sample profiler that can be used any time
On Vista and Windows Server 2008, logging an event is lock free and fully multi-core aware - a thread on each processor can independently log events with no synchronization needed between them.
This is hugly valuable for us, and can be for your Windows code as well - ETW is usuable by any component - including user mode, drivers and other kernel components.
One thing we often do is write a streaming ETW consumer. Instead of putting printfs in the code, I just put ETW events at intersting places. When my componetn is running, I can then just run my ETW watcher at any time - the watcher receivs the events and displays them, conts them, or does other interesting things with them.
I very much respectfully disagree with tvanfosson. Even the best code can benefit from well implemented logging. Well implimented static run-time logging can make finding many problems straight forward - without it, you have zero visiblilty into what is happening in your component. You can look at inputs, outputs and guess -that's about it.
They key here is the term 'well implimented'. Instrumentation must be in the right place. Like any thing else, this requries some thought and planning. If it is not in helpfull/intersting places, then it will not help you find problems in a a development, testing, or deployed scenario. You can also have too much instrumeation causing perf problems when it is on - or even off!
Of course, different software products or componetns will have different needs. Some things may need very little instrumenation. But a widely depolyed or critical component can greatly benefit from weill egineered instrumeantion.
Here is a scenario for you (note, this very well may not apply to you...:) ). Lets say you have a line-of-business app deployed on every desktop in your company - hundreds or thousands of users. What do you do when someone has a pbolem? Do yo stop by their office and hookup a debugger? If so, how do you know what version they have? Where do you get the right symbols? How do you get the debuger on their system? What if it only happens once every few hours or days? Are you going to let the system run with the debugger connected all that time?
As you can imagine - hooking up debugger in this scenario is disruptive.
If your component is instrumented with ETW, then you could ask your user to simply turn on tracing; continue to do his/her work; then hit the "WTF" button when the problem happens. Even better: your app may have be able to self log - detecting problems at run time and turning on logging auto-magicaly. It could even send you ETW files when problems occured.
These are just simple exmples - logging can be handled many different ways. My key recomendation here is to think about how loging might be able to help you find, debug, and fix problems in your componetns at dev time, test time, and after they are deployed.
I was burnt by the same issue in about every project I've been involved with, so now I have this habit that involves extensive use of logging libraries (whatever the language/platform provides) from the start. Any Log4X port is fine for me.
Building yourself some proper debug tools can be extremely valuable. For example in a 3D environment, you might have an option to display the octree, or to render planned AI paths, or to draw waypoints that are normally invisible. You'd probably also want some on-screen display to aid with profiling too: the current framerate, count of polygons on screen, texture memory usage, and so on.
Although this takes some time and effort to do, in the long run it can save you a lot of time and frustration.

Comparing cold-start to warm start

Our application takes significantly more time to launch after a reboot (cold start) than if it was already opened once (warm start).
Most (if not all) the difference seems to come from loading DLLs, when the DLLs' are in cached memory pages they load much faster. We tried using ClearMem to simulate rebooting (since its much less time consuming than actually rebooting) and got mixed results, on some machines it seemed to simulate a reboot very consistently and in some not.
To sum up my questions are:
Have you experienced differences in launch time between cold and warm starts?
How have you delt with such differences?
Do you know of a way to dependably simulate a reboot?
Clarifications for comments:
The application is mostly native C++ with some .NET (the first .NET assembly that's loaded pays for the CLR).
We're looking to improve load time, obviously we did our share of profiling and improved the hotspots in our code.
Something I forgot to mention was that we got some improvement by re-basing all our binaries so the loader doesn't have to do it at load time.
As for simulating reboots, have you considered running your app from a virtual PC? Using virtualization you can conveniently replicate a set of conditions over and over again.
I would also consider some type of profiling app to spot the bit of code causing the time lag, and then making the judgement call about how much of that code is really necessary, or if it could be achieved in a different way.
It would be hard to truly simulate a reboot in software. When you reboot, all devices in your machine get their reset bit asserted, which should cause all memory system-wide to be lost.
In a modern machine you've got memory and caches everywhere: there's the VM subsystem which is storing pages of memory for the program, then you've got the OS caching the contents of files in memory, then you've got the on-disk buffer of sectors on the harddrive itself. You can probably get the OS caches to be reset, but the on-disk buffer on the drive? I don't know of a way.
How did you profile your code? Not all profiling methods are equal and some find hotspots better than others. Are you loading lots of files? If so, disk fragmentation and seek time might come into play.
Maybe even sticking basic timing information into the code, writing out to a log file and examining the files on cold/warm start will help identify where the app is spending time.
Without more information, I would lean towards filesystem/disk cache as the likely difference between the two environments. If that's the case, then you either need to spend less time loading files upfront, or find faster ways to load files.
Example: if you are loading lots of binary data files, speed up loading by combining them into a single file, then do a slerp of the whole file into memory in one read and parse their contents. Less disk seeks and time spend reading off of disk. Again, maybe that doesn't apply.
I don't know offhand of any tools to clear the disk/filesystem cache, but you could write a quick application to read a bunch of unrelated files off of disk to cause the filesystem/disk cache to be loaded with different info.
#Morten Christiansen said:
One way to make apps start cold-start faster (sort of) is used by e.g. Adobe reader, by loading some of the files on startup, thereby hiding the cold start from the users. This is only usable if the program is not supposed to start up immediately.
That makes the customer pay for initializing our app at every boot even when it isn't used, I really don't like that option (neither does Raymond).
One succesful way to speed up application startup is to switch DLLs to delay-load. This is a low-cost change (some fiddling with project settings) but can make startup significantly faster. Afterwards, run depends.exe in profiling mode to figure out which DLLs load during startup anyway, and revert the delay-load on them. Remember that you may also delay-load most Windows DLLs you need.
A very effective technique for improving application cold launch time is optimizing function link ordering.
The Visual Studio linker lets you pass in a file lists all the functions in the module being linked (or just some of them - it doesn't have to be all of them), and the linker will place those functions next to each other in memory.
When your application is starting up, there are typically calls to init functions throughout your application. Many of these calls will be to a page that isn't in memory yet, resulting in a page fault and a disk seek. That's where slow startup comes from.
Optimizing your application so all these functions are together can be a big win.
Check out Profile Guided Optimization in Visual Studio 2005 or later. One of the thing sthat PGO does for you is function link ordering.
It's a bit difficult to work into a build process, because with PGO you need to link, run your application, and then re-link with the output from the profile run. This means your build process needs to have a runtime environment and deal cleaning up after bad builds and all that, but the payoff is typically 10+ or more faster cold launch with no code changes.
There's some more info on PGO here:
As an alternative to function order list, just group the code that will be called within the same sections:
#pragma code_seg(".startUp")
#pragma code_seg
#pragma data_seg(".startUp")
#pragma data_seg
It should be easy to maintain as your code changes, but has the same benefit as the function order list.
I am not sure whether function order list can specify global variables as well, but use this #pragma data_seg would simply work.
One way to make apps start cold-start faster (sort of) is used by e.g. Adobe reader, by loading some of the files on startup, thereby hiding the cold start from the users. This is only usable if the program is not supposed to start up immediately.
Another note, is that .NET 3.5SP1 supposedly has much improved cold-start speed, though how much, I cannot say.
It could be the NICs (LAN Cards) and that your app depends on certain other
services that require the network to come up. So profiling your application alone may not quite tell you this, but you should examine the dependencies for your application.
If your application is not very complicated, you can just copy all the executables to another directory, it should be similar to a reboot. (Cut and Paste seems not work, Windows is smart enough to know the files move to another folder is cached in the memory)
