Background. I want to print a table of convergents for 31^(1/2). I made the following recursive definition of the table. ( Exchange 31^(1/2) with the golden ratio and the table below would contain the Fibonacci series ).
cf := ContinuedFraction
tf := TableForm
p[-1] = 0; p[0] = 1; q[-1] = 1; q[0] = 0;
a[k_] := cf[Sqrt[31], k][[k]]
p[k_] := a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
q[k_] := a[k]*q[k - 1] + q[k - 2]
s[n_] := Timing[Table[{k, a[k], p[k], q[k]}, {k, 8, 8 n, 8}]] // tf
Timing increases exponentially fast. I had to alt+. (abort) for s[4].
Question: How to improve ( mathematica ) performance when dealing with recursive functions?
From a quick (not thorough, to admit it) look at your code, it looks like both p and q are defined recursively in terms of two previous values. This means that to calculate the nth value of p, ~2^n evaluations are needed (every step doubles the number). So yes, complexity is exponential, regardless of Mathematica or any other language being used.
If you insist on using a recursive formulation of the problem (e.g. for simplicity), then the simplest way to reduce the performance penalty is using memoization, i.e. doing something like
p[k_] := p[k] = a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
Don't forget to Clear[p] before any redefinition.
In short, memoization means having the function remember the computation result for each input, so subsequent evaluations are faster. It's very likely faster, but more complicated, to compute two values (p_(n+1) and p_(n)) from two previous values (p_(n) and p_(n-1)), then the complexity will be linear instead of exponential.
I hope this helps. I don't have Mathematica here to test right now.
Here is a small further refinement. Since this is a quadratic irrational you can also compute the a[k] coefficients more directly.
In[499]:= Clear[a, p, q, cf]
cf = ContinuedFraction[Sqrt[31]];
cf2len = Length[cf[[2]]];
a[1] = cf[[1]];
a[k_] := cf[[2, Mod[k - 1, cf2len, 1]]]
p[-1] = 0; p[0] = 1; q[-1] = 1; q[0] = 0;
p[k_] := p[k] = a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
q[k_] := q[k] = a[k]*q[k - 1] + q[k - 2]
s[n_] := Timing[Table[{k, a[k], p[k], q[k]}, {k, 8, 8 n, 8}];]
In[508]:= s[1000]
Out[508]= {0.12, Null}
In[509]:= Clear[a, p, q, cf]
cf := ContinuedFraction
p[-1] = 0; p[0] = 1; q[-1] = 1; q[0] = 0;
a[k_] := a[k] = cf[Sqrt[31], k][[k]]
p[k_] := p[k] = a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
q[k_] := q[k] = a[k]*q[k - 1] + q[k - 2]
s[n_] := Timing[Table[{k, a[k], p[k], q[k]}, {k, 8, 8 n, 8}];]
In[516]:= s[1000]
Out[516]= {6.08, Null}
Also you can get a[k] in closed form, though it is not terribly pretty.
In[586]:= Clear[a];
asoln[k_] =
a[k] /. First[
Table[a[k] == cf[[2, Mod[k - 1, cf2len, 1]]], {k,
cf2len}], {a[k] == a[k - 8]}], a[k], k]], Assumptions -> k > 0]
Out[587]= (1/(8*Sqrt[2]))*(4*(Cos[(k*Pi)/4] + Sin[(k*Pi)/4])*
(-2*Sqrt[2] + (5 + 2*Sqrt[2])*Sin[(k*Pi)/2]) +
Sqrt[2]*(25 - 9*Cos[k*Pi] + 26*Sin[(k*Pi)/2] - 9*I*Sin[k*Pi]))
Offhand I do not know whether this can be used to get a direct solution for p[k] and q[k]. RSolve seems unable to do that.
--- edit ---
As others have mentioned, it can be cleaner to just build the list from first to last. Here is the handling of p[k], using memoization as above vs NestList.
Clear[a, p, q, cf]
cf = ContinuedFraction[Sqrt[31]];
cf2len = Length[cf[[2]]];
a[1] = cf[[1]];
a[k_] := cf[[2, Mod[k - 1, cf2len, 1]]]
p[-1] = 0; p[0] = 1;
p[k_] := p[k] = a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
s[n_] := Timing[Table[p[k], {k, n}];]
In[10]:= s[100000]
Out[10]= {1.64, Null}
In[153]:= s2[n_] := Timing[ll = Module[{k = 0},
NestList[(k++; {#[[2]], a[k]*#[[2]] + #[[1]]}) &, {0, 1},
n]][[All, 2]];]
In[154]:= s2[100000]
Out[154]= {0.78, Null}
In addition to being somewhat faster, this second approach does not keep a large number of definitions around. And you do not really need them in order to generate more elements, because this iteration can be resumed using a pair from the last elements (make sure they start at 0 and 1 modulo 8).
I will mention that one can obtain a closed form for p[k]. I found it convenient to break the solution into 8 (that is, cf2len) pieces and link them via recurrences. The reasoning behind the scenes comes from basic generating function manipulation. I did some slightly special handling of one equation and one initial condition to finesse the fact that a[1] is not part of the repeating sequence.
In[194]:= func = Array[f, cf2len];
args = Through[func[n]];
firsteqns = {f[2][n] == a[2]*f[1][n] + f[cf2len][n - 1],
f[1][n] == a[9]*f[cf2len][n - 1] + f[cf2len - 1][n - 1]};
resteqns =
Table[f[j][n] == a[j]*f[j - 1][n] + f[j - 2][n], {j, 3, cf2len}];
inits = {f[8][0] == 1, f[1][1] == 5};
eqns = Join[firsteqns, resteqns, inits];
soln = FullSimplify[args /. First[RSolve[eqns, args, n]],
Assumptions -> n > 0];
In[201]:= FullSimplify[Table[soln, {n, 1, 3}]]
Out[201]= {{5, 6, 11, 39, 206, 657, 863, 1520}, {16063, 17583, 33646,
118521, 626251, 1997274, 2623525, 4620799}, {48831515, 53452314,
102283829, 360303801, 1903802834, 6071712303, 7975515137,
Quick check:
In[167]:= s2[16]; ll
Out[167]= {1, 5, 6, 11, 39, 206, 657, 863, 1520, 16063, 17583, 33646, \
118521, 626251, 1997274, 2623525, 4620799}
We can now define a function from this.
p2[k_Integer] := soln[[Mod[k, cf2len, 1]]] /. n -> Ceiling[k/cf2len]
In[166]:= Simplify[p2[4]]
Out[166]= 39
I do not claim that this is particularly useful, just wanted to see if I could actually get something to work.
--- end edit ---
Daniel Lichtblau
Say you have a vertical game board of length n (being the number of spaces). And you have a three-sided die that has the options: go forward one, stay and go back one. If you go below or above the number of board game spaces it is an invalid game. The only valid move once you reach the end of the board is "stay". Given an exact number of die rolls t, is it possible to algorithmically work out the number of unique dice rolls that result in a winning game?
So far I've tried producing a list of every possible combination of (-1,0,1) for the given number of die rolls and sorting through the list to see if any add up to the length of the board and also meet all the requirements for being a valid game. But this is impractical for dice rolls above 20.
For example:
t=1, n=2; Output=1
t=3, n=2; Output=3
You can use a dynamic programming approach. The sketch of a recurrence is:
M(0, 1) = 1
M(t, n) = T(t-1, n-1) + T(t-1, n) + T(t-1, n+1)
Of course you have to consider the border cases (like going off the board or not allowing to exit the end of the board, but it's easy to code that).
Here's some Python code:
def solve(N, T):
M, M2 = [0]*N, [0]*N
M[0] = 1
for i in xrange(T):
M, M2 = M2, M
for j in xrange(N):
M[j] = (j>0 and M2[j-1]) + M2[j] + (j+1<N-1 and M2[j+1])
return M[N-1]
print solve(3, 2) #1
print solve(2, 1) #1
print solve(2, 3) #3
print solve(5, 20) #19535230
Bonus: fancy "one-liner" with list compreehension and reduce
def solve(N, T):
return reduce(
lambda M, _: [(j>0 and M[j-1]) + M[j] + (j<N-2 and M[j+1]) for j in xrange(N)],
xrange(T), [1]+[0]*N)[-1]
Let M[i, j] be an N by N matrix with M[i, j] = 1 if |i-j| <= 1 and 0 otherwise (and the special case for the "stay" rule of M[N, N-1] = 0)
This matrix counts paths of length 1 from position i to position j.
To find paths of length t, simply raise M to the t'th power. This can be performed efficiently by linear algebra packages.
The solution can be read off: M^t[1, N].
For example, computing paths of length 20 on a board of size 5 in an interactive Python session:
>>> import numpy
>>> M = numpy.matrix('1 1 0 0 0;1 1 1 0 0; 0 1 1 1 0; 0 0 1 1 1; 0 0 0 0 1')
>>> M
matrix([[1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
>>> M ** 20
matrix([[31628466, 51170460, 51163695, 31617520, 19535230],
[51170460, 82792161, 82787980, 51163695, 31617520],
[51163695, 82787980, 82792161, 51170460, 31628465],
[31617520, 51163695, 51170460, 31628466, 19552940],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]])
So there's M^20[1, 5], or 19535230 paths of length 20 from start to finish on a board of size 5.
Try a backtracking algorithm. Recursively "dive down" into depth t and only continue with dice values that could still result in a valid state. Propably by passing a "remaining budget" around.
For example, n=10, t=20, when you reached depth 10 of 20 and your budget is still 10 (= steps forward and backwards seemed to cancelled), the next recursion steps until depth t would discontinue the 0 and -1 possibilities, because they could not result in a valid state at the end.
A backtracking algorithms for this case is still very heavy (exponential), but better than first blowing up a bubble with all possibilities and then filtering.
Since zeros can be added anywhere, we'll multiply those possibilities by the different arrangements of (-1)'s:
X (space 1) X (space 2) X (space 3) X (space 4) X
(-1)'s can only appear in spaces 1,2 or 3, not in space 4. I got help with the mathematical recurrence that counts the number of ways to place minus ones without skipping backwards.
JavaScript code:
function C(n,k){if(k==0||n==k)return 1;var p=n;for(var i=2;i<=k;i++)p*=(n+1-i)/i;return p}
function sumCoefficients(arr,cs){
var s = 0, i = -1;
while (arr[++i]){
s += cs[i] * arr[i];
return s;
function f(n,t){
var numMinusOnes = (t - (n-1)) >> 1
result = C(t,n-1),
numPlaces = n - 2,
cs = [];
for (var i=1; numPlaces-i>=i-1; i++){
cs.push(-Math.pow(-1,i) * C(numPlaces + 1 - i,i));
var As = new Array(cs.length),
As[0] = 1;
for (var m=1; m<=numMinusOnes; m++){
var zeros = t - (n-1) - 2*m;
An = sumCoefficients(As,cs);
result += An * C(zeros + 2*m + n-1,zeros);
return result;
I need to write a function for finding n-th Pell number.
This is recurrence relation for Pell numbers.
P[0]=0, P[1]=1
P[n+1] = 2P[n] + P[nô€€€-1]; n>=1;
I did that this way:
P[n_] :=
If[n >= 1,
Return[2*P[n - 1] + P[n - 2]]];
It worked, but it has to be optimized for n>=50 so those can be calculated in relatively short time, and this one doesn't work fast.
Memoization is good. Or could do
pell[n_] =
RSolveValue[{p[n] == 2*p[n - 1] + p[n - 2], p[0] == 0, p[1] == 1},
p[n], n]
(* Out[4308]= -(((1 - Sqrt[2])^n - (1 + Sqrt[2])^n)/(2 Sqrt[2])) *)
pell2[n_] := MatrixPower[{{2, 1}, {1, 0}}, n, {0, 1}][[1]]
There are close formulas for all the Pell and Nacci numbers. Here is the close formula for the Pell numbers you are looking for:
from __future__ import division #if you are using python 2.x
from math import sqrt
Pell = 1 + sqrt(2)
pell = 1 - sqrt(2)
for i in range(1,50):
print (Pell**i - pell**i)/(Pell-pell)
The following code gives me the first k eigenvalues of a certain big matrix. Because of the symmetries of the matrix, the eigenvalues are in pairs, one positive and the other negative, with the same absolute value. This is indeed the case if I run the code with the exact matrices, without using the sparse version. However when I make them sparse, the resulting eigenvalues appear to lose the sign information, as now the pairs can be both negative, or both positive, depending on the number I put on "nspins" (which controls the size of the matrix). The variable "sparse" controls whether I use sparse matrices or not.
This issue gives me considerable trouble. Can anybody tell me why the sparse version of the computation gives wrong signs, and how to fix it?
sparse = 1; (*Parameter that controls whether I will use sparse \
matrices, 0 means not sparse, 1 means sparse*)
(*Base matrices of my big matrix*)
ox = N[{{0, 1}, {1, 0}}];
oz = N[{{1, 0}, {0, -1}}];
id = N[{{1, 0}, {0, 1}}];
(*Transformation into sparse whether desired*)
If[sparse == 1,
ox = SparseArray[ox];
oz = SparseArray[oz];
id = SparseArray[id];
(*Dimension of the big matrix, must be even*)
nspins = 8;
(*Number of eigenvalues computed*)
neigenv = 4;
(*Algorithm to create big matrices*)
If[j == i, mata = ox; matc = oz;, mata = id; matc = id;];
If[j == 1,
o[1, i] = mata;
o[3, i] = matc;
o[1, i] = KroneckerProduct[o[1, i], mata];
o[3, i] = KroneckerProduct[o[3, i], matc];
, {j, 1, nspins}];
, {i, 1, nspins}];
(*Sum of big matrices*)
ham = Sum[o[1, i].o[1, i + 1], {i, 1, nspins - 1}] +
o[1, nspins].o[1, 1] + 0.5*Sum[o[3, i], {i, 1, nspins}];
(*Print the desired eigenvalues*)
Do[Print [Eigenvalues[ham, k][[k]]], {k, 1, neigenv}];
I am solving Problem 23 of Project Euler using Mathematica:
Find the sum of all positive integers that cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.
Recall that an abundant number # is one such that Total[Divisors[#]] - # > #. Here is my code:
list1 = Table[i, {i, 1, 28123}];
list2 = Select[list1, Total[Divisors[#]] - # > # && 2 * # < 28123 &];
list3 = {};
l = Length[list2];
For[i = 1, i <= l, i++,
For[j = i, j <= l, j++,
list3 = Append[list3, list2[[i]] + list2[[j]]]]];
Total[Complement[list1, list3]]
It is extremely slow; the nested For loops take an insane amount of time to evaluate.
Am I approaching this problem correctly? Is there a way to make it faster?
Edit: the reason behind the 28123 is that any number greater than it can be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.
Replace your loops that make list3 by this.
list3 = (list2[[#]] + list2[[# ;; -1]]) & /# Range[Length[list2]] // Flatten;
Timing gives 0.49 seconds on my old PC
To answer a complain that list3 as constructed in my answer gives wrong solution.
Well. It gives the same content as list3 build using the original code. This method is just faster. If the construction in the original method is wrong, then nothing I can do about that really, since the question was about how to make it faster, not correct any errors in the algorithm itself, which I am not familiar with. The assumption was the algorithm posted was correct but slow.
(*28123 replaced with smaller value to check, else will take forevever*)
(*for original algorithm to finish *)
n = 200;
list1 = Table[i, {i, 1, n}];
list2 = Select[list1, Total[Divisors[#]] - # > # && 2*# < n &];
list3 = {};
l = Length[list2];
For[i = 1, i <= l, i++,
For[j = i, j <= l, j++,
list3 = Append[list3, list2[[i]] + list2[[j]]]]];
mylist3 = (list2[[#]] + list2[[# ;; -1]]) & /# Range[Length[list2]] //Flatten;
list3 - mylist3
(28123 replaced with smaller value to check, else will take forevever)
I would avoid for loops in Mathematica unless you have no other choice. I killed the Kernel with the above solution as it seemed to take a very long time to finish.
The solution below takes about 6 seconds on my Macbook. You can set the upper limit to 20161 as others have pointed out in the Euler forums.
Plus ## # & /#
Tuples[Select[Range[20161], ((DivisorSigma[1, #] - #) > #) &], 2]]]
Reading some other threads on optimizations, I discovered that replacing
Plus ## # & with Total[#]& shaves off another second.
This version takes 4.9 seconds
Total[#] & /#
Tuples[Select[Range[20161], ((DivisorSigma[1, #] - #) > #) &], 2]]]
Memoized functions are functions which remember values they have found.
Look in the doc center for some background on this in Mathematica, if necessary.
Suppose you have the following definition
f[0] = f[1] = 1
f[x_] := f[x] = f[x - 1] + f[x - 2]
in one of your packages. A user may load the package and start asking right away f[1000].
This will trigger a $RecursionLimit::reclim error message and abort.
Even if the user then tries something smaller, say f[20], by now the definition of f is corrupt and the result is not good anymore.Of course the package developer might increase the recursion limit and warn the user, but my question is:
How can you improve the f definition so that if the user asks for f[1000] he/she gets the answer without any problem? I am interested in a way to trap the user input, analyze it and take whatever steps are necessary to evaluate f[1000].
I can easily imagine that one can change the recursion limit if the input is more than 255 (and then bring it back to the original level), but what I would really like to see is, if there is a way for the f to find out how many values it "knows" (fknownvalues) and accept any input <=fknownvalues+$RecursionLimit without problems or increase the $RecursionLimit if the input is higher.
Thank you for your help
Here is the code assuming that you can determine a value of $RecursionLimit from the value of the input argument:
ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
ff[x_] := ff[x] = ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2];
f[x_Integer] :=f[x] =
Block[{$RecursionLimit = x + 5},
I am using a local function ff to do the main work, while f just calls it wrapped in Block with a proper value for $RecursionLimit:
In[1552]:= f[1000]
Out[1552]= 7033036771142281582183525487718354977018126983635873274260490508715453711819693357974224
If you want to be more precise with the setting of $RecursionLimit, you can modify the part of the code above as:
f[x_Integer] :=
f[x] =
Block[{$RecursionLimit = x - Length[DownValues[ff]] + 10},
Print["Current $RecursionLimit: ", $RecursionLimit];
The Print statement is here for illustration. The value 10 is rather arbitrary - to get a lower bound on it, one has to compute the necessary depth of recursion, and take into account that the number of known results is Length[DownValues[ff]] - 2 (since ff has 2 general definitions). Here is some usage:
In[1567]:= f[500]//Short
During evaluation of In[1567]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 507
Out[1567]//Short= 22559151616193633087251269<<53>>83405015987052796968498626
In[1568]:= f[800]//Short
During evaluation of In[1568]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 308
Out[1568]//Short= 11210238130165701975392213<<116>>44406006693244742562963426
If you also want to limit the maximal $RecursionLimit possible, this is also easy to do, along the same lines. Here, for example, we will limit it to 10000 (again, this goes inside Module):
f::tooLarge =
"The parameter value `1` is too large for single recursive step. \
Try building the result incrementally";
f[x_Integer] :=
With[{reclim = x - Length[DownValues[ff]] + 10},
(f[x] =
Block[{$RecursionLimit = reclim },
Print["Current $RecursionLimit: ", $RecursionLimit];
ff[x]]) /; reclim < 10000];
f[x_Integer] := "" /; Message[f::tooLarge, x]]
For example:
In[1581]:= f[11000]//Short
During evaluation of In[1581]:= f::tooLarge: The parameter value 11000 is too
large for single recursive step. Try building the result incrementally
Out[1581]//Short= f[11000]
During evaluation of In[1582]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 9007
During evaluation of In[1582]:= Current $RecursionLimit: 2008
Out[1583]//Short= 5291092912053548874786829<<2248>>91481844337702018068766626
A slight modification on Leonid's code. I guess I should post it as a comment, but the lack of comment formatting makes it impossible.
Self adaptive Recursion Limit
$RecursionLimit = 20;
ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
ff[x_] :=
ff[x] = Block[{$RecursionLimit = $RecursionLimit + 2}, ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2]];
f[x_Integer] := f[x] = ff[x]]
-> 1346269
-> 20
Trying to set $RecursionLimit sparsely:
$RecursionLimit = 20;
Module[{ff}, ff[0] = ff[1] = 1;
ff[x_] := ff[x] =
Block[{$RecursionLimit =
If[Length#Stack[] > $RecursionLimit - 5, $RecursionLimit + 5, $RecursionLimit]},
ff[x - 1] + ff[x - 2]];
f[x_Integer] := f[x] = ff[x]]
Not sure how useful it is ...