please can you help me with creation of function in Wolfram Mathematica for magic square. I must create function MagicSquare[n_], which output is sqare matrix of first n^2 integers, and sum of these integers in every column, every row, and on diagonals must be the same. Please help me, I try this for a days and I failed. I need this for my school assignment.
Here is a simple brute-force approach. Note the check value m is the magic constant.
(Setting the random values to the array variables makes nifty use of HoldFirst.)
n = 3;
m = n (n^2 + 1)/2;
check = {0};
While[Unequal[Union[check], {m}],
x = Table[s[i, j], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}];
d1 = Diagonal[x];
d2 = Diagonal[Reverse[x]];
cols = Transpose[x];
vars = Flatten[x];
rand = RandomSample[Range[n^2], n^2];
MapThread[Function[{v, r}, v = r, HoldFirst], {vars, rand}];
check = Total /# Join[x, cols, {d1, d2}]];
8 3 4
1 5 9
6 7 2
Here is another brute force approach that works for n=3 ..
n = 3
m = n (n^2 + 1) /2
Partition[# , n] & /#
(Union #(Total /# # )) == {m} &&
(Union #(Total /# Transpose[#] )) == {m} &&
Total#Diagonal[#] == m &&
Total#Diagonal[Reverse##] == m & ][[1]] // MatrixForm
This has the advantage of immediately producing an out of memory error for larger n, while Chris' will run approximately forever. :)
I'm trying to solve the following problem using Mathematica:
What is the smallest positive integer not obtainable from the set {2,3,4,5,6,7,8} via arithmetic operations {+,-,*,/}, exponentiation, and parentheses. Each number in the set must be used exactly once. Unary operations are NOT allowed (1 cannot be converted to -1 with without using a 0, for example).
For example, the number 1073741824000000000000000 is obtainable via (((3+2)*(5+4))/6)^(8+7).
I am a beginner with Mathematica. I have written code that I believe solves the problems for the set {2,3,4,5,6,7} (I obtained 2249 as my answer), but my code is not efficient enough to work with the set {2,3,4,5,6,7,8}. (My code already takes 71 seconds to run on the set {2,3,4,5,6,7})
I would very much appreciate any tips or solutions to solving this harder problem with Mathematica, or general insights as to how I could speed my existing code.
My existing code uses a brute force, recursive approach:
(* this defines combinations for a set of 1 number as the set of that 1 number *)
combinations[list_ /; Length[list] == 1] := list
(* this tests whether it's ok to exponentiate two numbers including (somewhat) arbitrary restrictions to prevent overflow *)
oktoexponent[number1_, number2_] :=
If[number1 == 0, number2 >= 0,
If[number1 < 0,
(-number1)^number2 < 10000 \[And] IntegerQ[number2],
number1^number2 < 10000 \[And] IntegerQ[number2]]]
(* this takes a list and removes fractions with denominators greater than 100000 *)
cleanup[list_] := Select[list, Denominator[#] < 100000 &]
(* this defines combinations for a set of 2 numbers - and returns a set of all possible numbers obtained via applications of + - * / filtered by oktoexponent and cleanup rules *)
combinations[list_ /; Length[list] == 2 && Depth[list] == 2] :=
cleanup[DeleteCases[#, Null] &#DeleteDuplicates#
{list[[1]] + list[[2]],
list[[1]] - list[[2]],
list[[2]] - list[[1]],
If[oktoexponent[list[[1]], list[[2]]], list[[1]]^list[[2]],],
If[oktoexponent[list[[2]], list[[1]]], list[[2]]^list[[1]],],
If[list[[2]] != 0, list[[1]]/list[[2]],],
If[list[[1]] != 0, list[[2]]/list[[1]],]}]
(* this extends combinations to work with sets of sets *)
list_ /; Length[list] == 2 && Depth[list] == 3] :=
Module[{m, n, list1, list2},
list1 = list[[1]];
list2 = list[[2]];
m = Length[list1]; n = Length[list2];
combinations[{list1[[i]], list2[[j]]}], {i, m}, {j, n}]]]
(* for a given set, partition returns the set of all partitions into two non-empty subsets *)
partition[list_] := Module[{subsets},
subsets = Select[Subsets[list], # != {} && # != list &];
Table[Sort#{subsets[[i]], Complement[list, subsets[[i]]]}, {i,
(* this finally extends combinations to work with sets of any size *)
combinations[list_ /; Length[list] > 2] :=
Module[{partitions, k},
partitions = partition[list];
k = Length[partitions];
Flatten#(combinations /#
combinations[partitions[[i]][[2]]]}, {i, k}])]]
Timing[desiredset = combinations[{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}];]
{71.5454, Null}
Range[1, 3000], #] &#(Cases[#, x_Integer /; x > 0 && x <= 3000] &#
{2249, 2258, 2327, 2509, 2517, 2654, 2789, 2817, 2841, 2857, 2990, 2998}
This is unhelpful, but I'm under my quota for useless babbling today:
(* it turns out the symbolizing + * is not that useful after all *)
f[x_,y_] = x+y
fm[x_,y_] = x-y
g[x_,y_] = x*y
gd[x_,y_] = x/y
(* power properties *)
h[h[a_,b_],c_] = h[a,b*c]
h[a_/b_,n_] = h[a,n]/h[b,n]
h[1,n_] = 1
(* expand simple powers only! *)
(* does this make things worse? *)
h[a_,2] = a*a
h[a_,3] = a*a*a
(* all symbols for two numbers *)
allsyms[x_,y_] := allsyms[x,y] =
DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[{f[x,y], fm[x,y], fm[y,x],
g[x,y], gd[x,y], gd[y,x], h[x,y], h[y,x]}]]
allsymops[s_,t_] := allsymops[s,t] =
reach[{}] = {}
reach[{n_}] := reach[n] = {n}
reach[s_] := reach[s] = DeleteDuplicates[Flatten[
{i,Complement[Subsets[s],{ {},s}]}]]]
The general idea here is to avoid calculating powers (which are
expensive and non-commutative), while at the same time using the
commutativity/associativity of addition/multiplication to reduce the
cardinality of reach[].
Code above also available at:
along with literally gigabytes of other useless code, data, and humor.
I think the answer to your question lays in the command Groupings. This allows you to create a binary tree of a list. The binary tree is very usefull as each of the operations you allow Plus, Subtract, Times, Divide, Power take two arguments. Eg.
In> Groupings[3,2]
Out> {List[List[1,2],3],List[1,List[2,3]]}
Thus all we need to do is replace List with any combination of the allowed operations.
However, Groupings seems to be almighty as it has an option to do this. Imagine you have two functions foo and bar and both take 2 arguments, then you can make all combinations as :
In> Groupings[3,{foo->2,bar->2}]
Out> {foo[foo[1,2],3],foo[1,foo[2,3]],foo[bar[1,2],3],foo[1,bar[2,3]],
Now it is possible to count the amount of combinations we have :
In> Groupings[Permutations[#],
] &# {a,b,c,d,e};
In> Length#%
In> DeleteDuplicates#%%
In> Length#%
Out> 1050000
Out> 219352
This means that for 5 distinct numbers, we have 219352 unique combinations.
Sadly, many of these combinations cannot be evaluated due to overflow, division by zero or underflow. However, it is not evident which ones to remove. The value a^(b^(c^(d^e))) could be humongous, or just small. Fractional powers could result in perfect roots and divisions by large numbers can become perfect.
In> Groupings[Permutations[#],
] &# {2, 3, 4};
In> Union[Cases[%, _?(IntegerQ[#] && # >= 0 &)]];
In> Split[%, #2 - #1 <= 1 &][[1]]
Out> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
I am having some trouble developing a suitably fast binning algorithm in Mathematica. I have a large (~100k elements) data set of the form
and I want to bin it into a 2D array of around 100x100 bins, with the bin value being given by the sum of the Z values that fall into each bin.
Currently I am iterating through each element of the table, using Select to pick out which bin it is supposed to be in based on lists of bin boundaries, and adding the z value to a list of values occupying that bin. At the end I map Total onto the list of bins, summing their contents (I do this because I sometimes want to do other things, like maximize).
I have tried using Gather and other such functions to do this but the above method was ridiculously faster, though perhaps I am using Gather poorly. Anyway It still takes a few minutes to do the sorting by my method and I feel like Mathematica can do better. Does anyone have a nice efficient algorithm handy?
Here is a method based on Szabolcs's post that is about about an order of magnitude faster.
data = RandomReal[5, {500000, 3}];
(*500k values*)
zvalues = data[[All, 3]];
epsilon = 1*^-10;(*prevent 101 index*)
(*rescale and round (x,y) coordinates to index pairs in the 1..100 range*)
indexes = 1 + Floor[(1 - epsilon) 100 Rescale[data[[All, {1, 2}]]]];
res2 = Module[{gb = GatherBy[Transpose[{indexes, zvalues}], First]},
gb[[All, 1, 1]] ->
Total[gb[[All, All, 2]], {2}]]]; // AbsoluteTiming
Gives about {2.012217, Null}
"SparseArrayOptions" -> {"TreatRepeatedEntries" -> 1}];
res3 = SparseArray[indexes -> zvalues];
"SparseArrayOptions" -> {"TreatRepeatedEntries" -> 0}];
Gives about {0.195228, Null}
res3 == res2
"TreatRepeatedEntries" -> 1 adds duplicate positions up.
I intend to do a rewrite of the code below because of Szabolcs' readability concerns. Until then, know that if your bins are regular, and you can use Round, Floor, or Ceiling (with a second argument) in place of Nearest, the code below will be much faster. On my system, it tests faster than the GatherBy solution also posted.
Assuming I understand your requirements, I propose:
data = RandomReal[100, {75, 3}];
bins = {0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100};
Sow[{#3, #2}, bins ~Nearest~ #] & ### data,
Reap[Sow[#, bins ~Nearest~ #2] & ### #2, bins, Tr##2 &][[2]] &
][[2]] ~Flatten~ 1 ~Total~ {3} // MatrixForm
f[bins_] := Reap[Sow[{##2}, bins ~Nearest~ #]& ### #, bins, #2][[2]] &
bin2D[data_, X_, Y_] := f[X][data, f[Y][#2, #2~Total~2 &] &] ~Flatten~ 1 ~Total~ {3}
bin2D[data, xbins, ybins]
Here's my approach:
data = RandomReal[5, {500000, 3}]; (* 500k values *)
zvalues = data[[All, 3]];
epsilon = 1*^-10; (* prevent 101 index *)
(* rescale and round (x,y) coordinates to index pairs in the 1..100 range *)
indexes = 1 + Floor[(1 - epsilon) 100 Rescale[data[[All, {1, 2}]]]];
(* approach 1: create bin-matrix first, then fill up elements by adding zvalues *)
res1 = Module[
{result = ConstantArray[0, {100, 100}]},
AddTo[result[[##]], zvalues[[i]]] & ## indexes[[i]],
{i, Length[indexes]}
]; // Timing
(* approach 2: gather zvalues by indexes, add them up, convert them to a matrix *)
res2 = Module[{gb = GatherBy[Transpose[{indexes, zvalues}], First]},
SparseArray[gb[[All, 1, 1]] -> (Total /# gb[[All, All, 2]])]
]; // Timing
res1 == res2
These two approaches (res1 & res2) can handle 100k and 200k elements per second, respectively, on this machine. Is this sufficiently fast, or do you need to run this whole program in a loop?
Here's my approach using the function SelectEquivalents defined in What is in your Mathematica tool bag? which is perfect for a problem like this one.
data = RandomReal[100, {75, 3}];
bins = Range[0, 100, 20];
binMiddles = (Most#bins + Rest#bins)/2;
nearest = Nearest[binMiddles];
TagElement -> ({First#nearest[#[[1]]], First#nearest[#[[2]]]} &)
TransformElement -> (#[[3]] &)
TransformResults -> (Total[#2] &)
TagPattern -> Flatten[Outer[List, binMiddles, binMiddles], 1]
FinalFunction -> (Partition[Flatten[# /. {} -> 0], Length[binMiddles]] &)
If you would want to group according to more than two dimensions you could use in FinalFunction this function to give to the list result the desired dimension (I don't remember where I found it).
InverseFlatten[l_,dimensions_]:= Fold[Partition[#, #2] &, l, Most[Reverse[dimensions]]];
Background. I want to print a table of convergents for 31^(1/2). I made the following recursive definition of the table. ( Exchange 31^(1/2) with the golden ratio and the table below would contain the Fibonacci series ).
cf := ContinuedFraction
tf := TableForm
p[-1] = 0; p[0] = 1; q[-1] = 1; q[0] = 0;
a[k_] := cf[Sqrt[31], k][[k]]
p[k_] := a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
q[k_] := a[k]*q[k - 1] + q[k - 2]
s[n_] := Timing[Table[{k, a[k], p[k], q[k]}, {k, 8, 8 n, 8}]] // tf
Timing increases exponentially fast. I had to alt+. (abort) for s[4].
Question: How to improve ( mathematica ) performance when dealing with recursive functions?
From a quick (not thorough, to admit it) look at your code, it looks like both p and q are defined recursively in terms of two previous values. This means that to calculate the nth value of p, ~2^n evaluations are needed (every step doubles the number). So yes, complexity is exponential, regardless of Mathematica or any other language being used.
If you insist on using a recursive formulation of the problem (e.g. for simplicity), then the simplest way to reduce the performance penalty is using memoization, i.e. doing something like
p[k_] := p[k] = a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
Don't forget to Clear[p] before any redefinition.
In short, memoization means having the function remember the computation result for each input, so subsequent evaluations are faster. It's very likely faster, but more complicated, to compute two values (p_(n+1) and p_(n)) from two previous values (p_(n) and p_(n-1)), then the complexity will be linear instead of exponential.
I hope this helps. I don't have Mathematica here to test right now.
Here is a small further refinement. Since this is a quadratic irrational you can also compute the a[k] coefficients more directly.
In[499]:= Clear[a, p, q, cf]
cf = ContinuedFraction[Sqrt[31]];
cf2len = Length[cf[[2]]];
a[1] = cf[[1]];
a[k_] := cf[[2, Mod[k - 1, cf2len, 1]]]
p[-1] = 0; p[0] = 1; q[-1] = 1; q[0] = 0;
p[k_] := p[k] = a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
q[k_] := q[k] = a[k]*q[k - 1] + q[k - 2]
s[n_] := Timing[Table[{k, a[k], p[k], q[k]}, {k, 8, 8 n, 8}];]
In[508]:= s[1000]
Out[508]= {0.12, Null}
In[509]:= Clear[a, p, q, cf]
cf := ContinuedFraction
p[-1] = 0; p[0] = 1; q[-1] = 1; q[0] = 0;
a[k_] := a[k] = cf[Sqrt[31], k][[k]]
p[k_] := p[k] = a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
q[k_] := q[k] = a[k]*q[k - 1] + q[k - 2]
s[n_] := Timing[Table[{k, a[k], p[k], q[k]}, {k, 8, 8 n, 8}];]
In[516]:= s[1000]
Out[516]= {6.08, Null}
Also you can get a[k] in closed form, though it is not terribly pretty.
In[586]:= Clear[a];
asoln[k_] =
a[k] /. First[
Table[a[k] == cf[[2, Mod[k - 1, cf2len, 1]]], {k,
cf2len}], {a[k] == a[k - 8]}], a[k], k]], Assumptions -> k > 0]
Out[587]= (1/(8*Sqrt[2]))*(4*(Cos[(k*Pi)/4] + Sin[(k*Pi)/4])*
(-2*Sqrt[2] + (5 + 2*Sqrt[2])*Sin[(k*Pi)/2]) +
Sqrt[2]*(25 - 9*Cos[k*Pi] + 26*Sin[(k*Pi)/2] - 9*I*Sin[k*Pi]))
Offhand I do not know whether this can be used to get a direct solution for p[k] and q[k]. RSolve seems unable to do that.
--- edit ---
As others have mentioned, it can be cleaner to just build the list from first to last. Here is the handling of p[k], using memoization as above vs NestList.
Clear[a, p, q, cf]
cf = ContinuedFraction[Sqrt[31]];
cf2len = Length[cf[[2]]];
a[1] = cf[[1]];
a[k_] := cf[[2, Mod[k - 1, cf2len, 1]]]
p[-1] = 0; p[0] = 1;
p[k_] := p[k] = a[k]*p[k - 1] + p[k - 2]
s[n_] := Timing[Table[p[k], {k, n}];]
In[10]:= s[100000]
Out[10]= {1.64, Null}
In[153]:= s2[n_] := Timing[ll = Module[{k = 0},
NestList[(k++; {#[[2]], a[k]*#[[2]] + #[[1]]}) &, {0, 1},
n]][[All, 2]];]
In[154]:= s2[100000]
Out[154]= {0.78, Null}
In addition to being somewhat faster, this second approach does not keep a large number of definitions around. And you do not really need them in order to generate more elements, because this iteration can be resumed using a pair from the last elements (make sure they start at 0 and 1 modulo 8).
I will mention that one can obtain a closed form for p[k]. I found it convenient to break the solution into 8 (that is, cf2len) pieces and link them via recurrences. The reasoning behind the scenes comes from basic generating function manipulation. I did some slightly special handling of one equation and one initial condition to finesse the fact that a[1] is not part of the repeating sequence.
In[194]:= func = Array[f, cf2len];
args = Through[func[n]];
firsteqns = {f[2][n] == a[2]*f[1][n] + f[cf2len][n - 1],
f[1][n] == a[9]*f[cf2len][n - 1] + f[cf2len - 1][n - 1]};
resteqns =
Table[f[j][n] == a[j]*f[j - 1][n] + f[j - 2][n], {j, 3, cf2len}];
inits = {f[8][0] == 1, f[1][1] == 5};
eqns = Join[firsteqns, resteqns, inits];
soln = FullSimplify[args /. First[RSolve[eqns, args, n]],
Assumptions -> n > 0];
In[201]:= FullSimplify[Table[soln, {n, 1, 3}]]
Out[201]= {{5, 6, 11, 39, 206, 657, 863, 1520}, {16063, 17583, 33646,
118521, 626251, 1997274, 2623525, 4620799}, {48831515, 53452314,
102283829, 360303801, 1903802834, 6071712303, 7975515137,
Quick check:
In[167]:= s2[16]; ll
Out[167]= {1, 5, 6, 11, 39, 206, 657, 863, 1520, 16063, 17583, 33646, \
118521, 626251, 1997274, 2623525, 4620799}
We can now define a function from this.
p2[k_Integer] := soln[[Mod[k, cf2len, 1]]] /. n -> Ceiling[k/cf2len]
In[166]:= Simplify[p2[4]]
Out[166]= 39
I do not claim that this is particularly useful, just wanted to see if I could actually get something to work.
--- end edit ---
Daniel Lichtblau
I have a list of numbers for example k_1,k_2,...k_n, and f is a function.
Now I apply f on the list of numbers and I need those numbers such that f is increasing,i.e.
f(k_i)>f(k_j) for any i>j .
I can get the results number k_i's each in different line, but I need the results in one table separated with comma or something else and counting the number of results.
For example:
k = Table[k1, k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10];
count = 0;
For[j = i, j <= 10, j++,
If[f[k[[j]]] - f[k[[i]]] > 0, i = j; Print["k", i];
count = count + 1]];
Print["count= ", count]
I got the result like:
but I need the results to be together:
any idea?
Instead of Print, you could do AppendTo, ie
It might be good to start learning functional programming approach as Mathematica has tools to make it efficient, your above code might look something like this
pairs = Partition[list, 2, 1];
increasingPairs = Select[pairs, f[First[#]] < f[Last[#]] &];
Last /# increasingPairs
You seem to want the longest increasing subsequence. The simplest and most efficient way I am aware of to get it in Mathematica is the following:
lis[f_, vals_List] := LongestCommonSequence[#, Sort[#]] &[Map[f, vals]];
In[8]:= lis[# &, {5, 3, 6, 1, 5, 7}]
Out[8]= {5, 6, 7}
In principle, the answer is not unique - there may be several different longest increasing subsequences with the same length.