Joomla 1.7:- How do i do this please (kinda facebook) - joomla

Joomla comes out standard with registered user, and public user
If I add a third (registered) User that allows the third user to a) create a single separate page in Joomla that the user can input pictures (like you do on face book). b) Access all pages as the standard registered user does.
How do I go about that in Joomla 1.7, add a third (registered) User and give it level 2 accesses?
Then how I create a single page for each user. Somehow I need a reference to each user’s page and show that in a list and control the list search parameters. And i need the page viewable when selected and in the page info needs to be received by the third user. I’m not creating face book but I need that sort of techno somehow.
Can someone point me to what I need to look at, editorials, videos, etc. I know I need to lean PHP better.
Could I make a foulder for each registered user to hold photo's and name the folder acourding to the user's name or email address.

I would recommend to go with a component that offers the functionality that you need. You will find it easier to control the user rights there as they are standard settings available. This is more convenient than building everything from scratch.
Some well known components are:
Community Builder (main component free)
JomSocial (commercial component)
There are more components and plugins available, you may also want to search the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) for something suitable (


Joomla 3.x - how do I have students (we register them) access one area, and public (self registration) another area?

Apologies for what is I suspect an easy question for many - I am very new to Joomla. I am building a website for my wife on Joomla 3.x ( I already have an area for her music students, in which they log in and can access teaching material not available to the public. We register them.
I want to create an area of 'free downloads' for members of the public to self-register and automatically go to an area for them to download material. They need to be able to log in again after registration. To build up a newsletter group, I want to capture the registrations and store them for subsequent emails.
I do struggle to understand the ACL in Joomla, but if I try and set up a registration form for the public to use, I have to enable self registration in the admin and that affects the existing student login.
I hope that's enough detail! I was wondering whether I need an extension to enable multiple levels, such as Access Manager Pro? But on the other hand, what I'm asking for doesn't really sound like rocket science!
Many thanks!
By the way, I have never done any programming in Joomla - apart from occasional HTML editing.
If you choose the 'self' registration option that doesn't stop you creating users as you do now. As long as you set the user up correctly they should be able to log in without issue.
New users would have the option to create an account and would be activated via a confirmation email.
You need to create at least one new user group though. For example, a 'download' group which has access to the additional material. Then, if you use a decent component ( - see access control new tab) you will be able to control access to documents and downloads by specifying which groups are able to see download links etc.
Hope that helps a bit!

How to disable registration email in joomla 2.5 and 3

When registering a new Joomla user, an email is sent to the new users email address containing the username and password. Does anyone know how to disable this functionality, so that new users does not recieve this email?
Important to note that there are two scenarios to consider, each with different answers.
Scenario 1) An unregistered user registers a new user account for by using the frontend, where represents the user's own email address.
Scenario 2) An admin registers a new user account for using the backend, where represents someone else's email address (i.e. the email address of the account you are trying to create).
Based on comments from the OP, this question is targeting situation 2 - i.e. in this situation we do NOT want Joomla! sending emails to after creating an account for her in the backend.
Solution to Scenario 2
Login to the admin backend and then go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager.
From the Plugin Manager, locate the the plugin called User - Joomla! (Plugin type is user and Element aka Plugin file is joomla). Click on the title of the plugin to go into the configuration for this plugin.
Set Notification Mail to User to No.
Click Save.
Finding this setting feels like discovering an easter egg. After you do find it you will see the seemingly straightforward description of the configuration setting, which, after rolling your mouse over the text at a moderate but not-too-fast velocity, triggers a popup balloon to begin a mocking fade in sequence, which, after finished, explains to you in a condescending tone exactly what the setting does. But before you've found this, you've most likely already visited the global configuration and played around with the email disable function there (but why would you want to globally disable emailing??), and you've probably also visited the User Module configuration, which also has a suspiciously named email configuration setting which however NOT apply to this situation (e.g. see You might have also searched around on the Internet and found some forum posts which suggest to disable this by hacking the Joomla! core (e.g. Seriously, with the recent discovery of the location of this configuration parameter I have to wonder what kind of altered state of mind the Joomla! folks had to have been in in order to come up with some of the weird ways in which things are organized in this strangely convoluted piece of software.
Check this,
In Joomla 3.x and Joomla 2.5 there is option for avoid sending username/password to the new registered users.
You can check this,
Login to admin -> Users Menu - > Options from tool bar -> Send Password (Yes/No).
Customizing core file do not recommended.
Hope its helps..

Joomla component development (working with tables, users, configuration)

I need to develop an extension for a Joomla website which should have this functionality:
create and work with tables
work with the current user object
determine user permissions and type (registered or guest).
need to provide configuration options for different parameters
Can someone point me where I can find the relevant information?
The building block for a Joomla extension is the so called component. It's important to understand the different extension types. If you don't know how things are called, you don't know what to search.
My advice is to first experiment with existing tutorials. Focus on understanding Joomla and not on fulfilling your specifications.
Creating a component
First step would be to build a basic component. There are numerous tutorials. Developing a MVC Component. Building Joomla Components.
Current user object
Read the basics on Accessing the current user object
Determine user permissions
This is rather a complicated thing to grasp at the first time. Read on the subject by searching for Joomla ACL - Access Control List.
Providing options in the component
Short introduction is provided at How to get component parameters?

Joomla: Set up workflows so articles have to pass by an editor before publishing?

We need for articles to pass by an editor before getting published. Some pages need to pass by two different people. This is beyond the contributor/author/editor roles in the Joomla core, I think, because edits to existing pages need to be held for approval, during which time the original page needs to remain live.
Is this possible in Joomla 3.x?
An extension like this may help you
and other options are also ther use 3rd party software like processmaker and integrate it in JOOMLA in iframe and LDAP to verify users.
open source version of processmaker is available and free to use

How to get data out of entity in script in CRM 2011

I have 2 entities (for this example) in CRM 2011 - Account and Case. The Account holds all of our clients, the case holds individual work actions for an account. When a case is created one of the input fields is the Account.
What I would like to do is upon the user selecting the Account, execute some javascript to look up the account entity to display some additional information.
So far I have got the javascript working that triggers the onchange event of the Account field, and it correctly gets the selected Account, but I don't know what the next step is.
I'm new to CRM so don't really know if what I'm asking is actually sensible, if there is a better way then please let me know.
For the record, the way you were thinking about doing things would be completely supported, and TechHike's method is supported in CRM 4, not CRM 2011. Steps you would take:
Use CRM 2011's web resources to upload a script file that does what you want.
Use the form editor to make your javascript method from step one fire when the Account field changes on the form
Make a request to CRM's REST endpoint ( to retrieve the details of the account selected
Use the results to populate fields on the form, show a popup with details, etc.
There are plenty of examples of caling the REST endpoint from JavaScript in the SDK ( Good luck!
Matt's post above contains everything you need to know, but you might also find the blog post below useful. It basically describes the same scenario where you have a 1:n relationship (such as Case and Account) and details how you can pull information from a specified lookup (e.g. account), using the REST endpoint (as Matt has already mentioned) and display it on the form.
The blog post includes a link to download a CRM2011 solution already built to give you something to look at how they've achieved this (useful if you're new to CRM2011).
There are two ways to do this, and you may be best to do them both in parallel:
on the Account > Case relationship edit the Mappings. When a user goes to an Account and uses the left navigation to look at Cases (or a grid of Cases on the form) then hits "Add New Case" they are creating a Case from inside the "context" of the Account. You can copy any fields you want to from the Account to the Case record at this point - the Mappings define what field from the Account are copied to which target field on the Case. This will always be the most robust, easiest way to do it but relies on the user starting in the right place.
on the Case for you could also add an onChange script to the Parent Customer lookup to fetch the data from the parent record. I think Stephen's link is probably the best way to do this as it does not copy the fields but allows the user to see them anyway, which is better database design (from a purist standpoint) and means the user always sees current info about the Account rather than possibly out of date stuff. Alternatively if you actually need to copy some fields (maybe the customer's normal SLA say) so that you can use these in other such as scripts or workflows on the Case then have a look at this article: Disabling the selection of contacts for opportunities all the way
Although this is about a slightly different topic, the script there fetches the Account details of the parent Contact - you want to fetch values from a parent (llokup) field so the approach is the same, just different in the detail
There are various ways to do this but I would recommend doing it the supported way, without javascript. This may not be as pretty but it is likely much easier. The scenario would be to add a left navigation link to the case entity that when clicked will update the content area to show the details of the account.
To add a link to the left navigation you will need to configure the isv.config file to have an extra link for the case entity.
Here's an example:
You can also lookup isv.config customizations in the SDK, found here:
Next you will need to create a custom aspx page in the ISV folder of the web server. This page will display all the information about the account that you want to show the user when the left navigation link is clicked. The ISV.config as an xml property that allows you to pass all the context params to your page on the querystring. Make sure when you create the link to turn on this attribute.
Now the only tricky part is that in the page you will need to use the CRM web service to display all the account details that you interested in showing the user. I won't do into details on this. You can find great tutorials on the web or in the SDK if you haven't done this before.
