Joomla: Set up workflows so articles have to pass by an editor before publishing? - joomla

We need for articles to pass by an editor before getting published. Some pages need to pass by two different people. This is beyond the contributor/author/editor roles in the Joomla core, I think, because edits to existing pages need to be held for approval, during which time the original page needs to remain live.
Is this possible in Joomla 3.x?

An extension like this may help you
and other options are also ther use 3rd party software like processmaker and integrate it in JOOMLA in iframe and LDAP to verify users.
open source version of processmaker is available and free to use


Where to add Google Remarketing tag in Magento

I am trying to figure out in which file I need to add the Google remarketing tag. I know it needs to be added before the closing of the body tag. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
here is I did in the past:
Depending on what kind of google tracking you are using you have a few different way to use:
1) If only add a custom code and should be in all the Magento page, use the "Miscellaneous Scripts" value going to admin section, System > Configuration > Design > HTML Head - Miscellaneous Scripts. (This will be included before head closing tag in page HTML.)
2) By native Magento already have Google Analytics tracking code and you can find this configuration going to admin section System > Configuration > Google API - Google Analytics.
3) If you are looking something more complex and use the Google adWords I used the extension magento connect link. For a particular Client I did some extra modification to include some extra code if a client subscribe to newsletter or a new client etc.
I hope you can find something helpfully in the post.
There are different template file for different pages in magento so at first I think you should decide where to place it.For example if you want to place it in footer than you should place that code snippet in
Similarly you can check other different template files to place your code.
NB:Best practice is to overide the core file of magento before making changes to it.
Hope this will help.
There's no indication as to which Magento version you're using 1 or 2. At the end of the day it depends how much technical knowledge you have and if you're using a version control system to manage your Magento build.
Miscellaneous Scripts as another answer mentioned earlier, this approach is straight forward and very easy to use to plug and play your code.
Google Module depending which version of Magento you use (CE/EE) there will be a built-in section for you to plugin your account ID in backend Magento configuration and then the platform will generate necessary code for you.
Write custom module by writing your own module you can place it the snippet anywhere on the page by targeting before_body_end node in your layout XML file. This is more technical but gives you more control over what you can do.
Google Tag Manager this also depends on if your Magento version comes pre-built with Google Tag Manager module, then you can create a container and place all your logic in there. This is also more technical and require the output of some values in JS format on the frontend to let GTM read the values.
At the end of the day go with what is easy to setup, portable and easy to manage. I usually go with Google Tag Manager as it takes time to create initial setup of exposing data on the frontend but then I have full control of what I want to do with that data through tag manager. In most cases you'll end up using the same data (ex. totals, shipping method, product IDs, SKUs, cost, etc.) in more than one third party API so this gives you flexibility to do just that.

Is it possible to use the Recaptcha Joomla plugin for custom pages?

Looking at the docs, it seems that it can only be used for registration and contact pages. I would like to add captchas to an iJoomla survey.
Yes and no, it depends on how the component is developed.
If it supports the "standard" joomla captcha system (the one you can manage in the Configuration page), you can use it (you can even change the captcha system).
However, if the developer didn't use it or uses his own system, you can't do anything, you have to ask to the iJoomla developer.

How do I create/obtain a permalink to user profile in Joomla?

I have just migrated a lot of content from an old webpage to a 2.5 Joomla website. Almost every imported page contains a contact detail of one person from a 3-10 people pool.
I would like to define these contacts as Joomla contacts and just simply link to these profiles from every page.
How do I find or create a permalink to these user profiles?
I don't know of a native Joomla way of doing this, but due to the frequent ugliness of Joomla urls, we use YOURLS as an all-around link shortener on all of our sites. It comes with a front end that users are able to create their own links, etc., but we just use the mechanism, and some of the other features on the admin site of things - the mechanism itself is quite straightforward and easy to use once you create one to see what needs to be in the database for it to do it's magic.

Joomla 1.7:- How do i do this please (kinda facebook)

Joomla comes out standard with registered user, and public user
If I add a third (registered) User that allows the third user to a) create a single separate page in Joomla that the user can input pictures (like you do on face book). b) Access all pages as the standard registered user does.
How do I go about that in Joomla 1.7, add a third (registered) User and give it level 2 accesses?
Then how I create a single page for each user. Somehow I need a reference to each user’s page and show that in a list and control the list search parameters. And i need the page viewable when selected and in the page info needs to be received by the third user. I’m not creating face book but I need that sort of techno somehow.
Can someone point me to what I need to look at, editorials, videos, etc. I know I need to lean PHP better.
Could I make a foulder for each registered user to hold photo's and name the folder acourding to the user's name or email address.
I would recommend to go with a component that offers the functionality that you need. You will find it easier to control the user rights there as they are standard settings available. This is more convenient than building everything from scratch.
Some well known components are:
Community Builder (main component free)
JomSocial (commercial component)
There are more components and plugins available, you may also want to search the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) for something suitable (

Building a bridge between Joomla and eGroupware

I'm looking to build an integrated login and user management system between Joomla and eGroupware, ideally with Joomla as the driver. That is, users would log in to Joomla and have their credentials passed into eGroupware as well, so that they could follow a link over to eGW and not have to log in again. Also administrators could add new users to Joomla (or update existing user info) and have those changes reflected in eGW as well.
I tried out this component but all I could get it to do was to synchronize passwords between existing users of both systems (matching on their usernames). Documentation is in Portuguese so I might have missed something in translation. Also I've checked out JFusion but it as yet has nothing available for a bridge to eGW.
Any general advice on how to proceed is greatly appreciated. I have some Joomla experience but not much at writing extensions/modules; would it be easier for me to try to adapt JFusion or something like that or to write something myself?
The best approach would be to write two Joomla plugins: one of the authentication type that will create the session in eGW when someone logs into Joomla, then one of the user type that will respond to the onAfterStoreUser event and update the profile in eGW. This way, you won't be hacking either Joomla or eGW. There's a tutorial on creating authentication plugins for Joomla here: Creating a user plugin will be a similar process, only you'll be responding to the onAfterStoreUser event.
