Smarty must have the variables in `backticks` - smarty

I am trying to add 2 variable together inside of an assign. When reading the Smarty Assign Documentation it says:
This complex example must have the variables in backticks, what does this mean?

It is the following sign `
So you have
assign variable = `value`

According to the official Smarty documentation,
Smarty will recognize assigned variables embedded in "double quotes" so long as the variable name contains only numbers, letters, under_scores and brackets[].
With any other characters, for example a .period or $object->reference, then the variable must be surrounded by `backticks`.
In particular, if you are doing maths in, say, an assign, you need to use backticks for it to work.

backticks are only necessary when inside quotes, and when you have variables with characters such as . -> example:
{assign var="foo" value="myval is `$smarty.request.myval`"}


UiPath - how to use variables in switch/case

I'm just curious about switch/case in UiPath.
Everywhere else in UiPath, strings must have double quotes or stored in variables, however in switch/case, it seems different.
Every "case" is interpreted as string, regardles of the quotes.
How to use variables in there when they're interpreted as string?
You cant use variable in switch case in UiPath. However you can use following expression in Expression property helps switch dynamically.
Something like below screenshot
Hope this helps

In YAML, is there any way to use variables inside a literal block scalar?

I'd like to use a variable inside a YAML literal block scalar.
Here's what I'd like to do:
markup: |
{{ title }}
Can that be done somehow?
I appreciate that this example would be trivial to execute without using a literal block scalar, but my actual use case inside a Foundation 6 stack would contain more markup and more variables than what I'm showing here.
There is no such thing as a variable inside a literal block scalar.
First of all there are no variables in YAML (the word variable, occurs only once in the YAML specification, in an example document, nr. 2.28).
And second, this is called literal for a reason. No interpretation is done of any of the characters.
Of course it is possible that some program that loads your document does something with the text between curly braces ({}). E.g interprets it as a jinja2 template. But without knowing what such a program does or expects, it is equally valid to expect something like that for the information between angle brackets (<>).
Therefore within YAML there is no way to use variables, neither inside of literal block-style scalars, nor outside them.
As for the templating: I have worked with program that generated YAML from a template and applied templates on the loaded string scalars (by recursively walking the tree). Your example could be either.

Bash Script - Exclamation Point within Variable Reference

I'm looking over a script (which has been used successfully in the past) which contains the following:
while :
userVal=`echo ${!userKey}`
I have not been able to figure out why an exclamation point would be added to a variable reference like this. What purpose does "!" serve in this context?
It's rare for me to do much scripting so if I am missing any details please let me know and I will try to provide more information. I have not been able to find this answer elsewhere.
Thanks in advance!
It's called indirect parameter expansion. Where $userKey expands to the value of the variable userKey, ${!userKey} expands to the value of the variable whose name is the value of userKey. Since usrKey has the value WEB_1_USER (given the current value of $node, ${!userKey} expands to the same result as $WEB_1_USER.
Its use is somewhat rare, since in many cases (including, it appears, here) an array WEB_USER of user names would be clearer than a set of numbered variables.
WEB_USER=(alice bob charlie)
while :
In bash, I thought that the only characters that retained their meta-character status inside double quotes were the dollar sign ($), the back-tick (`) and the backslash (\).

Bash Variable escape character

I'm attempting to generate a url using a bunch of different variables however when I follow a variable with an underscore the variable after the underscore does not show up. However, if I put a space before the underscore then there is a space in the generated URL. So my question is, is there an escape character for doing the sort of thing I have described?
Also code:
URL="$baseURL$BUILD/TorBrowserBundle-$BUILD-$OS$BIT _$"
The issue occurs in between $BIT and $LANG.
you can use ${}
so something like

Freemarker escaping freemarker

I'm using freemarker to generate a freemarker template. But I need some way to escape freemarker tags.
How would I escape a <#list> tag or a ${expression} ?
You could also use: ${"$"}{expression} if you find the {} nesting confusing.
I'm using the alternative syntax feature. I start the template with [#ftl] and use this syntax.
For the expressions I use the string literal feature: ${r"${expression}"}
You can configure FreeMarker to use [=exp] instead of ${exp} (since 2.3.28), and [#...]/[#...] instead of <#...>|<#...> by setting both the interpolation_syntax and the tag_syntax configuration setting to square_bracket (in the Java API: Configuration cfg; ... cfg.setInterpolationSyntax(Configuration.SQUARE_BRACKET_INTERPOLATION_SYNTAX) and cfg.setTagSyntax(Configuration.SQUARE_BRACKET_TAG_SYNTAX)). Then the syntax doesn't clash with the default syntax.
There's one tricky case; if the template starts with <#ftl>, then it will switch the tag syntax back to angle_bracket. To counter that, just add a [#ftl] line before it.
See also:
In the case when you want to use non-raw strings so that you can escape double quotes, apostrophes, etc, you can do the following:
Imagine that you want to use the string ${Hello}-"My friend's friend" inside of a string. You cannot do that with raw strings. What I have used that works is:
${"\x0024{Hello}-\"My friend's friend\""}
I have not escaped the apostrophe since I used double quotes.
