GnuWin32 or Cygwin - from a programmers point of view - windows

For a programmer with Linux skills and a love of the command line, what is better to use on Windows - Cygwin or GnuWin32?
I tried to find a good comparison or a list of differences but couldn't find anything remotely complete. Also, I wondered whether this should be a question, but decided against it, because I'm asking precisely for use of the tool for a programmer.
I'd like to know the common pitfalls and restrictions of each of the solutions. Interoperability with windows is an important issue, for my main development is done in MSVC...

It is absolutely no contest
GnuWin32 does not include Bash
This is a critical part of the Cygwin distribution. Switching from cmd.exe to Bash was a huge boon to my productivity. cmd.exe is cripped in comparison to Bash.
GnuWin32 is old
Many program go years without being updated.
tar 2003
coreutils 2005
zlib 2005
make 2006
wget 2008
I would not use GnuWin32 unless I had no other choice.


What useful developer tools does Windows XP come with?

I work in a pseudo-IT team that does development outside of a formal IT development environment - using Windows XP (and IE6). I can't install any software myself, so can only use what the central IT department makes available - which isn't much.
I have lots of UNIX development experience, so it's painful working without some of the tools I have previously taken for granted.
Notepad is my favorite thing about Windows. What else is there hiding in C:\Windows that I should know about?
Not a great deal, if you're used to the plethora that comes with UNIX. The cmd.exe language has come a long way since the brain-dead version with MS-DOS. It's still no match for bash but it's not bad. Check out Rob Van der Woude's site ("Batch Files" link on the left side) for some fantastic little snippets.
I do know that findstr now does regular expressions so it's at least coming close to grep.
See also this question (which has a couple of answers from me and absolute bucketloads from everyone else) re Windows batch files.
A JavaScript interpreter: cscript / wscript (can also interpret VBScript plus any other language for which a Windows ScriptingHost compliant interpreter is installed)
WordPad: practically useless except for one thing: it can read Unix line endings, unlike NotePad
if you're lucky: PowerShell
Note that plenty of applications are also packaged as so-called portable applications which need no installation: Firefox, NotePad++, even a complete Ubuntu distribution.
ntsd (the Windows NT debugger for user-mode programs - command line stuff, a bit like gdb) was available by default on Windows installations in the system32 directory, although I think that this policy has changed since I can't find it in my Windows 7 64 bit installation.
mmm... not much indeed, besides I think everything that comes out of the box have already been mentioned...
not really answering your question, but I would recommend to use portable software, there's a huge collection of them available, like notepad++, winmerge, grepwin...

GCC on Windows OS

I was wondering is there a free Windows version of GCC.
I know there is minigw and something else but I don't know how to use them.
Sorry if this should be on SU.
The main choices are either MinGW or CygWin.
CygWin is a more complete UNIX-like environment than MinGW as it offers quite a lot of tools over and above development stuff. Even to the point of a full X-Windows server so you can develop software that'll run on both UNIX-like systems and Windows.
The installer is good but I would suggest installing everything even if you think you don't need it. Disk space is cheap and I've had problems in the past trying to get stuff going on partial installs (whether 1.7, or even earlier, fixes this, I don't know - I always do full installs).
However, it relies on the CygWin UNIX emulation DLL which, if I remember rightly, has restrictions for non-free software.
MinGW is more concentrated on the development tools. It generates native Windows applications rather than running under a emulation DLL like CygWin.
It used to be difficult to install with having to do MinGW, MSYS and others separately but it's come a long since then and has an easy graphical installer.
I believe it can do graphical applications using native Windows calls rather than via X-Windows, since it just links to the normal Windows runtimes.
If you want to know how to use either of them, you really have to look through the docs found at those links I provided - check the Documentation link on the left for MinGW (particularly Getting started) or the CygWin FAQ.
As for GUIs for development, I've never used one for CygWin - I'm old enough that I remember mark sense cards so I'm not scared of the command line interface :-).
I used Eclipse with CDT running over MinGW and wasn't that impressed although admittedly that was an early version. Don't get me wrong Eclipse is a brilliant tool and we use it for both Java and Linux/C development, I just had a lot of troubles with Eclipse/CDT under Windows.
Code::Blocks, on the other hand, was absolutely brilliant but you should check them all out to see which one suits you best. As I said, the last time I looked was about five years ago, an eternity in the IT world.
I am a bit late, but since the question may still arise...
gcc for Windows (including Ada, C, C++ and Fortran compilers) can be obtained from MinGW-builds on SourceForge:
As of august 2013, there are 32 and 64 bits versions of gcc-4.8.1.

What is the best way to use linux utilities under windows? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Linux utilities like sed, awk and other shell scripting features are awesome and life becomes a lot harder when I am developing on windows and cant use any of these.
People suggest to use cygwin for those who want the linux like tools under windows. But I feel cygwin will be an overkill for someone who only wants to use the handful commands.
Some say that Windows Services for Unix can also be a good alternative.
I have used none of these. Can some experienced programmer suggest best/simplest way to do this? of course apart from switching to linux itself.
I think the GnuWin32 project is exactly what you're looking for. Unix command line tools ported to Windows.
I've been using UnxUtils which are ports of common GNU utilities to native Win32 for ages.
I should add that I've also used Cygwin (et al.) and Microsoft's Services for Unix and neither of them were any good for me because they don't work as well as native versions from the command prompt, and using ksh/bash/whatever under Windows never really works right, even though I use ksh under unix all the time.
I tried something like this quite often, but to be honest, none of it really works well.
I therefore suggest using a virtual machine (such as VirtualBox) and install a small linux inside that. You can easily move files from and to the guest system with shared folders.
Judging by my experience, it is the best solution I used so far.
I tried Gow for some time, and it's nice. It offers 130 Unix-shell utilities for Windows. The contextual menu in the File explorer, to start a prompt in the current folder, is really handy.
There's a GNU port of many of the utils. I find that quite useful.
If you need Perl, I recommend Strawberry Perl.
The problem with most of the tools suggested here is that they don't get updated very often E.g. the last update GnuWin32 got was on 27 December 2010; UnxUtils was last updated on 01 March 2007.
I suggest MSYS2, a very good option which has a Win32 port of Arch's pacman package management system built-in. It's a spin-off from Cygwin like MSYS but much better than MSYS (lots of packages and gets updated almost daily) and (very light as opposed to) Cygwin.
It's a rolling release distribution that works under Windows and thus you get the latest and greatest of the packages. MSYS2 additionally has MinGW, provided in both x86 and x86_64 flavours. They've their own list of packages - MinGW packages.
Maintainers are very affable too.
MSYS is a common alternative for people who find CygWin excessive. It's still a special prompt, but it was originally intended to set up just enough Unix-compatibility to build programs using the MinGW compilers and the typical configure/make routine.
Using tools like sed and awk isn't going to work quite as expected in a normal Windows command prompt. It can be done to a point, but common usage involves command-line syntax that is normally interpreted by the shell, but which the Windows command prompt doesn't support. One example is wildcard file specifications. I've often found that Unix-centric tools aren't as usable on Windows as they assume the shell has expanded those wildcards into lists of files for them.
Install msysGit (netinstaller), it comes with a (msys/minGW) shell environment.
It also adds a "open shell here" in explorer.
It's faster than Cygwin, but at the sacrifice of unix compatibility.
Maybe it is stupid, but I usually search google for i.e.: "indent windows". You can select tools from mixed platforms. Lot of stuff from open systems has been ported on windows.

latest Xemacs for Windows binary download

I'm trying to get an updated version for Windows vista. I previously got 21.4.22 but it's been a year since that release. The linux versions should be 22.x. I'm wondering if anyone else builds stable binaries for Windows ?
21.4.22 has several bugs and I cannot figure out how to fix them. I know Xemacs is not as active as GNU emacs but still aren't there any Xemacs users on windows who build their own copies even if the official site doesn't ?
I would like to be able to compare buffers, files and directories apart from being able to edit any file : java, javascript, ruby, .bat, .sh, .xml, etc.
It will also be nice if I can interface with sqlplus(oracle) and other commandline sql tools like with a previous edition I had.
I guess XEmacs is dying (especially on windows) -- I came here because Martin fowler talked about it long ago.
Now that nobody has bothered to answer this question, I'm thinking that the community is dying and I switch to a better platform(GNU emacs) -- sure there'd be some features I might miss (don't know which).

Development Environment in Windows [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What are your recommendations for setting up a development environment in Windows, especially when not using an IDE. I am attempting to familiarize myself with Windows, and I feel a bit lost. What do developers commonly work on, especially when developing in multiple languages (e.g. Java, Python, C) in the same time.
So far, I have been a hardline using Mac+Linux environments where I love my command line a lot. I pretty much run all my compilations, testing, code repository commands in the terminal and have multiple terminals all the time. Terminal features (e.g. integrated bash completion, easy copy&paste, easy to setup environment variables) and package management tools (e.g. apt-get, port, fink) are quite handy. I dislike hunting down different websites to install their latest binary build.
Coming back to my question. My question is two fold:
What's commonly used? Do developers on Windows commonly use command line, or just be satisfied with an IDE?
For comers from Linux/Mac world: what do you recommend to get up to speed?
NOTE: I realize that a lot of Windows developers haven't used Linux, so they may not know what I'm talking about when it comes to Linux environment.
It's almost unheard of to not use an IDE for Windows development.
I started programming in the early 80's so grew up on the command line, but nothing beats a modern IDE for productivity.
By far the most common choice is Visual Studio, though I have also used #develop (open source) and find it a fine platform to get up to speed with.
I have used Eclipse extensively (on Linux and Windows) and find Visual Studio to be easier to use. I especially miss options for debugging under windows such as moving the instruction pointer around during debug and change-and-continue (change the code, within limits, while debugging, move the instruction pointer back if necessary, and keep debugging).
If you have used Eclipse, Visual Studio or #develop will not be that hard to get used to.
I tend to install cygwin, which is a unix emulation layer and includes many of the standard unix utilities (grep, awk, sed, etc). You can use bash or any other unix shell with cygwin to basically give yourself a unix environment on windows.
There are some downsides, paths are a good example. Windows programs expect windows paths while the unix tools expect unix paths. You can convert between the two using the cygpath program, but sometimes its tricky to know when to use it.
Another thing I do fairly often is create a bunch of batch files that load different programs onto my path. This allows me to have different version of say java installed and I can pick the version I want to use for any given shell session. I link a bunch of these together so that I have a full environment for the program I'm working on. For example, if I require java 1.5, maven, subversion then I would have a batch file to load each into the environment, then have a master file that loads all of them for a standard environment.
This approach gives a lot of flexibility and is really easy to maintain and work with different environment simultaneously.
Most windows developers that develop on the microsoft stack of products probably use Visual Studio. For windows development without Visual Studio, SharpDevelop is the current most popular alternative.
However if you are looking for a user experience more similar to linux you can always use windows command prompt and all of the command prompt compilers still exist. Just like with linux you'll have to modify your environmental variables to make everything work you you'd like it to.
If that still isn't close enough to the feel on linux, you can try out Cygwin.
Many of your common utilities from linux like gdb do have windows builds as well.
And of course there is the Eclipse IDE that is used for many languages, by many people, on multiple platforms. It is very extendable.
Some other tools you may be missing:
GCC - Available Via Cygwin
MS Build can give you similar functionality to what you had with make (I'm not sure if nmake is still used/supported)
SysInternals will have lots of various file/process monitoring utilities to hopefully adequately replace what you miss being able to simply get from /proc
Wireshark(or ethereal) to replace well... wireshark/ethereal/
Tail is available in the Windows Resource Kit
Hopefully that covers most of your basic tasks.
Microsoft now has a real shell for Windows: Windows PowerShell.
In addition to Cygwin, there are ports for a lot of the GNU utilities and toolchain to Windows. GnuWin32 seems to be a more up-to-date version than UnixUtils. MSYS is essentially a port of BASH to Windows, but it's fairly useless without the MinGW userland.
C++ / .NET Development: Visual Studio 2008
Java / PHP Development: Eclipse IDE, which also supports C/C++.
For a non-IDE solution, Notepad++ is a very good code highlighter that supports many languages.
Simply install cygwin. The quality has improved dramatically in recent years. I'm currently running cygwin x64 on Vista, and it's great.
One thing to especially take note of in cygwin is your path. Most troubleshooting with scripts and installed software should begin there.
The other tip I'd give is to use the rxvt terminal over the standard issue cygwin terminal. It might be installed by default nowadays, but check to make sure.
Visual Studio for .net/C++ (even the express editions are useful)
The sysinternals tools rock, especially Procmon and process explorer.
If you do native/C++ work knowing windbg can be helpful
Notepad++ and gvim are my preferred editors
For doing command line/shell stuff I often use python to write short scripts (for anything but the simplest batch file)
If you are familiar with .net then learning powershell isn't much of a stretch and there is a ton of functionality available
