latest Xemacs for Windows binary download - windows

I'm trying to get an updated version for Windows vista. I previously got 21.4.22 but it's been a year since that release. The linux versions should be 22.x. I'm wondering if anyone else builds stable binaries for Windows ?
21.4.22 has several bugs and I cannot figure out how to fix them. I know Xemacs is not as active as GNU emacs but still aren't there any Xemacs users on windows who build their own copies even if the official site doesn't ?
I would like to be able to compare buffers, files and directories apart from being able to edit any file : java, javascript, ruby, .bat, .sh, .xml, etc.
It will also be nice if I can interface with sqlplus(oracle) and other commandline sql tools like with a previous edition I had.

I guess XEmacs is dying (especially on windows) -- I came here because Martin fowler talked about it long ago.
Now that nobody has bothered to answer this question, I'm thinking that the community is dying and I switch to a better platform(GNU emacs) -- sure there'd be some features I might miss (don't know which).


GCC on Windows OS

I was wondering is there a free Windows version of GCC.
I know there is minigw and something else but I don't know how to use them.
Sorry if this should be on SU.
The main choices are either MinGW or CygWin.
CygWin is a more complete UNIX-like environment than MinGW as it offers quite a lot of tools over and above development stuff. Even to the point of a full X-Windows server so you can develop software that'll run on both UNIX-like systems and Windows.
The installer is good but I would suggest installing everything even if you think you don't need it. Disk space is cheap and I've had problems in the past trying to get stuff going on partial installs (whether 1.7, or even earlier, fixes this, I don't know - I always do full installs).
However, it relies on the CygWin UNIX emulation DLL which, if I remember rightly, has restrictions for non-free software.
MinGW is more concentrated on the development tools. It generates native Windows applications rather than running under a emulation DLL like CygWin.
It used to be difficult to install with having to do MinGW, MSYS and others separately but it's come a long since then and has an easy graphical installer.
I believe it can do graphical applications using native Windows calls rather than via X-Windows, since it just links to the normal Windows runtimes.
If you want to know how to use either of them, you really have to look through the docs found at those links I provided - check the Documentation link on the left for MinGW (particularly Getting started) or the CygWin FAQ.
As for GUIs for development, I've never used one for CygWin - I'm old enough that I remember mark sense cards so I'm not scared of the command line interface :-).
I used Eclipse with CDT running over MinGW and wasn't that impressed although admittedly that was an early version. Don't get me wrong Eclipse is a brilliant tool and we use it for both Java and Linux/C development, I just had a lot of troubles with Eclipse/CDT under Windows.
Code::Blocks, on the other hand, was absolutely brilliant but you should check them all out to see which one suits you best. As I said, the last time I looked was about five years ago, an eternity in the IT world.
I am a bit late, but since the question may still arise...
gcc for Windows (including Ada, C, C++ and Fortran compilers) can be obtained from MinGW-builds on SourceForge:
As of august 2013, there are 32 and 64 bits versions of gcc-4.8.1.

PC to Macbook Pro Transition - Getting (re)started?

I'm in my second computer science course right now. I've enjoyed programming so far, but really have just scraped my way by. I've not done much programming outside of required class work. For similar reasons, I never really invested in downloading/learning software to help me program (IDE's, editors, compilers, etc).
I know it sounds tedious, but my current setup is: notepad++ for coding; Filezilla to transfer .cpp & .h files to school's aludra/unix and compiling; unix tells me where my bugs are and I go back to notepad++ to debug; repeat until done.
This isn't fun - and I know it could be easier. But I put it off knowing that I was soon going to switch to a Mac. And, tomorrow, I'm switching.
How should I set up my Macbook for the best programming experience?
What IDEs and editors and debuggers and so on should I download?
How will Mac programming differ from PC?
I'm open to all ideas and comments, even the most basic.
(Background - I'm learning/programming in C++ right now. Next semester, my classes switch to Java. I'm also going to take a class in web development, with HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP. My new laptop will be a late 2009 Macbook Pro with Leopard, or maybe Snow Leopard. Free would be preferrable for all programs.)
Thank you all.
How exciting for you, I'm sure your new lappy will be able to make your life as a novice programmer much, much simpler.
Here's what I would do.
Download and install eclipse. It's free, and it's a very good IDE to have if you're going to program java. There are versions available for c/c++ and php as well, and there is a silly amount of great plugins for just about anything you'll ever need. Get it here.
Get the subversive plugin to your eclipse. It will make your life so easy when it comes to managing your code through svn. You can download the plugin through eclipse.
Download Ruby. Ruby is (imho) a great language for beginners, and the irb environment is very handy for trying little things out. Get it here.
Get emacs. Emacs is a great editor, and it's free. Use it for editing your system files, or for coding if you find it suits you. Get it here. (I can also recommend Textmate, it's a really good editor, but unfortunatly not free. If you want to spoil yourself a bit, though, I'd really recommend it.)
If you're doing modelling, you should definitly treat yourself to a licence of omnigraffle. It will definitly make your life easier, and it will let you draw models like nothing else. Get it here.
I would advise you not to bother with macports. Generally I find it will install everything, everyone and their dog on your lappy evertyime you use it, and that gets tedious pretty quickly.
If you're doing any php-stuff, get MAMP. MAMP puts you three clicks away from a running apache, mysql and php-setup without you so much as thinking. Very good piece of software, I think. Get it here.
For the rest of it, just download stuff when the need arises. Most of the things you'll need to install comes in handly little installer packages, and you won't need to know much in order to get them installed and working on your computer.
All the best of luck to you!
You definitely need Developer Tools from Apple. They include:
XCode, a very good IDE and editor
gcc, g++ and clang to compile code, in various versions
gdb as debugger
Instruments for performance analysis
as well as a lot of other utilities to program in C, C++, Java, Objective-C and Objective-C++.
Python, Ruby and PHP interpreters and libraries come preinstalled with every Mac so don't bother installing it by hand. (the Apache web server is also included, so you only need MySQL to have a full MAMP stack)
The Developer Tools package comes with every MacOSX DVD but I recommend you to download the latest version directly from Apple (it requires a free Developer account).
Once you installed it put XCode in the Dock and that's it! No other stuff needed.
NB: This is the simplest and only supported way of getting compilers and debuggers for C-based languages, even if you won't use XCode as an editor.
Speaking of editors, I recommend you to stick to XCode for a while because it is simple enough, yet very powerful, and it's free.
If you don't like it try TextWrangler (free) or TextMate (paid).
Vim and Emacs are two other good editors, but I don't recommend you to try them right now because they use obscure and non-standard key combinations, so you will spend a lot of time learning how to use them instead of programming.
Anyway the best thing you can do is to learn one editor very well, the effort in learning it will surely pay off every day.
Eclipse is the best editor for java. It's available on a mac for free, just as it is on windows.
There's a good text editor made by barebones software called text wrangler. It's free, and is good about syntax coloring for basic editing.
The best of the best for web development on mac is a tie between text mate and coda. If you're going to be doing a lot of web development, they're worth the investment.
To run a test environment in mysql/php, download MAMP (the mac counterpart to WAMP). Google search it - it's free, and really easy.
Mac programming doesn't differ at all from windows programming if you're writing java, php, etc., because it all goes the same place. Java just boils your code down differently depending on your machine, but it does the same stuff. PHP will probably be held on some sort of linux distro, so it's the same on both. C++ is the same given the appropriate compilers.
Enjoy your mac!

Development Environment in Windows [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What are your recommendations for setting up a development environment in Windows, especially when not using an IDE. I am attempting to familiarize myself with Windows, and I feel a bit lost. What do developers commonly work on, especially when developing in multiple languages (e.g. Java, Python, C) in the same time.
So far, I have been a hardline using Mac+Linux environments where I love my command line a lot. I pretty much run all my compilations, testing, code repository commands in the terminal and have multiple terminals all the time. Terminal features (e.g. integrated bash completion, easy copy&paste, easy to setup environment variables) and package management tools (e.g. apt-get, port, fink) are quite handy. I dislike hunting down different websites to install their latest binary build.
Coming back to my question. My question is two fold:
What's commonly used? Do developers on Windows commonly use command line, or just be satisfied with an IDE?
For comers from Linux/Mac world: what do you recommend to get up to speed?
NOTE: I realize that a lot of Windows developers haven't used Linux, so they may not know what I'm talking about when it comes to Linux environment.
It's almost unheard of to not use an IDE for Windows development.
I started programming in the early 80's so grew up on the command line, but nothing beats a modern IDE for productivity.
By far the most common choice is Visual Studio, though I have also used #develop (open source) and find it a fine platform to get up to speed with.
I have used Eclipse extensively (on Linux and Windows) and find Visual Studio to be easier to use. I especially miss options for debugging under windows such as moving the instruction pointer around during debug and change-and-continue (change the code, within limits, while debugging, move the instruction pointer back if necessary, and keep debugging).
If you have used Eclipse, Visual Studio or #develop will not be that hard to get used to.
I tend to install cygwin, which is a unix emulation layer and includes many of the standard unix utilities (grep, awk, sed, etc). You can use bash or any other unix shell with cygwin to basically give yourself a unix environment on windows.
There are some downsides, paths are a good example. Windows programs expect windows paths while the unix tools expect unix paths. You can convert between the two using the cygpath program, but sometimes its tricky to know when to use it.
Another thing I do fairly often is create a bunch of batch files that load different programs onto my path. This allows me to have different version of say java installed and I can pick the version I want to use for any given shell session. I link a bunch of these together so that I have a full environment for the program I'm working on. For example, if I require java 1.5, maven, subversion then I would have a batch file to load each into the environment, then have a master file that loads all of them for a standard environment.
This approach gives a lot of flexibility and is really easy to maintain and work with different environment simultaneously.
Most windows developers that develop on the microsoft stack of products probably use Visual Studio. For windows development without Visual Studio, SharpDevelop is the current most popular alternative.
However if you are looking for a user experience more similar to linux you can always use windows command prompt and all of the command prompt compilers still exist. Just like with linux you'll have to modify your environmental variables to make everything work you you'd like it to.
If that still isn't close enough to the feel on linux, you can try out Cygwin.
Many of your common utilities from linux like gdb do have windows builds as well.
And of course there is the Eclipse IDE that is used for many languages, by many people, on multiple platforms. It is very extendable.
Some other tools you may be missing:
GCC - Available Via Cygwin
MS Build can give you similar functionality to what you had with make (I'm not sure if nmake is still used/supported)
SysInternals will have lots of various file/process monitoring utilities to hopefully adequately replace what you miss being able to simply get from /proc
Wireshark(or ethereal) to replace well... wireshark/ethereal/
Tail is available in the Windows Resource Kit
Hopefully that covers most of your basic tasks.
Microsoft now has a real shell for Windows: Windows PowerShell.
In addition to Cygwin, there are ports for a lot of the GNU utilities and toolchain to Windows. GnuWin32 seems to be a more up-to-date version than UnixUtils. MSYS is essentially a port of BASH to Windows, but it's fairly useless without the MinGW userland.
C++ / .NET Development: Visual Studio 2008
Java / PHP Development: Eclipse IDE, which also supports C/C++.
For a non-IDE solution, Notepad++ is a very good code highlighter that supports many languages.
Simply install cygwin. The quality has improved dramatically in recent years. I'm currently running cygwin x64 on Vista, and it's great.
One thing to especially take note of in cygwin is your path. Most troubleshooting with scripts and installed software should begin there.
The other tip I'd give is to use the rxvt terminal over the standard issue cygwin terminal. It might be installed by default nowadays, but check to make sure.
Visual Studio for .net/C++ (even the express editions are useful)
The sysinternals tools rock, especially Procmon and process explorer.
If you do native/C++ work knowing windbg can be helpful
Notepad++ and gvim are my preferred editors
For doing command line/shell stuff I often use python to write short scripts (for anything but the simplest batch file)
If you are familiar with .net then learning powershell isn't much of a stretch and there is a ton of functionality available

Developing in Ruby, on a Windows machine, is too counter productive?

It seems to be very counter productive in that so many gems will break on windows. I have been dealing with so many mysql and ruby-mysql gem problems (seg faults occuring in the gem itself, a class called UnixSocket apparently doesn't work well on windows machines, etc etc).
I'm I just wasting my time here? Should I move onto a different scripting language?
I have very little experience with Ruby on Windows but when I was starting with Ruby I was on Windows and I got the general impression that it wasn't a Windows-native system.
So after many years of using primarily Windows, getting into Ruby prompted me to switch back to my original system, Unix, this time to Linux. Ruby did run with less hassle and running bash in its native environment was better than the just-mostly-OK Cygwin. I was happy.
Then my new employer had me switch to the Mac. Now I'm really spoiled, but really happy.
I realize this is subjective but ISTM that Linux was a lot better than windows and the Mac is a lot better than Linux. I could still run Windows in VMWare Fusion if I wanted to, but I don't. I do have some Linux VM's.
I think what I'm really trying to say is that there is a reason Ruby isn't best deployed on Windows. The kind of people who run Ruby are .. I'm trying to think of a non-pejorative word here .. not likely to be found on Windows.
So this is a turning point for you. Yes, .net is a sophisticated and well-documented environment, yes, windows has been reliable for several years now, and yes, it's a respectable system at this point. Yes, it runs Stack Overflow and some of the gurus are Windows guys. But it's just kind of a litmus test for .. darn, missing that word again ..
A lot of people run Windows because they just don't know what else to run. Linux is a good alternative if you have to buy the system yourself. And if you or your employer can afford it, the (Unix-underneath) Mac gives you everything Linux does plus the Mac-specific world.
It's time to choose... :-)
I've been developing with Ruby on Windows for several years, including building and deploying "enterprise" intranet Rails apps running against Oracle, MySQL and SQLServer on both Windows and Solaris servers.
Agreed, there are a few gems that have compiled components whose authors have not built Windows versions - that's OK, it's an open-source platform and they don't have to if they don't want to. Similarly, you're perfectly entitled to (a) ignore libraries that don't have mswin32 or mingw32 versions or (b) give something back by compiling them yourself!
As for the MySQL gem, IIRC on Windows you need the "pure Ruby" adaptor, which does not use the MySQL C API: or gem install ruby-mysql
I don't think you're wasting your time. I've worked with two guys who've done extensive projects on Ruby on Rails apps using Windows XP, like major, long-term projects. They seem to not mind it at all. They both worked on it using the NetBeans IDE. (It has a Ruby-specific version.)
I tried it myself when I first got started with Ruby and didn't run into a lot of errors or problems with gems, though there were some things that worked awkwardly. Usually there was a workaround.
I decided that I greatly preferred using OS X or CentOS Linux for Ruby development. But I know for a fact that working on Windows is possible.
One thing to look out for is that 90% of the Ruby community is on OS X and deploys to Linux, so you'll get more help if you're on one of those OSs.
Another thing to look out for is that the whole Ruby universe and culture is very oriented towards the Unix command line using the bash shell. All your tutorials and stuff are going to kind of assume that. They're going to have instructions like "Go to the shell and run # rake db:migrate and it will be a lot easier to follow those instructions if you have a full-featured shell with command completion, command history, etc. So if you want to work on Windows you might look into installing something like MinGW.

Setting up an emacs environment in windows?

I am currently constrained to a windows dev box and I want to migrate my projects from eclipse to emacs.
What are some good references on setting up an emacs dev environment for windows? Anything that could assist in migrating from eclipse as well would be appreciated.
If you're used to windows behaviors (e.g. ctrl-c is copy, etc.), a good (customized) version of emacs for windows is the 'EmacsW32' package.
If you're looking at migrating away from eclipse, I assume that you probably want java support. For this you will want to get the JDEE package, also. Unfortunately, it's non-trivial to deploy on windows, as it depends on other packages (and requires cygwin or msys (pseudo-unix environments for windows) in order to install).
You may also want to install additional modes to support e.g. SCM systems, etc. A good source of information for this is the EmacsWiki. There's a significant amount of material there about emacs on windows, although some of it is out of date....
Sure, just download a prebuilt version and use it.
For example, as I use R a lot with the wonderful Emacs ESS mode, the prebuilt version by Vincent Goulet is really useful as it contains Emacs, ESS, Auctex (for LaTeX) and more.
Other prebuilds exist for Cygwin, MinGW, or plain old Windows.
Eclipse is pretty good on Windows; I'm a big user of emacs but for Java development I spend most of my time in Eclipse.
Regarding general use of emacs on windows I highly recommend you install GnuWin32, as it is much faster than Cygwin and integrates very well. Also see my blog post on Visual Studio tricks in emacs and this one on tags.
I'll assume you are doing Java development for the most part and that you would prefer not to be using Windows. This is a situation I find myself in from time to time. My preferences are to use a Linux machine (virutal or real) in addition to the Windows machine. Emacs just works better in a real Unix environment. And then use both Emacs and Eclipse where each is stronger. Emacs for editing, mail, planning, "thinking" type stuff and Eclipse for debugging, refactoring, some error fixing. Fortunately both Emacs and Eclipse make it easy to use both simultaneously.
I generally use EmacsW32 on a new box - it's a good option at least initially. I'd also recommend checking out the emacs starter kits which hook up to ELPA (, which allows you to get a usable setup pretty quickly.
Install Cygwin.
In your .emacs, load these two files, in this order:
