Joomla 1.5 jdoc include type head works only on homepage? - joomla

I have a problem withjdoc include head. On any other page than Home, the <jdoc:include type="head" /> result is not complete, it does not include jQuery library etc. but only the title and favicon. Any idea how could I keep the JS libraries and all from jdoc head on all pages, not just the homepage ? I don't know why they get loaded on home but not on login for example, or search...

By default header in Joomla doesn't contain jQuery... It loads Mootools.
If you need to load jQuery you have to use a plugin like this one.


How not to be confined into content area... full size web app on Joomla

I am currently creating an Intranet ERP application that will integrate an already existing corporate Joomla 3.1 based web site.
The extension i made so far only has one default controller php file and everything is made using a JavaScript UI framework. (i.e. jqWidgets) So i am not using model, views, helpers.
The other php files are there to respond to the client side interface AJAX requests.
So i mainly need Joomla for the user authentication and session control features but i dont want it to confine my extensions output to the content area... i need the entire document surface... no menu, no module columns, no nothing !
Can it be done ?
Two ways
component.php in the template will show only the component's output add &tmpl=component to your urls
Make a custom template that only outputs the component
<!-- put what scripts stylesheets you need etc//-->
<jdoc:include type="component" />

Joomla Modal not on every page

I have a older Joomla intallation which includes a modal feature, however I have noticed in the sourcecode that the related JS and CSS only load on the main index page - it's not being loaded on all other pages.
Is there a way to include this globally ?
Some advise would be greatly appreciated.
Figured it out - by adding:
<?php JHTML::_( 'behavior.modal' ); ?>

Joomla. Where article is outputed?

I'm new in Joomla and so need some help with basic.
I have write template for Joomla 1.7 and use it in such way:
Template have one position called "main".
I use custom HTML for building page structure and include modules with ModulesAnywhere plugin.
Now I have module which list all articles from category. When I click on the link I am redirecting to my_site/category/article_name. But where article text is outputed?
It seems like that it should be ouptuted in position. If so how could I dynamicly add this tag in my custom HTML?
The articles are showed by default (or any other component content)where this tag is located in your template:
<jdoc:include type="component" />
Normal content does not require any position like modules.

Using plugin outside of Wordpress pages

I am trying to use lightbox plus plugin for Wordpress which works fine for most of my site.
I have a php page which is used by a jQuery AJAX function to retrieve data in order to paginate a large result set back in wordpress. This page is not part of wordpress.
I have managed to get Wordpress functions to work fine in this php page by using:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
However, in this page is an include, and within the included file is a link to an external sheet which is meant to be brought in with a lighbox:
<a class="" rel="lightbox" href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/more-product-info?a=<?php echo $post->ID ?>">
<div id="moreprodinfo">More Info</div>
This method of retrieving information in a lighbox works ok on most parts of my site, but its just not working on the part that uses AJAX to retrieve the link to the lighbox page.
I assumed it was something to do with plugins not working when the page is not part of Wordpress, but all the Wordpress function have been working so why not plugins? Also my cufon plugin doesnt work on this ajax retrieved page either.
Is it becuase I am using .html javascript function to display the content retrieved by AJAX:
if(pageType == 'prizeHome'){
$("#tab-prize-home #container").html(msg);
Any help would be appreciated
It looks like a common issue when using ajax to load html content :
You probably call lightbox and cufon when document is ready, which happens only once before your ajax call. You have to call again lightbox and cufon after your ajax call.

Joomla 1.7: Order of modules on frontpage

I would like to configure my frontpage (default page). In Menu Manager I set Menu Item Type to "Featured articles". It's great. I have featured articles on my homepage. Now I want to show my special module only on my homepage. So I add new module in module manager and assign it to homepage. Yes, module is added. And this is problem. Module is added before Featured Articles.
I would like to change order of Featured Articles (Content Component) and Modules. Is it possible?
I think I can't change it in Joomla Back-end.
Thank you very much for reply
Oh, it's my mistake.
In my main template file index.php I have bad order of jos:include tags.
<jdoc:include type="component" />
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="left" style="mfPanel" headerLevel="2" />
First it must be component and then tag for modules.
