Joomla Modal not on every page - joomla

I have a older Joomla intallation which includes a modal feature, however I have noticed in the sourcecode that the related JS and CSS only load on the main index page - it's not being loaded on all other pages.
Is there a way to include this globally ?
Some advise would be greatly appreciated.

Figured it out - by adding:
<?php JHTML::_( 'behavior.modal' ); ?>


Prestashop 1.7 custom CMS page CSS best practice

I have created a custom page in prestashop 1.7 by creating a new controller.
I saw that there is a way to create CMS pages in the backend. How can I create a template for this CMS page that contains the custom CSS and JS for this specific page?
In a page cms, you can identify it in css and JS thanks to its ID "cms" and then thanks to its class uniquer: cms-id-x
See the body tag of a CMS page:
<body id="cms" class="lang-fr country-us currency-usd layout-full-width page-cms tax-display-disabled cms-id-1">

how can i customiz the laravel 5.1 Login and register view pages?

im using the laravel 5.1 and building web app
i just bought HTML theme and directly copy all the css and Js files to public/assets ( not using any task runner such as gulp or grunt). i try to customize the login and register view page and if i use the default routing its fail to load the js and CSS ( just load plain HTML ) but if i point it directly by
its working . how can i fix the JS and CSS problem ?
*all the other pages works right and load the CSS and JS *
here are the screen shots from other pages and login page :
here is from my login page that fail to load :
if i use route to directly link to the page not passing through the Auth controller and after submit send data to login function ( like simple normal forms) its working but if goes through the controller system its fail . also if i use :
my contact pages such as index, create , etc all are fail to load CSS but if i directly link to them like:
it will successfully load the CSS and my page will be shows fine .
this question may help you with that !
Laravel stylesheets and javascript don't load for non-base routes
BTW : look at your page with firefox(chrome) Inspect Element Or Firebug to see the http requests!
Try using this way script and style link
{!! HTML::script('js/bootstrap.min.js') !!}
{!! HTML::style('css/bootstrap.min.css') !!}
<link href="{{URL::asset('../assets/css/bootstrap.css')}}" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="{{URL::asset('../assets/js/jquery.js')}}"></script>
I use these methods works 10/10.

How to add logout button to my page in Joomla

I am using Joomla 2.5 inbuilt User registration form. I wanted to add registration,log-in,log-out menu to my page and i got the link of registration and Log-in by selecting user manager in menu item type. But how to get Log-out link ? to add my menu Please help me .Thanks in Advance .
You can always try to do that with the standard Joomla! module for login/logout.
To make this module, go to: Module Manager => New => Select type Login.
The code below worked for me in Joomla version 2.5
Log Out
The code below will work for Joomla 3.x
This should work for you in your template index.php
<?php if(JFactory::getUser()->guest): ?> something...
<?php else: ?> something...
<?php endif; ?>

Joomla 1.5 jdoc include type head works only on homepage?

I have a problem withjdoc include head. On any other page than Home, the <jdoc:include type="head" /> result is not complete, it does not include jQuery library etc. but only the title and favicon. Any idea how could I keep the JS libraries and all from jdoc head on all pages, not just the homepage ? I don't know why they get loaded on home but not on login for example, or search...
By default header in Joomla doesn't contain jQuery... It loads Mootools.
If you need to load jQuery you have to use a plugin like this one.

Designed template for Joomla is not showing the modules

I designed a template for Joomla 1.5 and problem is that it is not showing the modules enabled , for example I have created an article and it shows the title and body but it does not show the date or enabled plugins like JComment !!!
How can I fix this issue?
Solved. The problem was in the following tag:
<jdoc:include type="component" />
and XML file.
