Mvc-Mini-Profiler: Why so many X-MiniProfiler-Ids? - mvc-mini-profiler

I'm using Mvc-Mini-Profiler (what a great product!). Using my ordinary web browser everything seems to work fine but as soon as I use my own http client (basic http 1.1 without cookie support) the amount of X-MiniProfiler-Ids in the http header increases. This happens quite rapidly and becomes quite many in a short amount of time (11kB and above of data).
Can the lack of cookies make Mvc-Mini-Profiler work this way or could anything be wrong with my implementation?

This is by design I think. Though we could improve the implementation a bit.
The X-MiniProfiler-Ids need to be "consumed", they only show up when profiling is enabled. The reason it works this way is so you can profile POST and redirects.
We probably should set some clear upper limit there (like 20 or so) - please post a bug for that.
However, since you never really plan to consume any profiling blocks for you HTTP client, I would recommend abandoning profiling if the useragent is your HTTP client.
You can do this by adding a conditional before:
// don't run if UserAgent is "my http client"

Another option is to override the SqlServerStorage class and default the UserHasViewed field to true. This will keep the X-MiniProfiler-Id string down to a minimum.
public class MvcMiniProfilerStorage : SqlServerStorage
public MvcMiniProfilerStorage(string connectionString) : base(connectionString)
/// <summary>
/// Stores to dbo.MiniProfilers under its ;
/// stores all child Timings and SqlTimings to their respective tables.
/// </summary>
public override void Save(MiniProfiler profiler)
const string sql =
#"insert into MiniProfilers
select #Id,
where not exists (select 1 from MiniProfilers where Id = #Id)";
// this syntax works on both mssql and sqlite
using (DbConnection conn = GetOpenConnection())
int insertCount = conn.Execute(sql,
Name = Truncate(profiler.Name, 200),
MachineName = Truncate(profiler.MachineName, 100),
User = Truncate(profiler.User, 100),
RootTimingId = profiler.Root.Id,
// BUG: Too many X-MiniProfiler-Id headers cause
// Firefox to stop all requests
// This hack marks all entries as read so that
// they do not end up part of that header.
HasUserViewed = true
if (insertCount > 0)
SaveTiming(conn, profiler, profiler.Root);
private static string Truncate(string s, int maxLength)
return s != null && s.Length >
maxLength ? s.Substring(0, maxLength) : s;


Data Fetching Crashes in Xamarin Forms

I am trying to fetch Customer data to parse them into customer object to display on TableView. The following code sometimes works, sometimes not. Whenever it does crash, it shows Customer data is empty in the foreach loop even though I run the same code every time. I do not have clue what could be wrong in this circumstances. I am quite new on this platform. If I am missing anything/ extra information, please let me know.
namespace TableViewExample
public partial class MyDataServices : ContentPage
private ODataClient mODataClient;
private IEnumerable <IDictionary<string,object>> Customers;
public MyDataServices ()
InitializeComponent ();
InitializeDataService ();
GetDataFromOdataService ();
TableView tableView = new TableView{ };
var section = new TableSection ("Customer");
foreach (var customers in Customers) {
//System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ((string)customers ["ContactName"]);
var name = (string)customers ["ContactName"];
var cell = new TextCell{ Text = name };
section.Add (cell);
tableView.Root.Add (section);
Padding = new Thickness (10, 20, 10, 10);
Content = new StackLayout () {
Children = { tableView }
private void InitializeDataService(){
try {
mODataClient = new ODataClient ("myURL is here");
catch {
private void GetDataFromOdataService (){
try {
Customers = mODataClient.For ("Customers").FindEntries ();
catch {
Its hard helping out here, however here are some things to consider:-
It sounds like the dataservice could either be not contactable / offline; too busy or it could even be throwing an exception itself and returning a data response that you are not expecting to receive, that then triggers an exception and crash in your application as your always expecting an exact response without catering for any abnormal responses / events.
If you are contacting an external service over the internet it may just be your internet connection is slow / faulty and not returning the information fast enough as other possibilities.
In your code you are assuming that you always get a response from the server - and that this response will always be of an anticipated structure that your expecting to decode - without factoring in any possibility of abnormal responses returned by the dataservice. I have not used ODataClient personally, so not sure how it behaves in the event of maybe no data received / timeout or in your case the dataservice and how it behaves internally in the response to a bad-request etc.
I am assuming an exception would get thrown, and you do get your debug line executed indicating a failure.
You may want to also adjust this statement so that you write out the exception as well, i.e.:-
private void GetDataFromOdataService ()
Customers = mODataClient.For ("Customers").FindEntries ();
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ERROR!" + ex.ToString());
If there was a bad response, then the line at Customers = ..... would throw the exception as there may be no Customers returned or some other information packaged in the response from the dataservice.
The Customers variable would also be null at this point I am assuming due to this failing.
So when you get back to your code at foreach (var customers in Customers) { it will then throw a null reference exception as Customers is infact null.
As all your current code executes in the constructor without any try and catch block around this, it will also crash your application at this point as well.
Also you are doing all of this work in the constructor. Try seperating this out. I haven't investigated exactly where the constructor gets called in an iOS page life-cycle, however, if it is in the viewDidLoad, then you have something like 10 seconds for everything to complete, otherwise it will exit automatically. I imagine in your case, this isn't applicable however.
Going forward also try putting your layout controls in the constructor, and move your data task to maybe the OnAppearing override instead.
Using async would definitely be advisable as well, but remember you need to inspect the response from your dataservice, as the error could be embedded within the response also and you will need to detect when it is OK to process the data.

Thread safe caching

I am trying to analyze what problem i might be having with unsafe threading in my code.
In my mvc3 webapplication i try to the following:
// Caching code
public static class CacheExtensions
public static T GetOrStore<T>(this Cache cache, string key, Func<T> generator)
var result = cache[key];
if(result == null)
result = generator();
lock(sync) {
cache[key] = result;
return (T)result;
Using the caching like this:
// Using the cached stuff
public class SectionViewData
public IEnumerable<Product> Products {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<SomethingElse> SomethingElse {get;set;}
private void Testing()
var cachedSection = HttpContext.Current.Cache.GetOrStore("Some Key", 0 => GetSectionViewData());
// Threading problem?
foreach(var product in cachedSection.Products)
private SectionViewData GetSectionViewData()
SectionViewData viewData = new SectionViewData();
viewData.Products = CreateProductList();
viewData.SomethingElse = CreateSomethingElse();
return viewData;
Could i run inte problem with the IEnumerable? I dont have much experience with threading problems. The cachedSection would not get touched if some other thread adds a new value to cache right? To me this would work!
Should i cache Products and SomethingElse indivually? Would that be better than caching the whole SectionViewData??
Threading is hard;
In your GetOrStore method, the get/generator sequence is entirely unsynchronized, so any nymber of threads can get null from the cache and run the generator function at the same time. This may - or may not - be a problem.
Your lock statement only locks the setter of cache[string], which is already thread safe and doesn't need to be "extra locked".
The variation of double-checked locking in the cache is suspect, I'd try to get rid of it. Since the thread that never enters the lock() section can get result without a memory barrier, result may not be entirely constructed by the time the thread gets it.
Enumerating the cached IEnumrators is safe as long as nothing modifies them at the same time. If GetSectionViewData() returns an object with immutable (as in non changing) collections, you're safe.
Your code is missing parts like how would Products be populated? Only in GetSectionViewData?
If so, then I don't see a major problem with your code.
There is however a chance that two threads generate the same data(CachedSection) for the same key, it shouldn't create a threading problem except that you are doing the work twice, so if this was an expensive operation I would change the code so it only generates it once per key. If it is not expensive, it works fine as is.
IEnumerable for Products is not touched (assuming you create it separately per thread, but the enumerator on the cache is modified for each insert operation, hence it is not thread safe. So if you are using this I would be careful about that.

.Net 4/Mvc Runtime Cache strangeness

Update: I have dropped the cache system in favor of a database solution - pitty.
I have a backend MVC controller where i need data caching. I use MemoryCache.Default to store key/value pairs, nothing big. Nevermind policies and expire times, i'f got that. The thing that mystifys me is why my cache gets cleaned out after I'f accessed a key (retrived the value) the first time. If i don't access the cached item, eventually the item will expire and my remove handler is called - it's all good. But when i retrive the item the first time, my remove handler is called after a short while. The ChacheEntryRemovedReason is set to:
CacheSpecificEviction // A cache entry was evicted for as reason that is defined by a particular cache implementation.
I can't find any explanation to what this means.
The mystifying thing here is that when i inspect the cache object when debugging in the handler (and on succeeding controller calls), the cache enum is empty. If I "set" (add) a new CacheItem to the cache, I can yet again access the key once, and history repeats.
The behavior is like a one-off caching mechanism which i totally don't need.
Any help or comments would be much appreciated!
Some simplified code just for the fun of it:
private static ObjectCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;
internal void insertInCache(string key, int value) {
CacheItemPolicy policy= new CacheItemPolicy() {
AbsoluteExpiration = ObjectCache.InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration,
Priority = CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable,
SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(ITEM_EXPIRE_TIME),
RemovedCallback = new CacheEntryRemovedCallback(RemovedHandler)
cache.Set(key, value, policy);
static void RemovedHandler(CacheEntryRemovedArguments args) {
if(args.RemovedReason == CacheEntryRemovedReason.Expired) {
//do something - or i actually want it to disappear when expired
} else {
cache.Set(args.CacheItem, somepolicy);//reinsert to keep in cache
//Apparently this triggers some cache mong mode
internal void getSome(string key){
int thisIsWhatIWanted = (int)cache.GetCacheItem(key).Value;
This is just example code so please don't nag me about my skillz.
My own best guess is that it may have to do with the cache not being setup properly, MVC witchery or the fact I'm running my application on a debug IIS (visual studido)

Execute multiple webrequests in WP7?

I have a list of addresses that i want to visit using httpWebRequest.
All i need is the statuscode returned by the server.
I have tried to foreach through them and begin a httpWebRequest on each of them, but then i only receive the callback from the last one.
It seems like only one webrequest is allowed at a time.
I'm having quite a hard time understanding how to do this without the GetResponse, which is not allowed in silverlight.
The code is running in a backgroundworker.
And i am using Mango - WP7.1
How do i solve that?
foreach (var current in Addresses)
var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(current);
request.BeginGetResponse(r =>
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(r);
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
catch (Exception)
Debug.WriteLine("Error in EndGetResponse");
}, null);
Thanks in advance =)
Your problem of a single response is most likely being caused by your use of anonymous methods and the the way scoping works when you put these inside loops. You are throwing away the earlier request references on each step through the loop.
See my blogpost on the topic here
The simplest way to illustrate this is to rewrite your code with full methods, this forces you to consider the scope instead of just blindly referening external variables in your delegates.
foreach (var current in Addresses)
var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(current);
request.BeginGetResponse(EndGetResponse, new RequestState { Request = request, Address = current });
private void EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult result) {
try {
var state = (RequestState)result.AsyncState;
var response = (HttpWebResponse)state.Request.EndGetResponse(result);
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(GotResponse, state.Address, response.StatusCode);
} catch (Exception) {
Debug.WriteLine("Error in EndGetResponse");
private void GotResponse(Address address, HttpStatusCode code) {
public class RequestState {
HttpWebRequest Request { get; set; }
Address Address { get; set; }
Once you solve the scoping issues you can rewrite back into anonymos methods for stylistic reasons if you like.
This will only solve your first problem of getting all the responses back however, I assume you also need to run some code when all the requests are complete to check the status of the whole batch?
That is a different problem altogether.
You can not use WaitOne() or anything like that, it will lock your thread and stop the requests from actually running at all. You will probably want to call off to another method in you BOOM code that stores away the result and checks if all the results are in yet.

How do I find out the browser's proxy settings?

I am writing a command-line tool for Windows that uses libcurl to download files from the internet.
Obviously, the downloading doesn't work when the user is behind a proxy server, because the proxy needs to be configured. I want to keep my tool as simple as possible however, and not have to burden the user with having to configure the proxy. My tool doesn't even have a config file, so the user would otherwise have to pass in the proxy settings on every command, or set an environment variable or somesuch -- way too much hassle.
So I thought, everyone's browser will usually already be set up properly, proxy configured and everything. This will be true for even the most basic user because otherwise "their internet wouldn't work".
So I figure that I can find out whether to use a proxy by looking at IE's proxy settings.
How do I go about this? More specifically:
Is there one set of "proxy settings" in Windows, used by all browsers (probably IE's), or would I have to write different routines for IE, Firefox, Opera, etc?
I know that I can probably read the values directly out of the appropriate registry locations if they are configured manually, but does this also work with "automatically detect proxy server?" Do I even have to bother with that option, or is it (almost) never used?
Before people start suggesting alternatives: I'm using C, so I'm limited to the Win32 API, and I really really want to keep using C and libcurl.
The function you're looking for is WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(), which is documented at This function is used by Firefox and Opera to get their proxy settings by default, although you can override them per-browser. Don't do that, though. The right thing to do (which is what everybody else does) is to just get the IE settings and assume that they're correct, since they almost always are.
Here's a sample of the relevant logic, which you should adapt for your needs:
if( WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser( &ieProxyConfig ) )
if( ieProxyConfig.fAutoDetect )
fAutoProxy = TRUE;
if( ieProxyConfig.lpszAutoConfigUrl != NULL )
fAutoProxy = TRUE;
autoProxyOptions.lpszAutoConfigUrl = ieProxyConfig.lpszAutoConfigUrl;
// use autoproxy
fAutoProxy = TRUE;
if( fAutoProxy )
if ( autoProxyOptions.lpszAutoConfigUrl != NULL )
autoProxyOptions.dwFlags = WINHTTP_AUTOPROXY_CONFIG_URL;
// basic flags you almost always want
autoProxyOptions.fAutoLogonIfChallenged = TRUE;
// here we reset fAutoProxy in case an auto-proxy isn't actually
// configured for this url
fAutoProxy = WinHttpGetProxyForUrl( hiOpen, pwszUrl, &autoProxyOptions, &autoProxyInfo );
if ( fAutoProxy )
// set proxy options for libcurl based on autoProxyInfo
if( ieProxyConfig.lpszProxy != NULL )
// IE has an explicit proxy. set proxy options for libcurl here
// based on ieProxyConfig
// note that sometimes IE gives just a single or double colon
// for proxy or bypass list, which means "no proxy"
// there is no auto proxy and no manually configured proxy
Here is a complete code sample how to call WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser method from winhttp.dll library in C#
public class UnitTest1
public struct WinhttpCurrentUserIeProxyConfig
public bool AutoDetect;
public string AutoConfigUrl;
public string Proxy;
public string ProxyBypass;
[DllImport("winhttp.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern bool WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(ref WinhttpCurrentUserIeProxyConfig pProxyConfig);
public void TestMethod1()
var config = new WinhttpCurrentUserIeProxyConfig();
WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(ref config);
There are registry keys for these values that you could get to directly of course. You could also do this in .NET without much hassle at all. I believe the WebClient object negotiates the proxy settings for you based on the current settings. This would look like this in C#:
using System.Net;
string url = "";
WebClient client = new WebClient();
byte[] fileBuffer = client.DownloadFile(url);
Or something close to that.
For Firefox/Seamonkey, the problem is a bit more tricky because of the existence of many profiles.
If you want to assume there is only one profile then you just need to find prefs.js. You parse the network.proxy.type, and then use it to decide, which related values to read.
I'm working on some documents for mozilla, so put your followup questions in here (checked wiki box), and I'll try to give you the info you need.
