Thread safe caching -

I am trying to analyze what problem i might be having with unsafe threading in my code.
In my mvc3 webapplication i try to the following:
// Caching code
public static class CacheExtensions
public static T GetOrStore<T>(this Cache cache, string key, Func<T> generator)
var result = cache[key];
if(result == null)
result = generator();
lock(sync) {
cache[key] = result;
return (T)result;
Using the caching like this:
// Using the cached stuff
public class SectionViewData
public IEnumerable<Product> Products {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<SomethingElse> SomethingElse {get;set;}
private void Testing()
var cachedSection = HttpContext.Current.Cache.GetOrStore("Some Key", 0 => GetSectionViewData());
// Threading problem?
foreach(var product in cachedSection.Products)
private SectionViewData GetSectionViewData()
SectionViewData viewData = new SectionViewData();
viewData.Products = CreateProductList();
viewData.SomethingElse = CreateSomethingElse();
return viewData;
Could i run inte problem with the IEnumerable? I dont have much experience with threading problems. The cachedSection would not get touched if some other thread adds a new value to cache right? To me this would work!
Should i cache Products and SomethingElse indivually? Would that be better than caching the whole SectionViewData??

Threading is hard;
In your GetOrStore method, the get/generator sequence is entirely unsynchronized, so any nymber of threads can get null from the cache and run the generator function at the same time. This may - or may not - be a problem.
Your lock statement only locks the setter of cache[string], which is already thread safe and doesn't need to be "extra locked".
The variation of double-checked locking in the cache is suspect, I'd try to get rid of it. Since the thread that never enters the lock() section can get result without a memory barrier, result may not be entirely constructed by the time the thread gets it.
Enumerating the cached IEnumrators is safe as long as nothing modifies them at the same time. If GetSectionViewData() returns an object with immutable (as in non changing) collections, you're safe.

Your code is missing parts like how would Products be populated? Only in GetSectionViewData?
If so, then I don't see a major problem with your code.
There is however a chance that two threads generate the same data(CachedSection) for the same key, it shouldn't create a threading problem except that you are doing the work twice, so if this was an expensive operation I would change the code so it only generates it once per key. If it is not expensive, it works fine as is.
IEnumerable for Products is not touched (assuming you create it separately per thread, but the enumerator on the cache is modified for each insert operation, hence it is not thread safe. So if you are using this I would be careful about that.


Why do static members lose their value in Xamarin.Forms

I’m having issues with a static member of my app class losing its value and I’m not quite sure I understand why. In my app constructor I check if the user is logged in and if not redirect to a login page where I set the static app class member.
I understand if the app is forced to close to free up resources, these values are not retained so a new app instance would start and go back to login screen. However, what I’m seeing is the static member losing its value during an application session. I can do a check to see if this is null on resume and redirect to login page but I don’t understand why this happens.
My understaning was that the only way you would lose values would be if the app was killed in the background but this problem would suggest it can happen when resuming too.
In a normal C# application static members will typically survive forever, but unfortunately your observations are entirely correct; in Xamarin Forms static members are not guaranteed to persist for the length of the application's life.
In Android's case if the underlying platform indicates a low memory state (or increased demands on memory from multiple running applications) then static members are considered collectable by the GC, which is often triggered when you pause the application (ie. switching to a different app). They will be reduced to their default value, eg. null, zero, etc.
I've wrestled with this curio for years, and the most performant work around is to implement a re-population pattern on those static members, eg.
internal List<MyCustomType> _AListOfStuff
internal List<MyCustomType> AListOfStuff
if (_AListOfStuff == null)
PopulateAListOfStuff(); //If this occurs then the static member has been garbage collected: reload it
return _AListOfStuff;
From what you've said, I appreciate that your particular usage of static members probably doesn't fit with this solution, however all I can offer is that you're not crazy; it is a documented quirk, and not considered a bug (don't even bother shaking that tree; I've been down that route with the devs and was told in no uncertain terms that the behaviour is here to stay, and is necessary to ensure overall device stability).
Static member will not lose. If we see the code then we can assist further. Another approach would be, try using singleton pattern, it will create new instance only if it's instance is null. sample below:
public sealed class SingletonSample
private static SingletonSample instance = null;
private static readonly object padlock = new object();
public static SingletonSample Instance
lock (padlock)
if (instance == null)
instance = new SingletonSample();
return instance;
public string FirstName { get; set; }

Determining if all items in a collection meet established critera

This seems to be a problem that comes up a lot. I've been coming up with the same solution nearly every time but was curious if people have a better method of accomplishing this.
I have one class that is a list of instances of another class. The state of the parent class is dependent upon state of ALL the children
As an example. Say I have the following classes
class Box
int _objectId= <insert_unique_id>;
int _itemCount = 0;
public void AddItem()
_itemCount = Max(_itemCount + 1, 5);
public int GetId()
return _objectId;
public bool IsFull()
return _itemCount == 5
class BiggerBox
Map<int, Box> _boxes;
public void AddToBox(int id)
public bool IsFull()
foreach(var box in _boxes.Values)
return false;
return true;
All additions to a "Box" are done via the BiggerBox.AddToBox call. What I would like to do is be able to determine box.IsFull() without iterating over every single item every time we add an element.
Typically i accomplish this by keeping a SET or a separate collection of what items are full.
Curious, has anyone come up to an ingenious solution to this or is the simple answer that there is no other way?
There are two things you need to do in order to accomplish what you want:
Be able to control every entrypoint to your collection
React to changes to the objects in the collection
For instance, if the objects in the collection are mutable (meaning, they can change after being added to your collection) you need your main object to react to that change.
As you say, you could create a separate set of the objects that are full, but if the objects can change afterwards, when they change you either need to take them out of that set, or add them to it.
This means that in order for you to optimize this, you need some way to observe the changes to the underlying objects, for instance if they implement INotifyPropertyChanged or similar.
If the objects cannot change after being added to your main object, or you don't really care if they do, you just need to control every entrypoint, meaning that you basically need to add the necessary checks to your AddItem method.
For your particular types I would implement an event on the Box class so that when it is full, it fires the event. Your BiggerBox class would then hook into this event in order to observe when an underlying box becomes full.
You can upkeep the number of complete (or non-complete) boxes in BiggerBox class, and update it in all the functions.
E.g., in AddToBox it could be:
bool wasFull = _boxes[id].IsFull;
if (!wasFull && _boxes[id].IsFull) // After this update box has become full.
completeBoxes += 1;
It is also possible to implement this upkeep procedure in other hypothetical functions (like RemoveFromBox, AddBox, RemoveBox, etc.)

Can someone help me understand Guava CacheLoader?

I'm new to Google's Guava library and am interested in Guava's Caching package. Currently I have version 10.0.1 downloaded. After reviewing the documentation, the JUnit tests source code and even after searching google extensively, I still can't figure out how to use the Caching package. The documentation is very short, as if it was written for someone who has been using Guava's library not for a newbie like me. I just wish there are more real world examples on how to use Caching package propertly.
Let say I want to build a cache of 10 non expiring items with Least Recently Used (LRU) eviction method. So from the example found in the api, I build my code like the following:
Cache<String, String> mycache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
new CacheLoader<String, String>() {
public String load(String key) throws Exception {
return something; // ?????
Since the CacheLoader is required, I have to include it in the build method of CacheBuilder. But I don't know how to return the proper value from mycache.
To add item to mycache, I use the following code:
mycache.asMap().put("key123", "value123");
To get item from mycache, I use this method:
The get method will always return whatever value I returned from CacheLoader's load method instead of getting the value from mycache. Could someone kindly tell me what I missed?
Guava's Cache type is generally intended to be used as a computing cache. You don't usually add values to it manually. Rather, you tell it how to load the expensive to calculate value for a key by giving it a CacheLoader that contains the necessary code.
A typical example is loading a value from a database or doing an expensive calculation.
private final FooDatabase fooDatabase = ...;
private final LoadingCache<Long, Foo> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.build(new CacheLoader<Long, Foo>() {
public Foo load(Long id) {
return fooDatabase.getFoo(id);
public Foo getFoo(long id) {
// never need to manually put a Foo in... will be loaded from DB if needed
return cache.getUnchecked(id);
Also, I tried the example you gave and mycache.get("key123") returned "value123" as expected.

.Net 4/Mvc Runtime Cache strangeness

Update: I have dropped the cache system in favor of a database solution - pitty.
I have a backend MVC controller where i need data caching. I use MemoryCache.Default to store key/value pairs, nothing big. Nevermind policies and expire times, i'f got that. The thing that mystifys me is why my cache gets cleaned out after I'f accessed a key (retrived the value) the first time. If i don't access the cached item, eventually the item will expire and my remove handler is called - it's all good. But when i retrive the item the first time, my remove handler is called after a short while. The ChacheEntryRemovedReason is set to:
CacheSpecificEviction // A cache entry was evicted for as reason that is defined by a particular cache implementation.
I can't find any explanation to what this means.
The mystifying thing here is that when i inspect the cache object when debugging in the handler (and on succeeding controller calls), the cache enum is empty. If I "set" (add) a new CacheItem to the cache, I can yet again access the key once, and history repeats.
The behavior is like a one-off caching mechanism which i totally don't need.
Any help or comments would be much appreciated!
Some simplified code just for the fun of it:
private static ObjectCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;
internal void insertInCache(string key, int value) {
CacheItemPolicy policy= new CacheItemPolicy() {
AbsoluteExpiration = ObjectCache.InfiniteAbsoluteExpiration,
Priority = CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable,
SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(ITEM_EXPIRE_TIME),
RemovedCallback = new CacheEntryRemovedCallback(RemovedHandler)
cache.Set(key, value, policy);
static void RemovedHandler(CacheEntryRemovedArguments args) {
if(args.RemovedReason == CacheEntryRemovedReason.Expired) {
//do something - or i actually want it to disappear when expired
} else {
cache.Set(args.CacheItem, somepolicy);//reinsert to keep in cache
//Apparently this triggers some cache mong mode
internal void getSome(string key){
int thisIsWhatIWanted = (int)cache.GetCacheItem(key).Value;
This is just example code so please don't nag me about my skillz.
My own best guess is that it may have to do with the cache not being setup properly, MVC witchery or the fact I'm running my application on a debug IIS (visual studido)

In LINQ-SQL, wrap the DataContext is an using statement - pros cons

Can someone pitch in their opinion about pros/cons between wrapping the DataContext in an using statement or not in LINQ-SQL in terms of factors as performance, memory usage, ease of coding, right thing to do etc.
Update: In one particular application, I experienced that, without wrapping the DataContext in using block, the amount of memory usage kept on increasing as the live objects were not released for GC. As in, in below example, if I hold the reference to List of q object and access entities of q, I create an object graph that is not released for GC.
DataContext with using
using (DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext())
var q =
from x in db.Tables
where x.Id == someId
select x;
return q.toList();
DataContext without using and kept alive
DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext()
var q =
from x in db.Tables
where x.Id == someId
select x;
return q.toList();
A DataContext can be expensive to create, relative to other things. However if you're done with it and want connections closed ASAP, this will do that, releasing any cached results from the context as well. Remember you're creating it no matter what, in this case you're just letting the garbage collector know there's more free stuff to get rid of.
DataContext is made to be a short use object, use it, get the unit of work done, get out...that's precisely what you're doing with a using.
So the advantages:
Quicker closed connections
Free memory from the dispose (Cached objects in the content)
Downside - more code? But that shouldn't be a deterrent, you're using using properly here.
Look here at the Microsoft answer:
Short version of if you need to use using/.Dispose():
The short answer; no, you don't have to, but you should...
Well, It's an IDisposable, so I guess it's not a bad idea. The folks at MSFT have said that they made DataContexts as lightweight as possible so that you may create them with reckless abandon, so you're probably not gaining much though.....
First time DataContext will get object from DB.
Next time you fire a query to get the same object (same parameters).: You’ll see query in a profiler but your object in DataContext will not be replaced with new one from DB !!
Not to mention that behind every DataContext is identity map of all objects you are asking from DB (you don’t want to keep this around).
Entire idea of DataContext is Unit Of Work with Optimistic Concurrency.
Use it for short transaction (one submit only) and dispose.
Best way to not forget dispose is using ().
I depends on the complexity of your Data Layer. If every call is a simple single query, then each call can be wrapped in the Using like in your question and that would be fine.
If, on the other hand, your Data Layer can expect multiple sequential calls from the Business Layer, the you'd wind up repeatedly creating/disposing the DataContext for each larger sequence of calls. not ideal.
What I've done is to create my Data Layer object as IDisposible. When it's created, the DataContext is created (or really, once the first call to a method is made), and when the Data Layer object disposes, it closes and disposes the DataContext.
here's what it looks like:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
namespace PersonnelDL
public class PersonnelData : IDisposable
#region DataContext management
/// <summary>
/// Create common datacontext for all data routines to the DB
/// </summary>
private PersonnelDBDataContext _data = null;
private PersonnelDBDataContext Data
if (_data == null)
_data = new PersonnelDBDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PersonnelDB"].ToString());
_data.DeferredLoadingEnabled = false; // no lazy loading
//var dlo = new DataLoadOptions(); // dataload options go here
return _data;
/// <summary>
/// close out data context
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
if (_data != null)
#region DL methods
public Person GetPersonByID(string userid)
return Data.Persons.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserID.ToUpper().Equals(userid.ToUpper()));
public List<Person> GetPersonsByIDlist(List<string> useridlist)
var ulist = useridlist.Select(u => u.ToUpper().Trim()).ToList();
return Data.Persons.Where(p => ulist.Contains(p.UserID.ToUpper())).ToList();
// more methods...
In one particular application, I experienced that, without wrapping the DataContext in using block, the amount of memory usage kept on increasing as the live objects were not released for GC. As in, in below example, if I hold the reference to List<Table> object and access entities of q, I create an object graph that is not released for GC.
DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext()
var qs =
from x in db.Tables
where x.Id == someId
select x;
return qs.toList();
foreach(q in qs)
// cannot dispose datacontext here as the 2nd iteration
// will throw datacontext already disposed exception
// while accessing the entity of q in process() function
process(Table q)
// access entity of q which uses deferred execution
// if datacontext is already disposed, then datacontext
// already disposed exception is thrown
Given this example, I cannot dispose the datacontext because all the Table instances in list variable qs **share the same datacontext. After Dispose(), accessing the entity in process(Table q) throws a datacontext already disposed exception.
The ugly kluge, for me, was to remove all the entity references for q objects after the foreach loop. The better way is to of course use the using statement.
As far as my experience goes, I would say use the using statement.
