Disable a event during the time a different event is active - jquery-plugins

Can I do this:
$('.box').delegate('.edit', 'click', function(edit_event){
var input = $('input', this);
input.focus().bind('blur keypress', function(event){
// here disable the first .edit event (don't allow click on that element)?
the event would be enabled again if certain conditions are met inside the 2nd event (and when a AJAX call is complete)

Since you're using the delegate()[docs] method, which is selector based, you could just add a class to the current .edit that excludes it from the selector.
// only invoke if it has "edit" class and not "disable" class
$('#box').delegate('.edit:not(.disable)', 'click', function (edit_event) {
// add the class to this edit element to disable it
var edit = $(this).addClass('disable');
var input = $('input', this);
input.focus().bind('blur keypress', function (event) {
// here disable the first .edit event (don't allow click on that element)?
// after some work, remove the class to re-enable the click
I used the not-selector[docs] so that the click event won't fire until the disable class is removed.


Kendo scheduler month View double click function

I disabled the built-in pop up event. Now I want to implement a double click function on each cell of the month view.
Does anyone know how to do it?
You can add an event handler to the add event of the scheduler in the scheduler options like this:
add: (e) => {
// Place your code here.
or in case you would rather not use arrow function:
add: function(e) {
// Place your code here.
Calling e.preventDefault() will disable the built-in "add" event handling which is showing the popup window. You mentioned you already disabled it but this is a good way to do it if you did it in another way.
e will contain the slot's start and end time as well as the resource details, if you use resources.
You may want to associate the event with k-event class of an scheduler.
$("#scheduler").on("dblclick", '.k-event', function (e) {
var scheduler = $("#scheduler").getKendoScheduler();
var element = $(e.target).is(".k-event") ? $(e.target) : $(e.target).closest(".k-event");
var event = scheduler.occurrenceByUid(element.data("uid"));
alert("Start Date : " + event.start + ", End Date: " + event.end);
Demo Link
Try this it worked for me.
edit: function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); //prevent popup editing
var dataSource = this.dataSource;
var event = e.event;
if (event.isNew()) {
setTimeout(function () {
editEvent(event); // your own function to call
else {

Kendo UI Scheduler Event Link

Is it possible to open an url when an event is clicked? I want to route my users to an url contains details related to event.
Yes, you can. Just handle the change event of your scheduler like this:
change: function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent the default action
if (e.events.length > 0) { // if true then user clicked an event, not an empty slot
window.location.href = 'stackoverflow.com'; // replace with the desired url
// ... set other properties ...
The e.events is an array that has list of clicked events.
Kendo Scheduler Change Event

jqGrid 'clearToolbar' without grid reload

I need to clear the toolbar without reloading the grid in my jqgrid. It should just reset the toolbar to its default values.
I tried using,
My grid datatype:local and i don't use loadonce:true.
This made the toolbar clear and refresh the grid. I dont want that to happen.
Any ideas?
I find the question interesting.
To implement the requirement I suggest to use register jqGridToolbarBeforeClear to execute the handler only once. The handler should 1) unregister itself as the event handler and return "stop" to prevent reloading of the grid:
$grid.jqGrid("filterToolbar", { defaultSearch: "cn" });
$("#clearToolbar").button().click(function () {
var myStopReload = function () {
$grid.unbind("jqGridToolbarBeforeClear", myStopReload);
return "stop"; // stop reload
$grid.bind("jqGridToolbarBeforeClear", myStopReload);
if ($grid[0].ftoolbar) {
The corresponding demo shows it live.

CKEditor's click event not firing

I am using CKEditor 4.4.3 and trying to listen to an editor's click event:
editor.on('click', function (e) {
console.log('click event from attaching to the editor');
For some reason, the click event never fires. However, if I listen to the doubleclick event, it fires when the editor is double clicked.
I was previously listening to the click event on editor.editable, but it doesn't appear to work for editors that are not inlined. Why is the click event not working?
Some further investigations:
Attaching the event handler on editor.document fires for every click, including clicks outside the editor.
Attaching the event handler to editor.container fires for clicks on the container including the toolbars.
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/295PE/
Correct way of attaching listeners to the editable element in CKEditor:
editor.on( 'contentDom', function() {
var editable = editor.editable();
editable.attachListener( editable, 'click', function() {
// ...
} );
} );
Read more about the reasons why contentDom event has to be used instead of e.g. instanceReady in editable.attachListener documentation.
Use attach the event handler to the editor's editable. This needs to be done after the editor is ready:
editor.on('instanceReady', function (e) {
editor.editable().on('click', function (event) {
Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/8fZpz/

Disable click event after touch and hold

I am developing an app iOS app in appcelerator and I got a table with user.
When I click on the user it opens the profile but I also want the user to be able to copy the name just by tap and hold for 2 seconds.
These two event works fine separately but right now after tap and hold the click event fires to. How can I prevent the click event from firing after tap hold?
// Set the timeout
var holdTime = 500, timeout;
// Create the table touch start event listener
table.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
// Set the selected user id
var itemValue = e.row.value_full;
// Define the function
timeout = setTimeout(function(e) {
// Create the fade out animation
var fadeOut = Titanium.UI.createAnimation({
opacity: 0,
duration: 1000
// Create the loading screen
var copied = UI_messages.showFlash({label : 'Copied!'});
// Add the loading screen
// Save value to clipboard
// Fade the message out
}, holdTime);
// Create the event listener for touch move
table.addEventListener('touchmove', function() {
// Clear the timeout
// Create the event listener for touch move
table.addEventListener('touchend', function(e) {
// Clear the timeout
I've run into this problem before as well. The solution I used isn't very pretty, but it's the only effective way that I've found to suppress a touch event after a touch-and-hold.
The only working solution that I could find was to create a bool variable in a global namespace. In your setTimeout function, change the value of the bool to true to indicate that a touch-and-hold has occurred.
In the onClick event event for the row, check the global variable first to see if you've already created a touch-and-hold event - if you have, just return from the onClick event. This will effectively disable your click event when a touch-and-hold occurs.
Remember to set the global variable to false after the touch-and-hold function ends.
