What is the proper way of init of application ear under jboss - spring

i need right at the start of my ear that some code was executed to init application before it is used. So i wonder what is the proper way of doing this, possibly via some jboss configs, or via spring?
I' using spring3 and jboss4

If you're using Spring, use a Spring way, then you won't be tied to JBoss if you ever move off it. Here are some options:
Implement InitializingBean; example
Run code inside of a bean's controller
Annotate a method in a bean with #PostConstruct; example
Any of these methods work.


How to make pf4j plugin beans injectable into Spring app

We are trying to utilize pf4j and pf4j-spring to provide a flexible application based on Spring.
Ideally, we would like to define Spring beans (#Service, #Repository and others) in plugins and inject them in the main application.
From what I can see, it seems to fail due to timing issues. Or in other words, Springs expects the beans to be available before the PluginManager gets instantiated.
There is an example repository that illustrates the issue on GitHub.
The question would be: Can I change something, so that Spring instantiates the PluginManager first? Is there another approach to make this work?
Note: Yes, we are aware of sbp. Unfortunately, it seems to be dead, and we didn't get it working properly either.

Programmatically configure Spring Boot app

what's the easiest way to get the spring boot goodness but not try to autoconfigure all the things? For instance, to only run flyway with our already configured properties (some loaded via Consul + Spring Cloud), I was hoping I could do something like:
#Import({DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, FlywayAutoConfiguration.class})
public class FlywaySetup {}
and have the main method just call SpringApplication.run(FlywaySetup.class)
The problem with this is it picks up all the Component Scan / crazy long list of other dependencies. Any way to specifically configure the dependencies (but still get the nicities of the framework)
If you run this app, it shouldn't use component scan at all. There's nothing that triggers component scan in spring boot besides #ComponentScan (that's available on #SpringBootApplication).
It would help if you could provide more accurate details rather than "crazy long list of other dependencies.". Running that FlywaySetup should only load those two configuration classes (important: these are not handled as auto-configuration anymore). If you have component scan, there's something else you're not showing.
You can exclude auto-configurations you don't need.
You may want to take a look at this SO answer to explore mechanism how to do that.

How can I use a custom PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in Grails

My project creates war files that get deployed in different tomcat instances. Instead of using properties files in all of these locations and remembering to update the property values in these files we extended Springs PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to read properties from a Mongo. This works well for our java/spring based wars. The problem is trying to get our grails applications to use this bean. I have included the bean in the spring/resources.groovy(or xml) but grails does not honor the bean and it gets overridden (or overlooked) with it's own GrialsPlaceholderConfigurer. Is there a way to tell grails to use our own Configurer?
Seems that it's possible from grails 1.0. I never used it but adding the following code in your configuration should work:
beans {
addBeanFactoryPostProcessor(new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer())
See also this test in the grails source code base.
I was able to solve this by just creating a bean. The original developer didn't understand Grails. Once I really looked at it I was able to the custom Configurer to work.

EJBs always have to run inside a transaction?

I have read that EJBs always have to run inside a transaction, is this true? I mean,why cant I use the ejb container to inject a dependency in some bean like spring but without transtional environment?
By default EJB's always use transactions but you can mark the bean or more the specific each method not to use transactions using annotation #TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NEVER).

Best practise - Struts2 / Spring Integrated application startup process - for adding default lookup values in application context

I am a Struts2 and Spring newbie and looking for some insight. When we load a web application we would typically want to cache some default look up data. e.g. if we wanted to store states or other data that does not change frequently and add it to the application context where we can access it across the application. What is the best way to realize this in a Struts2 application integrated with Spring? I read a bit about annotating with #PostConstruct which means I define my own class/method that would get a handle to the context by calling ServletActionContext.getServletContext() and then use setAttribute to add something. Is that a good way of going about things or is there a better option? Or would simply implementing a ServletContextListener be ideal?
Thanks for any input.
If you want to use the ServletContext, use Spring's ServletContextAware interface and then use an #PostConstruct or afterPropertiesSet method to add items to the servlet context.
This is simpler to use than the listener and integrates seamlessly with Spring, giving you access to properties files declared in Spring and any other beans.
