How to make pf4j plugin beans injectable into Spring app - spring-boot

We are trying to utilize pf4j and pf4j-spring to provide a flexible application based on Spring.
Ideally, we would like to define Spring beans (#Service, #Repository and others) in plugins and inject them in the main application.
From what I can see, it seems to fail due to timing issues. Or in other words, Springs expects the beans to be available before the PluginManager gets instantiated.
There is an example repository that illustrates the issue on GitHub.
The question would be: Can I change something, so that Spring instantiates the PluginManager first? Is there another approach to make this work?
Note: Yes, we are aware of sbp. Unfortunately, it seems to be dead, and we didn't get it working properly either.


When providing a Spring RestController as a part of a library, how should I make dependencies be injected?

I'm providing a Spring RestController as a part of a library. Currently I have reusable jaxrs services, but I need to make Spring Boot alternatives. One RestController for example has 2 dependencies: one is a service that I could see being a bean and the other a String property.
I'm wondering what is the idiomatic way to expect to get those dependencies from users consuming the library. I had a few ideas about how it might happen, but wasn't sure what was the right or at least best practice way to do it.
Should users construct the RestController manually using the constructor (not using dependency injection)? I actually couldn't even figure out how to do this such that the Spring Boot Application knew about it and didn't see it in guides, so I was assuming this isn't the normal way to provide RestControllers. I only wondered if this was the right way to go as dependency injection being used for a third party library class's dependencies seems like it could be hard to manage.
Should both be beans, with the String property being a named bean? I have this one working, but I'm wondering if consumers of the library having to provide beans that the library's RestController expects is tricky or a bad practice.
Should the simple service be a bean and the String injected via #Value?
Is there some alternative or better way?

Programmatically configure Spring Boot app

what's the easiest way to get the spring boot goodness but not try to autoconfigure all the things? For instance, to only run flyway with our already configured properties (some loaded via Consul + Spring Cloud), I was hoping I could do something like:
#Import({DataSourceAutoConfiguration.class, FlywayAutoConfiguration.class})
public class FlywaySetup {}
and have the main method just call
The problem with this is it picks up all the Component Scan / crazy long list of other dependencies. Any way to specifically configure the dependencies (but still get the nicities of the framework)
If you run this app, it shouldn't use component scan at all. There's nothing that triggers component scan in spring boot besides #ComponentScan (that's available on #SpringBootApplication).
It would help if you could provide more accurate details rather than "crazy long list of other dependencies.". Running that FlywaySetup should only load those two configuration classes (important: these are not handled as auto-configuration anymore). If you have component scan, there's something else you're not showing.
You can exclude auto-configurations you don't need.
You may want to take a look at this SO answer to explore mechanism how to do that.

No "new" objects for Java Spring and how to convert legacy application to "Spring" concept

I have just started learning Java Spring and the concept of Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC).
I learned that all objects whether it is singleton, prototype or request and sessions, are all retrieved from the container.
The container manages the dependencies between classes and the lifecycle/scope of the object.
The fundamental idea behind this is there are no "new" operators for application using Spring Framework as the backbone of the system. (Please correct me if I am wrong).
I wanted to modernize legacy applications coded without the Spring framework and manages the 3rd party libraries classes and injects them using Spring.
How should I approach this?
I learned that all objects whether it is singleton, prototype or request and sessions, are all retrieved from the container.
That is not quite right. Not all objects, but those you have the cotainer told to resolve, are retrieved from the container. In general you use the #Component annotation to mark which of your objects should the container know of. Besides #Component there are other annotations which do in principle the same, but allow a more finegrained semantics, e.g. #Repository annotation, which is at its base #Component and put #Target, #Retention, #Documented on top.
The container manages the dependencies between classes and the lifecycle/scope of the object.
Yes. The container does the wiring up for you, i.e. resolving dependencies annotated with #Ressource, #Autowired or #Inject depending on which annotation you prefer.
During the lifecycle there are possible events, which allow usage of lifecycle callbacks.
Also: You could determine the bean scope.
The fundamental idea behind this is there are no "new" operators for application using Spring Framework as the backbone of the system. (Please correct me if I am wrong).
The fundamental principle is, that you delegate the creation of objects of a certain kind to the container. Separation of creation and consumption of objects allows greater flexibility and in consequence better testability of your application.
Besides the "components" of your application, there are e.g. the typical containers like ArrayList or HashMap, upon which you use the new-operator as before.
I wanted to modernize legacy applications coded without the Spring framework and manages the 3rd party libraries classes and injects them using Spring.
How should I approach this?
From what was said above, it should be "simple":
1) Go through each class file and look for its dependencies
2) Refactor those out and put #Component on top of the class
Special case: 3rd party objects, where you do not have access to the source. Then you have to wrap its construction yourself into a factory e.g. with #Bean.
3) Add the missing dependencies via #Autowired (the spring specific annotation for marking dependencies)
4) Refactor components of the service layer with #Service annotationinstead of #Component.
5) Refactor the data access layer, instead of using #Component, you can use #Repository.
This should give you a base to work with.

What are TestExecutionListeners, and what do they do?

As far as I understand, TestExecutionListeners act like #BeforeClass methods in JUnit. What I don't understand is why I need to use DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener, TransactionalTestExecutionListener and DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener to use DbUnitTestExecutionListener.
Normally without DbUnit, I can create and populate the database. Why suddenly do I need to use these listeners to do some CRUD for my database?
TestExecutionListeners provide various types of functionality to tests running in the Spring TestContext Framework.
If you are interested in what a particular listener does, the best way to find out is to read the Javadoc for the respective class. In addition, the Testing chapter of the Spring reference manual goes into detail about how to use each of the listeners and what they do.
In your particular case, if you're not using #DirtiesContext, then you don't need to use the DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener. As for DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener and TransactionalTestExecutionListener, you will likely need them to inject dependencies into your test (e.g., via #Autowired, #Inject, #Resource, etc.) and for transactional tests (i.e., tests annotated with #Transactional).
Note as well that the aforementioned listeners are enabled by default. So if you've been using the Spring TestContext Framework without any custom listeners like the one for DbUnit, then you just never realized that the listeners existed. The section on TestExecutionListener configuration in the reference manual should also help clarify things. Note, however, that some features like merging and auto-detection of default listeners are only available in Spring Framework 4.1+.
Sam (author of the Spring TestContext Framework)

Spring Annotations when java file is compiled

I started learning spring today and i have a question regarding what happens to the annotations when java files with annotations is compiled ?.
The reason i am asking this is because of the fundamental difference i see when we choose to use the xml approach vs the annotations approach , and what i think is the philosophy of spring. The way i understand is spring says that all your java classes can be simple pojo's and all the spring related config should be kept independent (Like xml file.)
In case of developing spring application using xml *.java files have no idea about spring container and are compiled in to .class without any spring related dependencies.
But now when we annotate the .java file and the file is compiled the compiled file now has all spring related dependencies hard baked in to it and no longer are your classes simple pojo's.
Is this correct ? I am not sure if i am missing some thing here.
Annotations can be considered as metadata of a class or its element (method, field, local variable...). When you put annotation, you don't implement any behaviour. You just give additional info on an element.
That way, Spring, which is in charge of instanciating its bean can collect the info with reflection (see also this site) and process it.
To conclude, your Spring beans still remain POJO and there is no difference with the XML way (...from that point of view) since Spring gets from annotations the information it would have got from XML .
I think you are right and your question is justifiable, that's the way how I think about it too.
Not only compiled code but also dependency on spring jars bother me. Once you use this annotations your resulting jar depends on spring library.
It's reasonable to store beans in model according to DDD but spring is some kind of infrastructure layer so I didn't like the dependency.
Even if you would use XML, it's useful for few placed to use attributes. E.g. #Required attribute which is useful to verify that linked bean was injected. So, I've decide to use constructor dependency injection to omit this attribute, see my article. I completely leave out the dependency on spring in the code.
You can probably find such mind hook for many annotation you want/force to use.
You can use annotations only for your configuration classes, without marking them actual bean classes. In such scenario if you not use spring you just not load configuration classes.
