Emacs failure in loading charset map when saving file with unicode - visual-studio-2010

I created an ordinary text file on Windows 7 64-bit using gnu emacs 23.3.1. I can edit the file with other programs such as LinqPad (the file happens to be a linqpad script, extension .linq). Everything is fine until I put a Unicode character in the file, a character such as the greek letter λ (lambda). I can input the letter in emacs and it displays correctly. However, emacs refuses to save the file, reporting the following error
Failure in loading charset map: 8859-7
If I input the λ in LinqPad, emacs will read and display them, but will not save the file.
I just noticed that Notepad++ has other unexpected behavior with this file: it does not display the λ's, but instead pairs of odd characters such as λ. That is fitting to an untuition (pun intended) that the unicode chars are being stored as pairs. So it looks like this is a kind of ambiguous situation (storing unicode in text files), but it also looks like linqPad and visual studio "do the obvious thing."
I want to use emacs because it's the only program that I have that reflows sequences of commented lines (lines after //, reflows them with Alt-Q), and I want to use greek characters in my comments because I'm describing a mathematical program.
I'll be grateful for advice and answers.
UPDATE: some advice in other questions said to try M-x describe-char, also bound to C-x = ; both of those give me the same failure message as above, so they're on the right track, just not answers.

This once happened to me when I had upgraded all packages (including Emacs) without realising I still had an Emacs session open during the upgrade. Next time I asked it to save some Unicode, it tried to load 8859-7 and failed because the path was different in the upgraded version. I had to redo the edit after restarting Emacs.

I just noticed that Notepad++ has other unexpected behavior with this file: it does not display the λs, but instead pairs of odd characters such as λ.
λ is what you get when you interpret the byte sequence 0xCE, 0xBB using the encoding ISO-8859-1, or Windows code page 1252 (Western European). Code page 1252 is probably the default (‘ANSI’) code page on your machine.
0xCE, 0xBB is the UTF-8 encoding of the character λ (U+03BB Greek small letter lambda). So to display it correctly you need to tell your text editor that the file is saved in UTF-8 and not ANSI.
In Notepad++, choose UTF-8 from the menu bar ‘Encoding’ entry.
In Emacs, C-x C-m c utf-8-dos (or unix or whatever) as a prefix to opening or saving the file. Hopefully by saving in UTF-8 you'll avoid whatever the problem is with the ISO 8859-7 (Greek) map; you certainly don't want to be saving any files in 8859-7, or indeed anything but UTF-8, if you can help it.


Ruby gets method makes command prompt crash

I am currently making an app that deals with Ancient Greek (Unicode extended) characters. To put it simple, the user types a word in Greek and the program analyses it morphologically and shows all its declension, i. e. all its possible forms. Pretty simple, I am new to this. I made it with Latin (a language with no special Unicode characters) a week ago and it works perfectly.
I work with Ruby 3.0.2 and the Command Prompt attached to its installation file. I can write code using Greek Unicode letters (like "puts "ἀγαθός"") and they are displayed on the Command Prompt without problem. UTF-8 works fine there. I think the default codepage is UTF-8 for the .rb file.
The problem is when the Command Prompt tries to recognize the letters the user has written. To test recognition, when the user writes a word, the program shows again the letters written (I wrote them using the Windows Polytonic Greek Keyboard). To my disgrace these letters are only squares with question marks inside them. After a while, I couldn't write any single Greek character (not even non-Unicode-extended) because the command prompt crashes after doing it.
One solution I made was to change, before running the program, the codepage to Windows-1253, which supports Greek characters but not Unicode characters. That made possible to write Greek common characters and the command prompt recognizes them well. But of course it continues crashing if I dare to write a single alpha with spiritus asper.
But I really would like to use UTF-8 for everything, and I don't know why the program is doing this. Of course Windows Powershell does the same.
I hope I have explained the problem well. Sorry if my language is not appropriate, but I hope you have got the point. Thanks!

find reason for automatic encoding detection (UTF-8 vs Windows-1252)

I have a CSV with content that is UTF-8 encoded. However, various applications and systems errorneously detect the encoding of the CSV as Windows-1252, which breaks all the special characters in the file (e.g. Umlauts).
I can see that Sublime Text (on Windows) for example also automatically detects the wrong Windows-1252 encoding, when opening the file for the first time, showing garbled text where special characters are supposed to be.
When I choose Reopen with Encoding » UTF-8, everything will look fine, as expected.
Now, to find the source of the error I thought it might help to figure out, why these applications are not automatically detecting the correct encoding in the first place. May be there is a stray character somewhere with the wrong encoding for example.
The CSV in question is actually an automatically generated product export of a Magento 2 installation. Recently the character encodings broke and I am currently trying to figure out what happened - hence my investigation on why this export is detected as Windows-1252.
Is there any reliable way of figuring out why the automatic detection of applications like Sublime Text assume the wrong character encoding?
This is what I did in the end to find out why the file was not detected as UTF-8, i.e. to find the characters that were not encoded in UTF-8. Since PHP is more readily available to me, I decided to simply use the following script, to force convert anything that is not UTF-8 to UTF-8, using the very handy neitanod/forceutf8 library.
$before = file_get_contents('export.csv');
$after = \ForceUTF8\Encoding::toUTF8($before);
file_put_contents('export.fixed.csv', $after);
Then I used a file comparison tool like Beyond Compare to compare the two resulting CSVs, in order to see more easily which characters were not originally encoded in UTF-8.
This in turn showed me that only one particular column of the export was affected. Upon further investigation I found out that the contents of that column were processed in PHP with the following preg_replace:
$value = preg_replace('/([^\pL0-9 -])+/', '', $value);
Using \p in the regular expression had an unknown side effect: all the special characters were converted to another encoding. A quick solution to this is to use the u flag on the regex (see regex pattern modifiers reference). This forces the resulting encoding of this preg_replace to be UTF-8. See also this answer.

How make Visual Studio make programs with 1252 encoding?

I have a solution on my Visual Studio and my program's language is Brazillian Portuguese.
Everytime I compile it and execute and it simply doesn't show the characters I wrote.
int main (void) {
return 0;
It simply shows something really strange.
Although, I had tested another time taking the output to a file and it showed the right output, so I think the problem might be in the cmd.
Then, I searched what might be causing the problem and the results were hanging basically on the code page cmd used.
I finally used chcp 1252, but it seems it doens't work with me, so here I am. Does anyone know what code page should I use or what I can do to the source file to it show the right output? Thanks in advance.
I'm assuming C++.
The reason is that the file is saved with UTF-8 encoding, and the string literals are treated as a sequence of bytes.
So if you have "é" in your source code, it's treated as "\c9\a9" and it gets displayed in CP-437 (default Western encoding for Windows Command Prompt) as ├⌐
Solution: either:
save your source files in some 8-bit encoding (for example CP-1252), change the default encoding in VS, and set the terminal to use the same encoding,
or change your terminal to something that support UTF-8, like Cygwin.

Unicode characters in a Ruby script?

I would like to write a Ruby script which writes Japanese characters to the console. For example:
puts "こんにちは・今日は"
However, I get an exception when running it:
jap.rb:1: Invalid char `\377' in expression
jap.rb:1: Invalid char `\376' in expression
Is it possible to do? I'm using Ruby 1.8.6.
You've saved the file in the UTF-16LE encoding, the one Windows misleadingly calls “Unicode”. This encoding is generally best avoided because it's not an ASCII-superset: each code unit is stored as two bytes, with ASCII characters having the other byte stored as \0. This will confuse an awful lot of software; it is unusual to use UTF-16 for file storage.
What you are seeing with \377 and \376 (octal for \xFF and \xFE) is the U+FEFF Byte Order Mark sequence put at the front of UTF-16 files to distinguish UTF-16LE from UTF-16BE.
Ruby 1.8 is totally byte-based; it makes no attempt to read Unicode characters from a script. So you can only save source files in ASCII-compatible encodings. Normally, you'd want to save your files as UTF-8 (without BOM; the UTF-8 faux-BOM is another great Microsoft innovation that breaks everything). This'd work great for scripts on the web producing UTF-8 pages.
And if you wanted to be sure the source code would be tolerant of being saved in any ASCII-compatible encoding, you could encode the string to make it more resilient (if less readable):
puts "\xe3\x81\x93\xe3\x82\x93\xe3\x81\xab\xe3\x81\xa1\xe3\x81\xaf\xe3\x83\xbb\xe4\xbb\x8a\xe6\x97\xa5\xe3\x81\xaf"
However! Writing to the console is itself a big problem. What encoding is used to send characters to the console varies from platform to platform. On Linux or OS X, it's UTF-8. On Windows, it's a different encoding for every installation locale (as selected on “Language for non-Unicode applications” in the “Regional and Language Options” control panel entry), but it's never UTF-8. This setting is—again, misleadingly—known as the ANSI code page.
So if you are using a Japanese Windows install, your console encoding will be Windows code page 932 (a variant of Shift-JIS). If that's the case, you can save the text file from a text editor using “ANSI” or explicitly “Japanese cp932”, and when you run it in Ruby you'll get the right characters out. Again, if you wanted to make the source withstand misencoding, you could escape the string in cp932 encoding:
puts "\x82\xb1\x82\xf1\x82\xc9\x82\xbf\x82\xcd\x81E\x8d\xa1\x93\xfa\x82\xcd"
But if you run it on a machine in another locale, it'll produce different characters. You will be unable to write Japanese to the default console from Ruby on a Western Windows installation (code page 1252).
(Whilst Ruby 1.9 improves Unicode handling a lot, it doesn't change anything here. It's still a bytes-based application using the C standard library IO functions, and that means it is limited to Windows's local code page.)

ASCII in Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux

I've made a program in MVSC++ which outputs memory contents (in ASCII). The ASCII I see in windows console seem to match what I see in various ASCII tables (smiley, diamond, club, right arrow etc). This program needs to compile under Linux (which is does), but the ASCII output looks completely different. A few symbols are the same but the rest are so different. Is there any way to change how terminal displays ASCII code?
EDIT: The program executes correctly, it's just the ASCII that is being displayed differently.
ASCII defines character codes from 0x00 through 0x7f. Everything else (0x80-0xff) is not part of the ASCII standard and depends on what the operating system defines as the characters to display. However, the characters you mention (smiley, diamond, club, etc) are the representations of the ASCII "control characters" that don't normally have a visual representation. Windows lets you print such characters and see the glyphs it has defined for them, but your Linux is probably interpreting the control characters as formatting control codes (which they are) instead of printing corresponding glyphs.
What you are seeing is the "extended" character set that IBM initially included when PCs were first unleashed upon the world. Yes, we are going back to the age of mighty dinosaurs, so bear with me. These characters live above $7F and the interpretation of their symbols on the screen can even be influenced by the font chosen. Most linux distros are now using UTF-8 (or something close) and as such, the fonts installed may have completely different symbols, or even missing glyphs. In cases where you are comparing "ASCII" representations (which is a misnomer, as it's not really true ASCII) of the same data, it may or may not exactly match, as you must have the same "glyph" renderings in both display fonts to correctly see similar representations. Try getting both your Windows and Linux installs to use the same font if possible, and then see if there is a change.
If your browser supports Unicode (and you have the correct fonts installed), you will see them bellow.
You can copy and paste into an editor with unicode support(Notepad). Save as UTF-16BE
Then if you open in a HexEditor you will see all the unicode codes for each char visible glyph.
In example the first ascii char Null has Unicode visible glyph 0x2639
in c\c++\java you can use it like \u2639.
Its not a null char but the visual representation.
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