Unicode characters in a Ruby script? - ruby

I would like to write a Ruby script which writes Japanese characters to the console. For example:
puts "こんにちは・今日は"
However, I get an exception when running it:
jap.rb:1: Invalid char `\377' in expression
jap.rb:1: Invalid char `\376' in expression
Is it possible to do? I'm using Ruby 1.8.6.

You've saved the file in the UTF-16LE encoding, the one Windows misleadingly calls “Unicode”. This encoding is generally best avoided because it's not an ASCII-superset: each code unit is stored as two bytes, with ASCII characters having the other byte stored as \0. This will confuse an awful lot of software; it is unusual to use UTF-16 for file storage.
What you are seeing with \377 and \376 (octal for \xFF and \xFE) is the U+FEFF Byte Order Mark sequence put at the front of UTF-16 files to distinguish UTF-16LE from UTF-16BE.
Ruby 1.8 is totally byte-based; it makes no attempt to read Unicode characters from a script. So you can only save source files in ASCII-compatible encodings. Normally, you'd want to save your files as UTF-8 (without BOM; the UTF-8 faux-BOM is another great Microsoft innovation that breaks everything). This'd work great for scripts on the web producing UTF-8 pages.
And if you wanted to be sure the source code would be tolerant of being saved in any ASCII-compatible encoding, you could encode the string to make it more resilient (if less readable):
puts "\xe3\x81\x93\xe3\x82\x93\xe3\x81\xab\xe3\x81\xa1\xe3\x81\xaf\xe3\x83\xbb\xe4\xbb\x8a\xe6\x97\xa5\xe3\x81\xaf"
However! Writing to the console is itself a big problem. What encoding is used to send characters to the console varies from platform to platform. On Linux or OS X, it's UTF-8. On Windows, it's a different encoding for every installation locale (as selected on “Language for non-Unicode applications” in the “Regional and Language Options” control panel entry), but it's never UTF-8. This setting is—again, misleadingly—known as the ANSI code page.
So if you are using a Japanese Windows install, your console encoding will be Windows code page 932 (a variant of Shift-JIS). If that's the case, you can save the text file from a text editor using “ANSI” or explicitly “Japanese cp932”, and when you run it in Ruby you'll get the right characters out. Again, if you wanted to make the source withstand misencoding, you could escape the string in cp932 encoding:
puts "\x82\xb1\x82\xf1\x82\xc9\x82\xbf\x82\xcd\x81E\x8d\xa1\x93\xfa\x82\xcd"
But if you run it on a machine in another locale, it'll produce different characters. You will be unable to write Japanese to the default console from Ruby on a Western Windows installation (code page 1252).
(Whilst Ruby 1.9 improves Unicode handling a lot, it doesn't change anything here. It's still a bytes-based application using the C standard library IO functions, and that means it is limited to Windows's local code page.)


tcl: how to print UTF-8 text to stdout on Windows

my little cross-platform Tcl/Tk pet-project uses utf-8 as the text encoding everywhere.
encoding system utf-8
fconfigure stderr -encoding utf-8
fconfigure stdout -encoding utf-8
#puts "汉语"
puts "foo"
This works great on Linux and macOS, where the standard encoding is UTf-8:
$ tclsh utf8test.tcl
Unfortunately, it doesn't work at all on Windows, where the terminal typically uses cp1252, and it consequently outputs garbage:
$ wine tclsh85.exe utf8test.tcl
As far as I understand, this is because we cannot really change the encoding of the Windows terminal, and - according to this sf issue - I need to detect myself whether the output is going to a terminal or somewhere else.
I have no idea how to make this decision.
So how can I output printable characters to the console in a project that otherwise uses UTF-8 everywhere?
my original example would output some high-unicode points (chinese characters 汉语).
however, the problem also persists if I try to output a single ASCII string (foo).
since most of the text i'm outputting is ASCII anyhow, I would like at least to fix the output for that.
i thought that cp1252 would be backwards compatible with ASCII...
Output to the real console on Windows is special — it has it's own channel implementation — since the low-level API takes Unicode (I think it is actually UTF-16, but that isn't important here) and Tcl uses the low-level IO API on Windows where it can. I do not know whether Tcl has automatically detected your console correctly. I know absolutely nothing about what interaction there is between the API and Wine's implementation of it and whatever is going on in the host environment.
Console output is supposed to Just Work™ if you don't modify the encoding on its channel. Indeed, the usual rule is don't change encodings except on files and sockets (where you know the encoding might be not the system one).

find reason for automatic encoding detection (UTF-8 vs Windows-1252)

I have a CSV with content that is UTF-8 encoded. However, various applications and systems errorneously detect the encoding of the CSV as Windows-1252, which breaks all the special characters in the file (e.g. Umlauts).
I can see that Sublime Text (on Windows) for example also automatically detects the wrong Windows-1252 encoding, when opening the file for the first time, showing garbled text where special characters are supposed to be.
When I choose Reopen with Encoding » UTF-8, everything will look fine, as expected.
Now, to find the source of the error I thought it might help to figure out, why these applications are not automatically detecting the correct encoding in the first place. May be there is a stray character somewhere with the wrong encoding for example.
The CSV in question is actually an automatically generated product export of a Magento 2 installation. Recently the character encodings broke and I am currently trying to figure out what happened - hence my investigation on why this export is detected as Windows-1252.
Is there any reliable way of figuring out why the automatic detection of applications like Sublime Text assume the wrong character encoding?
This is what I did in the end to find out why the file was not detected as UTF-8, i.e. to find the characters that were not encoded in UTF-8. Since PHP is more readily available to me, I decided to simply use the following script, to force convert anything that is not UTF-8 to UTF-8, using the very handy neitanod/forceutf8 library.
$before = file_get_contents('export.csv');
$after = \ForceUTF8\Encoding::toUTF8($before);
file_put_contents('export.fixed.csv', $after);
Then I used a file comparison tool like Beyond Compare to compare the two resulting CSVs, in order to see more easily which characters were not originally encoded in UTF-8.
This in turn showed me that only one particular column of the export was affected. Upon further investigation I found out that the contents of that column were processed in PHP with the following preg_replace:
$value = preg_replace('/([^\pL0-9 -])+/', '', $value);
Using \p in the regular expression had an unknown side effect: all the special characters were converted to another encoding. A quick solution to this is to use the u flag on the regex (see regex pattern modifiers reference). This forces the resulting encoding of this preg_replace to be UTF-8. See also this answer.

Character set conversion problem - debug invalid characters - reverse engineer earlier conversions

Character conversion problem.
I have a few strings which are incorrectly encoded or decoded.
The strings came in an ASCII format CSV file.
The current strings I have are:
I know, that the:
"‚" character (0x82) should be originally "é" (é acute accent)
"‹" character (0x8B) should be originally "ő" (o double acute accent)
How can I debug and reverse engineer, what conversions happened with the original characters to get the current characters?
I suppose that multiple decoding encoding happened, but I was not able to reproduce the original character.
I put an expanded version of my comment as answer:
Your viewer uses CP1252 (English and Western Europe, also called ANSI in Windows) or CP1250 (Eastern Europe) or an other similar code page. Most of characters are coded in the same manner, just few language specific changes. Your example do not includes character that are different on the two encoding, so I cannot say precisely.
That code pages are used on Microsoft Windows, and they are based (but not 100% compatible) with Latin-1, so it is common to see text interpreted with such encoding. MacOs and Linux are heavily (now) UTF-8 encoded. Windows uses Unicode internally (but UTF-16)
The old encoding is probably CP437: the standard code page in DOS, so it was used frequently also for CSV files. Other frequent old encoding are CP850 (Western Europe) and CP852 (Central Europe).
For the other answers you put in the comments, I think you should go to Superuser (if you are requesting tools (some editors allow you to specify the encoding. You may use the browser (opening a local file): browsers also allow you to choose the local encoding, and I think you may copy as Unicode [not sure], other tools sometime has hidden option to import files, but possibly not with all options), or as new question in this site, if you want to do it programmatically. But so you are required to specify the language. Python is well suited for such conversions (most scripting languages are created to handle texts): python has built in many encoding, you should just specify when reading and when writing the files. R also can be instructed on the input encoding.
I wrote my own utility that helped me to diagnose and fix many thorny encoding issues. It is available as part of an Open source library. The utility converts any String to unicode sequence and vise-versa. All you will have to do is:
String codes = StringUnicodeEncoderDecoder.encodeStringToUnicodeSequence("Hello world");
And it will return String "\u0048\u0065\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0020\u0057\u006f\u0072\u006c\u0064"
The same would work for any String in any language including special characters. Here is the link to the article Open Source Java library with stack trace filtering, Silent String parsing Unicode converter and Version comparison that explains about the library and where to get it (available both on Maven central and github. In the article search for paragraph: "String Unicode converter". So when you read your String convert it and see what comes up. This way you will see what symbols are there and if the info is correct and only distorted by some wrong encoding or the info itself is lost. You can easily find info on internet that provides tables of mapping of any symbol to a unicode

tcl utf-8 characters not displaying properly in ui

Objective : To have multi language characters in the user id in Enovia v6
I am using utf-8 encoding in tcl script and it seems it saves multi language characters properly in the database (after some conversion). But, in ui i literally see the saved information from the database.
While doing the same excercise throuhg Power Web, saved data somehow gets converted back into proper multi language character and displays properly.
Am i missing something while taking tcl approach?
Pasting one example to help understand better.
Original Name: Kátai-Pál
Name saved in database as: Kátai-Pál
In UI I see name as: Kátai-Pál
In Tcl I use below syntax
set encoded [encoding convertto utf-8 Kátai-Pál];
Now user name becomes: Kátai-Pál
In UI I see name as “Kátai-Pál”
The trick is to think in terms of characters, not bytes. They're different things. Encodings are ways of representing characters as byte sequences (internally, Tcl's really quite complicated, but you shouldn't ever have to care about that if you're not developing Tcl's implementation itself; suffice to say it's Unicode). Thus, when you use:
encoding convertto utf-8 "Kátai-Pál"
You're taking a sequence of characters and asking for the sequence of bytes (one per result character) that is the encoding of those characters in the given encoding (UTF-8).
What you need to do is to get the database integration layer to understand what encoding the database is using so it can convert back into characters for you (you can only ever communicate using bytes; everything else is just a simplification). There are two ways that can happen: either the information is correctly shared (via metadata or defined convention), or both sides make assumptions which come unstuck occasionally. It sounds like the latter is what's happening, alas.
If you can't handle it any other way, you can take the bytes produced out of the database layer and convert into characters:
encoding convertfrom $theEncoding $theBytes
Working out what $theEncoding should be is in general very tricky, but it sounds like it's utf-8 for you. Once you've got characters, Tcl/Tk will be able to display them correctly; it knows how to transfer them correctly into the guts of the platform's GUI. (And in scripts that you actually write, you're best off replacing non-ASCII characters with their \uXXXX escapes, because platforms don't agree on what encoding is right to use for scripts. Alas.)

Batch convert to UTF8 using Ruby

I'm encountering a little problem with my file encodings.
Sadly, as of yet I still am not on good terms with everything where encoding matters; although I have learned plenty since I began using Ruby 1.9.
My problem at hand: I have several files to be processed, which are expected to be in UTF-8 format. But I do not know how to batch convert those files properly; e.g. when in Ruby, I open the file, encode the string to utf8 and save it in another place.
Unfortunately that's not how it is done - the file is still in ANSI.
At least that's what my Notepad++ says.
I find it odd though, because the string was clearly encoded to UTF-8, and I even set the File.open parameter :encoding to 'UTF-8'. My shell is set to CP65001, which I believe also corresponds to UTF-8.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks!
/e: What's more, when in Notepad++, I can convert manually as such:
Selecting everything,
setting encoding to UTF-8 (here, \x-escape-sequences can be seen)
pasting everything from clipboard
Done! Escape-characters vanish, file can be processed.
Unfortunately that's not how it is done - the file is still in ANSI. At least that's what my Notepad++ says.
UTF-8 was designed to be a superset of ASCII, which means that most of the printable ASCII characters are the same in UTF-8. For this reason it's not possible to distinguish between ASCII and UTF-8 unless you have "special" characters. These special characters are represented using multiple bytes in UTF-8.
It's well possible that your conversion is actually working, but you can double-check by trying your program with special characters.
Also, one of the best utilities for converting between encodings is iconv, which also has ruby bindings.
