Implementing class inheritance in codeigniter - codeigniter

I am confused, again, about implementing OOP in CodeIgniter.
By design, I have two classes, namely Customer and Supplier. Both classes extends a super class I call Institution.
It was not a problem for me when I wrote them using only php (without framework).
class Customer extends Institution {
public function __construct() {
class Supplier extends Institution {
public function __construct() {
class Institution extends DBConnection {
public function __construct() {
class DBConnection {
// do CRUD activities here
The questions are:
How do I write them using CI?
Is it as Controller or in Model the best way to implement them? What factors should be considered?
A friend suggested a way I thought a bit hacky, model extends model. I try, if possible, to do it in codeigniter-appropriate way.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Well, as it is going to be your domain model entities, it should be models. And there is nothing wrong in having another model class as a base class for model class. So, you'll just need to make your Institution (or DBConnection if you prefer to keep it) class extend CI_Model.


Target [Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model] is not instantiable while building

Peeps, I'm lost. Tried everything and after 5 hours of searching through the 10th page of Google hits, I give up. Maybe I just dont know how to ask Google the correct keywords..
I have this scenario: In lumen app, lets call it X, I have require custom packages CRUD and Storage, Storage is using functionality of CRUD.
StorageService has:
use Crud\Services\BaseService;
class StorageService extends BaseService{}
And Crud\BaseService has constructor, that uses Model:
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class BaseService
protected $model;
public function __construct(Model $model)
$this->model = $model;
When I try to do anything with my app X, I get error:
Target [Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model] is not instantiable while building [Lumee\Storage\Services\StorageService]
I cannot get my head around how to get to proper class of Model, since I saw, that Model is abstract class.
Also, I'm using this CRUD package successfully in another App, only difference is, there CRUD is used directly in app, not via some other package. I'm confused, why there is working without any additional bindings and service registering..
EDIT: Added some binding into StorageServiceProvider (boot and register methods):
$this->app->bind(BaseService::class, function(){
return new BaseService(new Model());
And registered StorageServiceProvider in my boostrap/app.php:
Thing still returns same error. I tried with binding in CrudServiceProvider, nope.
you can't get object from abstract class (Model class) to solve this try this :
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class BaseService
protected $model;
suppose your model is (Storage) :
use Crud\Services\BaseService;
class StorageService extends BaseService{
public function __construct(Storage $model)
$this->model = $model;

Laravel: use extended controller or Traits or something else?

To maintain my Laravel application and save myself from a lot of duplicate code I have made the following solution:
class BaseController extends Controller
public function get($id){
return $this->baseService->get($id);
public function getAll(){
return $this->baseService->getAll();
class BaseService
protected $model;
public function __construct($model){
$this->model = $model;
public function get($id){
return response()->json($this->model->where('id', $id)->first());
public function getAll()
return $this->model->get();
class MyController extends BaseController
protected $model;
protected $baseService;
public function __construct(){
$this->model= new Model();
$this->baseService = new BaseService($this->model);
* This controller has all the functionality from BaseController now
What I'm wondering if this is a good method. Should I stick with this or should I use a different approach? I've heard about Traits but not sure if they are doing the same thing. It's Laravel 5.5 I'm using.
Yes, traits are used to move methods out of a controller regularly. A good example that the Laravel framework uses is the ThrottlesLogin trait. Take a look at
to see how the methods are moved outside of a controller but can be still accessed by importing the trait using the use keyword.
While traits would work for your use case I wouldn't use them here for the functionality you are looking for. I would use the repository pattern. It would better separate your code and make it more reusable.
Take a look at for more information on the repository pattern. Basically, you would separate your code into a separate repository and use Laravel's built in IoC to inject the repository into your controller.
class MyController extends Controller
protected $repo;
public function __construct(MyRepository $myRepository)
$this->repo = $myRepository;
public function index()
$myStuff = $this->repo->all();
// you can also inject the repository directly in the controller
// actions.
// look at
public function other(MyRepository $repo)
$myStuff = $repo->all();
This is the perfect use case for a Trait. Traits are intended for reusable functions. They're super simple to implement, and won't take more than a few minutes to change what you have.
Here is a great article on them:

Issue in creating REST Service using laravel

We are trying to develop an Android app that required a REST API to show data from web server.
We tried to use Laravel resource to create REST service like below:
Route::resource('list', 'ListController');
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use mymodel
class ListController extends Controller
public function getShow($id)
return $JsonData;
But it's not working as expected need some token key or some other authentication and authorization need to know how to set.
We should utilize the Repository / Gateway design pattern:
For example, when dealing with the User model, first create a User Repository. The only responsibility of the user repository is to communicate with the database (performing CRUD operations). This User Repository extends a common base repository and implements an interface containing all methods we require:
class EloquentUserRepository extends BaseRepository implements UserRepository
public function __construct(User $user) {
$this->user = $user;
public function all() {
return $this->user->all();
public function get($id){}
public function create(array $data){}
public function update(array $data){}
public function delete($id){}
// Any other methods we need go here (getRecent, deleteWhere, etc) }
Then, create a service provider, which binds your user repository interface to your eloquent user repository. Whenever you require the user repository (by resolving it through the IoC container or injecting the dependency in the constructor), Laravel automatically gives you an instance of the Eloquent user repository you just created. This is so that, if you change ORMs to something other than eloquent, you can simply change this service provider and no other changes to your codebase are required:
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class RepositoryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register() {
'lib\Repositories\UserRepository', // Assuming you used these
'lib\Repositories\EloquentUserRepository' // namespaces
Next, create a User Gateway, who's purpose is to talk to any number of repositories and perform any business logic of your application:
use lib\Repositories\UserRepository;
class UserGateway {
protected $userRepository;
public function __construct(UserRepository $userRepository) {
$this->userRepository = $userRepository;
public function createUser(array $input)
// perform any sort of validation first
return $this->userRepository->create($input);
Finally, create our User web controller. This controller talks to our User Gateway:
class UserController extends BaseController
public function __construct(UserGatway $userGateway)
$this->userGateway = $userGateway;
public function create()
$user = $this->userGateway->createUser(Input::all());
By structuring the design of your application in this way, you get several benefits: you achieve a very clear separation of concerns, since your application will be adhering to the Single Responsibility Principle (by separating your business logic from your database logic) . This enables you to perform unit and integration testing in a much easier manner, makes your controllers as slim as possible, as well as allowing you to easily swap out Eloquent for any other database if you desire in the future.
For example, if changing from Eloquent to Mongo, the only things you need to change are the service provider binding as well as creating a MongoUserRepository which implements the UserRepository interface. This is because the repository is the only thing talking to your database - it has no knowledge of anything else. Therefore, the new MongoUserRepository might look something like:
class MongoUserRepository extends BaseRepository implements UserRepository
public function __construct(MongoUser $user) {
$this->user = $user;
public function all() {
// Retrieve all users from the mongo db
And the service provider will now bind the UserRepository interface to the new MongoUserRepository:
Throughout all your gateways you have been referencing the UserRepository, so by making this change you're essentially telling Laravel to use the new MongoUserRepository instead of the older Eloquent one. No other changes are required.
Number one is that what is not working? if you mean that the response is not showing then its because your function actually doesn't even seem to be going any where, and number two are you new to Laravel?
Okay if this is what you have:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use mymodel;
class ListController extends Controller
public function getShow($id)
$Jsondata=list($id); return $JsonData;
Then I can be safe to say a lot of things is wrong.
To my understanding using Route::resource('list', 'ListController'); in your routes file creates show, edit, update and destroy paths, and also expects to see these functions too (I have not proven this to the core though) but thats my understanding.
so you can simply start laravel life by doing having your routes with
Route::get('list', 'ListController#show')
Then change your ListController to something like this:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use mymodel;
class ListController extends Controller
public function show($id)
$jsonData= ['my' => 'json data'];
return $jsonData;
If this works for you, then cool else so many thing might already be wrong with your setup.
Note: you might need to take your time to learn to use laravel from the documentation page. If API is your interest then try DIngo api. Also try to learn to use markup :)
Hope this helps :)

Polymorphic relation in Eloquent ORM (Laravel)

I am trying to achieve an inheritance by using polymorphic relations in Eloquent ORM.
My model schema looks like this:
class Section extends Model {
public function blocks() { // section has many blocks }
abstract class Block extends Model {..}
class Exercise extends Block {..}
class Info extends Block {..}
So in my case Section has an array of blocks (and each element could be Exercise or Info).
I tried to tell Eloquent that Section.blocks is an hasMany relation to Block, and Block is morphedTo by it's blockable relation to Exercise or Info, but i failed (and it also doesn't seem like a proper way to do it, because it creates one additional property like $section->blocks[0]->blockable, which should be $section->blocks[0] ).
I also tried to morphTo from Section.blocks right away, but also failed.
Maybe somebody already achived that, and could point me towards right direction.
The question is a little vague but your models should be like below. If there are any difference then add exact errors you get when you fail.
class Section extends Model {
public function blocks() {
return $this->morphTo();
class Exercise extends Block {
public function sections() {
return $this->morphMany('App\Section', 'blocks');
class Info extends Block {
public function sections() {
return $this->morphMany('App\Section', 'blocks');

CodeIgniter Has relationship between models

I've been googling on this issue for a quite while and still haven't found a satisfactory answer yet :(
It's a small web-based online game where a player will have a game board and a resource board. What is the best way to include those two classes in the player class to create a has-relationship?
Is there a particular way to do it in CI? or just go with include()?
An alternative is dependancy Injection
class userModel extends CI_Model
public function __construct(gameModel $gameModel)
var_dump($gameModel instanceof gameModel);
class Controller extends CI_Controller
public function method()
// load model with dependancy on gameModel
// or vise-verse
$this->load->model('userModel', new gameModel);
Or like I mention in comments
class userModel extends CI_Model
public function method()
$gameModel = $this->load->model('gameModel');
public function __get($object)
$instance =&get_instance();
return $instance->$object;
