CodeIgniter Has relationship between models - codeigniter

I've been googling on this issue for a quite while and still haven't found a satisfactory answer yet :(
It's a small web-based online game where a player will have a game board and a resource board. What is the best way to include those two classes in the player class to create a has-relationship?
Is there a particular way to do it in CI? or just go with include()?

An alternative is dependancy Injection
class userModel extends CI_Model
public function __construct(gameModel $gameModel)
var_dump($gameModel instanceof gameModel);
class Controller extends CI_Controller
public function method()
// load model with dependancy on gameModel
// or vise-verse
$this->load->model('userModel', new gameModel);
Or like I mention in comments
class userModel extends CI_Model
public function method()
$gameModel = $this->load->model('gameModel');
public function __get($object)
$instance =&get_instance();
return $instance->$object;


Laravel contextual binding to be more specific to methods rather then class only

I am trying to understand laravel bind.
let's say, I have UploadFileController.php
Route::post('/upload/images', 'UploadFilesController#uploadImage');
Route::post('/upload/pdf', 'UploadFilesController#uploadPdf');
then in the controller,
class UploadFilesController extends Controller
private $uploadServiceInterface;
public function __construct(UploadServiceInterface $uploadServiceInterface)
$this->uploadServiceInterface = $uploadServiceInterface;
public function uploadImage(Request $request)
public function uploadPdf()
Now, the uploadServiceProvider,
class UploadServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
Now, I know "when" says that UploadFileController class with uploadService interface will give the imageUploadService but is it possible I make it more specific to function in uploadFileController class, like
then it takes to the imagesUploadService class same for pdf upload class.

bind abstract class service in provider laravel

Gives an error:
Target [MyVendor\ProductList\ProductServiceInterface] is not instantiable.
namespace MyVendor\ProductList;
interface ProductServiceInterface
public function productList();
public function getProductSpeed();
namespace MyVendor\ProductList\Service;
abstract class ProductColorService implements \MyVendor\ProductList\ProductServiceInterface
public function productList()
$color = "black";
return $color;
** ProductSpeedService **
namespace MyVendor\ProductList\Service;
abstract class ProductSpeedService implements \MyVendor\ProductList\ProductServiceInterface {
public function getProductSpeed() {
$speed = 200;
return $speed;
Provider :
namespace MyVendor\ProductList;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use MyVendor\ProductList\ProductServiceInterface;
use MyVendor\ProductList\Service\ProductColorService;
class ProductColorServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot()
$this->loadRoutesFrom(__DIR__ . '/routes/color.php');
public function register()
Whats wrong in this code? Actually I need to override some functions in interface using service. ie each service should override one method.
namespace MyVendor\ProductList\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use MyVendor\ProductList\Models\Product;
use MyVendor\ProductList\ProductServiceInterface;
class ProductListController extends Controller
public function index(ProductServiceInterface $product_service)
$color = $product_service->productList();
$speed = $product_service->getProductSpeed();
dd($color," = ",$speed);
$product = Product::get();
return view('ProductList::product',compact('product'));
here productList() in one service and productSpeed() from another service
You can't instantiate abstract classes. The whole point of them is there can never be an instance of them, so if you bind your interface to your abstract class with a method, it simply can never be abstract. Abstract is for classes in inheritance structures you do not want to have the users to create new ones.
So there is no reason for the abstract, abstract is for something like this.
abstract class Vehicle {
protected $wheels;
public function getWheels() {
return $this->wheels;
class Car extends Vehicle {
protected $wheels = 4;
class Bike extends Vehicle {
protected $wheels = 2;
You can not make a vehicle as it is not a concrete implementation, as it is a parent class to help with methods shared across two classes. So short version, just remove the abstract keyword. If you don't know why you add it, it is not needed.

Laravel: use extended controller or Traits or something else?

To maintain my Laravel application and save myself from a lot of duplicate code I have made the following solution:
class BaseController extends Controller
public function get($id){
return $this->baseService->get($id);
public function getAll(){
return $this->baseService->getAll();
class BaseService
protected $model;
public function __construct($model){
$this->model = $model;
public function get($id){
return response()->json($this->model->where('id', $id)->first());
public function getAll()
return $this->model->get();
class MyController extends BaseController
protected $model;
protected $baseService;
public function __construct(){
$this->model= new Model();
$this->baseService = new BaseService($this->model);
* This controller has all the functionality from BaseController now
What I'm wondering if this is a good method. Should I stick with this or should I use a different approach? I've heard about Traits but not sure if they are doing the same thing. It's Laravel 5.5 I'm using.
Yes, traits are used to move methods out of a controller regularly. A good example that the Laravel framework uses is the ThrottlesLogin trait. Take a look at
to see how the methods are moved outside of a controller but can be still accessed by importing the trait using the use keyword.
While traits would work for your use case I wouldn't use them here for the functionality you are looking for. I would use the repository pattern. It would better separate your code and make it more reusable.
Take a look at for more information on the repository pattern. Basically, you would separate your code into a separate repository and use Laravel's built in IoC to inject the repository into your controller.
class MyController extends Controller
protected $repo;
public function __construct(MyRepository $myRepository)
$this->repo = $myRepository;
public function index()
$myStuff = $this->repo->all();
// you can also inject the repository directly in the controller
// actions.
// look at
public function other(MyRepository $repo)
$myStuff = $repo->all();
This is the perfect use case for a Trait. Traits are intended for reusable functions. They're super simple to implement, and won't take more than a few minutes to change what you have.
Here is a great article on them:

class 'base_controller' not found in Laravel 4

I have the below code in the controller.
class Authors_Controller extends Base_Controller {
public $restful = true;
public function get_index() {
return View::make('authors.index');
When i run in the browser, i am getting the error,
class 'base_controller' not found
class Authors_Controller extends Base_Controller {
class AuthorsController extends BaseController {
Edit: you might need to leave it as "Authors_Controller" depending how your file is named - but you should change it to the Laravel 4 convention of "AuthorsController"
In addition to The Shift Exchange's answer. You might also want to rename your function to getIndex, and rename your controller to AuthorsController as Laravel 4 is camelCased.

Implementing class inheritance in codeigniter

I am confused, again, about implementing OOP in CodeIgniter.
By design, I have two classes, namely Customer and Supplier. Both classes extends a super class I call Institution.
It was not a problem for me when I wrote them using only php (without framework).
class Customer extends Institution {
public function __construct() {
class Supplier extends Institution {
public function __construct() {
class Institution extends DBConnection {
public function __construct() {
class DBConnection {
// do CRUD activities here
The questions are:
How do I write them using CI?
Is it as Controller or in Model the best way to implement them? What factors should be considered?
A friend suggested a way I thought a bit hacky, model extends model. I try, if possible, to do it in codeigniter-appropriate way.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Well, as it is going to be your domain model entities, it should be models. And there is nothing wrong in having another model class as a base class for model class. So, you'll just need to make your Institution (or DBConnection if you prefer to keep it) class extend CI_Model.
