Visual Studio 2010 Sequence Diagrams Cannot load - visual-studio-2010

I was editing a VS 2010 Sequence Diagram and after saving and closing it, I can no longer open it. I get the following error. Anyone know how to resolve this?
"Cannot Load '{diagram path and name}': Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: rolePlayer"
The title of the dialog is "Microsoft Visual Studio"

This question was answered on the MSDN Visualization & Modeling Tools forum.


"A setup package is either missing or damaged visual studio 2015" while updating the VS2015 to fix the error when I try to publish my system [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Visual Studio SignTool.exe Not Found
(8 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I encounter this error while publishing my system so i decided to fix it by following the tutorials on how to fix this error:
and then this happened.:
This looks like a common problem and there are several solutions on SO or Google.
Open Programs and Features
Select Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and click Change
Press Modify to progress to Features options
Select Windows and Web Development, then tick ClickOnce Publishing Tools for installation
Then Next and then Update
This is what Microsoft recommends:
Go to Control Panel-Programs and Features, right click the VS 2015 and Change-Modify, confirm the option “ClickOnce Publishing Tools” is selected or not, if not, please select it to update
Right click the project name and choose Properties-Signing and uncheck the “Sign the ClickOnce manifests”

How to make the Visual Studio 2015 text templating security warning go away?

This problem is making me mad.
We have a set of projects that rely on T4 templates to generate code for a bunch of DSLs.
Every time I try to transform one of these T4 templates in Visual Studio 2015 I get this window, the security warning:
I have set the "Do not show this message again".
I have set the VS option "Text Templating | Show Security Message" to false.
Every time I restart Visual Studio 2015 and transform the first template the message pops up again.
This does not happen in Visual Studio 2013.
Some hints that may have something to do with this:
The actual text template that is called is published by a VS extension that is installed in the admin extensions directory ($ProgramFiles$\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions).
We are using our own custom code generator (that derives from TemplatedCodeGenerator).
Any ideas?
I have found the solution to this one a little by chance.
The problem was that the assembly containing the custom code generator was referencing Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating.VSHost.12.0 instead of version 14.0 as for Visual Studio 2015.
Oddly enough the transformation did not complain about the problem with the reference but completely ignored the VS option to stop showing the security dialog (may be because it was reading it from the wrong place?).
After correcting the reference, the problem never happened again.

Who put that "Stack Overflow" thing in my VS 2013 caption?

Just recently, somehow I found this to be my upper right caption in Visual Studio .NET 2013:
I've got several Add-ins installed like:
Visual Studio Commands (VSCommands)
and carefully searched all their settings but found none that is responsible for putting that thing into the caption bar.
Most probably I'm just blind and oversaw an option. One way to get rid of it is to right-click the SO icon:
Just out of curiosity I really would love to know which Add-in (if any) put this text box into my Visual Studio.
So my question is:
How did the Stack Overflow search field appear in Visual Studio?
It's VSCommands 3.0 (Visual Studio Commands extension). See their blog post which covers this new feature: VSCommands 3.0.0.
It is a Feature of VSCommands, which is a handy tool, but honestly it is easy to get lost in all the options; I kinda wish i could find an add-in that was just the stack-overflow status(i am way too busy/lazy to make one.)

Visual Studio 2010 Display message when opening solution

I was wondering if any one knows of any plugins that can be used in Visual Studio 2010 to set a startup page for a project.
What I want to do is display some important notes regarding the project when its open each time.
May be you need a look at this Adrian Collier - MSFT's article:
Creating a Custom Start Page

Any one tell me Why css3.0 is not shown in Visual Studio

Why visual Studio is not show css3.0 it always shows css2.1.
i have searched various blog didnt found anything.
Some stackover flow link are also there -
1.See this
Yes with visual studio 2010 sp1 it is not showing css3 it only shows css2.1.
As this issue is raised in microsoft and they are solving it in the next release
With reference to this i am attaching a link
Chk it here
Another One
