Visual Studio 2010 Display message when opening solution - visual-studio-2010

I was wondering if any one knows of any plugins that can be used in Visual Studio 2010 to set a startup page for a project.
What I want to do is display some important notes regarding the project when its open each time.

May be you need a look at this Adrian Collier - MSFT's article:
Creating a Custom Start Page


Automatically run extension code in Visual Studio on startup

Can I create an extension for Visual Studio that runs in the background as soon as the user opens the Visual Studio IDE? For example, I am building an extension that gets the current active file address in Visual Studio (with C#), but I would like this extension to always run in the background without having to be activated by the user clicking a button or pressing some key combination.
Is this possible, and if so, what is the best way of doing it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Regards, Erfan
Since you tagged your question with visual-studio-2010 I assume you are working on an "Add-in" rather than a "VSPackage Extensions".
In this case, you can use the OnConnection event handler.
If you are working on a VSPackage Extensions, you can use the attribute ProvideAutoLoad.
Just search for these, you will find sufficient information. Both ways are also described shortly here under "How can I run my add-in code in a VSPackage?"
For Extension add following attribute to Package class, this will load the extension when a solution is not open in visual studio. I have tested this with VS 2015 and 2017.
For VS 2010 and higher the recommended extensibility approach is a package (VS 2015 won't allow add-ins).
To get the package loaded when Visual Studio is loaded see HOWTO: Autoload a Visual Studio package.
Once loaded, your package may be interested in two different kind of selection change events:
To get notified when the selection in the Solution Explorer changes, get the IVsMonitorSelection interface and call the AdviseSelectionEvents/UnadviseSelectionEvents and provide a class that implements the IVsSelectionEvents interface.
To get notified when the active window changes (which can be a document window or a toolwindow), implement the IVsWindowFrameNotify interface.

VS 2013 Team Explorer Section1 in Vs2010

In VS2013 i see that it has a change log for method automatically populated from TFS and shortcut using Alt+1,2,3,...
is there a way to get this change log shown in VS2010 as well? do i need to enable any options or install and plugins etc..?
No. What you're looking at is a new feature in VS2013 Ultimate called Code Lens.

Can't open a TFS build process template with Community Build Extensions in VS2012 using the dummy-project-with-refrences trick

I'm trying to open a TFS Build Process Template (DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml) file, incorporating an activity from Community TFS Build Extensions. I'm following instractions from here, section Get the custom activities into Visual Studio. I had no problems with that back in the RC version of Visual Studio 2012 but now, after upgrading to the release version, an attempt to open the file ends up in an error:
System.Xaml.XamlException: 'The type ‘InArgument(mtbwa:BuildSettings)’ of property ‘BuildSettings’ could not be resolved.'
TFS itself doesn't seem to have any problems running builds based on this template.
I am able to open the file without the trick, but then of course the custom activities are not displayed properly.
Check this out:
"if the Visual Studio class library project you were using to manage the process template editing was targeting .NET 4.5, it needed to be 4.0. Well with Visual Studio 2012 RTM this is no longer the case, in fact it is the other way around."
I don't really think this is a great answer but I don't have enough rep to comment...
Build action on the xaml file is set to None?
I had a similar issue when opening build templates in VS 2012 RTM, but I was able to open the xaml "a little," meaning that I could open it in the workflow designer, but a lot of it was just the error activity. I found some errors to the effect that I should add references which I had not needed before (neither in VS 2010 or VS 11), such as PresentationCore and PresentationFramework. I wish I remembered more detail to pass on to you on this point.

Display start page when opening a Visual Studio solution

In Visual Studio 2010, is it possible to display a start/welcome page when opening a solution file?
I'd like to have some way to show build information to new developers joining the team.
Have you already considered writing your own extension for Visual Studio?
Soma Somasegar has pointed out where to start in his blog here.
You will need to install the Visual Studio SDK (online documentation here) from samples at MSDN.
I have not done this myself yet, but I know that you can create tool windows that already load with Visual Studio. You can request a notification when a solution is loaded and then execute your own custom code.
(I just read about the notfications yesterday in Rico Mariani's blog).
Should be possible. :-)

Creating a ".rc" file in Visual Studio 2010 Express

I'm trying to learn game programming. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express on Windows Vista. I want to know how to create a resource file (.rc). The microsoft website gives some fairly ambiguous instructions on creating one. If I go to my Solution explorer, right click and select Add New Item, the IDE does not give a .rc file as one of the options. It only gives me a .cpp, .h and windows form as options. I don't know what to do. I just can't figure out where i'm goofing up. I'd be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
Thanks a lot
Merry christmas!
The Visual Studio Express 2010 does not have the ability to edit resource files. Take a look at this MSDN page it is the listing of which features each version of VS 2010 contain.
From above link. There is no resource editor in the Express Version.
This link discusses a way to add a resource editor to Visual Studio Express.
Also take a look at this MSDN Forum Link It has some tips and links to external editors.
