Static sized permutations from Dynamic sized set - set

How can I obtain all combinations for a list where combination size need only be static eg. if the list has 4 elements then it will only need permutations of length 4 not 3, 2 and 1. I'm guessing this will need recursion. Unique combinations would be helpful but I'd like to see it in simplest (no uniqueness?) form for my puppy power.

set s = { x1, x2, x3, x4 };
array solution;
permute( i ) =>
if( i == 0 ) => print and return;
while unused elements in set =>
take element from set which is not in solution;
put element in solution;
permute( i - 1 );
remove element from solution;
If you want a more specific answer you have to create a more specific question. Show some code/effort/whatever..


Checking the validity of a pyramid of dominoes

I came across this question in a coding interview and couldn't figure out a good solution.
You are given 6 dominoes. A domino has 2 halves each with a number of spots. You are building a 3-level pyramid of dominoes. The bottom level has 3 dominoes, the middle level has 2, and the top has 1.
The arrangement is such that each level is positioned over the center of the level below it. Here is a visual:
[ 3 | 4 ]
[ 2 | 3 ] [ 4 | 5 ]
[ 1 | 2 ][ 3 | 4 ][ 5 | 6 ]
The pyramid must be set up such that the number of spots on each domino half should be the same as the number on the half beneath it. This doesn't apply to neighboring dominoes on the same level.
Is it possible to build a pyramid from 6 dominoes in the arrangement described above? Dominoes can be freely arranged and rotated.
Write a function that takes an array of 12 ints (such that arr[0], arr[1] are the first domino, arr[2], arr[3] are the second domino, etc.) and return "YES" or "NO" if it is possible or not to create a pyramid with the given 6 dominoes.
Thank you.
You can do better than brute-forcing. I don't have the time for a complete answer. So this is more like a hint.
Count the number of occurrences of each number. It should be at least 3 for at least two numbers and so on. If these conditions are not met, there is no solution. In the next steps, you need to consider the positioning of numbers on the tiles.
Just iterate every permutation and check each one. If you find a solution, then you can stop and return "YES". If you get through all permutations then return "NO". There are 6 positions and each domino has 2 rotations, so a total of 12*10*8*6*4*2 = 46080 permutations. Half of these are mirrors of each other so we're doubling our necessary workload, but I don't think that's going to trouble the user. I'd fix the domino orientations, then iterate through all the position permutations, then iterate the orientation permutations and repeat.
So I'd present the algorithm as:
For each permutation of domino orientations
For each permutation of domino positions
if arr[0] == arr[3] && arr[1] == arr[4] && arr[2] == arr[7] && arr[3] == arr[8] && arr[4] == arr[9] && && arr[5] == arr[10] then return "YES"
return "NO"
At that point I'd ask the interviewer where they wanted to go from there. We could look at optimisations, equivalences, implementations or move on to something else.
We can formulate a recursive solution:
if row_index < N - 1:
copy of row must exist two rows below
if row_index > 2:
matching left and right must exist
on the row above, around a center
of size N - 3, together forming
a valid_row
if row_index == N - 1:
additional matching below must
exist for the last number on each side
One way to solve it could be backtracking while tracking chosen dominoes along the path. Given the constraints on matching, a six domino pyramid ought to go pretty quick.
Before I start... There is an ambiguity in the question, which may be what the interviewer was more interested than the answer. This would appear to be a question asking for a method to validate one particular arrangement of the values, except for the bit which says "Is it possible to build a pyramid from 6 dominoes in the arrangement described above? Dominoes can be freely arranged and rotated." which implies that they might want you to also move the dominoes around to find a solution. I'm going to ignore that, and stick with the simple validation of whether it is a valid arrangement. (If it is required, I'd split the array into pairs, and then brute force the permutations of the possible arrangements against this code to find the first one that is valid.)
I've selected C# as a language for my solution, but I have intentionally avoided any language features which might make this more readable to a C# person, or perform faster, since the question is not language-specific, so I wanted this to be readable/convertible for people who prefer other languages. That's also the reason why I've used lots of named variables.
Basically check that each row is duplicated in the row below (offset by one), and stop when you reach the last row.
The algorithm drops out as soon as it finds a failure. This algorithm is extensible to larger pyramids; but does no validation of the size of the input array: it will work if the array is sensible.
using System;
public static void Main()
int[] values = new int[] { 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
bool result = IsDominoPyramidValid(values);
Console.WriteLine(result ? "YES" : "NO");
private const int DominoLength = 2;
public static bool IsDominoPyramidValid(int[] values)
int arrayLength = values.Length;
int offset = 0;
int currentRow = 1; // Note: I'm using a 1-based value here as it helps the maths
bool result = true;
while (result)
int currentRowLength = currentRow * DominoLength;
// Avoid checking final row: there is no row below it
if (offset + currentRowLength >= arrayLength)
result = CheckValuesOnRowAgainstRowBelow(values, offset, currentRowLength);
offset += currentRowLength;
return result;
private static bool CheckValuesOnRowAgainstRowBelow(int[] values, int startOfCurrentRow, int currentRowLength)
int startOfNextRow = startOfCurrentRow + currentRowLength;
int comparablePointOnNextRow = startOfNextRow + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < currentRowLength; i++)
if (values[startOfCurrentRow + i] != values[comparablePointOnNextRow + i])
return false;
return true;

How to search for the largest subset where every pair meets criteria?

I hope this isn't more of a statistics question...
Suppose I have an interface:
public interface PairValidatable<T>
public boolean isValidWith(T);
Now if I have a large array of PairValidatables, how do I find the largest subset of that array where every pair passes the isValidWith test?
To clarify, if there are three entries in a subset, then elements 0 and 1 should pass isValidWith, elements 1 and 2 should pass isValidWith, and elements 0 and 2 should pass isValidWith.
public class Point implements PairValidatable<Point>
int x;
int y;
public Point(int xIn, int yIn)
x = xIn;
y = yIn;
public boolean isValidWith(Point other)
//whichever has the greater x must have the lesser (or equal) y
return x > other.x != y > other.y;
The intuitive idea is to keep a vector of Points, add array element 0, and compare each remaining array element to the vector if it passes the validation with every element in the vector, adding it to the vector if so... but the problem is that element 0 might be very restrictive. For example,
Point[] arr = new Point[5];
arr[0] = new Point(1000, 1000);
arr[1] = new Point(10, 10);
arr[2] = new Point(15, 7);
arr[3] = new Point(3, 6);
arr[4] = new Point(18, 6);
Iterating through as above would give us a subset containing only element 0, but the subset of elements 1, 2 and 4 is a larger subset where every pair passes the validation. The algorithm should then return the points stored in elements 1, 2 and 4. Though elements 3 and 4 are valid with each other and elements 1 and 4 are valid with each other, elements 2 and 3 are not, nor elements 1 and 3. The subset containing 1, 2 and 4 is a larger subset than 3 and 4.
I would guess some tree or graph algorithm would be best for solving this but I'm not sure how to set it up.
The solution doesn't have to be Java-specific, and preferably could be implemented in any language instead of relying on Java built-ins. I just used Java-like pseudocode above for familiarity reasons.
Presumably isValidWith is commutative -- that is, if x.isValidWith(y) then y.isValidWith(x). If you know nothing more than that, you have an instance of the maximum clique problem, which is known to be NP-complete:
Skiena, S. S. "Clique and Independent Set" and "Clique." §6.2.3 and 8.5.1 in The Algorithm Design Manual. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 144 and 312-314, 1997.
Therefore, if you want an efficient algorithm, you will have to hope that your specific isValidWith function has more structure than mere commutativity, and you will have to exploit that structure.
For your specific problem, you should be able to do the following:
Sort your points in increasing order of x coordinate.
Find the longest decreasing subsequence of the y coordinates in the sorted list.
Each operation can be performed in O(n*log(n)) time, so your particular problem is efficiently solvable.

How to find the GCD of some pairs of numbers of a given set?

I can calculate the GCD of two numbers. given a set S = {1,2,3,4,5} and i have to calculate the GCD of each pair like {1,2} = 1, {1,3} =1 , {1,4} = 1, {1,5} = 1, {2,3} = 1, {2,4} = 2, {2,5} = 1 and so on. I know the O(N^2) solution by just simply calculate the GCD of each pair which will give me TLE in case of big set for 2<=n<= 10^9 or more but i want to learn O(N*sqrt(N) ) solution or more better. i want the GCD of each pair separately.
Basic Euclidean Algorithm shall help.
int gcd(int a, int b){
if (a == 0)
return b;
return gcd(b%a, a);
Interestingly if you want to find the GCD of entire set. All you need to do is form a subset from the obtained GCD and iterate unless only 1 final element is left.
e.g S={1,2,3,4,5} => S1={GCD(1,2) , GCD(3,4) , add 5 } => S2={GCD(1,1) , and 5 } => S3={GCD(1,5)} => 1
You may write a program with Euclidean algorithm
Check out the example of finding GCD(1071,462)
GCD{1,2,3,4,5} = GCD{GCD{GCD{1,2},GCD{3,4}},5}
use Euclidean algorithm 4 times only to calclate the GCD of the given set S={1,2,3,4,5}
By using Euclidean, the only thing you need to do is finding the reminders until the number is disvisble.

Generating Balls in Boxes

Given two sorted vectors a and b, find all vectors which are sums of a and some permutation of b, and which are unique once sorted.
You can create one of the sought vectors in the following way:
Take vector a and a permutation of vector b.
Sum them together so c[i]=a[i]+b[i].
Sort c.
I'm interested in finding the set of b-permutations that yield the entire set of unique c vectors.
Example 0: a='ccdd' and b='xxyy'
Gives the summed vectors: 'cycydxdx', 'cxcxdydy', 'cxcydxdy'.
Notice that the permutations of b: 'xyxy' and 'yxyx' are equal, because in both cases the "box c" and the "box d" both get exactly one 'x' and one 'y'.
I guess this is similar to putting M balls in M boxes (one in each) with some groups of balls and boxes being identical.
Update: Given a string a='aabbbcdddd' and b='xxyyzzttqq' your problem will be 10 balls in 4 boxes. There are 4 distinct boxes of size 2, 3, 1 and 4. The balls are pair wise indistinguishable.
Example 1: Given strings are a='xyy' and b='kkd'.
Possible solution: 'kkd', 'dkk'.
Reason: We see that all unique permutations of b are 'kkd', 'kdk' and 'dkk'. However with our restraints, the two first permutations are considered equal as the indices on which the differ maps to the same char 'y' in string a.
Example 2: Given strings are a='xyy' and b='khd'.
Possible solution: 'khd', 'dkh', 'hkd'.
Example 3: Given strings are a='xxxx' and b='khhd'.
Possible solution: 'khhd'.
I can solve the problem of generating unique candidate b permutations using Narayana Pandita's algorithm as decribed on Wikipedia/Permutation.
The second part seams harder. My best shot is to join the two strings pairwise to a list, sort it and use it as a key in a lookup set. ('xx'+'hd' join→'xh','xd' sort→'xd','xh').
As my M is often very big, and as similarities in the strings are common, I currently generate way more b permutations than actually goes through the set filter. I would love to have an algorithm generating the correct ones directly. Any improvement is welcome.
To generate k-combinations of possibly repeated elements (multiset), the following could be useful: A Gray Code for Combinations of a Multiset (1995).
For a recursive solution you try the following:
Count the number of times each character appears. Say they are x1 x2 ... xm, corresponding to m distinct characters.
Then you need to find all possible ordered pairs (y1 y2 ... ym) such that
0 <= yi <= xi
and Sum yi = k.
Here yi is the number of times character i appears.
The idea is, fix the number of times char 1 appears (y1). Then recursively generate all combinations of k-y1 from the remaining.
List Generate (int [] x /* array index starting at 1*/,
int k /* size of set */) {
list = List.Empty;
if (Sum(x) < k) return list;
for (int i = 0; i <= x[1], i++) {
// Remove first element and generate subsets of size k-i.
remaining = x.Remove(1);
list_i = Generate(remaining, k-i);
if (list_i.NotEmpty()) {
list = list + list_i;
} else {
return list;
return list;
If I understood it correctly, you need to look at string a, see the symbols that appear exactly once. Say there are k such symbols. Then you need to generate all possible permutations of b, which contain k elements and map to those symbols at the corresponding positions. The rest you can ignore/fill in as you see fit.
I remember posting C# code for that here: How to find permutation of k in a given length?
I am assuming xxyy will give only 1 unique string and the ones that appear exactly once are the 'distinguishing' points.
Eg in case of a=xyy, b=add
distinguishing point is x
So you select permuations of 'add' of length 1. Those gives you a and d.
Thus add and dad (or dda) are the ones you need.
For a=xyyz b=good
distinguishing points are x and z
So you generate permutations of b of length 2 giving
giving you 7 unique permutations.
Does that help? Is my understanding correct?
Ok, I'm sorry I never was able to clearly explain the problem, but here is a solution.
We need two functions combinations and runvector(v). combinations(s,k) generates the unique combinations of a multiset of a length k. For s='xxyy' these would be ['xx','xy','yy']. runvector(v) transforms a multiset represented as a sorted vector into a more simple structure, the runvector. runvector('cddeee')=[1,2,3].
To solve the problem, we will use recursive generators. We run through all the combinations that fits in box1 and the recourse on the rest of the boxes, banning the values we already chose. To accomplish the banning, combinations will maintain a bitarray across of calls.
In python the approach looks like this:
def fillrest(banned,out,rv,b,i):
if i == len(rv):
yield None
for comb in combinations(b,rv[i],banned):
out[i] = comb
for rest in fillrest(banned,out,rv,b,i+1):
yield None
def balls(a,b):
rv = runvector(a)
banned = [False for _ in b]
out = [None for _ in rv]
for _ in fill(out,rv,0,b,banned):
yield out[:]
>>> print list(balls('abbccc','xyyzzz'))
[['x', 'yy', 'zzz'],
['x', 'yz', 'yzz'],
['x', 'zz', 'yyz'],
['y', 'xy', 'zzz'],
['y', 'xz', 'yzz'],
['y', 'yz', 'xzz'],
['y', 'zz', 'xyz'],
['z', 'xy', 'yzz'],
['z', 'xz', 'yyz'],
['z', 'yy', 'xzz'],
['z', 'yz', 'xyz'],
['z', 'zz', 'xyy']]
The output are in 'box' format, but can easily be merged back to simple strings: 'xyyzzzz', 'xyzyzz'...

Counting combinations of pairs of items from multiple lists without repetition

Given a scenario where we have multiple lists of pairs of items, for example:
where 12 is a pair of items '1' and '2' (and thus 21 is equivalent to 12), we want to count the number of ways that we can choose pairs of items from each of the lists such that no single item is repeated. You must select one, and only one pair, from each list. The number of items in each list and the number of lists is arbitrary, but you can assume there are at least two lists with at least one pair of items per list. And the pairs are made from symbols from a finite alphabet, assume digits [1-9]. Also, a list can neither contain duplicate pairs {12,12} or {12,21} nor can it contain symmetric pairs {11}.
More specifically, in the example above, if we choose the pair of items 14 from the first list, then the only choice we have for the second list is 25 because 14 and 15 contain a '1'. And consequently, the only choice from the third list is 36 because 16 and 17 contain a '1', and 25 and 26 contain a '2'.
Does anyone know of an efficient way to count the total combinations of pairs of items without going through every permutation of choices and asking "is this a valid selection?", as the lists can each contain hundreds of pairs of items?
After spending some time with this, I realized that it is trivial to count the number of combinations when none of the lists share a distinct pair. However, as soon as a distinct pair is shared between two or more lists, the combinatorial formula does not apply.
As of now, I've been trying to figure out if there is a way (using combinatorial math and not brute force) to count the number of combinations in which every list has the same pairs of items. For example:
The problem is #P-complete. This is even HARDER than NP-complete. It is as hard as finding the number of satisfying assignments to an instance of SAT.
The reduction is from Perfect matching. Suppose you have the graph G = {V, E} where E, the set of edges, is a list of pairs of vertices (those pairs that are connected by an edge). Then encode an instance of "pairs of items" by having |V|/2 copies of E. In other words, have a number of copies of E equal to half of the number of vertices. Now, a "hit" in your case would correspond to |V|/2 edges with no repeated vertices, implying that all |V| vertices were covered. This is the definition of a perfect matching. And every perfect matching would be a hit -- it's a 1-1 correspondence.
Lets says that every element in the lists is a node in a graph. There is an edge between two nodes if they can be selected together (they have no common symbol). There is no edge between two nodes of the same list. If we have n lists the problem is to find the number of cliques of size n in this graph. There is no clique which is bigger than n elements. Given that finding out whether at least one such clique exists is np-complete I think this problem is np-complete. See:
As pointed out we have to prove that solving this problem can solve the Clique problem to show that this is NP-complete. If we can count the number of required sets ie the number of n size cliques then we know whether there is at least one clique with size n. Unfortunatelly if there is no clique of size n then we don't know whether there are cliques with size k < n.
Another question is whether we can represent any graph in this problem. I guess yes but I am not sure about it.
I still feel this is NP-Complete
While the problem looks quite simple it could be related to the NP-complete Set Cover Problem. So it could be possible that there is no efficent way to detect valid combinations, hence no efficent way to count them.
I thought about the list items beeing pairs because it seems to make the problem harder to attack - you have to check two properties for one item. So I looked for a way to reduce the pair to a scalar item and found a way.
Map the set of the n symbols to the set of the first n primes - I will call this function M. In the case of the symbols 0 to 9 we obtain the following mapping and M(4) = 11 for example.
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} => {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29}
Now we can map a pair (n, m) using the mapping X to the product of the mappings of n and m. This will turn the pair (2, 5) into X((2, 5)) = M(2) * M(5) = 5 * 13 = 65.
X((n, m)) = M(n) * M(m)
Why all this? If we have two pairs (a, b) and (c, d) from two lists, map them using the mapping X to x and y and multiply them, we obtain the product x * y = M(a) * M(b) * M(c) * M(d) - a product of four primes. We can extend the product by more factors by selecting a pair from each list and obtain a product of 2w primes if we have w lists. The final question is what does this product tell us about the pairs we selected and multiplied? If the selected pairs form a valid selection, we never choose one symbol twice, hence the product contains no prime twice and is square free. If the selection is invalid the product contains at least one prime twice and is not square free. And here a final example.
X((2, 5)) = 5 * 13 = 65
X((3, 6)) = 7 * 17 = 119
X((3, 4)) = 7 * 11 = 77
Selecting 25 and 36 yields 65 * 119 = 7735 = 5 * 7 * 13 * 17 and is square free, hence valid. Selecting 36 and 34 yields 119 * 77 = 9163 = 7² * 11 * 17 and is not square free, hence not valid.
Also note how nicely this preserves the symmetrie - X((m, n)) = X((n, m)) - and prohibites symmetric pairs because X((m, m)) = M(m) * M(m) is not square free.
I don't know if this will be any help, but now you know it and can think about it...^^
This is the first part of an reduction of a 3-SAT problem to this problem. The 3-SET problem is the following.
(!A | B | C) & (B | !C | !D) & (A | !B)
And here is the reduction as far as I got.
m-n represents a pair
a line reprresents a list
an asterisk represents an abitrary unique symbol
A1-A1' !A1-!A1' => Select A true or false
B1-B1' !B1-!B1' => Select B true or false
C1-C1' !C1-!C1' => Select C true or false
D1-D1' !D1-!D1' => Select D true or false
A1-* !B1-* !C1-* => !A | B | C
A2-!A1' !A2-A1' => Create a copy of A
B2-!B1' !B2-B1' => Create a copy of B
C2-!C1' !C2-C1' => Create a copy of C
D2-!D1' !D2-D1' => Create a copy of D
!B2-* C2-* D2-* => B | !C | !D
(How to perform a second copy of the four variables???)
!A3-* B3-*
If I (or somebody else) can complete this reduction and show how to do it in the general case, this will proof the problem NP-complete. I am just stuck with copying the variables a second time.
I am going to say there is no calculation that you can do other than brute force becuse there is a function that has to be evaluated to decide whether an item from set B can be used given the item chosen in set A. Simple combinatorial math wont work.
You can speed up the calculation by 1 to 2 magnitudes using memoization and hashing.
Memoization is remembering previous results of similar brute force paths. If you are at list n and you have already consumed symbols x,y,z and previously you have encountered this situation, then you will be adding in the same number of possible combinations from the remaining lists. It does not matter how you got to list n using x,y,z. So, use a cached result if there is one, or continue the calc to the next list and check there. If you make a brute force recursive algorithm to calculate the result, but cache results, this works great.
The key to the saved result is: the current list, and the symbols that have been used. Sort the symbols to make your key. I think a dictionary or an array of dictionaries makes sense here.
Use hashing to reduce the number of pairs that need to be searched in each list. For each list, make a hash of the pairs that would be available given that a certain number of symbols are already consumed. Choose the number of consumed symbols you want to use in your hash based on how much memory you want to use and the time you want to spend pre-calculating. I think using 1-2 symbols would be good. Sort these hashes by the number of items in them...ascending, and then keep the top n. I say throw out the rest, becasue if the hash only reduces your work a small amount, its probably not worth keeping (it will take longer to find the hash if there are more of them). So as you are going through the lists, you can do a quick scan the list's hash to see if you have used a symbol in the hash. If you have, then use the first hash that comes up to scan the list. The first hash would contain the fewest pairs to scan. If you are really handy, you might be able to build these hashes as you go and not waste time up front to do it.
You might be able to toss the hash and use a tree, but my guess is that filling the tree will take a long time.
Constraint programming is a nice approach if you want to generate all the combinations. Just to try it out, I wrote a model using Gecode (version 3.2.2) to solve your problem. The two examples given are very easy to solve, but other instances might be harder. It should be better than generate and test in any case.
* Main authors:
* Mikael Zayenz Lagerkvist <>
* Copyright:
* Mikael Zayenz Lagerkvist, 2009
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <gecode/driver.hh>
#include <gecode/int.hh>
#include <gecode/minimodel.hh>
using namespace Gecode;
namespace {
/// List of specifications
extern const int* specs[];
/// Number of specifications
extern const unsigned int n_specs;
* \brief Selecting pairs
* Given a set of lists of pairs of values, select a pair from each
* list so that no value is selected more than once.
class SelectPairs : public Script {
/// Specification
const int* spec;
/// The values from all selected pairs
IntVarArray s;
/// The actual problem
SelectPairs(const SizeOptions& opt)
: spec(specs[opt.size()]),
s(*this,spec[0] * 2,Int::Limits::min, Int::Limits::max) {
int pos = 1; // Position read from spec
// For all lists
for (int i = 0; i < spec[0]; ++i) {
int npairs = spec[pos++];
// Construct TupleSet for pairs from list i
TupleSet ts;
for (int p = 0; p < npairs; ++p) {
IntArgs tuple(2);
tuple[0] = spec[pos++];
tuple[1] = spec[pos++];
// <s[2i],s[2i+1]> must be from list i
IntVarArgs pair(2);
pair[0] = s[2*i]; pair[1] = s[2*i + 1];
extensional(*this, pair, ts);
// All values must be pairwise distinct
distinct(*this, s, opt.icl());
// Select values for the variables
branch(*this, s, INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, INT_VAL_MIN);
/// Constructor for cloning \a s
SelectPairs(bool share, SelectPairs& sp)
: Script(share,sp), spec(sp.spec) {
s.update(*this, share, sp.s);
/// Perform copying during cloning
virtual Space*
copy(bool share) {
return new SelectPairs(share,*this);
/// Print solution
virtual void
print(std::ostream& os) const {
os << "\t";
for (int i = 0; i < spec[0]; ++i) {
os << "(" << s[2*i] << "," << s[2*i+1] << ") ";
if ((i+1) % 10 == 0)
os << std::endl << "\t";
if (spec[0] % 10)
os << std::endl;
/** \brief Main-function
* \relates SelectPairs
main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
SizeOptions opt("SelectPairs");
if (opt.size() >= n_specs) {
std::cerr << "Error: size must be between 0 and "
<< n_specs-1 << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
namespace {
const int s0[] = {
// Number of lists
// Lists (number of pairs, pair0, pair1, ...)
5, 1,2, 1,3, 1,4, 2,3, 2,4,
3, 1,4, 1,5, 2,5,
5, 1,6, 1,7, 2,5, 2,6, 3,6
const int s1[] = {
// Number of lists
// Lists (number of pairs, pair0, pair1, ...)
5, 1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5, 6,7,
5, 1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5, 6,7,
5, 1,2, 2,3, 3,4, 4,5, 6,7
const int *specs[] = {s0, s1};
const unsigned n_specs = sizeof(specs)/sizeof(int*);
First try.. Here is an algorithm with an improved reduced average complexity than brute force. Essentially you create strings with increasing lengths in each iteration. This may not be the best solution but we will wait for the best one to come by... :)
Start with list 1. All entries in that list are valid solutions of length 2 (#=5)
Next, when you introduce list 2. keep a record of all valid solutions of length 4, which end up being {1425, 2314, 2315, 2415} (#=4).
When you add the third list to the mix, repeat the process. You will end up with {142536, 241536} (#=2).
The complexity reduction comes in place because you are throwing away bad strings in each iteration. The worst case scenario happens to be still the same -- in the case that all pairs are distinct.
This feels like a good problem to which to apply a constraint programming approach. To the list of packages provided by Wikipedia I'll add that I've had good experience using Gecode in the past; the Gecode examples also provide a basic tutorial to constraint programming. Constraint Processing is a good book on the subject if you want to dig deeper into how the algorithms work.
