Checking the validity of a pyramid of dominoes - algorithm

I came across this question in a coding interview and couldn't figure out a good solution.
You are given 6 dominoes. A domino has 2 halves each with a number of spots. You are building a 3-level pyramid of dominoes. The bottom level has 3 dominoes, the middle level has 2, and the top has 1.
The arrangement is such that each level is positioned over the center of the level below it. Here is a visual:
[ 3 | 4 ]
[ 2 | 3 ] [ 4 | 5 ]
[ 1 | 2 ][ 3 | 4 ][ 5 | 6 ]
The pyramid must be set up such that the number of spots on each domino half should be the same as the number on the half beneath it. This doesn't apply to neighboring dominoes on the same level.
Is it possible to build a pyramid from 6 dominoes in the arrangement described above? Dominoes can be freely arranged and rotated.
Write a function that takes an array of 12 ints (such that arr[0], arr[1] are the first domino, arr[2], arr[3] are the second domino, etc.) and return "YES" or "NO" if it is possible or not to create a pyramid with the given 6 dominoes.
Thank you.

You can do better than brute-forcing. I don't have the time for a complete answer. So this is more like a hint.
Count the number of occurrences of each number. It should be at least 3 for at least two numbers and so on. If these conditions are not met, there is no solution. In the next steps, you need to consider the positioning of numbers on the tiles.

Just iterate every permutation and check each one. If you find a solution, then you can stop and return "YES". If you get through all permutations then return "NO". There are 6 positions and each domino has 2 rotations, so a total of 12*10*8*6*4*2 = 46080 permutations. Half of these are mirrors of each other so we're doubling our necessary workload, but I don't think that's going to trouble the user. I'd fix the domino orientations, then iterate through all the position permutations, then iterate the orientation permutations and repeat.
So I'd present the algorithm as:
For each permutation of domino orientations
For each permutation of domino positions
if arr[0] == arr[3] && arr[1] == arr[4] && arr[2] == arr[7] && arr[3] == arr[8] && arr[4] == arr[9] && && arr[5] == arr[10] then return "YES"
return "NO"
At that point I'd ask the interviewer where they wanted to go from there. We could look at optimisations, equivalences, implementations or move on to something else.

We can formulate a recursive solution:
if row_index < N - 1:
copy of row must exist two rows below
if row_index > 2:
matching left and right must exist
on the row above, around a center
of size N - 3, together forming
a valid_row
if row_index == N - 1:
additional matching below must
exist for the last number on each side
One way to solve it could be backtracking while tracking chosen dominoes along the path. Given the constraints on matching, a six domino pyramid ought to go pretty quick.

Before I start... There is an ambiguity in the question, which may be what the interviewer was more interested than the answer. This would appear to be a question asking for a method to validate one particular arrangement of the values, except for the bit which says "Is it possible to build a pyramid from 6 dominoes in the arrangement described above? Dominoes can be freely arranged and rotated." which implies that they might want you to also move the dominoes around to find a solution. I'm going to ignore that, and stick with the simple validation of whether it is a valid arrangement. (If it is required, I'd split the array into pairs, and then brute force the permutations of the possible arrangements against this code to find the first one that is valid.)
I've selected C# as a language for my solution, but I have intentionally avoided any language features which might make this more readable to a C# person, or perform faster, since the question is not language-specific, so I wanted this to be readable/convertible for people who prefer other languages. That's also the reason why I've used lots of named variables.
Basically check that each row is duplicated in the row below (offset by one), and stop when you reach the last row.
The algorithm drops out as soon as it finds a failure. This algorithm is extensible to larger pyramids; but does no validation of the size of the input array: it will work if the array is sensible.
using System;
public static void Main()
int[] values = new int[] { 3, 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
bool result = IsDominoPyramidValid(values);
Console.WriteLine(result ? "YES" : "NO");
private const int DominoLength = 2;
public static bool IsDominoPyramidValid(int[] values)
int arrayLength = values.Length;
int offset = 0;
int currentRow = 1; // Note: I'm using a 1-based value here as it helps the maths
bool result = true;
while (result)
int currentRowLength = currentRow * DominoLength;
// Avoid checking final row: there is no row below it
if (offset + currentRowLength >= arrayLength)
result = CheckValuesOnRowAgainstRowBelow(values, offset, currentRowLength);
offset += currentRowLength;
return result;
private static bool CheckValuesOnRowAgainstRowBelow(int[] values, int startOfCurrentRow, int currentRowLength)
int startOfNextRow = startOfCurrentRow + currentRowLength;
int comparablePointOnNextRow = startOfNextRow + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < currentRowLength; i++)
if (values[startOfCurrentRow + i] != values[comparablePointOnNextRow + i])
return false;
return true;


How to search for the largest subset where every pair meets criteria?

I hope this isn't more of a statistics question...
Suppose I have an interface:
public interface PairValidatable<T>
public boolean isValidWith(T);
Now if I have a large array of PairValidatables, how do I find the largest subset of that array where every pair passes the isValidWith test?
To clarify, if there are three entries in a subset, then elements 0 and 1 should pass isValidWith, elements 1 and 2 should pass isValidWith, and elements 0 and 2 should pass isValidWith.
public class Point implements PairValidatable<Point>
int x;
int y;
public Point(int xIn, int yIn)
x = xIn;
y = yIn;
public boolean isValidWith(Point other)
//whichever has the greater x must have the lesser (or equal) y
return x > other.x != y > other.y;
The intuitive idea is to keep a vector of Points, add array element 0, and compare each remaining array element to the vector if it passes the validation with every element in the vector, adding it to the vector if so... but the problem is that element 0 might be very restrictive. For example,
Point[] arr = new Point[5];
arr[0] = new Point(1000, 1000);
arr[1] = new Point(10, 10);
arr[2] = new Point(15, 7);
arr[3] = new Point(3, 6);
arr[4] = new Point(18, 6);
Iterating through as above would give us a subset containing only element 0, but the subset of elements 1, 2 and 4 is a larger subset where every pair passes the validation. The algorithm should then return the points stored in elements 1, 2 and 4. Though elements 3 and 4 are valid with each other and elements 1 and 4 are valid with each other, elements 2 and 3 are not, nor elements 1 and 3. The subset containing 1, 2 and 4 is a larger subset than 3 and 4.
I would guess some tree or graph algorithm would be best for solving this but I'm not sure how to set it up.
The solution doesn't have to be Java-specific, and preferably could be implemented in any language instead of relying on Java built-ins. I just used Java-like pseudocode above for familiarity reasons.
Presumably isValidWith is commutative -- that is, if x.isValidWith(y) then y.isValidWith(x). If you know nothing more than that, you have an instance of the maximum clique problem, which is known to be NP-complete:
Skiena, S. S. "Clique and Independent Set" and "Clique." ยง6.2.3 and 8.5.1 in The Algorithm Design Manual. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 144 and 312-314, 1997.
Therefore, if you want an efficient algorithm, you will have to hope that your specific isValidWith function has more structure than mere commutativity, and you will have to exploit that structure.
For your specific problem, you should be able to do the following:
Sort your points in increasing order of x coordinate.
Find the longest decreasing subsequence of the y coordinates in the sorted list.
Each operation can be performed in O(n*log(n)) time, so your particular problem is efficiently solvable.

Finding the binary sub-tree that puts each element of a list into its own lowest order bucket

First, I have a list of numbers 'L', containing elements 'x' such that 0 < 'x' <= 'M' for all elements 'x'.
Second, I have a binary tree constructed in the following manner:
1) Each node has three properties: 'min', 'max', and 'vals' (vals is a list of numbers).
2) The root node has 'max'='M', 'min'=0, and 'vals'='L' (it contains all the numbers)
3) Each left child node has:
max=(parent(max) + parent(min))/2
4) Each right child node has:
min=(parent(max) + parent(min))/2
5) For each node, 'vals' is a list of numbers such that each element 'x' of
'vals' is also an element of 'L' and satisfies
min < x <= max
6) If a node has only one element in 'vals', then it has no children. I.e., we are
only looking for nodes for which 'vals' is non-empty.
I'm looking for an algorithm to find the smallest sub-tree that satisfies the above properties. In other words, I'm trying to get a list of nodes such that each child-less node contains one - and only one - element in 'vals'.
I'm almost able to brute-force it with perl using insanely baroque data structures, but I keep bumping up against the limits of my mental capacity to keep track of all the temporary variables I've used, so I'm asking for help.
It's even cooler if you know an efficient algorithm to do the above.
If you'd like to know what I'm trying to do, it's this: find the smallest covering for a discrete wavelet packet transform to uniquely separate each frequency of the standard even-tempered musical notes. The trouble is that each iteration of the wavelet transform divides the frequency range it handles in half (hence the .../2 above defining the max and min), and the musical notes have frequencies which go up exponentially, so there's no obvious relationship between the two - not one I'm able to derive analytically (or experimentally, obviously, for that matter), anyway.
Since I'm really trying to find an algorithm so I can write a program, and since the problem is put in general terms, I didn't think it appropriate to put it in DSP. If there were a general "algorithms" group, then I think it would be better there, but this seems to be the right group for algorithms in the absence of such.
Please let me know if I can clarify anything, or if you have any suggestions - even in the absence of a complete answer - any help is appreciated!
After taking a break and two cups of coffee, I answered my own question. Indexing below is done starting at 1, MATLAB-style...
L=[] // list of numbers to put in bins
sorted=[] // list of "good" nodes
nodes=[] // array of nodes to construct
nodes[1]={ min = 0, max = 22100, val = -1, lvl = 1, row = 1 }
for(j=1;j<=12;j++) { // 12 is a reasonable guess
for(i=2^j;i<2^(j+1);i++) {
if(i/2 == int(i/2)) { // even nodes are high-pass filters
nodes[i]={ min = (nodes[i/2].min + nodes[i/2].max)/2, // nodes[i/2] is parent
max = nodes[i/2].max,
val = -1,
lvl = level,
row = -1
} else { // odd nodes are lo-pass
nodes[i]={ min = nodes[(i-1)/2].min,
max = (nodes[(i-1)/2].min+nodes[(i-1)/2].max)/2,
val = -1,
lvl = level,
row = -1
temp=[] // array to count matching numbers
for (k=1;k<=size(L);k++) {
if (nodes[i].min < L[k] && L[k] <= nodes[i].max) {
if (size(temp) == 1) {
nodes[i].row = row++
nodes[i].val = temp[1]
delete L[Lidx]
Now array sorted[] contains exactly what I was looking for!
Hopefully this helps somebody else someday...

Find best adjacent pair such that to maximize the sum of the first element

I was asked this question in an interview, but couldn't figure it out and would like to know the answer.
Suppose we have a list like this:
1 7 8 6 1 1 5 0
I need to find an algorithm such that it pairs adjacent numbers. The goal is to maximize the benefit but such that only the first number in the pair is counted.
e.g in the above, the optimal solution is:
{7,8} {6,1} {5,0}
so when taking only the first one:
7 + 6 + 5 = 18.
I tried various greedy solutions, but they often pick on {8,6} which leads to a non-optimal solution.
First, observe that it never makes sense to skip more than one number *. Then, observe that the answer to this problem can be constructed by comparing two numbers:
The answer to the subproblem where you skip the first number, and
The answer to the subproblem where you keep the first number
Finally, observe that the answer to a problem with the sequence of only one number is zero, and the solution to the problem with only two numbers is the first number of the two.
With this information in hand, you can construct a recursive memoized solution to the problem, or a dynamic programming solution that starts at the back and goes back deciding on whether to include the previous number or not.
* Proof: assume that you have a sequence that produces the max sum, and that it skip two numbers in the original sequence. Then you can add the pair that you skipped, and improve on the answer.
A simple dynamic programming problem. Starting from one specific index, we can either make a pair at current index, or skip to the next index:
int []dp;//Array to store result of sub-problem
boolean[]check;//Check for already solve sub-problem
public int solve(int index, int []data){
if(index + 1 >= data.length){//Special case,which cannot create any pair
return 0;
if(check[index]){//If this sub-problem is solved before, return the value
return dp[index];
check[index] = true;
//Either make a pair at this index, or skip to next index
int result = max(data[index] + solve(index + 2, data) , solve(index + 1,data));
return dp[index] = result;
It's a dynamic programming problem, and the table can be optimised away.
def best_pairs(xs):
b0, b1 = 0, max(0, xs[0])
for i in xrange(2, len(xs)):
b0, b1 = b1, max(b1, xs[i-1]+b0)
return b1
print best_pairs(map(int, '1 7 8 6 1 1 5 0'.split()))
After each iteration, b1 is the best solution using elements up to and including i, and b0 is the best solution using elements up to and including i-1.
This is my solution in Java, hope it helps.
public static int getBestSolution(int[] a, int offset) {
if (a.length-offset <= 1)
return 0;
if (a.length-offset == 2)
return a[offset];
return Math.max(a[offset] + getBestSolution(a,offset+2),
Here is a DP formulation for O(N) solution : -
MaxPairSum(i) = Max(arr[i]+MaxPairSum(i+2),MaxPairSum(i+1))
MaxPairSum(i) is max sum for subarray (i,N)

24 Game/Countdown/Number Game solver, but without parentheses in the answer

I've been browsing the internet all day for an existing solution to creating an equation out of a list of numbers and operators for a specified target number.
I came across a lot of 24 Game solvers, Countdown solvers and alike, but they are all build around the concept of allowing parentheses in the answers.
For example, for a target 42, using the number 1 2 3 4 5 6, a solution could be:
6 * 5 = 30
4 * 3 = 12
30 + 12 = 42
Note how the algorithm remembers the outcome of a sub-equation and later re-uses it to form the solution (in this case 30 and 12), essentially using parentheses to form the solution (6 * 5) + (4 * 3) = 42.
Whereas I'd like a solution WITHOUT the use of parentheses, which is solved from left to right, for example 6 - 1 + 5 * 4 + 2 = 42, if I'd write it out, it would be:
6 - 1 = 5
5 + 5 = 10
10 * 4 = 40
40 + 2 = 42
I have a list of about 55 numbers (random numbers ranging from 2 to 12), 9 operators (2 of each basic operator + 1 random operator) and a target value (a random number between 0 and 1000). I need an algorithm to check whether or not my target value is solvable (and optionally, if it isn't, how close we can get to the actual value). Each number and operator can only be used once, which means there will be a maximum of 10 numbers you can use to get to the target value.
I found a brute-force algorithm which can be easily adjusted to do what I want (How to design an algorithm to calculate countdown style maths number puzzle), and that works, but I was hoping to find something which generates more sophisticated "solutions", like on this page:
I wrote the solver you mentioned at the end of your post, and I apologise in advance that the code isn't very readable.
At its heart the code for any solver to this sort of problem is simply a depth-first search, which you imply you already have working.
Note that if you go with your "solution WITHOUT the use of parentheses, which is solved from left to right" then there are input sets which are not solvable. For example, 11,11,11,11,11,11 with a target of 144. The solution is ((11/11)+11)*((11/11)+11). My solver makes this easier for humans to understand by breaking the parentheses up into different lines, but it is still effectively using parentheses rather than evaluating from left to right.
The way to "use parentheses" is to apply an operation to your inputs and put the result back in the input bag, rather than to apply an operation to one of the inputs and an accumulator. For example, if your input bag is 1,2,3,4,5,6 and you decide to multiply 3 and 4, the bag becomes 1,2,12,5,6. In this way, when you recurse, that step can use the result of the previous step. Preparing this for output is just a case of storing the history of operations along with each number in the bag.
I imagine what you mean about more "sophisticated" solutions is just the simplicity heuristic used in my javascript solver. The solver works by doing a depth-first search of the entire search space, and then choosing the solution that is "best" rather than just the one that uses the fewest steps.
A solution is considered "better" than a previous solution (i.e. replaces it as the "answer" solution) if it is closer to the target (note that any state in the solver is a candidate solution, it's just that most are further away from the target than the previous best candidate solution), or if it is equally distant from the target and has a lower heuristic score.
The heuristic score is the sum of the "intermediate values" (i.e. the values on the right-hand-side of the "=" signs), with trailing 0's removed. For example, if the intermediate values are 1, 4, 10, 150, the heuristic score is 1+4+1+15: the 10 and the 150 only count for 1 and 15 because they end in zeroes. This is done because humans find it easier to deal with numbers that are divisible by 10, and so the solution appears "simpler".
The other part that could be considered "sophisticated" is the way that some lines are joined together. This simply joins the result of "5 + 3 = 8" and "8 + 2 = 10" in to "5 + 3 + 2 = 10". The code to do this is absolutely horrible, but in case you're interested it's all in the Javascript at - the gist is that after finding the solution which is stored in array form (with information about how each number was made) a bunch of post-processing happens. Roughly:
convert the "solution list" generated from the DFS to a (rudimentary, nested-array-based) expression tree - this is to cope with the multi-argument case (i.e. "5 + 3 + 2" is not 2 addition operations, it's just one addition that has 3 arguments)
convert the expression tree to an array of steps, including sorting the arguments so that they're presented more consistently
convert the array of steps into a string representation for display to the user, including an explanation of how distant from the target number the result is, if it's not equal
Apologies for the length of that. Hopefully some of it is of use.
EDIT: If you're interested in Countdown solvers in general, you may want to take a look at my letters solver as it is far more elegant than the numbers one. It's the top two functions at - to use call solve_letters() with a string of letters and a function to get called for every matching word. This solver works by traversing a trie representing the dictionary (generated by, and calling the callback at every end node.
I use the recursive in java to do the array combination. The main idea is just using DFS to get the array combination and operation combination.
I use a boolean array to store the visited position, which can avoid the same element to be used again. The temp StringBuilder is used to store current equation, if the corresponding result is equal to target, i will put the equation into result. Do not forget to return temp and visited array to original state when you select next array element.
This algorithm will produce some duplicate answer, so it need to be optimized later.
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<StringBuilder> res = new ArrayList<StringBuilder>();
int[] arr = {1,2,3,4,5,6};
int target = 42;
for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i ++){
boolean[] visited = new boolean[arr.length];
visited[i] = true;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
findMatch(res, sb, arr, visited, arr[i], "+-*/", target);
for(StringBuilder sb : res){
public static void findMatch(List<StringBuilder> res, StringBuilder temp, int[] nums, boolean[] visited, int current, String operations, int target){
if(current == target){
res.add(new StringBuilder(temp));
for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i ++){
if(visited[i]) continue;
for(char c : operations.toCharArray()){
visited[i] = true;
if(c == '+'){
findMatch(res, temp, nums, visited, current + nums[i], operations, target);
}else if(c == '-'){
findMatch(res, temp, nums, visited, current - nums[i], operations, target);
}else if(c == '*'){
findMatch(res, temp, nums, visited, current * nums[i], operations, target);
}else if(c == '/'){
findMatch(res, temp, nums, visited, current / nums[i], operations, target);
temp.delete(temp.length() - 2, temp.length());
visited[i] = false;

Having trouble solving an exercise from CodeChef [easy]

So, basically I'm feeling incredibly dumb, because of this exercise, I've spent like 4 or 5 hours trying to code it, and so far I've not been successful.
I have come to the realization that this one is easier to solve with a tree traversal using the Longest Path approach, But I'm not sure (Could you please confirm this to me.), could be over-kill since it's supposed to be one of the easy problems, So Could you please help me with some guidance or basic steps or algorithm approaches on how to solve this one? all kinds of help is certainly appreciated.
PS. I usually post some code about what I've done so far, but I believe that to this point everything has been so wrong that I prefer to start from scratch, at least in terms of ideas.
As per-request, here's the Code I typed according to the accepted answer to solve the Exercise:
def get_max_sum(matrix)
(1...matrix.length).each do |index|
flag = 0
matrix[index].each_with_index do |e, i|
add = (matrix[index-1][flag] > matrix[index-1][flag+1]) ? matrix[index-1][flag] : matrix[index-1][flag+1]
e += add
matrix[index][i] = e
flag = flag + 1
Where the matrix param is an array of arrays, each one representing a row from the triangle.
This problem is easy if you start from the bottom and work your way up. Consider the triangle
1 2
4 1 2
2 3 1 1
Look at the next-to-last row. If by some path through the triangle you arrive at 4, you will move right to the 3, giving a sum of 7 (plus whatever is in the path above it). If you've reached 1, you will move left to the 3, giving a sum of 4 (plus whatever is in the path above it). If you're at 2, you can move either way for a sum of 3 (plus whatever is in the path above it). Thus, by replacing the next-to-last row with the sums, the triangle
1 2
7 4 3
will have the same maximum-sum path as the original triangle. Now do the same process recursively on the reduced triangle. From 1 on the next-to-last row move left to 7, giving a sum of 8, and from 2 move left to 4, giving a sum of 6. The reduced triangle now looks like
8 6
Finally, from 1 on the next-to-last row move left to 8, giving a sum of 9, which is the answer to the problem.
There is also a method of working from the top down. At each step you replace each number in the triangle with the maximum-sum of any path leading to that number. Starting from the top, the triangle starts
Then the second row is replaced by its sums
2 3
Then the third row
2 3
6 4 5
And finally the fourth row
2 3
6 4 5
8 9 6 6
The answer is the largest sum in the bottom row, which is 9. I've always found the top-down approach harder to manage than the bottom-up approach, but the two algorithms are dual to each other, so it's your choice which to implement. The top-down approach does have the advantage that you can accumulate the next row as you're reading the data; with the bottom-up approach, you have to read and store the entire input before you compute any of the sums.
I'll leave it to you to write the code. When you do, remember that you only need to store two rows at a time, the previous row and the next row. Which is previous and which is next depends on whether you're working top-down or bottom-up -- the previous row is the row you just filled in and the next row is the row you're currently working on, which means that if you're working top-down the next row has one more sum than the previous row, and if you're working bottom-up the next row has one less sum than the previous row. Please post your code when you get it working, so others can learn from your effort.
By the way, this problem originally comes from Project Euler. Code Chef stole it from them, apparently without attribution, which really isn't a very nice thing to do.
NOTE: The problem statement in the original post assumes a strickly right triangle:
on each path the next number is located on the row below,
more precisely either directly below or below and one place to the right.
Also look at the examples they provide to confirm this.
1] use a two dimensional array to store the triangle
recompute the triangle based on their rules
walk the last row of the triangle -- i.e. the base -- to find the max value.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class NumberTriangle {
public static void main(String[] ars) {
int[][] input = { { 1 }, { 4, 8 }, { 9, 8, 7 }, { 1, 3, 6, 9 },
{ 7, 5, 2, 7, 3 } };
int max = compute(input);// answer: max length
// not necessary; but shows new triangle
for (int[] A : input)
// print the answer
System.out.println("Largest number: " + max);
public static int compute(int[][] input) {
//compute new triangle
for (int y = 1; y < input.length; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < input[y].length; x++) {
int first = x - 1 > 0 ? x - 1 : 0;
int last = x < input[y - 1].length ? x
: input[y - 1].length - 1;
int max = Math.max(input[y - 1][last], input[y - 1][first]);
input[y][x] += max;
//extract max value;
int max = -1;
int lastRow = input[input.length - 1].length;
for (int x = 0, y = input.length - 1; x < lastRow; x++)
if (max < input[y][x])
max = input[y][x];
return max;
}// compute
Answer of test case:
[5, 9]
[14, 17, 16]
[15, 20, 23, 25]
[22, 25, 25, 32, 28]
Largest number: 32
A longest-path-finding approach feels like the wrong approach to me since every path will be N-1 edges long. I think I'd start the approach by pretending like the input is a binary tree and finding the largest element in the tree -- find the largest sum of the bottom two rows, memoize the results in the penultimate row, and then move up another row. (I hope that makes some kind of sense...)
