Programming on a remote machine [Eclipse - ruby] - ruby

Has someone used any add-on on eclipse to develop on a remote machine ?
I am having to ssh through the terminal and copy paste the eclipse code
to run it on a remote host that has the necessary permissions for the
task. I am wondering if I can do that on eclipse from my ubuntu desktop
Edit: suggested by Shawn Bower works as far as the OS is concerned
Q] Unfortunately eclipse can open the script on remote mounted FS, however it doesnt show up in the Script explorer or in run Configurations. "Invalid working directory"
Q] Is there a way to sudo su when I am using SSHFS.
To give a perspective:
Normally I log into the remote user as myself#remote and then sudo su - powerUser and then use that to run my ruby scripts. Unfortunately I do not have the pswd for powerUser.
So now though I can edit the scripts on eclipse after using SSHFS , I still cant run them as powerUSer.
Thanks !

Have you looked into using sshfs? It will allow you to mount the remote file system so it acts as a local filesystem. Then you can just point eclipse at the local path and edit away. I use this for a bunch of sites.


How to fix the git-upload-pack issue in Windows 10 Git

There are several answer but I couldn't understand it to well.
I set up a bare repo in my desktop at C:/git/project1
my local ip is
when I tried to clone project1 in my laptop: Roi#
git-upload-pack not recognized pops up.
is there a step-by-step procedure to fix this?
I'm new to git generally so I have little idea of the configs etc.
Assuming that ssh Roi# works (from your laptop, opening a shell session to your desktop), you need to make sure C:\path\to\Git\bin is in the system PATH of your desktop.
An alternative would be to defined a shared folder on your desktop (above your repo folder), and access it through \\\shareFolder\myrepo from your laptop.
Then only Git on your laptop would be needed.

IntelliJ IDEA git Permission denied (publickey)

I got a strange problem with using git on IntelliJ IDEA on Windows 10.
If I want to access the remote repo on GitLab, I always get
Permission denied (publickey).
Everything I found here or via Google didn't solve the problem.
I tried:
Setting the ssh executable to Native
Converting my public key from Putty to ssh-keygen style
Removing known_hosts
I also tried to access the repo with Git Bash, it works fine like that.
Another interesting fact is that after removing known_hosts, I got "Host key verification failed". I had to use Git Bash once to recreate the known_hosts entry, after that I got the Permission denied error again. Somehow I don't get asked for any user input.
I faced this problem while connecting bitbucket cloud from my Intellij 2019.2 , which thankfully got solved with the following steps. Please note that these steps are to be carried out after you successfully generate and add ssh-public key to your bitbucket/github/gitlab profile.
Open Git-SCM ssh_config file present in Git-SCM installation directory.It's default location in Windows (for 64 bit) is in C:\Program Files\Git\etc\ssh\
Add the following lines into ssh_config
Host *your-gitlab-or-github-or-bitbucket-hostname*
IdentityFile *your-ssh-rsa-privatekey-file-with-absolute-path*
for e.g
IdentityFile C:/Users/Sahil/.ssh/id_rsa
Update IDEA 2021.2.3
The bug in Sahil's answer has been fixed and Christian's solution is not needed with the correct entry in your ssh config file for the most common case of one key for one or more hosts. Additional options for complex configurations, such as multiple keys to the same or multiple hosts, can be found in Maddes comprehensive answer on superuser.
ANY inconsistency between ssh-agent and ssh-add leads to a situation where some things work and some don't.
For example, I had the Windows OpenSSH agent running but my path pointed first to the Git for Windows ssh-add. Many such failures are possible given the many ssh implementations out there, so know that you know where things are running from.
To get ssh working in IDEA...
Git for Windows
Install Git for Windows. I put it in C:\Git since, as a standard user without an elevated install, I couldn't write to C:\Program Files.
In Control Panel | User Accounts | Change my environment variables add the Git usr\bin folder to the path after the cmd folder entry already there (e.g. C:\Git\usr\bin for my installation).
Unset environment variable HOME -- it still breaks ssh in this version of IDEA.
In a Windows cmd.exe console, run start-ssh-agent.cmd to start the agent
In IDEA in Settings | SSH Configurations | Authentication type: set it to Key pair OpenSSH or PuTTY and test your connection. Then, make a small change and test Commit and push....
Windows OpenSSH
In Control Panel | User Accounts | Change my environment variables add C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH to your path. Make sure no other ssh implementation is ahead of this in the path!
Start the OpenSSH agent in Task Manager | Services (or any number of other ways)
Set your IDEA SSH Configuration as #5 above
Keep in mind that, on Windows, ssh in IDEA uses the environment available in a standard Windows command-line console (cmd.exe). If git operations work there, then with the above steps in place, they'll work in IntelliJ.
It has been really long since OP but here is my solution on an execution basis:
You need to open a prompt and set the ENVVAR GIT_SSH_COMMAND.
You need to open IntelliJ from that same prompt.
> set GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh -i C:\\path\\to\\not\\default\\key
> idea
Also the path to not-default-key should use ~ instead of %userprofile% or paths unix-like using /.
I was having this same issue, and while it did have to do with the public key, my issue was concerned with WSL2/Linux and windows .ssh folders. My keys were in my WSL2/linux folder system, but intelliJ was looking in my windows folder system.
I copied my rsa keys from WSL2 to windows, and it worked automatically. In fact, I attempted to have it fail again by removing the keys from the Windows folders, but intelliJ must have it's own keylocker solution, because even without the keys in the Windows .ssh folder intelliJ continued to work.
For a screen capture explaining it you can see it here
If you're using wsl2 in Clion like me, just add
IdentityFile /home/yieatn/.ssh/github
to /home/user/.ssh/config (create if it doesn't exit). You don't even have to restart IDE.
Adding to Cristian Torres's answer:
For all of you folks struggling with a similar problem on Mac OSX:
In IntelliJ, PyCharm, etc. click Tools -> Create Command-line Launcher...
Open your terminal and execute:
$ export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-custom-private-key"
$ idea
For PyCharm the executable name is charm or /usr/local/bin/charm
Goland: goland or /usr/local/bin/goland
WebStorm: webstorm or /usr/local/bin/webstorm

Go cd configuration issue

I've been having an issue trying to add github materials from a private repo on a Windows server.
I've seen lots of people suggesting how to add the ssh keys and where but on unix based systems. Haven't found anything related to Windows Servers.
I'm using Go latest release and have installed Go Server & Agent on a Windows Server 2008 with git installed.
I can connect to the private repo using Git Bash.
Whenever I try to add the materials it keeps saying Checking Connection and looks like it stays there forever.
If I use basic auth it works but I would like to make it work without exposing my password in the URL.
Is there a way to do that?
If you run Go under the default local system account, you can follow the suggestions from to setup the ssh keys for local system account.
If you run Go Server under a domain account (and not the default Local System account), check if you have uploaded your ssh keys to %USERPROFILE%/.ssh/ folder on the server machine, %USERPROFILE% being HOME folder for the domain user. Once you set that up, Go server would be able to pick the required keys. The same holds good for the agent machines. Just so you know, Go would not invoke Git-bash internally to run the git commands, so any setup on bash will not take effect when running git from within Go.
If you are using a windows machine to host GoCD server and agents , it does not run under a normal user account, it runs under the “Local System Account”
So even you can access your git repo from git bash (logged in as the current user),GOCD cannot access the same.
So you need to add the SSH keys for the Local System Account from your your current user.
1.First find the home directory for the Local System Account(It will not reside under C:/Users )
2.Use any remote administration tool to find the home directory- If you go with
a)unzip and run command-line as administrator
b)PsExec.exe -i -s cmd.exe -start the tool )
c)run echo %userprofile% to get the home directory (eg:C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile)
3.Now you can either copy the SSH key files from current user or create a new one using ssh commands.
Try checking Connection after creating/copying the SSH keys, it will show Connection OK!

Run Jenkins' Cygwin script as user

I have Jenkins running on Windows, and I have a build that works fine under CygWin bash from the CygWin terminal, so I now want to automate it. However, using this script:
The system reports me as nt authority\system, not the ken that I get when using an interactive shell. Is there an easy way to persuade Jenkins or CygWin to run as me?
Most likely you are running jenkins with default installation. You have two options. First is mentioned in the comment. Change the "Service account" to be same as yours.
Second option is derived from best practices. Run the jenkins master on a system with backup etc. Configure slave node with your account credentials. Change the project configuration to build on the specific node.
(It is possible to run slave and master on same machine with different credentials - just in case you want to try out things)
The real problem I was having was not that the shell script was running as the wrong user, but that the shell script was not executing the default /etc/profile. So, the solution was simply:
#!C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l
I was still nt authority\system, but now I had the correct environment set up and could run make successfully.
Note also that if I create a /home/system directory I can add .bash_profile, etc, to that directory to further customise the build environment.

Copying files built on Unix back to Windows Jenkins workspace

I have a jenkins Job in which I build my application on Unix box by making SSH connection to it and run the build script on Unix box. My Jenkins is on windows I want to generate PMD reports on windows so, i want to copy pmd.xml file from Unix box to Windows machine.
Right now my windows Jenkins workspace is empty because I do SVN checkout, Build and generation of binaries on Unix box. for this purpose I am using Jenkins SSH plugin.
Is there any way to copy Unix contents back to Windows Jenkins Workspace?
I have tried Jenkins SCP plugin but confused with source and SCP site. Please suggest.
Thanks in Advance.
You can use plink.exe and pscp.exe to interface from Windows to Linux. These should be part of your PuTTY distribution.
However, if your slave is already connecting to the Linux machine, you can use the same connection to bring the file back to slave's workspace. Then use Copy to Slave plugin (nevermind the name, it does both directions) to move the file from slave to master workspace
I Added Linux machine as slave to windows master and then used Copy-to-Slave plugin to copy generated reports from linux to windows workspace its working fine.
