Copying files built on Unix back to Windows Jenkins workspace - windows

I have a jenkins Job in which I build my application on Unix box by making SSH connection to it and run the build script on Unix box. My Jenkins is on windows I want to generate PMD reports on windows so, i want to copy pmd.xml file from Unix box to Windows machine.
Right now my windows Jenkins workspace is empty because I do SVN checkout, Build and generation of binaries on Unix box. for this purpose I am using Jenkins SSH plugin.
Is there any way to copy Unix contents back to Windows Jenkins Workspace?
I have tried Jenkins SCP plugin but confused with source and SCP site. Please suggest.
Thanks in Advance.

You can use plink.exe and pscp.exe to interface from Windows to Linux. These should be part of your PuTTY distribution.
However, if your slave is already connecting to the Linux machine, you can use the same connection to bring the file back to slave's workspace. Then use Copy to Slave plugin (nevermind the name, it does both directions) to move the file from slave to master workspace

I Added Linux machine as slave to windows master and then used Copy-to-Slave plugin to copy generated reports from linux to windows workspace its working fine.


Deploy the directories to remote windows server

Am using Teamcity as my CI, after checking out a repo from Github i need to deploy the files and directories to one of the remote windows machine
Note: Both my Teamcity agent and remote machine are having windows OS
Please help me to achieve the same with command line or by any of the plugins.
You can use the TeamCity Deployer plugin to gather artifacts and deploy them to a network share or FTP.
Create new network share on your target Windows machine and configure correct write permissions for the share and NTFS folder. Use the network share address in TeamCity build configuration. The machine running TeamCity agent must have access to the network share.

Jenkins Error cloning remote repo 'origin', slave node

I need some help here, It's been a week I'm with this problem, can't figure out what's going on. I'm not able to clone a git repo from a slave node (Jenkins). I added the ssh key, host and slave (I've already tried generating a single key and one for each virtual and host)).
On Jenkins: < repo>
Credentials: Here I tried with username/password, username with ssh file, username with ssh key directly, and -none-.
It doesn't seems like there is an authentication problem since I can clone the repo manually from console (both, slave and host). I can also connect with
ssh -T
so the ssh key is fine, but when I build, this appear on console:
Building remotely on IE10Win7 in workspace C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\<
folder >
Wiping out workspace first.
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository< repo>.git
git init C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\< folder> # timeout=10
ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin'
ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin'
Performing Post build task...
Does anyone have an idea? Hope someone can give me a clue, Thanks!
I fixed this problem by setting the slave node tool path, selecting git and setting its value to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe
Location: Configure Node - Tool Locations
I recently updated several jenkins plugins and had this problem after the updates. Rolling back the git plugin didn't help, but I did a few other things to get it working. I listed all three here, but it was probably (2) that fixed the problem. Apparently the git executable was reset to default. So, configuring the git executable within the specific project was probably all that was needed. However the other items might come in handy too.
(1) The default git on a jenkins linux install geenrally points to /usr/lib... You need to specify a separate GitForWindows that points to the windows version:
Manage Jenkins
Configure System
Under Git - Git Installations
Add Git -> Git
Give it a name to be referenced in projects
(mine is WindowsGit)
Set Path to Git Executable
(mine is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe")
(for recent git the path is "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe")
(2) Configure git on the specific project:
Select the project
Select Configure
Under Source Code Management - Git
Select Git Executable as configured in 1)
Set credentials or add new (ssh keys, etc)
(3) Updating the jenkins slave service to run as a specific user:
Go to Windows Services on the slave -- StartMenu, type "services"
Select the Jenkins Slave service in the list on the right
Right-click and select "Properties" of the Jenkins Slave service
Select the "Log On" tab
Update the username and password used in manual tests
Domain login can be specificied with <DOMAIN>\<USERNAME>
Local logins just use <USERNAME>
OK to save and exit
Right-click again and select "Restart" to make the changes active.
I found a decent workaround in my case. The git clone command always inherits its process owner, which may make a difference, even if the two owners of Jenkins (SYSTEM) and cmd (USER) seem to have the same rights on your system. All other configurations were identical (keys, knownhosts, Git client version).
So as far as I can see, calling git clone from cmd will succeed because it calls the remote as USER, whereas git clone called from Jenkins may be rejected because it calls the remote as SYSTEM. In Services, where you would typically start Jenkins through the GUI, you can configure the service to run as a different user (right click on service --> Properties --> Log On). I had to put it like USER#DOMAIN, e.g. Jenkins#company.local or so. I'm not sure about how a cmd parameter would look, but I'd expect there to be one.
Also, I don't quite know what difference this workaround makes in the end, because on my Jenkins, SYSTEM and USER are configured to have the same rights across the system and they are of course both recognized as "Jenkins" by remote. Still, it does the trick for me. Deeper insights welcome.
I was facing similar problem and found that I need to add git to my PATH environment variable for a Windows based slave. I think that #dhj suggestion 2 might work as well in this case.
I found this workaround on Jenkins Jira.
In my case, I started getting this exact error after updating Git on some of my build machines (via Chocolatey, using the "git.install" package) from 1.9.4 to 2.5.0. The old 1.9.4 install was a 32-bit package but the new one is a 64-bit one, so the default install location switched from C:\Program Files (x86)\Git to C:\Program Files\Git. I had the 64-bit path configured on the Jenkins master (since it had the newer Git version), but some slaves still had the older 32-bit version installed, so the slaves were attempting to use an incorrect path. I could have overridden the Git path for individual slaves but the cleaner solution for me was simply to upgrade all the slaves to the newer 64-bit version.
I tried most of the above:
Specify git location.
Set service user.
Run as Administrator.
None of it worked. Eventually decided to uninstall git64 and install git32... changed the git path to the new location (in x86 Program Files). And everything worked.
I ran into this issue recently.
We had some items in our PATH EV which we had added when trying to connect Winium and Selenium to our Jenkins instance.
We removed these items, but still Jenkins seemed to be holding on to the values. After a bit of troubleshooting: restarting Jenkins; restarting the Jenkins server; setting the EVs at the node level; etc., we restarted the Jenkins JNLP service on the Windows slave.
And they lived happily ever after.
I also got the same error and fixed by adding a git path in the "Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration".
In my env, The windows Jenkins master run a job on the ubuntu slave machine, the master machine has used the default git ('C:\Program Files\Git\git.exe') path and the slave machine has used the git ('/usr/bin/git') path, therefore, I configured slave git path into the master configuration '/usr/bin/git' and its start working for me

How to run a command over SSH automatically on Windows

I have two Windows boxes. One is Jenkins build server. Second one is deployment box.
I have installed SSH and created a user on the deployment Windows box. I can ssh to it from my Ubuntu workstation and run commands I need to run.
But I need to do this automatically from Jenkins. How to do it? Basically I need to make this automatic:
ssh richard#myserver
... enter password ...
cd C:/puppet && git pull
"/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Puppet Labs/Puppet/bin/puppet.bat" apply C:/puppet/manifests/site.pp
That's it. Is there some way to do this from a batch file and just execute the *.bat file from Jenkins?
The publish over ssh plugin allows you to run remote commands.
In Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Publish over SSH you need to configure the remote machine you want to deploy to. Click on Add and configure the connection to the server.
In the Job itself add a Build Step Send files or execute commands over SSH. Select from the drop down the SSH server you want to connect to. In the Exec command you can add all commands you want to have executed on the remote machine.

Jenkins can not clone Git repository over Git/SSH on Windows

I have successfully cloned Git repository in Jenkins over Git/SSH on Windows 2008 32-bit. When I tried to do the same on Windows 2008 64-bit, Console Output page gets stuck here:
Démarré par l'utilisateur anonymous
Checkout:book / C:\Jenkins\workspace\book - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel#1da691a
Using strategy: Default
Last Built Revision: Revision 5d7ce4ae23c91fb201ee005e6db17bcd795ca965 (origin/HEAD, origin/master)
Checkout:book / C:\Jenkins\workspace\book - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel#1da691a
Cloning the remote Git repository
Cloning repository origin
When I stop the build (after a few minutes of being stuck there), I get the rest of the error message:
ERROR: Error cloning remote repo 'origin' : Could not clone
ERROR: Cause: Error performing command: C:\Git\bin\git.exe clone --progress -o origin C:\Jenkins\workspace\book
Trying next repository
ERROR: Could not clone repository
FATAL: Could not clone
hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Could not clone
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM$2.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
I can clone the repository via Git read-only URL git:// from Jenkins on both machines
I can clone via Git/SSH URL from the command line on both machines
I can clone via Git/SSH URL from Jenkins on 32-bit machine, but not on 64-bit machine.
The only difference I can notice between the two machines (not counting that one is a virtual machine on my laptop, and another is a real machine in Switzerland) is that the first one is 32-bit and the second one is 64-bit.
Not sure if that could be related, but 32-bit machine has location set to Croatia, and 64-bit machine to Switzerland (as you can see from Git output in French).
For more information please see my blog post: Jenkins, Windows and Git
I've gone through these pains recently. Especially frustrating is the lack of error logs in this scenario: probably because MSysgit prompts user on the console when trying to recover - which doesn't get through Jenkins console.
Based on my experience here are a few key elements to watch for:
a mix of both Msysgit and Cygwin installed: MSysgit worked better for me- but I assume you're using that too
some people have more luck with <MSYSGIT_ROOT>\cmd\git.cmd than <MSYSGIT_ROOT>\bin\git.exe
making sure your slave runs as the same user (which is not the default upon service-based installs).. - oh I see you got that too
setting HOME variable for windows slaves explicity
basically make sure the same .ssh keys are reached when under Jenkins.
for debugging, I found it useful to create a test job with no SCM, but run git clone in an "Execute shell/batch" build step. That should reveal a bit more info. BTW, you can do an env in the same step and maybe ls %HOME%/.ssh
I think the above is what gave me a working a Windows 7 64bit Jenkins slave with git support - although I thought this had more to do with some other fine config detail than with 64 vs 32 bits. Good luck anyhow!
In the latest version of git, had to use %GIT_HOME%/cmd/git.exe, rather than %GIT_HOME%/bin/git.exe and figuring out the home directory of the user running the jenkins service.
Another issue i faced with was, ssh.exe was not looking at the %userprofile%/.ssh folder for the key files. Instead it was looking to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\.ssh which was empty and which causes a hang due to ssh authentication prompt on the machine where git repo located.
We just copied the key files under %userprofile%/.ssh to C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\.ssh and the problem is resolved.
Notes from a hard learned lesson.
I had problems getting the ssh to work running Jenkins as a named user account for ssh+git.
Here is what I had to do to solve the problem:
Generate the key using ssh-keygen (note where they are located)
Set "HOME" to this location
I tried with puttygen and GET_SSH=plink that all failed very bad but no clear errors.
When you have to use any configuration options from a per-user configuration file eg. ~/.ssh/config you can put them in C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\etc\ssh\ssh_config, the key files can be put in C:\Program Files (x86)\Git.ssh
If your account is attached to domain. Then you need to make sure user for which the Jenkins Slave is ran. For the purpose open Settings->Properties of "Jenkins Slave"->Log On. and choose necessary user from domain for correct execution.
Since my Windows Jenkins was a slave, I needed to configure that node to find the git in cmd instead of bin as described by inger. To do this, go to Manage Jenkins, Manage Nodes, click on the appropriate node, click on Configure and then go to the Tool Locations. Find git in the drop-down and then specify the path to git.exe (including git.exe), like C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe.
I confirmed that the cmd/git.exe worked differently than the bin/git.exe from both command-line and with a temporary jenkins job using the git command (instead of an scm repo).
Just add a ssh-enabled user logon to Jenkins and it should work smoothly.

Changing the user executing the build script in Atlassian Bamboo

Here is my problem:
I have a python build script building a .air package and deploying it on a server. If I run this script from a cmd.exe window, there is no problem, the files are correctly created and deployed.
But I would like to use Bamboo to be able to build my app everytime I commit/push changes. I configured it but have a serious problem: the .air package is created but the deployment (with a fabric script) doesn't finish... I noticed that the process is launched by 'Administrator' in a cmd.exe and by SYSTEM trough Bamboo. I think that this is the problem (maybe SYSTEM cannot find the ssh host or whatever), so I wanted to know if someone knows how to change the user executing the script to 'Administrator'.
Yes, you can change the user that your bamboo server runs as. I recently posted an answer with details on how do just that in Windows Mercurial global keychain . All the documentation for the windows stuff in the wrapper file can found at .
