Writing to Micro SD from SHARC 21469 idle and speed issues. - performance

I can properly read/write to a 2GB Kingston Micro SD using single pin SPI, but after writing using the WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK command to write several blocks, the card goes into idle mode. I know this because when I try send a command to write more data, the card returns an 'in idle state' flag. I created a work around that pulls the card from idle after each write but this severely reduces the bandwidth. Does anyone know why this happens?
Also, the maximum SPI Baud I have obtained is 1Mbs. When I set the SPI clk to >1MHz the commands do not work properly. If I send commands at a baud of < 1Mbs then send the data at >1Mbs, the data is corrupted. Is there a reason I have not been able to get the 25MHz specification speed as listed in the SDCARD.org spec on p2?

I got SPI Speeds less than 1 MBit/s when I tried to use the wrong SPI clock polarity once. Double check this, and this is also a possible candidate as a source for you "idle" error.


Cypress S25FL256S Flash memory read delay issue

I am currently using an s25fl256s flash memory, but when I try accessing it (using an SPI master on an Artix7 FPGA) the first read access has a delay of 19 clock cycle (more or less) and afterward the data is received correctly, does anyone know what causes the delay on the first read access ? according to the datasheet there should be no delays : https://www.infineon.com/dgdl/Infineon-S25FL128S_S25FL256S_128_Mb_(16_MB)_256_Mb_(32_MB)_3.0V_SPI_Flash_Memory-DataSheet-v18_00-EN.pdf?fileId=8ac78c8c7d0d8da4017d0ecfb6a64a17
I was expecting to start receiving the data on the first sclk rising edge that follws the LSB of my adress
Be sure to observe the power up delay, tPU, describe on page 33 of the datasheet before trying to communicate with the device.

What is the difference within the compiler between debugging and running the code? (STM32)

somehow when i am running my code, it seems like one GPIO Port isn't being initialized, meanwhile if i am debugging, it is.
I am initializing two sensors:
struct MAX31856_t max31856_temperature_sensor_heater_1 = MAX31856_TPL( SPI_DEV_TPL( IO_PIN_TPL(
struct MAX31856_t max31856_temperature_sensor_heater_2 = MAX31856_TPL( SPI_DEV_TPL( IO_PIN_TPL(
Sensor Heater 1 is not getting any Information, Sensor Heater 2 is getting Informations. Now if i swap the Name of the Heaters:
struct MAX31856_t max31856_temperature_sensor_heater_2 = MAX31856_TPL( SPI_DEV_TPL( IO_PIN_TPL(
struct MAX31856_t max31856_temperature_sensor_heater_1 = MAX31856_TPL( SPI_DEV_TPL( IO_PIN_TPL(TEMP_SENSOR_1_CS_GPIO_Port, TEMP_SENSOR_1_CS_Pin), &spi1));
and run the code in the debugger, Sensor Heater 1 and 2 are getting Informations.
How can this happen? I was thinking about a timing problem, but since it is working in the debugger, i don't really know what to do.
Provided that you are debugging and/or running the same binary. Debugging is mostly the same as running except if you halt the processor (es breakpoints).
In that case...
some peripherals could continue to run or be halted togheder with the cpu, the behaviour is some cases can be configured. (timers, watchdog...)
some interrupts can be lost.
some hardware buffers can overflow and data can be lost (if you don't use any flow control in your IO)
How do you run the code in debug mode? Do you have breakpoints somewhere?
You (OP) are right about it being most likely a timing problem, and probably related to physical SPI transmission. Because your line of code to send/receive something over SPI has already executed in the MCU, but physically the bits and bytes are still being transmitted on the line, while MCU is already calling the next SPI function, so one of the transmissions will fail. Try adding some delay after SPI transmission code. If things work after that, then it's the timing of SPI peripheral, and you need to add a check that there is no SPI transmission already in place before you call a functions to send/receive something.
You can do while(transmission) (pseudocode, replace with actual check if SPI transmission is going on) to wait until the previous transmission ends to call the next one.

serial stops between mbed and processing

I want a solution right now...
The LPC1768 which is one of a mbed prototyping boards communicates with processing through Serial whose baud rate is 115200. However, as time passes, the serial communication stops.
As a situation, the LPC1768 sends sensor data with serial.putc() of the default serial library. On the other hand, processing receives the data with serial.read(). The processing code is the following:
if(serial.available()>1) { serial.read(); }
To explore the solution of this problem, I tired these things.
I checked serial.available() is 46 and used serial.clear() in processing, but mbed stopped and didn't send data. Because I thought the cause of this was an overflow of receiving buffer of processing.
I added serial.writable() and check the serial buffers for sending has space. If there are no space, I used the following codes and initialized the serial:
LPC_UART2->FCR |= 0x06;
, because I thought the cause of this was an overflow of sending buffer of mbed. However, they didn't work.
Please note that these codes work correctly and basically.
However, serial communication stops suddenly. What can I do anything else?
Best regards

Arduino Serial transmitting Missing One Charcter

I am using Arduino Leonardo to transmit an string to a wifi module. The format of command that wifi module can recognize is:
AT60,1,content to a server
I am using an virtual server(TCP/IP Builder) to test the content I can received.
Here is the content I want to send:
Since I try to send it again and again, I use a loop to send it. In the virtual server side, the content I got is:
This is the QUESTION: There exist one terrible mistake in the content I received, which is the deviceId part never correct. It's so weird.
Here is part of related code:
//In Uart.cpp
//These three lines can sent a formatted string as "AT60,1,content"
Serial1.write(channelID); //channel ID = 1 here
Serial1.write(reportIsFire, 76);
//In Uart.h
//Definition of the string I need to send, which has 76 characters.
char reportIsFire[76] = ",smart/device/deviceCmd?userId=1010002003&deviceId=A00019999990002&cmd=ON \n";
Here is few background of this application:
I am using Arduino 1.5.8 IDE with VisualStudio
Since the serial buffer of Arduino is only 64 Bytes, I have already
change the buffer size to 128 Bytes in "HardwareSerial.h" to send
out this large string.
The baud rate is 115200 and I am using Serial 1. I have used Serial 1
to transmit few other characters and it works fine.
I will appreciate that If you have any idea about this question.
I am betting that the serial baud rate of the Arduino is not 100% correct. Increasing the buffer size will not matter if the data is being lost due to a timing issue in the physical link.
I'd recommend double-checking the code that initializes the serial baud rate generator. It may be possible to get a closer rate to 115,200 by either adjusting the available settings, altering the main clock speed (if possible), implementing some form of flow control, or all of the above.
In extreme cases, you may consider using a special-frequency oscillator. Many Microchip PICs use an internal or external 4MHz or 8MHz crystal, but this can produce far too much timing error for lengthy serial transmissions at high speed. In that case, something special, like a 7.3728MHz crystal can be used, bringing the accuracy to exactly 100% (at least on some PIC devices.)
Lastly, another consideration is if any pre-emptive code is running on the device, such as interrupts or timers which could inadvertently interfere with the serial output.
I don't have an answer, but I suspect the most likely problem is that the Wifi card can't read characters at a sustained 115200 baud rate. If possible, set the Wifi baud rate and the Arduino Serial.begin() to a lower rate, such as 57600 or 19200.
If the Arduino baud rate was simply inaccurate, I'd expect to see the problem appearing at random locations in the string, rather than about 40 characters in.

Creating new task in FreeRTOS for USART reception

I am using EVK1105 development board with AVR Studio 5 as development IDE for my AVR project.
I am using FreeRTOS in it. I have 3 USART ports on this board. One external module is connected to my AVR32 board via USART-RS232 mode. It sends me continuous serial data to my board on USART0 with 19230 baudrate, 7-databits, odd parity, stopbit-1 and normal-channel mode. I created a new task for this purpose. After each 9 data bytes it sends '\n' and '\r'. So in my task I keep on collecting the 9 databytes in a string buffer and then transmit it on USART1. I am using polling method to collect data from USAR0 which is receiving port. But I am facing problem in receiving data. I don't know if its timing issue or something or the scheduler switches the task while collects the data. But I don't get the required data.
Following are things I have already checked as troubleshooting
1. Connected my external module to my PC hyper-terminal which gives me perfect result.
2. Implemented the same thing of using receiving from USART0 and whatever received is transmitted to USART1 as without FreeRTOS. Its works fine.
Please suggest some idea what may be wrong. I am using a queue to communicate between Tx and Rx task to pass the string buffer from USART0 to USART1. Is it problem in handling queue? How can I troubleshoot the queue?
I am using a delay of 50ms in my infinite task loop in Rx Task. Can it create a problem? If I don't use any delay the OS crashes. Please suggest some good practices to create a new task in FreeRTOS so that I will not get any timing issue.
For such a use case, I would not use a polling method with 50ms delay to retrieve data from UART peripheral. You can easily lose received data depending on the system load and UART reception buffer size.
At least use an interrupt on UART data reception that copies every received byte into a local buffer that will be read by your TX thread.
You can have an even better solution using a DMA channel to receive your data frame and be notified when 9 bytes have been received. I don't know if your AVR device has a DMA peripheral or not.
Are you still working on this? The statement of your problem is vague, but there I have several suggestions/leading questions.
1) You may want some documents to see what the registers are
Get the giant datasheet pdfs at
2) In this and an earlier post you state that you have, in some cases, been able to RX data. You will need to find the USART HW initialization code from those example projects and get them into the freeRTOS example project. In particular calls to
gpio_enable_module() with {AVR32_USART0_RXD_0_0_PIN, AVR32_USART0_RXD_0_0_FUNCTION}
To connect to USART to CPU
and i believe
Just doing this requires poking around a lot of code - there's alot of dependencies.
2) What function are you calling to retrieve data from USART0? 19kbaud is approximately 2000bytes/sec or 1 byte/0.5ms, so 50ms polling is not nearly enough. I'd suggest that your RX task poll continuously (never sleep explicitly) but at a lower priority than the TX task.
3) Concentrate on debugging the RX task at the call to retrieve data. Use the debugger to look at the hardware registers for the usart. In particular
USART0 cr register AVR32_USART_CR_RXEN_MASK should be set to enable RX
USART0 csr register AVR32_USART_CSR_RXRDY_MASK will indicate if there is new data there
You can also check the overlow flag to see if you have missed some data.
When the read of USART0 rhr occurs it should be a byte that you sent.
If you are still working on this I can look into this a bit more.
