Magento - Internet Explorer Cart Issues - session

I'm on Magento 1.4.1 and get regular calls (2-3 per week) from customers that they are unable to add products to their cart. The symptoms are the same for customers: All use IE (7 or 8, most commonly). When they attempt to add to cart, they are taken to an empty cart page. Repeated attempts do not resolve the issue. I have not been able to verify, and the only version of IE I have access to is 9. I would dismiss this as user error except for:
Generally lower-than expected conversion rate on my site (explainable if large % of IE customers are unable to transact).
Consistency of symptoms: Browser and version, action that is failing
I assume this is an issue with setting the session or cookie (but could totally be wrong and am open to other suggested causes). If it is a cookie issue, I've found this post and this post from Stack Overflow which give a little information, but not a solid idea of how to go about confirming it is a cookie or session issue.
Can someone suggest the best way to get started with diagnosis?

setting cookie lifetime to 86400 as recomended here did the trick for me.

IE9 bundles development tools (from settings menu) and this allow you to emulate ie7 - ie9 versions in all compatibility modes.
If you are getting blank pages then there is always a php error behind this and you can see those errors from your server php error log.

We had a similar issue with items disappearing from the cart, it only happened in a store that was using a subdirectory of the main domain, and only with ie9 and older ie's. We also had varnish running on the frontend, and magento
e.g. = main store = secondary store
After adding items to the secondary store basket in ie9, you could then go to the main store and add more items, return to the basket page and all was well then if you went to another secondary store product and added another item to the basket, then visited the basket page all previous items had gone, but the one just added was there.
We found we could consistently reproduce this by visiting a secondary store product page, adding to the basket, visit the basket - item is there, return to the product page, return to the basket, item has gone. It turned out to be a bad background image url in the stylesheet, and the rule was only used by the product page template, this 404 error was enough to cause ie9 and older ie's to lose the session and start a new one.
ie10 and 11, chrome, firefox and safari didn't have this problem at all, so if you're getting intermittent customer reports of baskets suddenly being empty, check the whole site for 404's, all it can take is one missing image to lose the session for ie9 and older ie's.


magento broken shopping rule page

I have a problem on magento backend that I am not sure what is happening. Shopping cart price rule was working completely fine, but suddenly the rule page look like this:
screenshoot of shopping rule page
The content of each tab is loaded inside the tab div itself instead of on the content area on the right. Content area is completely empty.
No code was touched in relation with promotions code, or admin/core code at all. I don't see any issue on console or not js code loaded. This is the only page affected (shopping cart price rule page), catalog rule works fine as well as any other with same structure (product page, customer page and such).
I was recently playing around with promotion too much, creating, deleting and editing. And solved a 500 issue on cart page increasing php memory limit. Not sure if related with this issue.
On apache logs it only displays the following when I access that page:
client denied by server configuration: /www/app/etc/local.xml
Could someone help me in where to look in order to solve this issue or have a hint about what could be the issue?
I am completely lost with this one. Magento version 1.7.
I finally found the issue. It was a extension related.
Recently I had some issues on cart page and at some point I disabled a promotion extension (Amasty shipping rules) though magento backend, on system/advanced extensions list.
Seems like the extension is disabled but still used on promotion page, adding the structure for the feature but not showing what is supposed to show (because is disabled) and breaking the layout.
Enabling again the extension or removing the extension on files avoid the issue.
1) clear the cache maybe you made a update and your cache is wrong. you can clear in the admin side clear all the types, or erase all inside /www/var/cache
2) clear the page history in your browser, all is fine but your machime show that weird.
3) after that check the browser console, because is a css problem, maybe a file is lost or change the permitions.

Magento Products display not displaying products in backend on reindex

I am running Magento 1.8.1 with embeddedERP extension.
Not sure if extension is to blame for the behaviour, i don't think so as it seemed to work fine for a while after I installed the extension. The issue appears to relate to indexing.
I reindexed the site in response to a magento index aler. When I try to view products in the backend the page is blank but only from from the horizontal line below the Add New product button, there is no list of products but also no products table at all, rather than the products table with no rows one would expect.
I have tried deleting cache and session folders.
I've tried disabling cache.
I enabled logging and there isn't an exceptions.log file so presuming this means no exceptions happening.
I've logged in and out.
On one occasion when i tried creating a new product after saving it it displayed the products (new one and existing) but now that doesn't work either.
Previously, deleting session and cache and logging back in appeared to work but now doesn't.
Can anyone suggest how I can go about working out what is wrong. My magento debugging skills probably need some enhancing.
Came back to this and the site was then displaying an error:
Warning: Unknown: Unable to allocate memory for pool in [filepath]/Autoload.php
This thread:
highlighted this is as an apc issue.
Altering the memory size to 256M as suggested solved this.
Hope this helps if anyone else gets this, still don't know why this issue showed a blank screen to start with, perhaps an APC caching issue?

magento keeps logging out

I am using magento and it keeps returning to to login screen every time I try to do an activity.
Things I have done:
My php.ini memory limits are set at 512Mb and my times set at 18000
checked the server time, php.ini time, and magento config time
Cleard the cache from magento. no joy
Cleared the cache and session from my plesk panel, no joy
Cleaned firefox and chrome history and page cache, not joy
reinstalled Mage_Core_Adminhtml, Mage_Core_Modules, Lib_Js_Mage, no joy
I reinstalled mage JS, no joy
The only changes recently have been the magento php 5.4 patch and had to reinstall Mage_GoogleShopping becase the new one would never complete loading the page.
Every time I try to change to something in the admin menu I have to log back in.
I checked the adminnotification_inbox in the database and it was reset to zero.
I get no errors in firebug, firefox or chrome and my cookies are working although it says
reinstalled magento.
It is like magento keeps resetting itself as my admin notifications keep coming back after delete
I have no error reports or folder.
I have run out of ideas?
I've came across this issue before... Give this a try...
system->configuration->admin -> select security tab and check session lifetime field
This is where you can define your time...
Also, if you use some .php extensions, some of their session encrypts can cause problems...
For Ex: sjusin.session.encrypt = On (This would need to be turned to Off in some cases)
This you can find in the config file by the way
Also if this doesn't help you check this out about quota.

Magento session lost when switching to https from http

I've searched high and low for a solution to this, with no luck. My host told me they are too busy to help.
Magento 1.4.2 // SSL cert
1- When I add an item to cart, the page reloads and my item is added to cart. [good]
2- Next, I click home, and my items are no longer visible in cart sidebar. [bad]
3- Next, I click "Tops", and my items are still not visible in cart sidebar. [bad]
4- Next , I click "Bottoms" and the items show just fine.
In all cases where the cart isn't visible, I can add https to the URL and the cart loads up just fine. Can anyone help me figure out why my session is being lost between http and https?
I have all my backend web cookie settings set to "no" except for sID.
Also- When a user is logged in, the cart items ALWAYS show on the right. It's only screwy if they're a guest.
Thanks guys, if you need me to post any code let me know.
EDIT: Here is a screenshot of my cookies session in firebug (not exactly sure what I am looking at). Hope this helps.
And here is my Session settings in magento: I have tried just about every variation of turning these on and off.
This issue has actually been narrowed down to a cache issue. We found out that when the cache is dumped/deleted, the website works properly. But after a few minutes of surfing the problem happens again. Does anyone have any idea? (And should i change the question title?)
I'm using a module called Lightspeed from TinyBrick, and it seems the new cache options are messing with our site. =( I'm contacting them shortly.
**EDIT Tinybricks excellent support helped us out. Thanks for all of your suggestions.
Is the session cookie being set to be HTTPS-only? That'll prevent it from being carried over to regular HTTP requests, effectively giving the user two different sessions.
You have in your screenshot two frontend cookie with two domains, one with www and an other one without. Check if you have a correct domain name in the configuration > Web tab > Cookie Management > Cookie Domain (or something close to that). If it's empty set it to "" and try again.
Check if you don't have different cookie domain in your configuration in the other store views, set them to "use website".
If still doesn't work, What are the values of the fields of cookie management and the cookie validation settings
We were experiencing similar issues where our custom nav (depending on whether a user was logged in or not, was not very consistent across different pages.
We followed the suggestion # to check if a user was logged base on the frontend session variable before a rendering a particular block, and it seems to have done the trick.
Perhaps you can try something similar.
Tinybricks excellent support helped us out. Thanks for all of your suggestions. This was a localized problem based off cache and a module called Lightspeed.

Magento: Checkout redirects to cart before 'Place Order' is pressed (should go to payal)

this is my first actual post on StackOverflow. I'm on here quite often because you guys always solve my queries!
We have a problem in a checkout cart on a Magento site.
We have Magento version and are using the one page checkout and Paypal Standard Checkout.
The problem appears when a customer adds lots of different products to their cart (say 7 or more). When they click on the 'Place Order' button, they should be taken to paypal to complete the order. But instead they are redirected to the cart (the default failure URL)
The checkout works fine when you buy a few items or many of the same item. It doesn't work when you buy multiple different items.
Any help/advice/solution/anything! would be much appreciated!
I to expereinced this issue... We run PHP Version 5.2.10, Magento ver. and use Paypal Website Standard PRO...
We have been optimising the server install APC and tuning MySQL... Uninstalling / reinstalling APC to swap out a version of APC that use spin locks...
After completing these works and running an end to end test the Paypal integration failed to work... Or more to the point on clicking "Place Order" we were redirected to the cart page...
I reviewed the headers sent after pressing "Place order" and found that a 500 error was issued by the server and as Magento is a production configuration this error is not shown and the browser is redirected to the referrer, in this case the basket page...
Our PHP errors are logged to our Apache error_log and on view this I found the following entries:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found in /home/user/htdocs/lib/Zend/Feed/Abstract.php on line 101
I reviewed this further and discovered DOMDocument and found a post stating that the "PHP-XML Module" is required...
As we had been installing / installing software we ran "yum install php-xml"...
This resolved the issue!!! This is odd as this did work so implying this would not be the issue...
A few more options / areas to look at...
I have experencied busy Magento installs with lots of products and orders, taking an extended amount of time to redirect to Paypal on clicking "Place Order". This is probably your actual problem and upgrading is the way forward, try upgrading to (final 1.4 stable release)... but normally in this circumstance the process would complete after an extended wait (60sec long and more!!!)...
The fact that your checkout redirects to the cart page when you have many items may well be a timeout issue. Magento redirects back to cart from checkout submit when an error occures in the transfer to payment gateway page, so the page timing out or PHP running out of memory would result in you being redirected back to cart...
You should check:-
Apache: "Timeout" normally set at around 120 (secs) consider increasing
PHP: "max_execution_time" 18000 (secs) - Magento friendly figure
Also try increasing PHP setting "memory_limit" in the .htaccess file... setup 64, 128, 256 really increasing past 256 should not be an required.
Also start logging yopur PHP errors: log_errors On
Hope this helps
P.s. My original solution is clearly not correct as your failure only happens when you have multiple products in your cart...
