Turning off iODBC tracing - macos

I'm using iODBC on OS X 10.6.8 agains MySQL (mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.8) from a C program that I'm writing, but tracing of all ODBC library calls, which is supposed to be turned off by default, is turned on.
I have found a set of odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files in /etc and in /Library/ODBC/, but none of them contains "Trace = yes", and adding an [ODBC] section with "Tracing = no" to any of these files doesn't seem to do anything. I also do not have any private .odbc.ini or .odbcinst.ini files in the working directory nor in my home directory nor anywhere else.
The only way I can turn tracing off is to call SQLSetConnectAttr() to set SQL_ATTR_TRACE to SQL_OPT_TRACE_OFF after allocating a connection handle, but at that point, the trace file, sql.log, has already been created in the working directory.
Any help with tracking down where tracing is turned on (it's supposed to be off by default), alternatively, how to turn it off so that the log file never gets created, would be appreciated.

I'm not sure why you would be using odbc instead of the standard connector, but have you tried setting the option for the TraceFile to /dev/null in odbc.ini. This may at least remove the file if you can't get the Trace = OFF to work by itself.
Trace = OFF
TraceFile = /dev/null
Don't have my Mac at the office to test this, but seems like it should work.

The default settings files for ODBC on Mac OS X are found at --
The first two are for system-level settings and DSNs; the latter are for user-level.
Some buggy installers and libraries create files at --
These can lead to trouble. This command will reveal all potentially trouble-making files --
sudo find / \( -name '.odbc*.ini' -or -name 'odbc*.ini' \) -ls
Best is to --
blend the content of existing non-default files into the default locations, and drop the non-default files
create symlinks from the buggy .odbc[inst].ini locations to the default files
update the iODBC components on your Mac
enjoy trouble free ODBC use
(ObDisclaimer: I am an employee of OpenLink Software, who maintain and support the iODBC project, which is the ODBC Driver Manager chosen by Apple for Mac OS X, bundled since Jaguar (10.2.x).)


Run an exe file on a Mac with Wineskin (VseeFace Application)

I really hope that someone could help me out with my problem.
I want to start an exe File (VSeeFace - see https://www.vseeface.icu for more information) on my Mac with wineskin. VseeFace is an application for Vtubing.
The application starts normally via Wineskin, but as soon as I try to open my avatar (a .vrm file), the software stops and I don't know why. I have searched everywhere and found nothing about my problem, but perhaps that is also due to my limited knowledge of development skills.
Can anyone help me please?
My Mac:
MacOS Monterey Version 12.4
Radeon Pro 575X 4 GB
My Wineskin Setup:
Wrapper Version Wineskin
Engine WS11WineCX64Bit22.0.1-1
Config Utility - Windows-Version 8
VseeFace Software – https://www.vseeface.icu/#download
They also describe how it will work on Linux or maybe Mac,
For the Facetracking I run OpenSeeFace (but that seemed to work, I could see the green light of the iMac camera, but I couldn't test it because of my software problem).
I mean I could run the application but on the most important Screen it stops working.
In the debug.log file I noticed the following messages:
0024:err:shell:HCR_GetFolderAttributes should be called for simple PIDL's only!
0024:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x0000000c
0118:err:module:import_dll Library dsound.dll (which is needed by L"C:\windows\system32\devenum.dll") not found
0118:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\windows\system32\msdmo.dll" at 000000034ABC0000: builtin
0118:err:ole:apartment_add_dll couldn't load in-process dll L"C:\windows\system32\devenum.dll"
0118:err:ole:com_get_class_object no class object {62be5d10-60eb-11d0-bd3b-00a0c911ce86} could be created for context 0x1
0118:err:module:import_dll Library dsound.dll (which is needed by L"C:\windows\system32\devenum.dll") not found
0118:err:ole:apartment_add_dll couldn't load in-process dll L"C:\windows\system32\devenum.dll"
0118:err:ole:com_get_class_object no class object {62be5d10-60eb-11d0-bd3b-00a0c911ce86} could be created for context 0x1
0118:err:ole:apartment_add_dll couldn't find function DllGetClassObject in L"C:\windows\system32\devenum.dll"
0118:err:ole:com_get_class_object no class object {62be5d10-60eb-11d0-bd3b-00a0c911ce86} could be created for context 0x1
0118:err:ole:com_get_class_object no class object {62be5d10-60eb-11d0-bd3b-00a0c911ce86} could be created for context 0x1
0118:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\windows\system32\Avrt.dll" at 00000002F2930000: builtin
0118:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\VSeeFace\VSeeFace_Data\Plugins\x86_64\LeapCV4.dll" at 000000010A220000: native
0118:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\windows\system32\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll" at 00000002F7F20000: builtin
0118:err:module:import_dll Loading library MSVCP140_2.dll (which is needed by L"C:\VSeeFace\VSeeFace_Data\Plugins\x86_64\LeapCV5.dll") failed (error c000007b).
0118:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\VSeeFace\VSeeFace_Data\Plugins\x86_64\CONCRT140.dll" at 0000000104CA0000: native
0118:err:module:import_dll Loading library MSVCP140_2.dll (which is needed by L"C:\VSeeFace\VSeeFace_Data\Plugins\x86_64\LeapCV5.dll") failed (error c000007b).
[mvk-info] Created 2 swapchain images with initial size (1280, 720) and contents scale 1.0 for screen Integriertes Retina-Display.
[mvk-error] VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: Render pipeline compile failed (Error code 2):
Vertex attribute v4(4) of type int4 cannot be read using MTLAttributeFormatUInt4.
0118:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\VSeeFace\UnityPlayer.dll" at 0000000180000000: native
0118:fixme:thread:get_thread_times not implemented on this platform
0118:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\windows\system32\mmdevapi.dll" at 0000000336850000: builtin
0118:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\windows\system32\winecoreaudio.drv" at 00000001C92D0000: builtin
0118:fixme:coreaudio:ca_channel_layout_to_channel_mask Unhandled channel 0xffffffff
01b0:fixme:kernelbase:AppPolicyGetThreadInitializationType FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFA, 0000000066D6FE10
01b0:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"C:\windows\system32\avrt.dll" at 00000002F2930000: builtin
01b0:fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Audio",0000000066D6FDB8): stub
01b0:trace:loaddll:free_modref Unloaded module L"C:\windows\system32\avrt.dll" : builtin
***If needed I could post the complete log file. ***
I have installed the dlls and they are in all the folders. I have also tried the installation via Winetricks, where it displays the following message:
Executing mkdir -p /Applications/Wineskin/VSeeFace.app/Contents/SharedSupport
warning: You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean 32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20220411-next - sha256sum: 846f79cac49697fd818f06a6aebf36ca408661f89b97633e9872025b33bc0e7b with wine-7.7 (WineskinCX 22.0.1) and WINEARCH=win64
Unknown arg UnityPlayer.dll
Usage: Applications/Wineskin/VSeeFace.app/Wineskin.app/Contents/Resources/winetricks [options] [command|verb|path-to-verb] ...
Executes given verbs. Each verb installs an application or changes a setting.
--country=CC Set country code to CC and don't detect your IP address
-f, --force Don't check whether packages were already installed
--gui Show gui diagnostics even when driven by commandline
--gui=OPT Set OPT to kdialog or zenity to override GUI engine
--isolate Install each app or game in its own bottle (WINEPREFIX)
--self-update Update this application to the last version
--update-rollback Rollback the last self update
-k, --keep_isos Cache isos (allows later installation without disc)
--no-clean Don't delete temp directories (useful during debugging)
-q, --unattended Don't ask any questions, just install automatically
-r, --ddrescue Retry hard when caching scratched discs
-t --torify Run downloads under torify, if available
--verify Run (automated) GUI tests for verbs, if available
-v, --verbose Echo all commands as they are executed
-h, --help Display this message and exit
-V, --version Display version and exit
list list categories
list-all list all categories and their verbs
apps list list verbs in category 'applications'
benchmarks list list verbs in category 'benchmarks'
dlls list list verbs in category 'dlls'
fonts list list verbs in category 'fonts'
games list list verbs in category 'games'
settings list list verbs in category 'settings'
list-cached list cached-and-ready-to-install verbs
list-download list verbs which download automatically
list-manual-download list verbs which download with some help from the user
list-installed list already-installed verbs
arch=32|64 create wineprefix with 32 or 64 bit, this option must be
given before prefix=foobar and will not work in case of
the default wineprefix.
prefix=foobar select WINEPREFIX=/Users/myusername/.local/share/wineprefixes/foobar
Winetricks Commands Finished!!

Mac OS X: how to enable ODBC log?

I have installed some ODBC drivers in Mac OS X. One of them works incorrectly, i.e. my app cannot connect to PostgreSQL database via the ODBC driver.
I'd like to enable logging for it and check what is the reason.
How I can do it?
If you were using the iODBC driver manager that ships with macOS, tracing would be controlled through the iODBC Administrator.app, found in /Applications/iODBC/, and the standard configuration file (odbc.ini) found in the standard locations (/Library/ODBC/ for system-level config; /Users/*/Library/ODBC/ for user-level).
You can also manually edit (or create) a stanza like the one below in that file.
Trace = 1
TraceFile = iodbc.$U.$p.$T.log
TraceAutoStop = 0
;TraceDLL =
Note the $u, $p, $t, and/or $h tokens may be used to automatically insert UserID, ProcessID, Timestamp, and/or $HOME in the log filename.
With UnixODBC as an after-market, third-party add-on, the configuration files may be located anywhere. UnixODBC tracing is enabled/disabled via this stanza of the odbcinst.ini (not odbc.ini) file.
Trace = yes
TraceFile = trace_file_path

How to install tnsping?

How do I have to install tnsping?
I tried to install oracle-instantclient12.1-basic- and I'm able to use some client commands but nog tnsping.
Oracle Instance Client does not include tsnping application. You must run "Oracle Universal Installer" and enable the option for it.
I don't' remember exactly which option you have to set, either it was "Oracle Database Utilities" or "Oracle Net"
Also see McTnsping [link broken] "a Windows stand-alone program which requires no Oracle client". It's portable and doesn't need to be installed.
Usage 1: McTnsping.exe { <tns entry> | <host>:<port> } [<count>]
<tns entry> the net service name in the tnsnames.ora file.
<host>:<port> server name or IP and port (mandatory)
<count> number of times to check target, default is 1.
If whoever will reach the place like me... This is what worked for me:
Instant client Version + sqlplus + tnsping (copied from another server of the same version)
Directory structure and env (as in bash profile):
export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=${ORACLE_BASE}/instant_client122
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME #since all binaries are in $ORACLE_HOME - no bin or lib are present
export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
copy from another server to target:
'tnsping' to $ORACLE_HOME
'$ORACLE_HOME/network/mesg/tnsus.msb' to $ORACLE_HOME/network/mesg
Then put proper values to $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora and load env variables. After this it should be able to perform 'tnsping' and show proper message as a response.
Here's what I did to copy tnsping over to another machine. In my case, the oracle client is installed at C:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1.
This assumes there's already an Instant Client or similar installed on the destination machine; and that the oracle path and registry keys are set.
(1) Copy tnsping.exe from the source to the destination machine, into client_1\bin.
(2) Copy the following files from client_1\bin to client_1\bin:
This should be about 84.6 MB.
(3) In the client_1 on the destination machine, make a backup of the following files:
Now on the source machine, find those files in client_1\bin and copy them to client_1\ (no bin) on the destination machine, overwriting the existing files. (Note: oci.dll is ~330 kb smaller, orasql12.dll is ~300 kb smaller. I'm not sure what's lost, hence the backup).
(4) On the destination machine, create the directory mesg in client_1\Network. Now copy the following file from the source to the destination:
(5) Open up regedit. Create the following key:
(From another machine, it looks like the x64 version is named HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle\KEY_OraClient12Home1, but the tnsping program I'm using says it's 64 bit, so ...)
Under the key, create a string named ORACLE_HOME with the value C:\Oracle\product\12.1.0\client_1.
You should be done now ($$$ = redacted):
C:\Users\$$$>tnsping $$$
TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 03-APR-2
019 08:47:37
Copyright (c) 1997, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Used parameter files:
Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
(HOST = $$$)(PORT = $$$))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = $$$
OK (30 msec)
Here's the process I followed, sharing for when these steps invariably fail to work on a later version.
First off, I just copied the tnsping.exe over.
I didn't haphazardly pick the above dlls, as far as I can tell everyone is required. I ran the exe, and it would popup an error, I would copy the dll over and try again:
After a few dlls, you'll run into a different kind of error:
If that happens, fire up process monitor and put a filter in for the ProcessName to contain tnsping and try to run the program again. You should see something like the following. The main thing to notice is that it tries to load (in this example) orawsec12.dll, which succeeds, but then it continues to try to load the dll looking in different paths, and then at the end it triggers werfault and the program ends. I guess it realizes there's some kind of version mismatch and keeps looking for the right version.
The missing registry key will show up like the following in process monitor (operation RegOpenKey, result NAME NOT FOUND):
If the tnsus.msb file is missing, you should see something like the following in process monitor (operation CreateFile, result NAME NOT FOUND):

How do I change window managers with Yocto Project tools?

My Intent
I have an image generated by BitBake on which I'm interested in changing the window manager to metacity or maybe something similar.
My Process
I've added require recipes-graphics/images/core-image-x11.bb into my core recipe, which provides a simple Matchbox terminal window but seemingly no other functionality. If I add matchbox-desktop and matchbox-session-sato, it adds a bit more usability but not what I'm looking for.
I've included the default package from the metacity_2.34.13.bb recipe from the meta-gnome layer from the OpenEmbedded Metadata Index in the IMAGE_INSTALL variable of my core image. This installs several components including a metacity command in /usr/bin. If I run that command, I get the following message:
GLib-GIO-Message: Using the 'memory' GSettings backend. Your settings will not be saved or shared with other applications
(metacity:1124): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.metacity' is not installed
Trace/breakpoint trap
I've navigated to /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas and run glib-compile-schemas ., then run:
metacity --replace
again. Now, the output is:
Window manager error: Unable to open X display
I haven't found a clear solution to this error which applies to my specific situation.
Update (2/29):
I may have now found a solution to this error, using these commands:
export DISPLAY=:0
At this point, I seem to be running something on one of my VTs. I can run demos like glxgears in that VT (glxgears is included in the mesa-demos recipe), but I don't know how to actually create a usable environment.
My question(s)
I'm not using much from meta-openembedded/meta-gnome (just metacity) or meta/recipes-gnome (adwaita-icon-theme, gnome-desktop3, gsettings-desktop-schemas and gtk+3), so am I missing some recipe which automates the addition of metacity?
(if not Question 1) How can I solve the error Window manager error: Unable to open X display?
The x11-common recipe adds a X session script that will run /usr/bin/x-session-manager: that is responsible for starting your desktop environment.
The way to implement a new session/DE in OE-Core is to use update-alternatives for "x-session-manager": see the matchbox-session recipe for the default implementation and mini-x-session recipe for an alternative.
mini-x-session might be modifiable for your needs so you don't need to write a new one: A /etc/mini_x/session file like this might do the trick:
# start any apps here, e.g. "my-desktop &"
exec metacity
Going from this (a running window manager) to "usable environment" might still be lots and lots of work, depending on your definition of usable.

Windows 8 driver install and catalog/signature validation

I can't get windows 8 (release preview) to accept either the inf2cat or makecat approach described as solutions to the question at
What changed in the driver signature requirements for Windows 8?
unless I disable validation.
I am not signing these with any certificates at this point, just trying to get past the errors preventing the drivers from installing at all.
Windows 8 gives me a very nondescript error:
"A problem was encountered while attempting to add the driver to the store."
Looking in the event logs, there is nothing of use; only an informational entry from "Windows Error Reporting" indicating a PnPdriverimporterror.
When i use my original files with the cab files that don't match the inf, I get the error everyone else is listing:
The hash for the file is not present in the specified catalog file.
I have one .inf file that i need to generate a .cat for.
Perhaps I am doing something wrong. Ideas??
INF2CAT Approach
c:\win_xp_vista32_64>inf2cat /driver:"." /os:XP_X86,XP_x64,Vista_X86,Vista_x64,7_X86,7_X64,8_X86,8_X64
Signability test complete.
22.9.10: usbser.sys in [drivercopyfiles.nt] is missing from [SourceDisksFiles] s
ection in \mchpcdc.inf; ok if file source is provided via LayoutFile in [Version
22.9.10: %driverfilename%.sys in [drivercopyfiles.ntamd64] is missing from [Sour
ceDisksFiles] section in \mchpcdc.inf; ok if file source is provided via LayoutF
ile in [Version].
Catalog generation complete.
MAKECAT approach
--- start of catalog.cdf file---
---end of .cdf file ---
c:\win_xp_vista32_64>makecat catalog.cdf
These same files, w/ the cat from either approach install just fine in Windows 7.
I think this problem is to do with "windows driver signing enforcement". You can resolve this by disabling this option. Go through with below link:
I just tested this on Windows 10 and 8 PRO now, to get this right, follow these steps:
1) From your Start menu, locate your DDK's "x64 Checked Build Environment" i.e. the custom DOS build screen. Right-click, run-as administrator...
2) Compile your source with the Build tools etc.
3) Go into your compiled code, and then create your test-certificate (you don't need to purchase one just yet, use your self-signed one created with the line below):
makecert -r -pe -ss PrivateCertStore -n CN=newhex.com(Test) NewhexTest.cer
The above means your certificate is called "newhex.com(Test)" and the generated file is "NewhexTest.cer"
4) Create / Edit your .CDF file which contains items about what your CAT file's contents.
5) Create your CAT file by executing:
makecat -v MyCDF.CDF
This should generate an un-signed CAT file that includes all files specified by your CDF.
6) Sign your CAT file as follows:
Signtool sign /v /s PrivateCertStore /n newhex.com(test) /t http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll MyDriverWhatever.cat
This should result in a CAT file that is signed, but don't just install it, because your Windows can't trust Newhex's cert since it's not in the keystore, to fix this do:
7) Add your certificate to your private Key Store, remember this step MUST be done by an administrators access, otherwise you will get an error about (Keystore not found etc):
certmgr.exe -add NewhexTest.cer -s -r localMachine root
This should add into your keystore, Once done, you can then:
8) Go into your device manager, and add your new driver, you would get a warning but will be accepted and installed without the need to reboot with a forced (Don't check cert type account).
I tried this already and it works on Windows 10 and Windows 8 pro versions.
Kind Regards
Heider Sati
You are supposed to use inf2cat, not makecat, because you have an INF file.
You should work on addressing those warnings from inf2cat by fixing your INF file. Here is my INF file that uses usbser.sys and doesn't cause any warnings: https://gist.github.com/3647208
I was able to fix my INF file thanks to the advice from chinzei in the first post of this thread: http://www.microchip.com/forums/m488342-print.aspx
If you continue to have trouble, please edit your question to include the source of your INF file, or at least a link to the source.
I encounter the same problem and was able to install my driver with a TEST certificate using the instructions provided here:
