Explaining the need to avoid horizontal scroll - user-interface

I need help explaining to my boss why her design is poor on a client's website. She has no knowledge of the web, and it can be difficult as a web developer working with a woman who is a graphic designer (not even a web designer really). On a current site she has designed, an image bar "needs" to be ~1200px according to her, though it isn't necessary with the content. A quick sketch to illustrate what's going on:
As you see, the banner spills out past the 960px of the content and as wide as 1200px. This creates a horizontal scroll when all the content is viewable within the 960px wide viewport. I need to make this an <img> and not a CSS background because it's a jQuery slideshow that fades from image to image.
I think this is a big problem because a lot of people are going to get a horizontal scroll bar imposed in their browser when they're still able to see all the relevant content. She thinks no one will notice and it'll be fine; I think it's very bad practice and confusing to the end user.
How do I explain the problem to her?

Ask her if she would want to open a brochure to only see that one of the folds was unnecessary as it merely has some header image spilling over into it (but no content).
Some | (but
content| this
here | is
| blank)

Point her to Nielsen - on of the most famous and top level web usability experts.
"Horizontal Scrolling" is error #3 in "Top Ten Web-Design Mistakes of 2002" article
Also, point out (not sure if Nielsen does) that vast majority of mice don't have horizontal scroll wheels (that was a point made in comments of an article discussing Nielsen's article).
Also, do the usual UI thing - TEST!
Pick 5 random people who ideally match the desired user profile. Ask them to use the mock-up with and without warning and observe which one's easier/faster (and ask, but also obseve without asking)

Hmm. It sounds like you guys need a requirements analyst to step in the middle here. Deciding on a broswer specification & resolution that you'll conform to is a fair thing to ask, I think. Just assuming that 'most' users will have wide screen is not enough for most apps. Seems like she'd be hard pressed to explain why she can't redesign her banner to be smaller & fit the desired size.
I think that user will absolutely notice the horizontal scroll bar and be annoyed by it. Because it's not something most users are used to seeing (can't think of any major sites that have one), they'd have (in effect) learn something new to use your site, which is not good. They should be able to look at a site and be able to use it right away, not spend a few seconds figuring out that the scroll bar doesn't show you any new content, just the additional graphics from the header - those few seconds are where you lose people.
I wonder also, if there's any section 508 guidance on horizontal scroll bars. That may not matter to you guys, but I'm developing gov't sites, so 508 is a big deal for us day to day. If you've got a user using just a keyboard or a screen reader, that scroll bar is more than just annoying.

Two points I would make:
NO major website uses horizontal scroll. Not one. This means, regardless of what she considers "good" design, 100% of users will be confused and will probably never see the content off the right side of the screen.
Horizontal scroll is the print equivalent of a fold-out or "centerfold" style-page. Would you make every page in a magazine like this?

People read left to right, top to bottom (or right to left in some countries). Because of this they can read a lot more content before they need to start scrolling as they only have to scroll vertically.
If you introduce horizontal scrolling then the user has to potentially scroll at the end of each line rather than at the end of each page.

Almost everybody has a wheel mouse now, but only a very few people have wheel mice that side scroll. And even fewer people even know wheels can side scroll!
Let her chew on that.

Try these two points to convince her :
Show her some data about most used browsers resolutions (still 20% internet users have 1024x768 screen resolution)
Having some part of the website not visible when the page is loaded is not "user-friendly" (user can miss some critical information)

Can the entire banner and all the component images within it be scaled down to be narrower? (admittedly it woudl also be shorter, may be more difficult to read etc). Then if the face on the right is really important it woudl still be visible... Horizontal scroll is just really really bad. But I guess you (and everyone else) already knew that :)

You should give her examples and show her what she is trying to do. Do you really want to scroll horizontally to get to information on the other side of the page.


What do I need to do this?

I am new to coding and wanted to get some hands on practice with a project I have in mind. Here it is:
Let's say you have blank page and on the side of a screen you have several items you can choose to draw on the blank page. For example the background can be mountains, the ocean, a forest etc. On top of that you can place a house, a church or another selectable element. Whatever you like.
It is like a picture editor where you can put together a picture with different pre-given elements. Or like in video games where you can create your own character.
What would I need to build a web application for that kind of thing?
This link should get you started but it won't be the complete answer to your question - http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2013/08/how-to-use-html5s-drag-and-drop/
Essentially, you can achieve your image dragging and dropping using similar techniques. It will require a bit of Spike work from yourself, and looking into how HTML5 can handle drag and drop. I discovered this resource fairly quickly and I think the solution you want isn't as complicated as you may think, it just requires a bit of know-how regarding drag and drop operations within HTML5 :-)
Also, there may already be some JavaScript based API's that do this sort of thing easier but I'm not too aware - I suppose starting this way could be a great introduction for you and you may wish to expand once you've done some work for it :-)
Hope this helps you and your coding journey!

How do I make above-the-fold content load first on my website? (control the load order)

My website for architectural visualization: http://www.greenshell3d.com
I noticed on the networking tab / incognito it takes 15 seconds or so to load the above-the-fold content. (most notably the image slideshow.)
Some of the images in the slideshow load at the very end instead of the beginning of the website load process. Now I understand the browser handles this order, but perhaps there is another way. As it stands, the bounce-rate is too high and I expect it is because of load time.
I've seen a jquery snippet on github that allows one to control the order of image loads - do you think this is a good option? I'd be glad to hear any opinions before investing the time to fix this.
Any ideas? Thanks!
You said you are interested in any opinions as well, so first some general thoughts: There is no page fold. The web that we produce content for exists in so many different screen sizes + resolutions that it’s impossible to say "The fold is below this big image!". Yes, Google changed the pagespeed insights tool to make people load stuff on top of the page first, but I think their wording there is really bad.
Now to your image loading issue:
The first thing I would recommend is to reduce the size of all the images. They seem to be around 280 - 300 kb per image and you have a few of them. Since there is a translucent overlay over them anyways you can probably get away with reducing the image quality without people noticing it (because they don’t see the image directly). Play around with the values here.
I would then look into optimizing the code for the slider to load the first image first, then the rest of the page and the other images asynchronously maybe after that. Another trick could be to increase the slide fade time from the first slide to other slides so the slider doesn’t change if the next image isn’t ready yet. You said you found a jQuery script to implement that, that’s where I’d start.
As a general guideline: the position of requests in the source code usually determines the load order of things on the page. If your images are requested by JavaScript at the end of the page, that lead to the images being loaded later than you want them to be loaded.

What screen resolution should my web app target for an average non-technical users?

I noticed StackOverflow appears to be targeting screen resolution widths of 1024px or more. I also checked Amazon, NBC, MSN, & AOL which target more lay users, and they all appear to be targeting the same width.
Is 1024px the current recommended width for web apps targeting the largest cross-section of users who use default monitor resolution/browser size?
Use liquid layout. Then you can easily accommodate everyone from ~800 to ~1600 width, and with a bit more work and care even lower-resolution devices too. This also gives users #1024 some leeway to zoom the page if they find the text too small.
Remember there'll be things like netbooks which don't have the big screens we expect today. You can get away with a horizontal scrollbar, but if you have to scroll the page just to get the main body of text in, you're lost.
Before sounding so condescending, you may want to read up on the modern user base. Netbooks. PDAs. Smartphones. Smartbooks (you do know what those are, being very sophisticated, right?). Programmers who have their screen in portrait orientaton. People who stack their windows side by side. Kiosks.
UPDATE As per conversation with John, I edited the question to change the tenor a bit to reflect his original intent. However, the original paragraph that I wrote is still true- I haven't seen the latest statistics but the days of "90% of users have AxB resultion/window size on their browser" are probably forever gone, what with wide screen laptops and mobile devices. Makes life more exciting for UI designers :)
Having said that, to develop a really usable web site, you need to couple flowing layout with, ideally, ability to use portlets and portal framework (think My Yahoo), so people can choose the page layout most comfortable for them.
make a good use of 960.gs and you will set everything that you need to start a good web site :)
(source: balexandre.com)
The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. There are two variants: 12 and 16 columns, which can be used separately or in tandem.
960 GS it's a lovely start, doing web or images, they have a complete template for almost any good design program (Photoshop, Ilustrator, Fireworks, InDesign, etc) as well a CSS generator and a Grid Overlay to help you with the website.
I use it and it's fantastic! check out the demo
Nettuts has a tutorial and video. WooThemes wrote a post entitled “Why we love 960.gs” and use it as a starting point for their WordPress themes. Spanish speakers can also check out tutorials by Jepser Bernardino and Miguel Angel Alvarez.
Unsophisticated? I think that's a bit of a rude way to describe the unwashed masses. I suppose every one and their dog has a 1024px width monitor now thanks to the likes of dell and others...
The maximum I would consider targeting as my "base" is 1280x1024, but I would be much more likely to go 1024x768.
That said, in my current projects I try to do a liquid layout with a min-width of 800 to accomidate netbooks and usually a max-width of around 1000px (970 usually). Of course, I also have the luxury of designing for myself, so I have the privilege of telling IE6 users that they should upgrade, which makes the liquid layouts much easier to design.
Design with your browser's inner dimensions set to 1250x668 to satisfy 92.7% of users.
I like being stats-driven. To this end, W3Schools has a nice Browser Display Statistics page, which they update periodically with new statistics on how common each screen resolution is.
As of January 2015, 92.7% of browsers visiting W3Schools pages were attached to displays larger than 1024x768, though 39.3% of all displays were limited to 768 pixels in height (or lower), mostly due to the 33% of them having 1366x768 displays.
Unfortunately, W3Schools measured screen resolution rather than the inner dimensions used for rendering web page content. It'd be real nice to get stats on users' window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight instead.
Because we don't have these, we have to reserve room for window decorations that may be larger than our own, as well as browser widgets that may further take away from the space dedicated to rendering a web site. Additionally, not all users browse the web in a maximized web browser, though I think we can ignore that if we assume lower-resolution displays will have maximized browsers.
Windows 7 seems the biggest offender at eating up screen real estate, with what I'm measuring as 30-40px for the task bar (I had to search for a screen shot, as I don't run Windows). Firefox with titlebar, menubar, bookmarks toolbar, and status bar eats another 159px while the slimmer modern FF only consumes 64px. Let's use the slim version and assume around 100px of vertical space will be lost. Maximized browsers don't appear to consume any extra horizontal space, so you really only need to account for the scroll bar, but I'd reserve a few pixels for window edges just in case, bringing us up to 30px.
A few years ago (when I did more web design than I do today), I'd size my own browser to an inner size of 800x550 and made sure that most pages would not have scroll bars. Nowadays, it looks like that can be expanded to around an inner size of 1250x668.
You can check your inner size by putting this in your location bar:
javascript:alert(window.innerWidth + "x" + window.innerHeight)
Those values are read-only; you used to be able to run something like this to resize your inner dimensions, but (thanks to abusive advertisers) it no longer works:
One parting note: Just because you're assuming a certain size doesn't mean you shouldn't ensure that your site still works at smaller resolutions. The page can be ugly, but it must be functional!

What is needed in a web site's wireframe?

I'm going to be going to be meeting with a number of programmers and custom software companies to get bids on creating a website for a company that I'm involved with. My question is this: What should I prepare for the programmers so that they can give me an accurate bid, timetable, etc. for the development of the website? I have a clear picture of how I would like the site to work and the features that I would like to have included.
I'd suggest using something like balsamiq to put some simple sketches together as suggested elsewhere.
Quite often the act of putting your requirements down on paper in a way that represents the actual site will flush out all manner of issues you hadn't considered before, and will give you a much clearer understanding of what you're after.
Also consider the sources of the data you're displaying. From a functional spec aspect, simply saying something like 'show this figure here' is easy. From a programming point of view, coming up with the figure in the first place is often the hard bit.
The best you can do is to put the end-user's hat on and describe what you'd like the system to look like / work.
Imagine all pages and create a new frame for each one. Make as many annotations as you can so all bidders know exactly what you are expecting.
I'd also add at the end if it's likely the site's requirements to change during development, so everybody's warned in advance.
Details Details Details.
You might think you have a clear picture, you don't. You need to write every single step down no matter how trivial. You will see there are things you haven't thought of.
Try to write down as much information as you can think of. Go through all the scenarios a user would when using your site. Use steps such as
1) User clicks on Buy Button
2) Screen shows up with 4 items, Link to details, price, quantity and a 32x32 thumbnail.
2a) If User clicks on thumbnail full resolution image i s displayed
etc etc.
Don't try to gloss over the "simple" stuff and you will get the most accurate bid possible!
Basically draw out what you want (ie textboxes, drop down lists, controls, etc) in very simple manner. Then add little numbers around each area that has some functionality. In the margins or on another sheet, describe each point you numbered on the controls with simple instructions on how that functionality should work.
Think of it as a skeleton to describe the application you want.
Not a complete list, but here a couple of thoughts:
Do not forget the back button.
Back button behaviour is an issue on every site I've ever worked on. Specify exactly what you want to happen on every page if the user gets to that page by hitting the back button. Often it's easy, but sometimes it is not at all trivial.
Do people need to log on, how, how do you create accounts, reset passwords etc. What pages need you to be logged on, what happens if you hit those pages without being logged on.
You could read Joel Spolsky's Painless Functional Specifications for ideas, but I've just tried to summarise what that means for web software too.
I usually do this in 3 stages:
a list of contents, under the headings they'll appear on the site. Get this firmly agreed by all parties before doing any wireframes;
a greyscale functional wireframe in plain HTML/CSS, using examples of real-world content and dummy static pages for dymanic content, with everything where it should be. This is the first thing programmers want to see;
a purely visual graphic mockup of each type of page - this is the next thing programmers like to see, as in 'show me how you want it to look and I'll make it happen'.

Most useful animation in web or desktop application

Many animation effects are simply gratuitous eye candy -- however, there are situations where animations effectively communicate to the user what's going on.
What are some of your favorite uses for animations, and what specific animation type would you use?
E.g.: Animate items downwards when a new item is inserted into a list
I really like Google Chrome's use when a file is being downloaded. It's hard to describe, but, it's a circle that fills like a pie chart as the download progresses, and the circle is overlaid with the icon for the file you're downloading. Very slick.
One example I can think of is the animation used by operating systems when you minimize a window.
Both Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X animate the window going down to the taskbar (or the Dock in OS X) to show the user where the window went. Otherwise novice users that hit minimize by accident might have trouble getting the window back.
I don't use linux, but I'm pretty sure it does the same. I'm not being discriminative =)
From enjoy3d.com
enjoy3d.com http://worldsware.com/images/mouse.gif
Press your mouse button
and move to look around.
There is a very nice paper by Ben Bederson and Angela Boltman in which they evaluate the impact of animation on user’s ability to build a mental map of the information in the space:
Does Animation Help Users Build Mental Maps
of Spatial Information?
I believe that all visual changes should not be swift. Be it status notification, window maximized/minimized, or data deleted/added. I cannot find a reference, but usually it is recommended that all animations should not be around 1-2 seconds, matching human's response time.
My favorite uses of animation is not in a commercial software (though Apple is good at this) but a research paper called Phosphor which I consider one of the great UI ideas that have not yet implemented into major operating systems.
AJAX loading gifs - you've got to have an indicator that you definitely registered an event and you're doing something about it
Progress bars are nice for things that take more than a moment or two, but only when they are accurate. An inaccurate progress bar is worse than none, in my opinion.
