I have to solve a huge linear equation for multiple right sides (Let's say 20 to 200). The Matrix is stored in a sparse format and distributed over multiple MPI nodes (Let's say 16 to 64). I run a CG solver on the rank 0 node. It's not possible to solve the linear equation directly, because the system matrix would be dense (Sys = A^T * S * A).
The basic Matrix-Vector multiplication is implemented as:
broadcast x
y = A_part * x
reduce y
While the collective operations are reasonably fast (OpenMPI seems to use a binary tree like communication pattern + Infiniband), it still accounts for a quite large part of the runtime. For performance reasons we already calculate 8 right sides per iteration (Basicly SpM * DenseMatrix, just to be complete).
I'm trying to come up with a good scheme to hide the communication latency, but I did not have a good idea yet. I also try to refrain from doing 1:n communication, although I did not yet measure if scaling would be a problem.
Any suggestions are welcome!
If your matrix is already distributed, would it be possible to use a distributed sparse linear solver instead of running it only on rank 0 and then broadcasting the result (if I'm reading your description correctly..). There's plenty of libraries for that, e.g. SuperLU_DIST, MUMPS, PARDISO, Aztec(OO), etc.
The "multiple rhs" optimization is supported by at least SuperLU and MUMPS (haven't checked the others, but I'd be VERY surprised if they didn't support it!), since they solve AX=B where X and B are matrices with potentially > 1 column. That is, each "rhs" is stored as a column vector in B.
If you don't need to have the results of an old right-hand-side before starting the next run you could try to use non-blocking communication (ISend, IRecv) and communicate the result while calculating the next right-hand-side already.
But make sure you call MPI_Wait before reading the content of the communicated array, in order to be sure you're not reading "old" data.
If the matrices are big enough (i.e. it takes long enough to calculate the matrix-product) you don't have any communication delay at all with this approach.
Let RG = A for dense unstructured matrices with shapes (e.g. roughly) R: (30k x 40k, entries float32) and G: (40k x 50k, entries either 0.0 or 1.0, roughly equally often) and of course A: (30k x 50k, entries float32).
Given A and G, I want to find the least squares solution for R.
I can use hundreds of CPU cores, hundreds of GB of RAM and also an A40 GPU. What is the best way to use such resources to solve the problem? I'm using Julia 1.7 in the examples below but I'm open to other options!
First question: Can I somehow exploit that the entries of G are only zeros and ones?
Trying to use Julia LinearAlgebra with many CPUs
I've tried two methods: "Penrose inverse" and "right division"
using LinearAlgebra
#show BLAS.get_num_threads()
# defaults to 8. Can change using BLAS.set_num_threads(N)
# build toy problem (order of magnitude smaller sizes)
R_true = rand(Float32, 3_000, 4_000)
G = rand([0., 1.], 4_000, 5_000)
# note: using true/false here gives same results but is much slower!
A = R_true * G
# solve toy problem using matrix (right) division
R_fitted_rdiv = A / G
# solve toy problem using Penrose inverse
R_fitted_pinv = (pinv(G') * A')'
First, setting BLAS.set_num_threads(64) (or any bigger number) actually only gives me BLAS.get_num_threads() returning 32. Apparantly that's an upper limit. Second,
using 32 BLAS threads is actually slower than using 8.
(e.g. performing right division with sizes (4000, 9800) / (8500, 9800) takes less than 50 seconds on 8 threads but more than 55 seconds on 32 threads. I ran things multiple times to exclude compilation time issues.) I don't know why this is or if it's normal. How can I make use of my computing power for this problem?
I think that the matrix division is faster than the Penrose inverse method. Should this be expected? I don't know what either of the functions do exactly for these inputs. The docs say that left division (\) uses pivoted QR factorization. I couldn't find what algorithm(s) are used for pinv or right division (/) (although it's probably the same as \ since they are related by transposing the matrices). I'd rather not delve too deeply because my knowledge in numerical linear algebra is quite limited.
The issue is that for my large matrices either method takes forever. Is there a way to make use of my ~100 cores somehow?
Trying to use the GPU:
Using CUDA.jl, Matrices of size around 10k work fine and take a minute to pinv:
using CUDA
#time matrix = CUDA.rand(Float32, 10_000, 10_500) # 0.003037 seconds (5 allocations: 160 bytes)
#time pinv(matrix) # 57.417559 seconds (678 allocations: 172.094 KiB)
However, when I try to do matrices around size 20k, I get right away the error InexactError: trunc(Int32, 4811456640). I assume this is due to CUBLAS using int32 for indexing, even though I don't understand why it leads to an error in this case. (edit: it's about the size of the array in bytes fitting into 31 bits.)
Trying to use right division with CuArrays gives the error "DimensionMismatch("LU factored matrix A must be square!")". I guess I have to choose a different algorithm manually? I don't know what it's called. (Although, it probably would still crash for large matrices...?)
To summarize, it doesn't look like I can use the GPU from Julia easily to solve my problem. Should I keep trying to use the GPU for this task or stick to the many CPUs?
Yes this is really my problem, please refrain from commenting "nobody should ever need such large least squares"
Naive answer
Using pytorch, this will require at least 30GB GPU memory
import torch
A = torch.randint(0, 2, (50000, 40000), device='cuda', dtype=torch.float32).T
G = torch.randint(0, 2, (50000, 30000), device='cuda', dtype=torch.float32).T
R = torch.lstsq(G.T, A.T)
If the system can sustain the same operation throughput as my laptop you should have an answer in about 15 minutes.
I would suggest you to try a generalized version scaling up the dimensions to get a better feeling of how your system will handle it
def try_it(a,b,c):
A = torch.randint(0, 2, (a, b), device='cuda', dtype=torch.float32).T
G = torch.randint(0, 2, (a, c), device='cuda', dtype=torch.float32).T
R = torch.lstsq(G.T, A.T)
I transposed the dimensions in the generation in order to make sure G.T and A.T would be contiguous.
You can't take much advantage of the entries being integer. This type of problem is easier to solve on the reals than on the integers, because finding integer solutions would require you to search the solutions, while the real solution you can find by doing algebraic manipulations.
I have implemented a MC-Simulation of the 2D Ising model in C99.
Compiling with gcc 4.8.2 on Scientific Linux 6.5.
When I scale up the grid the simulation time increases, as expected.
The implementation simply uses the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm.
I tried to find out a way to speed up the algorithm, but I haven't any good idea ?
Are there some tricks to do so ?
As jimifiki wrote, try to do a profiling session.
In order to improve on the algorithmic side only, you could try the following:
Lookup Table:
When calculating the energy difference for the Metropolis criteria you need to evaluate the exponential exp[-K / T * dE ] where K is your scaling constant (in units of Boltzmann's constant) and dE the energy-difference between the original state and the one after a spin-flip.
Calculating exponentials is expensive
So you simply build a table beforehand where to look up the possible values for the dE. There will be (four choose one plus four choose two plus four choose three plus four choose four) possible combinations for a nearest-neightbour interaction, exploit the problem's symmetry and you get five values fordE: 8, 4, 0, -4, -8. Instead of using the exp-function, use the precalculated table.
As mentioned before, it is possible to parallelize the algorithm. To preserve the physical correctness, you have to use a so-called checkerboard concept. Consider the two-dimensional grid as a checkerboard and compute only the white cells parallel at once, then the black ones. That should be clear, considering the nearest-neightbour interaction which introduces dependencies of the values.
You can also implement the simulation on a GPGPU, e.g. using CUDA, if you're already working on C99.
Some tips:
- Don't forget to align C99-structs properly.
- Use linear Arrays, not that nested ones. Aligned memory is normally faster to access, if done properly.
- Try to let the compiler do loop-unrolling, etc. (gcc special options, not default on O2)
Some more information:
If you look for an efficient method to calculate the critical point of the system, the method of choice would be finite-size scaling where you simulate at different system-sizes and different temperature, then calculate a value which is system-size independet at the critical point, therefore an intersection point of the corresponding curves (please see the theory to get a detailed explaination)
I hope I was helpful.
It's normal that your simulation times scale at least with the square of the size. Isn't it?
Here some subjestions:
If you are concerned with thermalization issues, try to use parallel tempering. It can be of help.
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm can be made parallel. You could try to do it.
Check you are not pessimizing the code.
Are your spin arrays of ints? You could put many spins on the same int. It's a lot of work.
Moreover, remember what Donald taught us:
premature optimisation is the root of all evil
Before optimising you should first understand where your program is slow. This is called profiling.
Concerning NVIDIA GPU the author in High Performance and Scalable GPU Graph Traversal paper says:
1-A sequence of kernel invocations is bulk- synchronous: each kernel is
initially presented with a consistent view of the results from the
2-Prefix-sum is a bulk-synchronous algorithmic primitive
I am unable to understand these two points (I know GPU based prefix sum though), Can smeone help me this concept.
1-A sequence of kernel invocations is bulk- synchronous: each kernel is initially presented with a consistent view of the results from the previous.
It's about parallel computation model: each processor has its own memory which is fast (like cache in CPU) and is performing computation using values stored there without any synchronization. Then non-blocking synchronization takes place - processor puts data it has computed so far and gets data from its neighbours. Then there's another synchronization - barrier, which makes all of them wait for each other.
2-Prefix-sum is a bulk-synchronous algorithmic primitive
I believe that's about the second step of BSP model - synchronization. That's the way processors store and get data for the next step.
Name of the model implies that it is highly concurrent (many many processes that work synchronously relatively to each other). And this is how we get to the second point.
As far as we want to live up to the name (be highly concurrent) we want get rid of sequential parts where it is possible. We can achieve that with prefix-sum.
Consider prefix-sum associative operator +. Then scan on set [5 2 0 3 1] returns the set [0 5 7 7 10 11]. So, now we can replace such sequential pseudocode:
foreach i = 1...n
foo[i] = foo[i-1] + bar(i);
with this pseudocode, which now can be parallel(!):
baz[i] = bar(i);
scan(foo, baz);
That is very much naive version, but it's okay for explanation.
This question is NOT about how to use any language to generate a random number between any interval. It is about generating either 0 or 1.
I understand that many random generator algorithm manipulate the very basic random(0 or 1) function and take seed from users and use an algorithm to generate various random numbers as needed.
The question is that how the CPU generate either 0 or 1? If I throw a coin, I can generate head or tailer. That's because I physically throw a coin and let the nature decide. But how does CPU do it? There must be an action that the CPU does (like throwing a coin) to get either 0 or 1 randomly, right?
Could anyone tell me about it?
(This has several facets and thus several algorithms. Keep in mind that there are many different forms of randomness used for different purposes, but I understand your question in the way that you are interested in actual randomness used for cryptography.)
The fundamental problem here is that computers are (mostly) deterministic machines. Given the same input in the same state they always yield the same result. However, there are a few ways of actually gathering entropy:
User input. Since users bring outside input into the system you can take that to derive some bits from that. Similar to how you could use radioactive decay or line noise.
Network activity. Again, an outside source of stuff.
Generally interrupts (which kinda include the first two).
As alluded to in the first item, noise from peripherals, such as audio input or a webcam can be used.
There is dedicated hardware that can generate a few hundred MiB of randomness per second. Usually they give you random numbers directly instead of their internal entropy, though.
How exactly you derive bits from that is up to you but you could use time between events, or actual content from the events, etc. – generally eliminating bias from entropy sources isn't easy or trivial and a lot of thought and algorithmic work goes into that (in the case of the aforementioned special hardware this is all done in hardware and the code using it doesn't need to care about it).
Once you have a pool of actually random bits you can just use them as random numbers (/dev/random on Linux does that). But this has downsides, since there is usually little actual entropy and possibly a higher demand for random numbers. So you can invent algorithms to “stretch” that initial randomness in a manner that makes it still impossible or at least very difficult to predict anything about following numbers (/dev/urandom on Linux or both /dev/random and /dev/urandom on FreeBSD do that). Fortuna and Yarrow are so-called cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators and designed with that in mind. You still have a very good guarantee about the quality of random numbers you generate, but have many more before your entropy pool runs out.
In any case, the CPU itself cannot give you a random 0 or 1. There's a lot more involved and this usually includes the complete computer system or special hardware built for that purpose.
There is also a second class of computational randomness: Plain vanilla pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs). What I said earlier about determinism – this is the embodiment of it. Given the same so-called seed a PRNG will yield the exact same sequence of numbers every time¹. While this sounds idiotic it has practical benefits.
Suppose you run a simulation involving lots of random numbers, maybe to simulate interaction between molecules or atoms that involve certain probabilities and unpredictable behaviour. In science you want results anyone can independently verify, given the same setup and procedure (or, with computing, the same algorithms). If you used actual randomness the only option you have would be to save every single random number used to make sure others can replicate the results independently.
But with a PRNG all you need to save is the seed and remember what algorithm you used. Others can then get the exact same sequence of pseudo-random numbers independently. Very nice property to have :-)
¹ This even includes the CSPRNGs mentioned above, but they are designed to be used in a special way that includes regular re-seeding with entropy to overcome that problem.
A CPU can only generate a uniform random number, U(0,1), which happens to range from 0 to 1. So mathematically, it would be defined as a random variable U in the range [0,1]. Examples of random draws of a U(0,1) random number in the range 0 to 1 would be 0.28100002, 0.34522, 0.7921, etc. The probability of any value between 0 and 1 is equal, i.e., they are equiprobable.
You can generate binary random variates that are either 0 or 1 by setting a random draw of U(0,1) to a 0 if U(0,1)<=0.5 and 1 if U(0,1)>0.5, since in theory there will be an equal number of random draws of U(0,1) below 0.5 and above 0.5.
I currently have an application which can contain 100s of user defined formulae. Currently, I use reverse polish notation to perform the calculations (pushing values and variables on to a stack, then popping them off the stack and evaluating). What would be the best way to start parallelizing this process? Should I be looking at a functional language?
The calculations are performed on arrays of numbers so for example a simple A+B could actually mean 100s of additions. I'm currently using Delphi, but this is not a requirement going forward. I'll use the tool most suited to the job. Formulae may also be dependent on each other So we may have one formula C=A+B and a second one D=C+A for example.
Let's assume your formulae (equations) are not cyclic, as otherwise you cannot "just" evaluate them. If you have vectorized equations like A = B + C where A, B and C are arrays, let's conceptually split them into equations on the components, so that if the array size is 5, this equation is split into
a1 = b1 + c1
a2 = b2 + c2
a5 = b5 + c5
Now assuming this, you have a large set of equations on simple quantities (whether integer, rational or something else).
If you have two equations E and F, let's say that F depends_on E if the right-hand side of F mentions the left-hand side of E, for example
E: a = b + c
F: q = 2*a + y
Now to get towards how to calculate this, you could always use randomized iteration to solve this (this is just an intermediate step in the explanation), following this algorithm:
1 while (there is at least one equation which has not been computed yet)
2 select one such pending equation E so that:
3 for every equation D such that E depends_on D:
4 D has been already computed
5 calculate the left-hand side of E
This process terminates with the correct answer regardless on how you make your selections on line // 2. Now the cool thing is that it also parallelizes easily. You can run it in an arbitrary number of threads! What you need is a concurrency-safe queue which holds those equations whose prerequisites (those the equations depend on) have been computed but which have not been computed themselves yet. Every thread pops out (thread-safely) one equation from this queue at a time, calculates the answer, and then checks if there are now new equations so that all their prerequisites have been computed, and then adds those equations (thread-safely) to the work queue. Done.
Without knowing more, I would suggest taking a SIMD style approach if possible. That is, create threads to compute all formulas for a single data set. Trying to divide the computation of formulas to parallelise them wouldn't yield much speed improvement as the logic required to be able to split up the computations into discrete units suitable for threading would be hard to write and harder to get right, the overhead would cancel out any speed gains. It would also suffer quickly from diminishing returns.
Now, if you've got a set of formulas that are applied to many sets of data then the parallelisation becomes easier and would scale better. Each thread does all computations for one set of data. Create one thread per CPU core and set its affinity to each core. Each thread instantiates one instance of the formula evaluation code. Create a supervisor which loads a single data set and passes it an idle thread. If no threads are idle, wait for the first thread to finish processing its data. When all data sets are processed and all threads have finished, then exit. Using this method, there's no advantage to having more threads than there are cores on the CPU as thread switching is slow and will have a negative effect on overall speed.
If you've only got one data set then it is not a trivial task. It would require parsing the evaluation tree for branches without dependencies on other branches and farming those branches to separate threads running on each core and waiting for the results. You then get problems synchronizing the data and ensuring data coherency.