Sync local and server time - time

I am working with espresso for Mac, and I've found that I may have a problem with publishing tools.
My server is located at the USA, but I, and my computer, are located in Spain. So when I modify a file in my computer, and then one of my partners edits it again in the USA, if I do a sync, I erase his file with mine ... even being mine older.
I think that this is happening because my TIMESTAMP is in GMT+1, while server and partners time is GMT-8 (California), so their file will only be newer than mine if they touch it 9 hours later.
How can I fix that??
Thanks in advance!!

In Espresso 1, go to the server's preferences and expand advanced settings (could be named something different, I'm working from memory). There should be a button to detect the time difference between your computer and the server. Use that and you should be good to go. I think Espresso 2 does this automatically now.
If you continue to have issues, send a message to They like to take care of FTP issues over email.


Filesharing between OS X & Windows 10 on a htdocs directory?

I had a practical question for my own work at home. I want to use quad monitor for my coding and other work. I can do this with my macbook pro attached to external triple monitor. But it is not practical because of all the cable management and Macbook Pro is barely keeping up with the performance running it. So what I wanted to do was having my PC run triple monitor and my Macbook as forth screen. Code on my pc and share/update the files in the htdocs directory on my OS X. Like how FTP works.
I found this link:
But I'm not sure if I will face sudden obstacles in doing this with my htdocs directory or other directories where my work is stored and updated from time to time.(example:Symfony projects)
I hope I mentioned everything. Thanks in advance!
Well, you can use one of the free cloud based, file-sharig service, like Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox.
But files will not be updated immediately, you need to wait few seconds (in the best case scenario). So it might get frustrating quickly.
Also, from my experience, OneDrive on Mac is not the best choice when it comes to a Symfony project - it stops working after a while, probably because a lot of cache files, so I need to restart it and it's not usable at all.
Another solution might be using a version control system (f.e. Git) - but you would be able to see the code changes only after a commit and push (and do it manually, of course).

Hosting Visual Studio projects in dropbox

I develop both on my desktop and laptop, and I am frequently switching between them. Are there any problems that could arise from keeping a project folder in my dropbox and always accessing/editing from there? I'm running the VS2010 on both, but W7 on one and W8 on the other.
I'm using it often. But I do experience some issues. It seems that sometime VS and Dropbox conflict. This shows by leaving some temporary source files or by errors during compilation of file being locked.
In fact I came here while looking how to solve them. But still they are only a little issue and I keep using it that way for a long time.
EDIT: It is not just me. See Visual studio 2012 and dropbox don't play nice together question on SuperUser.
I'm using Dropbox to host my project and I edit and build directly on there and have experienced no problems, ever. Win7, VS2010, CPP. I find Dropbox to be simpler and equally robust to than version control software. I'm a big fan. I should say Microsoft OneDrive once failed me, horribly, and I no longer trust it. With Dropbox, I always check the icon in the systray carefully to make sure it is finished updating before I turn my computer off.
I use both git and Dropbox, as I also switch which machine I'm working on. This way I can use source control with the rest of my team, while also able to pick up where I left off. My 2 PCs that sync are my one at work and at home. Both desktops, both almost always on and running dropbox.
Rarely I get conflicts, when a machine is offline or something. The solution 99% of the time is to simply delete any conflicting files. Because I'm constantly up to date with git, it's fine if I ever have to delete all my local code, since I can always get it back.
So it's really for nothing other than being able to run out of work on an urgent task, and then resume where I left off when I got home.

CacheInstaller.exe has stopped working

I am having below mentioned issue when I am running Asp.Net MVC 2 project on windows Azure emulator (dev environment)
I have installed Windows Azure SDK for .NET - October 2012 version and I am using cache feature on my system.
With above error Below one is also comming.
How to get rid of this ?
Maybe I have an stupid solution, but that works with me.
When I begin to recieve the message "CacheInstaller.exe has stopped working", I do the following:
1) Stop the execution.
2) Go to the Role I'm using in the Azure project and open the corresponding Properties page.
3) Go to the "Caching" section and there I uncheck the "Enable Caching" checkbox. After that I checked again.
4) Save*, Run de application and never the warning appear again.
Is weird because nothing should change if you uncheck and check it again an option without save in the middle, but in this case when you do that the file changes (I can see it in the red icon that said something change there, :P)
I hope this helps. Cheers.
Do you have any error messages in the event log that may give more hint.
It could be an issue with missing dlls, do you have the windows server appFabric installed as well on this machine, which may be leading to a conflict with the dlls?
A procmon log might help you see what file paths its looking for.
I banged my head against the wall on this one as well. I finally figured out the problem after digging deep into the crash-dump logs located within: C:\Users\{YOU}\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\{GUID}\directory\DiagnosticStore\AzureCaching\
AzureCaching does not allow UNC paths.
As my primary .net dev is from a vm, my documents/projects drive is mapped to my native drive located at: \\psf\Home\Documents\... Once I moved the project to the vm c:/ drive, CacheInstaller worked as intended.
Might as well post my experience as I was unable to locate anything on this specific problem.
I found today that if my system time was more than about 10 minutes wrong then CacheInstaller.exe bailed out on starting the emulator.
That includes the combination of system time and timezone being wrong, presumably as it results in an inability to calculate the correct UTC time at which Azure operates. Fixing the system clock resolved the issue in my case.

So, I lost the entire Xcode Project for my app

So I did something really stupid... I got a new MBP, and gave my old one to a friend. Before I did that, I transferred all of the contents of my big folders (Documents, Downloads, etc...) to my new Mac, and then I deleted the user on my old Mac. Unfortunately, I neglected to transfer the folder that contained the entire Xcode Project for my app that is currently on the App Store, as it wasn't in one of those folders, and I'm the only one who had it. The only way of being able to retrieve it that I thought of was that since I had to upload the binary to iTunes Connect to submit the app, Apple might still have it. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to completely start from scratch if I ever want to update it again. I just contacted Apple via iTunes Connect, but I was wondering if anyone has any idea of what I am able to do now, mainly, if Apple will actually give me all the files back. Thanks.
Any chance you've got a backup via timemachine?
Timemachine can't help you in the case of a fire (see for what you can do about fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, or thieves), but maybe it can save your bacon right now. :)
Yeah, you pretty much lost it. I'd recommend looking at some source control - for example Github. It's built into XCode, and Github is pretty cheap for Private Repositories, and free for public ones.
You (nor Apple) won't be able to retrieve it from the binary.
No revision control system?!
You wiped your data or only simply deleted?
Because, here is a possibility retrieve data from the HDD (or at least some parts) when only simply deleted them. Delete usually does not wipe the data.
If you can get your old HDD, you should:
- insert it into external usb-HDD enclosure
- attach to your new MAC
- make an image from it to one big file (with the command "dd") (assuming than your new HDD is bigger than your old)
- and with several tools you can "try" recover some data
every use of the old HDD drastically lowering the chance recovering something from it.

Automatic file upload

Is there any way, any free software capable of automatic file upload? Let's say I edit php code on my local computer with my favorite IDE. I won't change my IDE, it's great. I want something that would detect a file is changed in my project directory and upload it with FTP/SFTP onto remote server. That's it - just that simple.
What I've already tried:
FTPDrive + FileSync Eclipse Plugin - it's quite slow, uploads ALL the files way to often, works buggy under Vista and Windows 7.
WinSCP automatic synchronization - bugs again, refuses to upload files randomly. Would be the best if it worked right.
Eclipse's native SFTP support - it's USELESS! You cannot use PDT projects with this feature. PDT without projects is no better than Notepad++.
Aptana FTP feature. It's worse than manual! Gawd, it sucks!
Running my own PHP/MySQL server under windows. First, it took me ages to set it up, then, it didn't work EXACTLY as my production environment - I hadn't been able to test my code correctly.
How it should work? I change file here, and it's uploaded there. It would be best, if it sit quietly in tray and bother me only if upload error occured.
Ok, if it's not free, maybe there's something cheap at least?
If there's nothing like it, is there something like FTPDrive?
rsync does exactly what you're asking.
Well, almost: it doesn't watch your filesystem and automatically upload files - you'd have to set up a task to run it every minute or whatever. But it does efficiently upload only the changes. If you're on Linux, lsyncd does the watching part and drives rsync to do the efficient upload part.
In the rails world, we tend to use source control and a deployment tool like vlad or capistrano. It's a bit safer and more consistent than FTP. This is a guide on how to use it with svn and php
You really should try to get your development server running on your personal machine. It's a much better way and it is worth the initial pain of trying to make it work. There are good tutorials on that out there somewhere.
You can use WebDrive or ExpanDrive, mount a complete remote directory as a local disk drive and directly edit your files on the server. However this highly depends on your connection and how your tools are written. Another approach could be to use one of these tools and with another tool sync all the changes asynchronously.
